God-Kissed: Book 1 (The Apprentices)

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God-Kissed: Book 1 (The Apprentices) Page 6

by Clark Bolton

  Autbek could see the other two girls now also with blue faces, hovering in the background. They were easily forgotten though as he watched a tear come to Onaleen’s eye.

  “Oh, please … you must let me help you, though it may upset you!”

  Onaleen’s eyes locked on his and seemed to plead as she begged, “Oh please My Lord, anything … we cannot be seen like this. My father and mother are already so worried about me I can’t bear it. Please!”

  “Cough,” Autbek cleared his throat as his loins started to react on their own accord. “Miss Onaleen I can help you but … well … it involves a little kind of magic.” He cleared his throat again feeling he had really messed up what he was trying to say. A little kind of magic! What the hell is that he thought?

  “Ohhh!” Onaleen exclaimed in innocence.

  Her eyes were the widest and bluest eyes he had ever seen. The heaving of her breasts was also the most distracting thing he had ever seen. “It’s fine though, you can ask Haspeth here.” Haspeth was still sitting on the bed but did manage to nod his head sadly.

  Onaleen stared at Autbek like a puppy for a few moments and then looked a bit frightened as she turned and stepped over to her companions. They whispered excitedly for a while obviously thrilled about getting the blue dye off their faces but very cautious about the method.

  It soon became clear to Autbek that the other two girls had concluded they wanted nothing to do with magic but Onaleen seemed to be considering it still.

  “Does it hurt much?” Onaleen then asked of Haspeth.

  “No miss, not at all.” Haspeth said as he finally decided to stand.

  “Ok then, I want to try it. Please sir!”

  There was no way he was going to say no to this girl as he recovered himself from a pang of jealousy that had hit when the girl spoke to Haspeth. “Ok, please this way than, miss Onaleen.”

  The three girls followed him to the small room he had been in when interrogated by Sterncast. He told them that Onaleen would not need any towels or water as the spell would take care of everything.

  With overflowing pride Autbek closed the door behind the three girls and then situated two of the chairs in the room so that he would be able to sit on one while Onaleen sat on the other. “Ok, please … sit … and … I need to see where the dye is on your skin so I can remove it. You will not feel anything but a slight tickle I assure you.”

  “Everywhere!” Onaleen asked with doe eyes.

  “Umm, yes … please miss!”

  Having the two girls help her Onaleen began fiddling with her gown so as to expose more of her bosom he supposed. He quickly turned away to give her some aspect of privacy.

  “Must it be everywhere, sir?”

  He loved the sound of her voice he decided as it seemed to penetrate and distract at the same moment. “Um, yes please. I can’t remove it unless I can see it.” He then waited for her to tell him it was ok to turn around.

  There was a minute or two filled with the sound of rustling clothing then a long pause before she spoke. Making him now very anxious to get this part over with as she was obviously quite distressed and he found that most disturbing.

  “Okay.” She said softly.

  Turning he beheld the most erotic scene he could possibly imagine. Onaleen was completely naked except for her shoes. She was doing her best to cover her breasts with one arm and her inner thighs with the other. The blue dye had apparently struck her such that her face and breasts were thoroughly doused in the stuff, and then it had proceeded to run in long wide drips down to her thighs.

  “Oh my gods my lady!” He gasped as he shielded his eyes with one hand such that he could only see her feet.

  “Ohhh! Can you not get it off!” She cried in fear.

  “No … no … no … I can … I can.” He stuttered. “I just … oh gods you're beautiful Onaleen!” He suddenly exclaimed as he peeked through his fingers.

  “Ohhh.” She cooed, with an embarrassing smile. Then she proceeded to blush.

  Autbek noticed it was not just her face that was turning beet red.

  Berdtom bowed respectfully to Cachner after he and Valice were invited into the lord’s offices which where situated close to the wing of the palace where the Earl and his immediate family resided. This fact and the knowledge that Cachner was related by marriage and remotely by blood to the Earl was not lost on Berdtom as he accepted a chair.

  “Pleased you could make it, master Berdtom, I had thought perhaps you would be in the city by now, if not indeed on your way back to Runeholden.” Cachner said as he sat behind a large writing table.

  “Not as of yet, my lord, as I still have business to attend to.”

  With a smile Cachner paused for a moment. “At the docks I hear, well no matter that is not of great concern to his lordship. However, the unexpected discovery of a young mage and a lord at that is very much of interest to him.”

  Berdtom did his best to smile politely even though it was clear to him already that Cachner didn’t like him. “Autbek is a surprise to everyone, my lord.”

  “Yes, well I’ve asked you to join the Mage-Councilor and I to discuss the matter. He awaits in the other room there, but first I wanted to chat with you and Valice as fellow countrymen.”

  “We are at that my lord, but I’m afraid there isn’t much to say on the matter. Autbek has a talent for magics, as you know, and is able to build on it as situations present themselves. I’m sure Lord Tenric will find him an able and attentive student.”

  “Let’s hope he does, but none the less I would be remiss in my duties to his lordship if I didn’t ask how many more like him are there in Runeholden.”

  Berdtom attempted to deflect the question by saying “Runeholden as you know is a very isolated town and like others of its kind have a few secrets but nothing worth revealing to the lords of Astrum.”

  “Really!” Cachner replied with a hint of sarcasm. “Then tell me this, do you know how many spell-castors reside in this city?”

  “I’m sure I don’t know, my lord. With a city as large as Astrum I would think it has many unexplored alleys where one might find others akin to Autbek.”

  Cachner made no attempt to hide his annoyance from the two. “Do help your friend out, Valice, he seems to think too little of his young lords talents.”

  “I’m sure he doesn’t, my lord.” Valice replied. “We simply can’t know how many others there are about or where to find them. Has not the Mage-Councilor been of service in this quest?”

  “He has to a point been helpful to us.” Cachner informed them. “And to date our searches and those of Tenric’s has not found a single one of note. Beyond a few street magicians and potion sellers this city is devoid of mages that is until your arrival Berdtom.”

  “Really?” Berdtom asked with genuine interest. “Why then does his lordship have such a sudden interest in mages?”

  Cachner stood and shrugged off the question as he called to the Mage-Councilor to join them. With stiff but polite nods they greeted each other and then each took a seat.

  “Now back to Autbek…” Cachner said with earnest. “…I think Tenric you had some questions.”

  “I do, my lord.” Tenric said as he stared at Berdtom with intensity. “I have been aware, or so I thought, of all the mages of note in the lands near and about Bene Aimont. This includes the Six-Cities, the Westseas and all places near. In fact all the known world if I may be so bold, and never had I thought to find one so near.”

  “I hardly think Autbek can be considered a noteworthy mage, Lord Councilor.” Berdtom said in Autbek’s defense.

  “Perhaps not, but I refer not to him but to the masters who trained him.”

  “Ah.” Berdtom replied, hoping to sound innocent. He very much did not like where the conversation was going.

  “RING, RING, RING.” The alarm bells went off, again indicating another blue-boy had been found.

  “Great!” Autbek exclaimed as he stood up to gather up his equipment. “Looks
like you and I are about to have another roommate.” Looking to the far corner of the room he wondered if another bed would fit in here.

  He had finally calmed down and partially gotten his mind off the three naked girls he had cleaned of the dye. Then he paused for a moment wondering if it could be another girl. Not as beautiful as Onaleen, he told himself as he walked quickly from the room. A real pity she was not staying, as he had been told for now it was males only.

  Sterncast and Autbek rode alone this time as they raced toward the festival for the other guards had already been deployed. Expecting at any moment to be informed that the new boy had been identified and brought to the palace the two apprentices rode only half-heartedly this time. It turned out the crowds were much thinner now that it was late afternoon so they made good time.

  Finally reaching the east gate of the city they dismounted among the first stalls of the festival. The place was filled with people whom looked to be having a great time, making Autbek yearn to be among them for a moment until he recalled his mission.

  “Master should contact me soon I think so let’s wait here.” Sterncast told him as he dismounted. The man was not much of a rider it was clear and so Autbek did not argue.

  Autbek dismounted and tied his mount to a pole and proceeded to follow his nose to a stall a few feet away that had the most delectable meats roasting on small skewers. Indicating he wanted to purchase one he produced the only money he had which was one gold crown.

  The lady behind the stall busily removed a skewer from the coals and wrapped it in a piece of bread she had previously cut from a loaf, but when she saw the gold mark she became agitated. “I can’t give you change for that sir!”

  “Oh, why? Do you not accept gold?”

  “No, no one ever pays with it. How would I have that kind of coin to repay you with.” she said in disgust. Obviously she thought he was an idiot.

  “Oh, sorry” he said and placed the coin back in his tunic much to his stomachs disappointment.

  “Now wait, my lord! I can give you a good part of that in copper if you but wait a moment. She then proceeded to call out to neighboring stalls for change. She got no ready offers until the lady hustled over to one and softly spoke with another lady while gesturing toward Autbek.

  Things progressed slowly and when it looked like he just might get his meal Sterncast indicated he had received another message from Tenric. “He has just gone through the east gate I’m told.” Sterncast announced.

  “We are at the east gate are we not?” Autbek asked, pointing to the gates that were not more than thirty paces away.

  “Yea!” Sterncast replied as he looked about with concern. “Maybe he has not made it here yet.” Looking around for a couple of minutes the two were about to mount up and move on when a mounted guard wearing the badge of the Mage-Councilor rode out of the crowd followed by two guards on foot. They were clearly searching frantically about with their eyes as they moved toward the gate.

  “Where is he?” Sterncast demanded to know as they came within earshot.

  “He gave us the slip again! The little bastard! He is about 12 years of age and has a blanket about his head now we think.” The mounted guard exclaimed.

  “Yea, and he bit me something good too!” complained one of the foot soldiers.

  “Little brat kicks like a mule!” The other footman volunteered.

  Sterncast moved quickly to his saddle bags and began removing the location instrument but was too slow as one of the guards yelled out. “There he goes!” Autbek just caught sight of a boy darting between stalls then through the open gates.

  They all raced after the boy but after passing through the gate they had no clue where he had gone. “We had one of the girls do this a little bit before.” Sterncast said. “I’ll go toward the main square and get a location direction there. You go to Mosswall and try from there! Take one of the guards.”

  “Where?” Autbek asked but was ignored as Sterncast and the mounted guard rode off down the main street followed by the footman. The other guard waited for Autbek to lead the way. “Which way is this wall?” He asked the guard.

  “Mosswall is that way sir!”

  “Ok!” Autbek yelled as he took off at a gallop. The hunt was on now and he had never been so excited in his life. I love being a mage he told himself, and then pulled his horse up short remembering the guard was on foot. He circled back and extended a hand and so pulled the man up behind him in the saddle then sped on down the alley.

  Following the guards directions they soon made turns and passed many similar streets and alleys such that Autbek found himself quite unable to tell where he was in respect to the eastern gate, or in fact the palace. “Are we close?” He yelled! He was dying to use the equipment now and when the guard said they were he pulled up his horse next to a vacant doorway and dismounted.

  Setting up the locator was more of a pain then he thought it would be as he could find no level spot to place it down on at first. Pouring water from the guards small water skin showed how every spot he tried was not level. Finally he settled on a fair spot atop a cobblestone and pulling the right scroll from his tunic he cast the spell.

  The needle spun wildly for a moment causing him to doubt he had done things correctly. “You don’t have any of that dye on you do you?” he asked the guard as he mentally ran through the list of what he had on him.

  “No sir, nothing like that.” the guard replied while staring down at the device with great concern.

  “Good! Now let’s see which direction he is in.” The needle had settled now and so pointed to a building next to them.

  When the guard saw him looking at a nearby doorway he asked. “He’s in there then?”

  “Maybe…no I don’t think so. It just means he is that way. Let’s ride over to the next major street.” They mounted up and a couple of minutes later he repeated the steps. Again the needle pointed toward buildings.

  After repeated stops Autbek began to wonder if the thing worked but took heart again when the needle began to move slowly. It was like being able to see through walls he thought as his heart raced. “Let’s go!” he yelled as he mounted and again pulled the guard up behind him.

  Taking the next two lefts he hoped would bring him closer to their prey and sure enough the second one brought them within sight of Sterncast. “He is over your way!” he called.

  Sterncast waved his arm in understanding from several blocks away then dismounted to set up his own locator. Autbek thought to do the same and when his needle pointed nearly in Sterncast’s direction he stood and pointed both his arms in an attempt to form an arrow as to the direction of their prey. The other apprentice caught on and did the same with his arms.

  The intersection of the two directions was a small alleyway near Sterncast who quickly sent the men with him down it. Cries of “There he is!” went up again a few moments later. Autbek jumped on his horse and galloped toward the alley leaving his guard behind him.

  The alley was too small for his horse so he dismounted next to the two other horses and ran into the alley. He arrived just in time to catch Sterncast casting a spell of location, but not on an instrument this time but rather on to his own finger. After casting Sterncast proceeded further down the alley to catch up with the guards.

  The alley was broken up occasionally by small courtyards each with a door or two barring further progress. Autbek hoped they were all locked and that the boy would be forced to come back their way. He watched with excitement as Sterncast pointed his hand down each branch of the alley obviously confirming with his spell that the boy was not hiding in that direction.

  “Can you sense through doors and walls?” Autbek asked out of breath.

  “No, not walls anyway but some doors it can?” He said as he concentrated on his task.

  They caught up with the guards who admitted they had lost the boy. Everyone paused to catch their breath for a moment then Autbek got out his location instrument and cast the location spell upon it agai
n. It indicated an open space a short distance away.

  “You cast without a scroll!” Sterncast remarked as he walked passed Autbek and then tested again for the boy’s location.

  “Yea, out of scrolls.”

  “You were able to memorize that already?” He asked as he walked slowly toward a particular doorway.

  “Yea, I had to cast the three copies I had. It’s not that complicated.” he added.

  “Hmm!” Sterncast muttered as he came to a halt. “He is right there!” He yelled at the guards while pointing to a small set of steps leading up to a door.

  The guards moved in and one of them even walked up the steps to the door. “Is he behind it?” They asked the mage.

  “No! No! He is right here!” The mage said loudly as he stepped around the guards.

  Just then the boy burst from cover underneath the steps and attempted to run past the guards who quickly tackled him.

  “No biting! They yelled at the boy who still had a blanket over his head. They began beating the boy with their fists to emphasize the point. This revealed the blue dye to Autbek for the first time as he then quickly moved past Sterncast to intervene.

  “Enough! Now hold him down so we can talk to him!” After a few moments the four guards had the kid spread-eagle on the cobblestones. The boy refused to look anyone in the eye and with the dye all over his face and neck he appeared like some type of ghoul as he continued to struggle. “Stop it boy and they will not hurt you!” Autbek exclaimed.

  The boy stopped struggling as he was obviously exhausted now. Guessing from his holes in his shoes and clothing the boy looked to be from a very poor family. It was hard for them to guess his age but he now seemed older than first thought.

  Autbek was elated they had caught the boy and so took a moment to relax his mind as he stood above him. Then thinking of Haspeth and his questions concerning money and the fact that this boy looked way poorer than the first blue-boy of the day he decided to chance something. “Boy, I’ll give you this gold crown if you will cooperate!”


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