Gummy Bears & Grenades

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Gummy Bears & Grenades Page 10

by Charlie Cochet

  Dex wouldn't go easy on them because they were his friends. His family. Precisely for that reason he couldn't go easy on them. Shit was about to get real, and he needed those he cared about to be prepared. If he had to be the one to push, to break them and help put them back together, then so be it.

  Hudson glared at him and sat back against his heels.

  Dex marched over, grabbed his arm, and hauled him to his feet. He thrust a finger in Hudson's face. "I said get your ass up."

  Hudson's wolf Therian growled at him, his steel-blue eyes intense. Good. Hudson had a temper buried deep down behind all that sweetness and timidity, and Dex knew just how to expose it.

  Dex took a step back, his attention moving from Seb to Hudson and back. The two exchanged glances, and Dex grinned. Now we're talking.

  The pair came at him at the same time, and Hudson even managed to land a hit, punching Dex across his jaw. Finally, they were getting somewhere. Dex maneuvered around Seb, making sure none of Seb's punches landed. If they did, he wasn't too worried. Not that he wanted to get punched in the face by a tiger Therian, but where it once might have broken his jaw, now he could take the hit and bounce back.

  "Why do you keep trying to punch me?" Dex asked Seb.

  Seb spun with a snarl. "What the hell are you talking about?"

  "I'm talking about the fact you're underestimating me, seeing me as a Human, as someone smaller and weaker than you that you can overpower. Your punching me is not going to knock me out."

  "I never said you were weaker," Seb replied, his eyes narrowing.

  "No, you're just treating me like I am." Dex motioned to Sloane. "Would you attack Sloane the same way?"

  Seb frowned, puzzled. "Well, no, obviously."

  "Why? Because he's bigger? Stronger? A jaguar Therian?" Dex shook his head. "Never underestimate your opponent." Seb took a step forward, and Dex put a hand up to stop him. "Stay there. Both of you. Observe." Dex turned to Sloane and took his position. "How about showing them how it's done?"

  Sloane ducked his head, his amber eyes almost black as he met Dex's gaze. "My pleasure."

  Dex readied himself. This was going to hurt oh so good. He'd done it before. Several times. Dex grinned wickedly. Sloane wouldn't attack first. He never did. His Felid half wanted to stalk, to catch Dex unawares, which was why Dex wouldn't give him the opportunity. He took off in a run toward Sloane. Sloane was heavier, bulkier, and weighed a fuckton more than Dex, which worked to Dex's advantage.

  Whatever Dex did, Sloane would do his damn best to keep his feet on the mat. The floor was not where he wanted to be. Which was why it was exactly where Dex had to get him. The bigger the Therian, the harder they fell. Sloane took his stance--left leg forward, right leg back, knees slightly bent as he anchored himself. He held up his fists, ready to strike. Dex picked up speed, grabbed Sloane's shoulder, flung himself up in a flying scissor kick, and wrapped his legs around Sloane's neck, using the force of his momentum to bring Sloane down, flipping him over onto the mat. Dex kept his legs wrapped around Sloane's neck. This was where Dex would have gouged out the dude's eyes, but he wasn't about to do that to his beloved, so instead, he tightened his hold and smacked Sloane in the face.

  With a feral growl, Sloane rolled with Dex still on him so Dex had his back to the mat. He thrust his hands down against Dex's groin and jerked backward, but Dex only tightened his hold on Sloane's neck. He grabbed Sloane's thumb and bent it back, forcing Sloane's arm--and more importantly his elbow--away from Dex's groin area. Had this been a real scenario, Dex would have won by now. Sloane twisted and threw his weight against Dex, thrusting his elbow back and hitting Dex in the balls.

  "Fuck," Dex said through gritted teeth, loosening his grip enough for Sloane to force one leg off him, and giving Sloane the room he needed to slip out. Dex quickly rolled away, and Sloane came down onto the mat, elbow first. That would have hurt like a son of a bitch. Dex pushed through the pain to his boy bits and got to his feet in time to have Sloane slam into him from the side. Dex landed several feet away, his whole left side throbbing from being body checked by a two hundred forty pound--probably more like two hundred fifty pounds now--Therian.

  All he could do was push through it and get on his feet quickly. When Sloane lunged at him, Dex dug deep. His eyesight sharpened, and he let out a fierce growl as he threw one arm around Sloane's waist and grabbed at the back of Sloane's right leg, jerking it forward so he could lift Sloane of his feet and slam him onto the mat where he brought his knee down against Sloane's stomach, knocking the wind out of him. He was mindful to use just enough force to hurt but not seriously injure his boyfriend. With an arm pressed to Sloane's neck, his knee ready to do some damage, and a fist over Sloane's face, Sloane tapped out.

  Dex grinned down at him and kissed him before rolling off to catch his breath. Sloane laughed softly as he lay on the mat, his chest rising and falling in rapid breaths. He wiped the sweat from his brow with the back of his wrapped hand. He turned his head to look at Dex.

  "Nicely done."

  "Thanks." Dex got to his feet and held his hands out to Sloane, then helped him up. He turned to Seb and Hudson, who were gaping at him. "Obviously that would have ended a lot sooner had I gouged out his eyes, but I kind of like his eyes," Dex said, batting his lashes at Sloane. "They're pretty."

  Sloane chuckled. He shook his head and wiped more sweat from his brow.

  Rolling his shoulders, Dex turned back to Seb and Hudson, his expression once again stern. "Now, let's try that again."

  "HOLY...." PANT. "Crap." More panting.

  Sloane dropped onto the mat. He was dripping with sweat, and every muscle in his body ached. He wiped his face with the clean towel, then chuckled at Seb, who dropped next to him and lay sprawled on his back.

  "I think... my heart... is going to... explode," Seb said, breathless.

  "I warned you, didn't I? But you didn't listen. Your exact words were 'how strong can he really be?'"

  Seb turned his head to pout at Sloane, his brows drawn together. "I was wrong, Sloane. So very wrong. I will never doubt your words again." He sat up with a groan and grabbed one of the rolled-up towels beside him to wipe the sweat off his face. "I can't believe Dex took me down."

  "The bigger they are, the harder they fall."

  Seb narrowed his eyes at Sloane. "I'm a tiger Therian. Your not-even-two-hundred-pound boyfriend is not supposed to be able to take me down."

  "Except he's been training his ass off, is no longer Human, and I'm pretty sure he's still getting stronger." Every time Sloane sparred with Dex, he noticed an increase in Dex's strength. It was in minimal increments, but enough for Sloane to see the difference. "It seems to come in little bursts when he gets worked up or pissed off, but when that happens, he's stronger than I am. If this keeps going, he may even end up stronger than you, or who knows, maybe even Zach. Not even TIN knows what's going on inside him. The tests are starting to come back inconclusive again."

  "How is that possible?"

  Sloane shrugged. "No one knows. TIN's brought in their top specialists, and they have no idea what the hell is going on inside Dex. Every time they run a test for something, whatever they're looking for, it's gone, but they know it's there because they can see it. They did a blood test, and it came back Human, but when they did a different test that wasn't specifically looking at his blood, it pinged Therian. It's like his DNA and everything that makes him a hybrid is trying to protect itself by avoiding detection."

  Seb seemed to think about it. "So if someone ran a test to see if he was Therian, they'd get something else?"

  Sloane nodded. "Not sure if that's a good thing or not. My worry is when he'll need to get treatment. Unless whoever's treating him knows what he is...."

  "Fuck. It'll be a mess."

  Which scared the living shit out of Sloane. They had Hudson and TIN to provide the best medical attention possible, but what if either wasn't an option? How the hell did a regular hospital treat a half Human, half T
herian? Especially if every test they ran came back screwed-up? Hopefully they'd be able to get to the bottom of it soon. Sloane didn't like the idea of them not being able to get Dex medical treatment when he needed it.

  Seb stared at him. "Shit, Sloane. What the hell is in that DNA of yours?"

  "I don't know, but as long as it doesn't hurt him, I'm okay with it. Knowing he can hold his own against whatever he faces out there is good enough for me. Hopefully the rest will get sorted out."

  A slew of British curses met Sloane's ear, and he cringed.

  "Your man does not like to lose."

  Seb's eyes went slightly wide. "Are you kidding me? Everyone's always surprised when he kicks their ass at pool, or football, or soccer, thinking that he's this awkward science nerd, but he is ruthless when it comes to competition, and yeah, he hates losing." Seb drew his knees up and let his elbows rest on them. "He doesn't get pissed at his opponent, though. He gets pissed at himself. As if his losing reflects how inadequate he is. A complex gifted to him by his asshole father."

  Sloane turned his attention to Hudson, whose brows were drawn together in concentration as he circled Dex. Both had their shirts plastered to their skin with sweat, and Hudson had smartly worn contacts, even though he hated them. Sloane lost count of how many times Dex had dropped Hudson to the mat. Hudson charged, and Dex spun on his heels, ended up behind Hudson, threw his arms around his waist, picked him up, and slammed him down.

  "He's being a little hard on Hudson, don't you think?" Seb asked, concern etched on his face.

  Dex wasn't holding back, but he had his reasons. "Hudson means a lot to Dex, and he wants to make sure Hudson's prepared for whatever we face. If that means he pisses Hudson off, then he'll do it. Dex might be a joker in a lot of respects, but when it comes to the safety of those he cares about, he's hard core."

  "I can see that."

  Even though Sloane felt for Hudson, especially every time he hit the mat, he couldn't help but admire Dex. His perfect posture, his expertly calculated moves, the way his muscles flexed beneath his clothes. The loose, black workout pants accentuated Dex's perfectly rounded ass, and the sweaty shirt stuck to his skin outlined the delicious curve of his spine and the muscles of his finely sculpted torso. He'd wiped the floor with Sloane, and Sloane couldn't be prouder.

  Seeming to have had enough of being floored, when he next hit the mat, Hudson wrapped his legs tight around Dex, and the two crashed down together, thrashing about as each one tried to get the upper hand. They rolled around, grunting, Hudson's legs wrapped around Dex's waist, Dex's head in a chokehold. Somehow, they ended up with their shirts halfway up their bodies, and Seb cleared his throat.

  "I know this is probably inappropriate, but is it me, or is this kinda... porny?"

  Sloane tilted his head for a better angle as Hudson arched his back to try to budge Dex, but Dex had managed to get out of the chokehold and had Hudson's wrists pinned above his head.

  "Uh, yeah, definitely porny." Sloane stood at the same time as Seb. "Maybe we should take a break," Sloane called out. Dex looked his way, and Hudson twisted his body, flipping the tables on Dex and rolling them over so he was sitting on Dex's stomach.

  "Ha!" Hudson threw his arms up in victory when Seb took hold of his wrist and pulled him to his feet. Hudson smiled at his husband. "Hello, darling." He put a hand to Seb's cheek. "Your face is so red. Didn't you get any rest?"

  Seb cleared his throat again. "Um, yeah, just, you know, why don't we hit the showers, and meet up for something to eat later?"

  Before Dex could reply, Sloane spoke up. "Great idea." He helped Dex to his feet, pretending he hadn't noticed Dex narrowing his eyes at him. They agreed to meet up later, and Sloane took hold of Dex's hand and quickly led him out of the training bay.

  "Um, Sloane? What's going on?"

  Sloane shook his head. "Nothing. Just going to hit the showers."

  "The locker room is the other way."

  Sloane had no intention of showering anywhere near anyone else.


  Sloane led Dex back to his new private training bay, and more importantly, his office with the fully stocked, brand-new shower. As soon as they got into his office, he put the room in privacy mode, turned, and pounced.

  More from Charlie Cochet

  THIRDS: Book One

  When homicide detective Dexter J. Daley's testimony helps send his partner away for murder, the consequences--and the media frenzy--aren't far behind. He soon finds himself sans boyfriend, sans friends, and, after an unpleasant encounter in a parking garage after the trial, he's lucky he doesn't find himself sans teeth. Dex fears he'll get transferred from the Human Police Force's Sixth Precinct, or worse, get dismissed. Instead, his adoptive father--a sergeant at the Therian-Human Intelligence Recon Defense Squadron otherwise known as the THIRDS--pulls a few strings, and Dex gets recruited as a Defense Agent.

  Dex is determined to get his life back on track and eager to get started in his new job. But his first meeting with Team Leader Sloane Brodie, who also happens to be his new jaguar Therian partner, turns disastrous. When the team is called to investigate the murders of three HumaniTherian activists, it soon becomes clear to Dex that getting his partner and the rest of the tightknit team to accept him will be a lot harder than catching the killer--and every bit as dangerous.

  Sequel to Hell & High

  THIRDS: Book Two

  When a series of bombs go off in a Therian youth center, injuring members of THIRDS Team Destructive Delta and causing a rift between agents Dexter J. Daley and Sloane Brodie, peace seems unattainable. Especially when a new and frightening group, the Order of Adrasteia, appears to always be a step ahead. With panic and intolerance spreading and streets becoming littered with the Order's propaganda, hostility between Humans and Therians grows daily. Dex and Sloane, along with the rest of the team, are determined to take down the Order and restore peace, not to mention settle a personal score. But the deeper the team investigates the bombings, the more they believe there's a more sinister motive than a desire to shed blood and spread chaos.

  Discovering the frightful truth behind the Order's intent forces Sloane to confront secrets from a past he thought he'd left behind for good, a past that could not only destroy him and his career, but also the reputation of the organization that made him all he is today. Now more than ever, Dex and Sloane need each other, and, along with trust, the strength of their bond will mean the difference between justice and all-out war.

  Sequel to Blood & Thunder

  THIRDS: Book Three

  New York City's streets are more dangerous than ever with the leaderless Order of Adrasteia and the Ikelos Coalition, a newly emerged Therian group, at war. Innocent civilians are caught in the crossfire and although the THIRDS round up more and more members of the Order in the hopes of keeping the volatile group from reorganizing, the members of the Coalition continue to escape and wreak havoc in the name of vigilante justice.

  Worse yet, someone inside the THIRDS has been feeding the Coalition information. It's up to Destructive Delta to draw out the mole and put an end to the war before anyone else gets hurt. But to get the job done, the team will have to work through the aftereffects of the Therian Youth Center bombing. A skirmish with Coalition members leads Agent Dexter J. Daley to a shocking discovery and suddenly it becomes clear that the random violence isn't so random. There's more going on than Dex and Sloane originally believed, and their fiery partnership is put to the test. As the case takes an explosive turn, Dex and Sloane are in danger of losing more than their relationship.

  THIRDS: Book Four

  After an attack by the Coalition leaves THIRDS Team Leader Sloane Brodie critically injured, agent Dexter J. Daley swears to make Beck Hogan pay for what he's done. But Dex's plans for retribution are short-lived. With Ash still on leave with his own injuries, Sloane in the hospital, and Destructive Delta in the Coalition's crosshairs, Lieutenant Sparks isn't taking any chances. Dex's team is pulled from th
e case, with the investigation handed to Team Leader Sebastian Hobbs. Dex refuses to stand by while another team goes after Hogan, and decides to put his old HPF detective skills to work to find Hogan before Theta Destructive, no matter the cost.

  With a lengthy and painful recovery ahead of him, the last thing Sloane needs is his partner out scouring the city, especially when the lies--however well-intentioned--begin to spiral out of control. Sloane is all too familiar with the desire to retaliate, but some things are more important, like the man who's pledged to stand beside him. As Dex starts down a dark path, it's up to Sloane to show him what's at stake, and finally put a name to what's in his heart.

  Sequel to Rise & Fall

  THIRDS: Book Five

  As the fiercest Defense Agent at the THIRDS, Destructive Delta's Ash Keeler is foul-mouthed and foul-tempered. But his hard-lined approach always yields results, evident by his recent infiltration of the Coalition. Thanks to Ash's skills and the help of his team, they finally put an end to the murdering extremist group for good, though not before Ash takes a bullet to save teammate Cael Maddock. As a result, Ash's secrets start to surface, and he can no longer ignore what's in his heart.

  Cael Maddock is no stranger to heartache. As a Recon Agent for Destructive Delta, he has successfully maneuvered through the urban jungle that is New York City, picking up his own scars along the way. Yet nothing he's ever faced has been more of a challenge than the heart of Ash Keeler, his supposedly straight teammate. Being in love isn't the only danger he and Ash face as wounds reopen and new secrets emerge, forcing them to question old loyalties.

  CHARLIE COCHET is an author by day and artist by night. Always quick to succumb to the whispers of her wayward muse, no star is out of reach when following her passion. From adventurous agents and sexy shifters to society gentlemen and hardboiled detectives, there's bound to be plenty of mischief for her heroes to find themselves in--and plenty of romance, too!


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