WHITEOUT: Above And Beyond (Beauty 0f Life Book 10)

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WHITEOUT: Above And Beyond (Beauty 0f Life Book 10) Page 59

by Laura Acton

  “Jen should be able to cook some meals to ease Kellie’s burden.”

  “I’m certain my mother and Maurita will help.”

  Zach listened as they struggled to put together a complicated schedule based on work availability, kids’ needs, and other events with the holidays coming up. He had another solution and offered, “Why doesn’t Loki go to Ottawa with Scott and Dan? A Broderick invasion is underway to deal with our injured.

  “Jeff, Adam, and Kyle all requested leave, though I’m unsure who’s gonna be granted it. Regardless, Scott’s sisters, Vicky and Amelia, will be there along with my mom, aunts, and Uncle Erik. Dan’s dad will stay if he can. So, one more would be no problem, and that way, the guys can recoup together.”

  “Dan would probably like having Loki there, and vice versa,” Lexa opined, believing both would benefit from recovering near one another.

  Warming to the idea, Jon grinned. “They’re going to be mother-henned with that many women around.”

  Zach chuckled. “Yep. Most definitely. I’ll call my uncle if you all agree.”

  Nick scanned his team, receiving nods and smiles. “Okay with us, but your family and Loki get a say before the final decision.”

  A thought occurred to Bram, and he suggested, “Before we leave tomorrow, perhaps we can move Dan into Loki’s room, so Dan doesn’t get any bright ideas about wandering about the hospital searching for him.”

  Ray recalled Loki’s continuing nightmare. “Or Loki since he keeps dreaming about losing Dan in the storm. I’ll ask Dr. Pastore if that is possible when she checks Loki later.”

  The Extra Mile


  November 27

  Hospital – Dan and Loki’s Room – 9:05 a.m.

  Dan grimaced, clenching his jaw as Zach assisted him into the wheelchair. Though he wished to walk to the bathroom, using crutches was out of the question for at least a week due to his injured shoulder. He might’ve tried to hop on his own, but the jarring wouldn’t do him any favors in the pain department, and he didn’t want to risk doing more damage to his leg. So, he resigned himself to accepting his cousin’s help and using the rolling chair to make the short trip to the restroom since it was better than using a bedpan.

  “Pain bad?” Zach pushed Dan toward the facilities.


  “Need a hand once inside?”


  Zach positioned Dan’s wheelchair close to the toilet and stepped out, closing the door to give him privacy, but stayed near in case his cousin changed his mind. One thing he learned from helping him recover his lung function was hovering too much produced unwanted results.

  He cringed, listening to Dan’s groan and string of multi-lingual curse words as he maneuvered by himself. “Manageable, my ass! Stubborn fool needs more meds,” Zach muttered under his breath.

  When Yasmin entered, Zach alerted Dan, “Lady present, cuz.” He smiled at the nurse as Dan’s foul language halted. “He will be out in a few minutes.”

  “I’ll start with Loki’s vitals. I checked Scott’s, and he is doing better this morning. We switched him from a full mask to a nasal cannula.”

  “Excellent.” Zach rocked on his heels as he shoved his hands in his pockets. He found Yasmin to be quite beautiful and would like to flirt with her, but he wouldn’t be in this neck of the woods for long, so didn’t.

  As Yasmin took Loki’s blood pressure, she lowered her voice so she didn’t wake him, and asked, “Is it true that Dan would’ve wandered the halls in search of Loki if we didn’t move him in here?”

  Zach chuckled and blushed as he recalled how he and Ray significantly played up the possibility last night to achieve their objective. “Yeah. He’s been known to sign himself out AMA because he hates hospitals. This is also one way to keep him corralled.” He realized he spoke too loud when Dan made a comment.

  “I’m not a friggin’ idiot. Where the hell would I go in a frozen wasteland?” Dan groused.

  Snickering, Zach countered, “I wouldn’t put it past you to steal a snowcat.”

  Yasmin giggled as the cousins traded barbs until Zach stepped back in to help Dan into the chair when he reluctantly conceded he required assistance. They reminded her of her brothers, gruff yet funny.

  When Zach pushed him into the room, Dan flashed Yasmin a grin. “Can I get another bowl of oatmeal with raisins?”

  Smiling, Yasmin quipped, “If you promise not to attempt an unscheduled escape.”

  “Agreement will require cinnamon and walnuts too.”

  “I’m sure I can arrange those. Let’s move you into bed and let me take your temperature.” Yasmin beamed as she strolled towards him.

  “Would it be alright if I sit here for a while?” Dan didn’t want to admit the little trip wiped him out, and transferring would hurt too much, so added, “Been in bed for days. This is a change of pace.”

  “Okay. Should be fine for an hour or so, but not much longer.”

  Zach recognized the diversion tactic but didn’t rat out his mule-headed cousin. “How about I pop down and grab you more oatmeal.”

  “Coffee too.”

  “Nope.” Zach shook his head. “No reason for caffeine. You need to sleep.”

  “Decaf,” Yasmin suggested a compromise.

  Both Dan and Zach made sour faces. Decaf was not an option for a Broderick. Zach patted Dan’s uninjured shoulder. “I’ll bring you some herbal tea and juice too. Back in a bit.”

  Dan sat still as Yasmin took his vitals, and he didn’t complain when she fussed about him, covering his lap and legs with a blanket and positioning a pillow for his right arm to rest on, which relieved the pressure of the sling on his neck. She moved him, so he had a view of Loki, put his rolling table on his left, and refilled his water cup. “Thanks.”

  “Do you need anything before I leave?”

  “Nah, I’m good.”

  Yasmin set the call button within his reach. “Alrighty. Call if you do.”

  Fifteen minutes later, Zach zoomed back in and placed a steaming bowl on Dan’s table and pushed it towards him. “Maisie likes you. Added a ton of raisins and walnuts for you. Um, I’m sorry, but I can’t stay. Captain Tadman asked me to check the weather, and surprisingly the storm dissipated overnight. He decided to evac the Special Forces unit today. I need to fly them back to Ottawa, and they’re leaving in about thirty.”

  “When will you be back?” Dan scooped up a spoonful.

  “Not certain, but most likely when Loki is allowed to be transferred. So maybe tomorrow or the next day.”

  Dan nodded as he savored his oatmeal. “Stay safe.”

  “Stay put,” Zach retorted and grinned.

  Rolling his eyes, Dan chuckled. “By the way, thanks for suggesting Loki come with us.”

  “He’s an honorary Broderick. He saved your life. Least we can do is take care of him until his mother is on her feet.” Zach headed for the door and stopped at the opening. “Gotta pop in to visit Scott before I go. You behave while I’m gone, or I’m telling your mom and all your aunts.”

  Laughing, Zach disappeared into the hall as Dan groaned. Returning his attention to his second breakfast, Dan swirled the spoon to mix the cinnamon in before taking another bite. All thoughts of his food ceased as Loki began thrashing and moaning. Recognizing a nightmare ensnared his teammate, and his uncontrolled movements would pop the sutures, Dan shoved the table out of his way and grasped the wheel of his chair to roll to Loki’s bedside.

  “Dan, where are you? Hang on, buddy. I’ll find you.” Loki’s lashes flew up, his eyes rounded in full-blown terror. He locked on Scott’s face. “Help me find Dan. I lost him in the blizzard. He’ll freeze to death. We gotta find him. I shouldn’t have left him alone.”

  “Hey. Loki. Calm down. I’m here. Right here.” Dan clasped Loki’s hand, giving his friend an anchor, trying to break through the panic reflected in Loki’s brown orbs.

  “Dan?” Loki blinked, then squeezed his eyes shut, groani
ng in agony as a white-hot poker seared his abdomen.

  “Yeah. It’s me. Relax. Breath through the pain.” Dan guided Loki with sniper breathing, wishing he pressed the button to call the nurse before it dropped to the floor. Loki’s vice grip prevented him from reaching across his teammate to depress his. “That’s it. Slow down. Inhale. Hold, two, three, four. Exhale.”

  His world coming into focus, the whiteout and cabin dissolving to reveal a hospital room, Loki concentrated on following Dan’s calming voice. Recalling he had a morphine pump, his thumb pushed the little plunger, which would send relief through his veins.

  After several minutes, Loki exhaled gradually, sagged into his mattress, and loosened his death grip on Dan. “Thanks. Geez, I hate nightmares. They leave me disoriented.”

  “Yeah, they suck.” Dan understood too well how much nightmares messed with his own head. He sat back, shaking life back into his crushed fingers.

  Loki’s mind catching up, he realized Dan was in his room, not Ray. “What are you doing here, and where’s Ray?”

  “Well, Ray and the rest of the team are likely in Toronto by now. They left at six this morning.”

  “Oh.” Loki scrunched his face with disappointment, realizing the last time he saw Ray was yesterday afternoon before he nodded off.

  “Ray said to tell you to call him as soon as you are settled in Ottawa.”

  “Huh?” Confusion lit Loki’s face.

  “Sorry, you pulled a Rip Van Winkle. No one wanted to wake you, but Boss spoke with your ma, she is alright and will call you also, but she sprained her ankle. You’re coming with me, and we’ll recoup together at Scott’s home. In a few weeks, Zach will fly us back to Toronto. Hope you’re okay with the decisions we made for you.”

  “Ma … you said she’s okay?”

  “A slight sprain, according to your sister. She being pampered like a queen,” Dan reassured Loki.

  “As she should be. Yeah, I’m cool with going with you.” Loki peered at Dan. “Hey, wait. You’re not supposed to be out of your room. You’re gonna send the nurses into a tizzy if they find you missing.” His pulse increased a little, recalling how frightening losing track of Dan had been.

  “Easy. No worries. We’re roomies. Ray and Zach convinced the doctor I needed a babysitter, and you fit the bill.” Dan refrained from telling him that Ray was concerned about Loki being alone.

  Loki snorted. “Ain’t that the truth. Take a break to pee, and you disappear.” He swallowed the lump, which formed for letting that slip out.

  “Bram told me what you did. How you found me in the snow. I wasn’t lucid. I’m sorry I scared you. Thanks for saving my ass.”

  “What are friends for?” Loki relaxed as the pain meds did their job well.

  “You and Scott went the extra mile for me.”

  “Nothing you wouldn’t have done if the tables were turned.”

  Dan nodded, conceding the point … he would without hesitation. “Sorry I screwed up our vacation. Never in my wildest dreams did I think a few days on the slopes would turn into a ski trip from hell.”

  “Let’s get one thing straight, Dan.” Loki’s tone and expression became severe. “None of this is your fault. Not the attacking snow bunny, the moose, the blizzard, the infection, or the Bartons.”

  “Yeah … I’m well aware. Ray, Bram, Jon, and Boss all gave me the same lecture.” Dan flashed Loki a grin. “You aren’t to blame either. Fate just has a way of messing with me. You probably don’t want to go on holiday with me ever again … heck, I don’t want to go with myself.”

  “Au contraire, buddy. Ray and I thought you might want to join us for a week in Jamaica before he ties the knot. Bikini babes, beer, and beaches. Not a speck of snow in sight.” Loki grinned.

  The thought of open water twisted Dan’s insides, and he covered his fear by deflecting, “Not going to horn in on yours and Ray’s last bromance outing.”

  Loki chuckled. “He’s not my type. But seriously, why don’t you come with us? The three amigos would have fun.”

  “I’ll think about it.” Dan gave him a lackluster smile before settling into a companionable silence, reviewing the chain of events that lead them here.

  Loki broke the quiet as he shared, “Ray believes God put us on this path to take care of the evil Barton brothers.” Hedging and running a hand over his dark stubble, Loki asked, “Did you actually talk to my pa?”

  “What? When?” Dan’s turn for being confused.

  “At the cabin. You looked right past me and held a conversation with my father … Leonardo.”

  Dan’s expression became reflective as he slowly shook his head. “Truly, I can’t tell you. The doctor said my high fever made me delusional like what happens with certain meds. If I did, I hallucinated him. I hope I didn’t say anything to cause you pain.”

  “No, the opposite. I believe he might be my Guardian Angel.”


  “Don’t you believe in angels?”

  “Not really. As a kid, yeah, but so much shit happened to me … well, let’s just say, if they do exist … I don’t have one.”

  Hovering next to Dan, Brody smacked him on the back of the head. “Danny, I can’t wait until you’re one hundred and ten, and I finally get to laugh in your face and say, ‘I was right.’ You’re gonna eat your words one day. Gonna owe Hamon and me an apology too.”

  Leonardo only chuckled.

  “You’re wrong, and I can prove it.” Loki pinned Dan with keen eyes.

  “How?” Dan rubbed his head, wondering why it stung a bit.

  “Well, for starters, how did you lay on top of me and keep me from dying in the OR?” When Dan opened his mouth, Loki continued, “How the heck did I find you in zero visibility? You t-boned a car on a motorcycle and ended up without a scratch. Merrill’s bullet should’ve killed you. Somehow, God only knows, you survived three months of torture. And you were only one of two men to make it out alive from that damned cornfield you told me about.”

  At the mention of Shy, Dan blanched, though the pain which rippled through his heart didn’t carry the same intensity it had been before going to the support group with Jon and Nick. He always believed fate wanted to screw up his life, but Loki had a point, he did survive things which seemed improbable. Though on the other hand, it didn’t prove the existence of angels. It could be a matter of dumb luck. Unable to think of a decent reply, Dan remained silent and studied Loki.

  Loki grinned, believing he won. His hand unconsciously moved to his sore neck and rubbed, bring the gown lower, revealing more skin.

  “What happened to your neck?” Dan squinted as he zeroed in on the purple bruising.

  Shrugging and taking a page from Dan’s playbook, unwilling to hurt his friend by revealing he choked him, Loki changed the subject. “Wonder when they’re gonna let me eat something? I’m starving.”

  His mind suggesting it happened in the blast since Loki didn’t explain, Dan took the bait, and answered, “Not sure, but when they do, Maisie offered to make you chicken soup. It’s the best in the world.”

  “Even if it is, my ma’s will always be my favorite.” Loki shut his eyes. The conversation wore him out. “Mind if I sleep now?”

  “Not at all. I’ll be here if you need me.”

  “Ditto.” Loki allowed himself to be pulled down into a gentle sleep.

  Dan rolled the wheelchair back and glanced at his uneaten oatmeal. It would be too cold to enjoy. He eyed his bed, needing a nap himself, and moved the chair forward to retrieve his call button.

  Yasmin entered a few moments later, and Dan requested assistance to return to bed. He relayed to her that Loki woke, spoke coherently, and he wanted something to eat. She agreed to ask Dr. Pastore about starting him on clear liquids. With her help, he managed to stand, pivot on one foot, and sit on the edge of the mattress.

  He scooched back, and Yasmin lifted his legs as he twisted. She fussed around him again, making sure he was comfortable and tucked in before she ex
ited with a promise to bring him Maisie’s fantastic chicken noodle soup for lunch. The entire process left Dan exhausted, and he lowered his lashes, ready for a snooze.

  As he relaxed, his mind drifted to last night as the guys stopped by his room to visit. The comradery reminded him of days gone by when Brody, Blaze, Winds, Mason, Patch, and Ripsaw kept him entertained after being injured.

  When he left the military, he believed he would never find a place to belong again or people he would be willing to die for, but he had. He rediscovered and reconnected with his family. He had Alpha team to partially thank for making that happen.

  Now he had his unit brothers, his mom, dad, sister, the extended Broderick family, and his Alpha family. Dan smiled, feeling blessed to have so many people who cared about him and who he loved. One, in particular, came to mind … Alexandra Isobel McKenna. His Sexy Lexie. His Beauty of Life. His one true soulmate.

  Dan’s fledgling idea began to take shape. Although understanding he had difficult hurdles to surmount, ultimately, he would develop a workable plan. A primary concern, one not easily overcome, was finding someone he trusted enough to keep the others safe in the field. Not just anyone would do. The lives of his chosen family would be in his replacement’s hands, and Dan intended to find the very best person possible.

  His secondary worry … would he ruin the friendships he built with the guys if he intentionally walked away from Alpha to put a future with Lexa first? Dan wondered if they might be angry with him on several levels and believe Lexa deserved someone better than him.

  As the objective of his mission crystallized, Dan exhaled. Time to go above and beyond for the woman I love. Whatever the price, I will pay because I can’t imagine living my life without Lexa. I’m willing to go the extra mile, and any sacrifice I make to capture my butterfly’s heart will be worth any potential pain.

  Keep reading for a sneak peek at Acton’s

  eleventh Beauty of Life novel

  and a look at the first book in her

  new series Strike Force Zulu.


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