WHITEOUT: Above And Beyond (Beauty 0f Life Book 10)

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WHITEOUT: Above And Beyond (Beauty 0f Life Book 10) Page 25

by Laura Acton

  “Doubt they’re getting in any skiing today with the blizzard. Jen said the storm hit hardest in their area and is slowly making its way south. They’re almost certainly snowed in. Though I’m not sure if they made it to the rental place since they planned to ski yesterday afternoon, and the whiteout arrived before the forecasters predicted. Might be stuck at the lodge.”

  “True. The single guys might like being in the company of captive females, but I bet Scott won’t be too happy.” Another thought occurred to Bram, and his expression grew concerned. “If they are at the cabin, I hope they packed enough provisions because they could be in for a long wait for a plow to reach them if the new forecasts are correct.”

  Jon laughed. “Loki’s ma supplied them well. They’ll be sitting fat and sassy for at least two or three weeks. In fact, I’ll probably need to run those two through some extra workouts to whip them back into shape after days of lazing by a fire and doing nothing but pigging out and drinking beer.”

  Bram grinned. “Her portions are enough to feed an Army. You’re right. They won’t be running out of food anytime soon.”

  Taking a sip of coffee, Nick considered how long his men might be snowbound. “It is likely they’ll be snowed in and unable to return on Thursday. I’ll check with the other sergeants at our meeting if anyone on their teams wants to cover for them. If not, Gambrill will arrange coverage, or we’ll be off critical calls because one shy is doable, but two leaves us shorthanded.”

  “One positive thing with no skiing is Dan’s laceration will have a chance to heal properly.” Jon rubbed his hands and smiled evilly. “When they do return, I got a few new training activities in mind to test out on our resident children.”

  Nick chuckled. “Now, Jonny. It isn’t their fault they’re stuck in a hotel or cabin for a week or so.”

  “No, but I take my job of keeping the team in tip-top condition seriously. They’re gonna need my drills after days of stuffing themselves and lazing around on couches,” Jon said with humor.

  Bram chuckled. “Glad I’m not Loki or Dan. Your drills can be tough. What do you have planned for them?”

  As the three men relocated to the family room to catch the Maple Leafs’ game on TV, Jon began outlining his training plans.

  Amy’s Home – 3:45 p.m.

  Though she tried not to worry, Lexa remained unsettled after learning of the extreme weather in Loki’s and Dan’s area. Amy’s call for assistance gave her a much-needed distraction. Lexa knocked as she shifted her tool bag.

  A frantic Amy whipped open the door. “Oh, thank goodness you’re here! Come in. Hurry, the pail is about to run over.”

  Lexa smiled despite the situation. A frozen water line which subsequentially burst when her non-handyman husband tried to unfreeze the pipe with a blowtorch sent her girlfriend into a tizzy. “Did Connor not turn off the water as I instructed?”

  “Pfft … poor man tried. He couldn’t get the knob to turn, and I didn’t want him to break something else, so I asked him to take the kids to the bowling alley for me because they have league games tonight. I’ve been swapping out buckets,” Amy rattled off as she raced up the stairs to switch the container.

  “I’ll be there after I shut off your water main. We’ll get this sorted out and fixed in no time.” Lexa chuckled as she turned around and went back outside to locate the main valve.

  Forty minutes later, the two women relaxed at the kitchen table, enjoying a glass of wine as Amy smiled. “I love Connor to pieces, but home repair is not in my husband’s skill set. Thanks again. You went above and beyond today. Goodness knows how much a plumber would’ve charged me to come out in this weather, most likely an arm and a leg.”

  Lexa needed this afternoon of companionship to set her to rights again. “I’d do anything for you, Amy. You’re like a sister to me, and you helped me when I needed someone to talk to a few months back after things ended so badly with Dan. I sincerely appreciate you being there for me, so fixing a pipe is a small way I can repay your kindness.”

  “I did nothing more than you would do for me, and I didn’t expect any payback. That’s how sisters operate.” Aware Lexa still hurt deeply and struggled with thoughts of Dan, Amy changed topics. “Did I ever tell you about the time Connor nailed his foot to the floorboard?”

  Lexa laughed. “Yeah, he was trying to use a pneumatic nailer, right?”

  “Yeppers, trying is the operative word. I almost got rid of all his power tools, most of which he’s never even taken out of their boxes. But I kept them ‘cause, well, when you come over, they’re useful.”

  “On one of our critical calls last December, an upset customer used one as a weapon and nailed an innocent plastic snowman in Falcon Hardware. Boss and Loki talked him down, and no one was hurt.” Lexa sipped her wine, recalling she and Dan were happily dating at the time. She pushed her thoughts away. Our romantic relationship is over and done … never to be again.

  “I guess that would be one legal weapon someone might use to protect their house. No permit required. Can you imagine getting a call and finding your subject nailed to a wall ready for you to arrest them?” Amy giggled.

  Lexa’s mood lightened. “Don’t give anyone any ideas. We deal with crazy stuff all the time. A few years back, a woman used a spiked heel to stab her husband in the chest. She thought he cheated on her, and the shoes belonged to his mistress. Turns out, he saved up by skipping lunches for three months and bought them for her because she wanted a pair, and their budget was too tight to afford them.”

  Amy shook her head. “What family won’t do for one another. Did he live?”

  “Yeah, but she went nuts again when he served her with divorce papers. I believe she is still doing time for two counts of attempted murder.”

  The topic of conversation turned to Amy’s kids, Hailey’s wedding planning, both still in awe Hailey found a man who fit her quirky temperament … she only had to work in Amsterdam to discover him. After switching to coffee, since Lexa needed to drive home shortly, Amy asked, “What are your plans for the holidays?”

  “Other than the annual TRF party, I’m not sure. Alpha Team might be working since we had off both Christmas and New Year’s Eve the past two years. It is only fair another team gets to spend the day with their families.”

  “Well, when you figure things out, tell me. And you know you’re always welcome here, sister.”

  Lexa smiled and nodded, thankful for having Amy in her life.

  Remote Road Near Blue Mountain – 5:30 p.m.

  “Hey, what else is there to eat?” Shifting in the front seat of the car, which was on an angle, halfway off the shoulder of the road, the shivering man peered at his kid brother in the back seat.

  Digging through the boxes, the younger man said, “Lots to choose from. Several kinds of chips, peppered beef jerky, oranges, apples, cereal, chocolate, macadamia nuts, canned stew, soup, blueberry muffins, sourdough bread, and peanut butter. I vote we turn on the portable propane burner again to boil more water for the instant coffee and heat the stew.”

  “No, save those for later tonight. The temp is gonna drop, and we don’t know when the roads will be plowed. We’re stuck here until they do. Toss me the jerky, a couple more blankets, and two of those hand warmers.”

  Although wanting stew and coffee now, he complied, handing over two blankets, the warmers, a bag of jerky, and included the salt and vinegar chips his older brother liked. After pulling another thick wool blanket around himself, he tore open the sour cream and onion chips and munched on them. “How long do you think it will take for someone to find us?”

  “Just said I don’t have a clue.”

  “Yeah, but if you were to guess.”

  “Maybe a few days. This is the worst snowstorm I’ve ever been in, so I expect the major roads will be plowed first.”

  “Good thing the owner of this car was so well prepared.” He laughed. “Too bad, we can’t thank him.”

  “Yeah, be kinda hard to do.” He snic
kered as he glanced at the driver’s side mirror. He kept rolling down the window to clear the snow to provide him a partial view behind them, enough to alert him to a vehicle’s lights if one drove down this isolated stretch. Spying red and blue flashing lights, he grinned. “This must be our lucky day. The Mounties are here to rescue us.”

  Heading home after investigating a lead in his current organized crime case, Bruno Ramsey pulled his double-cab truck to a stop behind a snow-covered car off the side of the road. Bruno picked up his mic to alert his RCMP dispatcher. “Hey, Elwood, glad we have four-wheel-drive vehicles, this storm is wicked. Found a stranded motorist. Gonna offer them assistance.”

  “Roger. Aye, Bruno, remember the APB we got yesterday. Use extreme caution when approaching. They could still be in the area.”

  “Copy.” After zipping his jacket, Bruno stepped into the blizzard, wishing he could’ve stayed in a hotel to wait out the storm, but that was not possible. Although he left extra provisions for his cat, he had been gone two days longer than anticipated, and his four-footed friend needed food and water. Moving closer, Bruno unlatched his holster to be prepared.



  November 23

  Cabin – Main Room – 7:10 p.m.

  Brody lay his hand over Dan’s wound as his brother slept, practicing what Hamon taught him about sending healing energy. This was one element he still struggled with but needed to learn. Though he did have ample opportunity to practice with Dan’s propensity for injuries. When the glow didn’t produce the desired effect, Brody glanced up at Leonardo. “Not working.”

  “I’m not surprised. You should recharge. You have not left his side since they acted like boys racing through the lockers. And we all expended vast amounts of ethereal energy protecting them in the crash and storm.” Leonardo turned to peer at his son and sighed. He whispered encouragement almost non-stop to quell Loki’s phobia of the woods in the last two days, especially while hiking.

  “You two go recharge. I’ll maintain overwatch on all three. Nothing much can happen. They’re safe and warm for the time being, and will be eating dinner soon.” Theodore Broderick offered as he gazed at his great-great-grandsons when Scotty knelt to wake Danny.

  “Are you certain?” Brody halted his attempt to heal the infection, realizing his lack of energy must be the reason the endeavor didn’t work.

  “Yes. Take the time you need to recharge fully. You both need the rest.” As Danny’s and Loki’s guardian angels faded, Theodore hovered on the mantle of the hearth, observing and letting his mind wander.

  He recalled the glorious day Scotty was born. The beginning of the next generation of Broderick males. Theodore was honored and surprised when he had been assigned to protect Scott. His job turned out easier than many other guardians of the Broderick clan. Scott remained the most level-headed of the males in this generation. He didn’t take unnecessary risks like Adam, Jeff, Dan, Zach, and to some extent, Kyle.

  Adam’s and Zach’s angels protected the fliers of the family. Both of Ryan’s offspring harbored a bit of daredevil in them … pushing the envelope as they flew jets and other aircraft. Jeff’s protector dealt with a different sort of issue. Mark’s only son got down and dirty and never shied away from all manner of physical activities. Jeff’s love of all things outdoor and choice of the infantry put him in many risky situations.

  Scott’s brother Kyle was still young and headstrong, in need of tempering, but his path in the Navy, choosing communications and the technical route, like his father Erik, would eventually allow Kyle to settle into a less hazardous lifestyle.

  The one Broderick whose life would never be risk-free was William’s son Danny. Although all Brodericks descended from Archangel Hamon, Daniel would be the one to bring light to millions in his lifetime and, as such, Samael, the Prince of Darkness, sought every opportunity to corrupt him, sending minions to wreak havoc and cause the young man much pain.

  Samael came close to blackening Daniel’s soul several times, but through Hamon’s and Brody’s efforts, and many earth angels as Theodore liked to call the essential people in Danny’s life, thus far, Daniel had not been tainted by evil. A single touch from Samael could poison his great-great-grandson far worse than the infection his body currently struggled to fight. Once Brody recharged, he would be able to provide healing, which would keep Danny safe until the weather abated, and they retrieved his medication.

  Theodore smiled as Scotty spoke with genuine love to Danny as he woke him from his long nap. The uncanny resemblance of his two descendants still made him grin. He chuckled, recalling the trouble their twinness caused Scotty in Halifax. His charge had been blindsided by a bevy of women who believed Scott was Dan, monikered Sinner.

  Dan yawned as Scott rose and offered him a hand. He couldn’t believe he slept the afternoon away. Gripping one of Scott’s hands and using the edge of the hearth, Dan stood, putting all his weight on his left leg, his right throbbing almost as much as when the log smacked it. Wrapping one arm around Scott’s shoulders, he hobbled into the kitchen and lowered himself into a chair.

  “Thanks.” Dan reached for the orange juice Loki set before him.

  “Thought you could use the vitamin C. Dinner’s almost ready. Just toasting the garlic bread.” Loki moved back to the little oven. “Enjoy your nap?”

  “Yeah. What time is it?”

  Scott set the filled plates on the tabletop for all three. “About a quarter after seven. My little ones are probably snoozing now. Lily and I would be able to take a few moments to ourselves. She’s an amazing mother. I’m blessed to have her and my children. Hope the storm eases by tomorrow. I don’t want Lily worrying … might cause problems with her milk supply.”

  Dan’s brows arched. “A bit too much info there, Scott.”

  Without noticing Dan’s unease with the topic, Loki said, “I know, right? My sister Gina’s milk almost dried up when she was nursing her last child. They placed blame on the stress caused by the move to Montreal. She hated being away from Ma, and Enrico was working tons of hours, plus she had Armando and Stefano to take care of.”

  Shaking his head, Dan chuckled. “Loki, you are aware you are a single guy who shouldn’t know so much about breastfeeding?”

  Turning to the table, a pan of toasted bread in his oven mitt clad hand, Loki grinned. “What? I grew up with two sisters. I overheard things. And someday I’m gonna have a wife and kids too … so I’m one step ahead in being prepared to help my wife.”

  “Already planning to be married? Is that why you turned down Mandy?” Scott took two pieces of garlic toast and handed one to Dan.

  “Her name is Mindy, and no. She didn’t appeal. Want a lady my ma approves of, and I’m willing to wait until I find her.” Loki’s mind conjured up Tia’s image. Her beaming smile and amber eyes turned his insides to jelly every time he saw her. Ma would like Tia, too bad she’s out of my league.

  “You mean, you’re waiting … like in remaining a virgin?” Scott eyed Loki with surprise.

  Coming to Loki’s defense, unsure if he was saving himself for marriage or not, and quite frankly, not wanting to know the answer, Dan said, “Not as uncommon as some might think. Brody used to tell me he wanted Mrs. Right and not Miss Right Now. He was the Saint to my Sinner when we attended advanced training at LFAATC near Halifax.”

  Scott laughed. “I never told you, but you caused me a bunch of trouble when I was at the Halifax base.”

  “How?” Dan turned an inquisitive eye on his cousin.

  Still grinning, Scott said, “The trouble with twins. The women you dallied with thought I was you and wanted Sinner to come out and play. The triplets surprised me most. The things they whispered, well, they made me blush. Guess my doppelganger has a few characteristics I don’t possess.”

  Dan blushed as he recalled his wild ways in Halifax.

  “Do tell,” Loki teased. “Dan’s like an air-tight drum when it comes to any details about the ladies he dates.
Didn’t find out he had a steady girlfriend until Ray told me she dumped him. She must’ve done a number on him, ‘cause he did this furious rendition of ‘You Give Love A Bad Name’ at the karaoke bar back in September.”

  Loki halted, his eyes rounded, realizing he shoved his foot in his mouth. Remorse rolling off him in waves, Loki apologized, “Sorry, buddy. What happens at the bar should stay there. Shouldn’t have opened my big mouth.”

  As he pushed his food around, Dan gave Loki a lopsided grin to deflect the real emotions that night brought forth. “No worries.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yes. Water under the bridge.” Dan forced himself to take a bite of spaghetti. Though tasty, he had no appetite due to both his physical condition and the current topic of discussion.

  Scott realized he was at fault for the progression of the subject, also aware of how much Lexa hurt Danny, and his cousin’s desire to keep their past dating relationship concealed from the rest of the team. Scott redirected the conversation by talking about Jerrell and Anna and how his mom and dad gushed over their newest grandchildren.

  Dan remained quiet, appearing to be listening, but his mind went elsewhere. Before he realized Plouffe had been the one making his life hell, he vowed never to father a child and end his line of Brodericks, but now he knew better. His dad went out of his way to protect him in many ways, and Dan wished to give his parents grandbabies.

  Sadly, the only way Dan would have kids would be if, by some miracle, Lexa wanted him back. He would go back in an instant. She was the woman he desired to start a family with … his mate for life. No other woman would ever do … he gave his heart to her, and Lexa held his future happiness in her hands, whether she realized or not.

  Loki noted Dan’s face remained flushed. Though he wanted to ask, ‘Are you feeling alright?’ he did enough pushing and prying today, so he chose a safer question. “Spaghetti not to your liking?”

  Glancing over at Loki, Dan answered, “It’s fantastic as usual. Sorry, not hungry tonight. Guess sleeping all day doesn’t work up much of an appetite.”


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