WHITEOUT: Above And Beyond (Beauty 0f Life Book 10)

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WHITEOUT: Above And Beyond (Beauty 0f Life Book 10) Page 33

by Laura Acton

  As Loki and Ron conversed in quiet tones in the front seat, a shiver ran through Scott, and being cold was not the cause. He feared losing Danny yet again. Too many times, he’s suffered the ravages of nature or man’s inhumanity to man, and each seemed to draw the grim reaper closer. Several memories came to mind, including three incidences of extremely high fevers when Dan was a kid, the three months of torture he endured, and when Merrill shot him. And now, this time, all because of a damned cut on his leg.

  When Dan’s glassy, fevered eyes opened, they held a note of being far away. In this state, his features appeared so young and vulnerable, which reminded him of when Dan became gravely ill with Q fever.

  Keeping his tone soft and gentle, Scott said, “Hey, Doppelganger. You are going to be okay. We’re taking you to the hospital now.”

  Dan gazed up at Scott. His favorite cousin, who always treated him like a little brother, and did fun stuff with him. In a quiet, small voice, Dan said, “I’m sorry I ruined the trip. Is Rock still mad at me?”

  Puzzled, Scott glanced at Loki, who had turned around at Dan’s voice.

  Loki asked, “Hallucinating?”

  Scott nodded as the origin of Dan’s words dawned on him, their camping trip, and he used Jeff’s nickname. He and his twin cousin often found themselves on almost the same wavelength, which sometimes disconcerted him. Lifting the rag from Danny’s forehead, Scott shook the cloth a few times to cool it before replacing it. “No, Jeff isn’t angry with you anymore.”

  “Are you sure? I messed everything up. I didn’t mean to. I tried my best, but Dad doesn’t have time to teach me those things. Sorry I took Uncle Mark away from Jeff, and I got quills in me, and you had to find me when I got lost, and I tipped over the canoe. I don’t want you to be mad.”

  Scott lightly caressed Dan’s arm as he offered a grin. If Dan had to be hallucinating, Scott would take this one over and above any other one. “We are not upset, Quill. We had lots of fun. Remember the bottle rockets?”

  Dan nodded, and a small lopsided grin displayed on his face. “Yeah, good thing we didn’t use dye again. Especially since one of them sprayed Adam. He would’ve been on the warpath if I turned him all red.”

  Chuckling Scott recalled the incident. “That was hilarious. Adam sputtered around like an enraged goose. I wish we had used dye. Turning him red would have been entertaining. Maybe we should shoot off some more rockets when you are better.”

  The smile slipped away, and Dan’s eyes clouded, becoming lost and sad. “Think my dad will stay? I don’t want him to go. He always leaves, and I miss him so much.”

  Scott remembered Dan pleading for Uncle Will to stay with him in the hospital. At six, Dan had been so small, and the twin bed engulfed him. His uncle shocked them all when he lifted Danny, crawled on the bed, and cradled Danny in his arms, telling him he would not leave him. Uncle Will had been true to his word. How he swung the time off Scott would never know, but he stayed for weeks while Dan was so sick.

  In a reassuring tone, Scott said, “Yeah, he’ll stay. He promised, and Brodericks never go back on their word. Don’t worry. He wants to teach you chess, and he’s gonna build you a treehouse, so he will be here.”

  Dan blinked several times with wonder and excitement, replacing the sadness. “Treehouse? Cool. No girls allowed. No tea parties in the treehouse. Guys only.”

  Scott nodded. “Yep, only you, me, Adam, and Jeff allowed.”

  Dan’s eyelids lowered and remained closed. Scott noted his breathing was regular and assumed Danny drifted off to sleep.

  Loki observed the entire exchange, not wanting to interrupt. “Sounded like a real memory.”

  “Yeah, real. The year Danny turned six, he got to come with Uncle Mark and all the male cousins on a camping trip for the first time. The beginning ended up quite interesting, and a little stressful with Jeff upset at Dan. But then Uncle Will surprised us when he arrived on the seventh day. The second week turned out to be a blast before Dan became deathly ill, and his dad made a mad dash for a medical facility. One of the best trips we ever had until Danny began puking his guts out and developed a raging fever.”

  Scott shifted his gaze back to Dan. “Uncle Will did build him a treehouse during the weeks Dan recovered. He created and hung a ‘Boys Only’ sign on it too. We had some great times in Danny’s treehouse before Sara died. Then everything changed.”

  Becoming silent and melancholy for the happier days of Danny’s childhood, Scott sighed. Sara dying robbed Dan of any more carefree days, plunging him into despair and twisting his memories. Pulling himself out of the painful past, Scott asked, “How much further?”

  Ron answered, “About fifteen or twenty minutes.”

  Loki sat back, deep in thought, pondering how Dan grew into the man he was with the childhood he experienced. Though his own early years had not been stellar, he never for one second questioned the love of his ma. She supported and encouraged him in all his endeavors with tender and loving care even when his step-father behaved like a monster.

  Loki once again wondered if Dan had really been talking to Leonardo. He didn’t share that piece of information with Scott and Ron. It felt too personal and special even if it were only a figment of Dan’s imagination. A smile lit his face as Loki decided to accept the encounter at face value. Strange and unexplained things happen all the time. God works in mysteries ways, and maybe Pa found a way to tell me he loves me.

  Another thought crossed his mind, and he almost chuckled. Well, I can’t say nothing good happens in the woods anymore. Perhaps they aren’t all that bad. Dan’s mumbling pulled him from his musings, and Loki shifted and turned in his seat to check on his friend, only to find Dan swatting the air and Scott attempting to capture his hands while Dan eluded him.

  Loki asked, “What is he saying?”

  Scott couldn’t help but laugh. “He’s trying to catch butterflies. He’s muttering something about Sara crying and wanting a butterfly, and he is gonna get one for her if it’s the last thing he does.

  “He wants to make her happy. Dan is a fantastic brother and did everything in his power to cheer up Sara when she became teary-eyed. They were so close, and he would do anything for her. He tried to take the blame for her when she did something wrong, but Sara always owned up to her mistakes.”

  “Well, he is Dantastic.” Loki grinned as Dan evaded Scott’s attempts to restrain him.

  After several minutes of missing his hands, Scott caught Dan’s right hand and held it securely to his chest, so he didn’t do more damage to his shoulder. The left continued to escape his grasp until Scott changed tactics. “Hey, you caught one, Danny.” When Dan’s left hand fisted and lowered, Scott snagged it too and said, “Sara loves the blue and purple butterfly. She is happy and laughing now.”

  Dan’s WOW smile beamed. “Told you I’d catch one, Sara. Didn’t believe me, did ya? Beautiful, isn’t it … just like the one tattooed on Sexy Lexie’s …”

  As his body relaxed, Scott breathed out a sigh of relief his cousin didn’t say more about Lexa. His hallucinations might cause him to reveal things Dan wanted to keep secret.

  Loki’s brow arched as he chuckled, recalling Lexa’s tattoo on her lower back when they went swimming in the lake a few years ago. “Man, if Lexa heard him call her that again, Dan would be sporting bruised biceps.”

  “Whose Lexa?” Ron asked.

  “Our teammate and friend. Lexa is one heck of a sniper, like Dan, but she packs a powerful punch when ticked off. The last time Dan called her Sexy Lexie, he was on morphine after a truck t-boned him and Bram.

  “Some meds make him loopy, and Dan thought his white blanket was snow and couldn’t figure out why it was warm and dry. Another time he climbed up on a roof using a broom as a rifle when he believed rabid raccoons were attacking.”

  Ron snickered. “Boy howdy, he sure has some hilarious hallucinations.”

  Or hellacious. Loki rubbed his sore neck, deliberating whether to tell Scott what happen
ed. His debate stopped when Ron spoke.

  “Hospital is right up ahead.”

  Scott and Loki both responded, “Thank God.”

  Hospital – ER Entrance

  Loki helped position Dan in Ron’s arms after lifting him out of the snowcat. He stood in the swirling snow, which limited visibility to only a little more than two feet and watched until Dan disappeared from his view. A sense of relief washed through him. Loki startled when a hand landed on his shoulder. Scott now stood next to him using him for support.

  Scott said, “They’ll take care of Dan now. You did well, Loki. You kept my cousin alive.”

  Loki pulled Scott’s arm over his shoulders. “We’re here because of your efforts. Time for you to go in and also be examined.”

  Scott nodded, allowing Loki to assist him because he wouldn’t make it under his own power. Loki bore ninety percent his weight as they hobbled through the snow and into the emergency room. Once inside, Loki settled him on a gurney as a young man approached them.

  “Hi, I’m Jeremy, the hospital’s orderly. Ron said someone else is injured.”

  “That would be me.” Scott rested his head on the pillow.

  “I’m gonna take you back now.” Jeremy turned to the other man. “Minna should be out in a bit.” Jeremy pushed the first patient’s twin brother through the doorway into the treatment area as Ron exited.

  Ron halted beside Loki. “Is there anything you need?”

  Loki shook his head as he collapsed into one of the plastic chairs in the dimly lit waiting area. Thoroughly wiped out, worry and stress taking a toll, Loki recognized he did not have to be on anymore. Dan and Scott were now both in the hands of knowledgeable medical personnel. He pulled off his knit cap and leaned against the wall behind him.

  Ron sat next to him. “What would you like me to do with your gear?”

  Before Loki could form a response, the door to the back opened once again, and a petite auburn-haired woman strode towards them. For one moment, her purposeful walk and hair reminded him of Lexa, though their facial features were dissimilar. Her blue scrubs top covered with purple butterflies worn over a white long-sleeved thermal shirt caused him to smile. Butterflies? The Dantastic twilight zone effect is in full force.

  Minna Lundgren came forward with the paperwork. She knew Ron so the raven-haired one must be the friend of the others. He appeared dog-tired, and she overheard Ron’s questions, so answered, “Ron, there is the small room where the paramedics store things from time to time. Might be the best place depending on how much they have.”

  “Thanks, Minna. That would be perfect.” Ron’s face split into a grin as he stood and stretched, working the kinks from his back.

  Intending to help, Loki started to rise but stopped when the nurse said, “I need you here, please. These forms need to be filled out for your friends. Thigh is noted on one set of paperwork and shin on the other so we can tell the twins apart. Please ensure to put their correct names on the proper forms.”

  Loki accepted the clipboard and stared at the papers.

  As he patted Loki’s shoulder, Ron chuckled. “I’ll leave the explanation to you. This is Minna Lundgren, the nicest nurse in the whole world. I’ll store your stuff while you rest.” Ron pulled down his mask and headed outside.

  Glancing up at the cute nurse, Loki smiled. “Actually, they’re cousins, not twins. Scott Broderick hurt his thigh. He is eight years older. Infected shin is Dan Broderick. He’s my teammate and friend.”

  “Wow, they sure look identical.”

  “They get that a lot.”

  Minna sat down next to the handsome man. “And who might you be?”


  “Just Loki?”

  “Sorry, nickname. Dante Baldovino.” Loki’s hand raked back the lock of hair, which liked to drop to his forehead.

  “Okay. Would you prefer Loki or Dante?”

  “Loki, please.” He yawned, so tired his eyes wanted to close.

  “You are exhausted. If you write down the basics, I would appreciate it. We can take care of the remainder later. Are you aware if either is allergic to any medications?”

  Loki’s eyes widened. “Yeah. I mean, I’m not sure it’s an allergy, but Dan doesn’t do well on morphine. Oh, and he is ex-Special Forces. Be careful not to crowd him or startle him awake. He can be dangerous...” his voice trailed as his hand inadvertently went to his throat. “He isn’t aware of what he is doing, only reacting.”

  Dropping his hand to his thigh, he met her gaze. “Dan suffers a profound phobia of needles. Under no circumstances show him one. Sedate him if they are necessary. We usually use nitrous to relax him and shield his view if he requires stitches. Figured out that solution when he required rabies shots.”

  “Oh? What happens if he sees needles?”

  Loki’s face fell. “Brings back horrible memories for him, makes him shake, and go all rigid. He served in Afghanistan and was held captive for several months. You’ll undoubtedly find his scars.” Rubbing his face, Loki pushed away images of Dan’s bluish hue after lying in the snow in his boxers, which came with thinking about the torture he endured.

  “I think it would be best to contact Dr. Malcolm Fraser at St. Michaels in Toronto for details or his friend Jim Shea who was his unit medic in the service and now a Toronto paramedic.”

  “I’m sorry, but all our phone lines are down, including cell service. We can’t call anyone. We only have electricity because of the generators.”

  Loki’s stomach twisted upon learning they didn’t have phone service, but then his eyes lit up as he reached for his cell. “I got the basics in the Proper Care and Feeding of Dantastic Manual.”

  “The what?”

  “Um, something I compiled. Dan’s complicated and doesn’t react like the rest of us do to meds … so um, well, thought it might come in handy one day.”

  Minna’s soft, hazel eyes widened. “Wow. We certainly don’t want to cause him any more problems. Does the same hold true for Scott? About adverse reactions to medications?”

  “I’m not sure. Best if we ask him.” Loki’s hand continued to dig around in his pocket, certain it was the one with his phone. He started patting every pocket as his frustration increased. “Where is it?” Coming up empty, Loki slumped in the chair, and his knee started bouncing as he tried to recall when he last touched his mobile phone. “Bathroom!”

  “Down the hall,” Minna answered automatically.

  “No. That’s the last place I had my phone. In the cabin’s bathroom, right before Dan crawled out into the storm, wearing nothing but his boxers.”

  Concern spiked in Minna’s mind. “He did? How long was he out there?”

  “Long enough for his lips to turn blue. Got him inside as fast as possible. Think his temp kept him from getting frostbite. Dried and warmed him by the fireplace, and checked on him every few minutes for hours,” Loki rattled off as his mind recreated his activities. “No. No! Dang, it must’ve fallen out of my pocket when I bent down to turn him over. Why didn’t I notice? Geez, some friend I am? I go and lose something critical!”

  Minna laid a hand on Loki’s knee as the bouncing sped up. “Hey, easy now. You focused on the most important thing, getting Dan back inside before he froze. You prevented hypothermia and possibly his death. Everything will be alright. Dr. Chardin will take excellent care of him even without a manual.

  “Don’t beat yourself up over something you can’t change. The very fact you wrote the manual shows you to be worthy of his friendship. In fact,” Minna reached into her pocket and withdrew her sheet of stickers she kept to distract scared kids.

  She plucked off one and stuck it to the back of Loki’s hand. “You earned the Butterfly award for extreme bravery and going above and beyond to care for your friend. I’m not sure if you are aware, but many cultures associate butterflies with our souls and a symbol of resurrection, endurance, change, hope, and life.”

  Loki gaped at the glittery purple and blue butterfly.
Oh man, this is getting weird. Dan hallucinated catching butterflies and now Minna’s shirt and this sticker.

  Rising, Minna smiled. “Shall we go? If he wakes, I’m certain a familiar face will be most welcome.”

  Her kind words did little to assuage his disappointment in himself, but Loki realized he couldn’t do anything at the moment, so he rose and followed Minna to the treatment area. However, his brain spun, searching for a solution. There were always other options if he didn’t lock his mind in a cocoon.

  Dispelling the Darkness


  November 24

  Hospital – ER Treatment Area – 5:10 p.m.

  Entering the rectangular emergency room, Loki noted six beds separated by curtains, three on each side of the work station. The setup resembled more of an urgent care facility to him than an ER. Though, he reminded himself this was a small, rural hospital and better than nothing … which is what they had at the cabin. At least here, Dan and Scott would be under the care of a physician, and they possessed the knowledge, tools, and medicine to help.

  The Broderick cousins were in the two beds at the far end, facing one another. Scott conscious and speaking with a doctor, Loki assumed, and Dan blessedly silent, not in the grips of a terrifying hallucination. He caught the tail end of Scott’s comments, grateful he informed the physician of the same things he relayed to Minna so he wouldn’t need to repeat.

  Arriving at Dan’s bed, he noted the intravenous line in Dan’s arm with several bags besides saline solution hanging from a pole and dripping steadily into Dan via the IV. He shifted his gaze to study the young doctor, noting her light brown hair, which brushed her shirt collar and her hunter green eyes.

  Her youthful appearance disconcerted him. Loki surmised it might be because he had been expecting an older doctor … someone like Dr. Fraser, who exuded confidence. Though she did present a calm demeanor, she seemed almost too young to be practicing. Not that he had medical knowledge, but interested nonetheless, Loki inquired, “What are you giving Dan?”


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