THORNE: Rose's Dark Contract

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THORNE: Rose's Dark Contract Page 11

by R. B. O'Brien

  She started to cry, of course she did, I was being a ruthless prick, and I just couldn’t do it anymore. I couldn’t. She didn’t deserve it. She hadn’t asked for this like all the others before her. I placed the towel to the side of the bed on the floor and scooped her into my arms, I just couldn’t help it. “Come here,” I whispered.” I’ve got you.”

  When she finally calmed, I kissed her lightly. I bristled and tensed at the foreign comfort it gave me. I inhaled the scent of her hair against my face and tried to snap out of it. I drew my fingers down her body.

  “Spread for me,” I demanded. I found her dripping wet as I stroked her pussy with light feather-like touches.

  She squirmed. “William…please.”

  “Still,” I ordered. “Ssssh.” Ah. That was better. I began to relax to the music of her moans. “Mmmm. My poor tortured baby,” I said. “Just how I like it.” But I struggled to fully fall asleep.

  Chapter Eleven

  I woke up and felt like I had a hangover. I had left Jennifer a note stating that Victoria was allowed to sleep late and would not be needed at my office after all. I felt guilty for keeping her up as late as I had, and I also didn’t like my behavior with her. I was giving her false hope, mixed messages, and I was just going to cause problems for myself. I should have forced her to go back to her room. I needed to pull back.

  It was just seeing her play. I couldn’t shake the image of her emotional pull to the piano. The music. The way her hair came undone. The way she always looked at me, then, while playing, and later while love making. Love making? No. Fucking. But my god if I couldn’t get enough of her. Her smell, the intoxicating mixture of her sticky nectar, her skin, the scent of her blonde hair, her tight cunt. That virgin puckered anus of hers I just couldn’t wait to take as mine. God damn it. I had to remove her from my thoughts.

  Having her with me at the office would be too distracting. I needed time away from her. I needed to find myself again, immerse myself in my work, spend more time with Olivia and forget about Victoria.

  But even as Ralph drove me to my breakfast meeting, the vision of her breasts pressed against me all night--her softness, her white, pure skin-- invaded my mind with a badgering insistency. I had never wanted a woman so viscerally, so emotionally, so all-encompassing. Fuck, I hissed under my breath.

  As I entered the diner, Mark perched himself on a barstool, devouring his coffee, folders spread out. He stood when he saw me coming in. I took his outstretched hand.

  “Hi William.” He sat back down. “Jesus. Victoria’s notes on this are amazing. She really pointed out the flaws in some of these proposals. I think we’ve got our plan.”

  Did she now? I thought to myself.

  “Hey? You okay? You look beat. You want to wait on this until later today? We still have a few weeks to make a decision.”

  “No. No. I’m fine. I just had a late night. I’d like to make a decision sooner rather than later. I just assume to get this thing moving along.”

  “I agree. You were up late? Did you go out again?” He tried to act nonchalant. I knew he was niggling to get some information on her.

  I smiled. “Yes. I was up late, quite late.”

  “Olivia?” He asked tentatively.

  I was not about to tell him. “Something like that.” I changed the subject. “So let’s see what we have here. . .”

  * * * * * * * *

  When I arrived back to the office, I got two surprises. Victoria was in her office working (Jennifer would get a serious reprimand for that); and Olivia sat on the desk in my office, far too sexy for either of us before noon.

  “Olivia.” I stretched out her name angrily. “What are you doing here?”

  She stood and made her way over to me, wrapping her arms around my neck to kiss me. “I missed you,” she said simply. “And I was hoping to take you to lunch. Why are you so late getting in?”

  “I had a business breakfast that lasted longer than I had anticipated. Sorry to report, I’m not hungry. I’ll have to decline today. Another day?”

  She looked up at me seductively. She was so calculating; nothing like Victoria. Her coiffed black bob, so shiny it almost glittered, her perfect make-up, her smoky, made-up green eyes, her sophisticated, not-a-wrinkle-in-sight outfit, once had attracted me to her. But all I could think about was Victoria’s untainted, perfect body, her vulnerability, her helplessness against my ministrations, her purity, her natural, almost mussed-up beauty. Her intellect. Fuck. What Mark had shared with me of her ideas that morning.

  “I’m hungry,” Olivia said, her Cheshire cat smile telling me exactly what she was hungry for.

  “Oh yeah?” I coaxed, closing my eyes to try to enjoy the moment, as she went to the door and locked it.

  “Yeah,” she purred.

  “Then come and get it,” I played along, sitting in my chair behind my desk. I tried to forget that it was Victoria I was going to make sit under my desk the entire day, sucking me off whenever I wanted or needed. I had envisioned her relieving my tension all the day long so I could focus through the myriad of work I had to finish. Why had I changed my mind?

  “My pleasure,” she smiled.

  As she made her way over to me, the abrupt knock on my office door brought me back to reality. Fuck.

  “Who is it?” I barked, annoyed.

  “It’s me,” Victoria almost whispered.

  Jesus Christ. Talk about a mood wrecker.

  Olivia rolled her eyes and made her way over to the door before I could stop her.

  “Olivia,” I growled. “Sit down. You can’t just shoo away my employees. I have work to do.”

  I stood and walked over to open the door, just a crack. I didn’t want her to know Olivia was there. Why I have no idea, but I didn’t need the drama. But I knew there was another reason. I knew the truth. I didn’t want--there was no other way to put it--to hurt her. Fuck.

  “Hi,” she breathed. How she could look so beautiful after the night I put her through, I had no idea, but it almost made me weak in the god-damned knees. “Can I bother you for a moment? I know you told Jennifer you didn’t need me today, but I had another idea. I have a concept for a proposal of my own.”

  “I’m…” I stalled. “I’m kind of busy right now. Can I look at it later?” I tried not to look at her breasts under her black, fitted cowl neck sweater. Was she trying to kill me? Her blonde hair fell naturally down her back, silky, wavy. I could smell her scent, and it drove me wild. I felt my cock expand and twitch just at the sight of her.

  “Who is it?” Olivia chirped from behind me, knowing full well who it was. She would have never said a word otherwise. She was jealous of Victoria. It was clear as day.

  Victoria’s brown eyes widened as she stared at me, and down at her feet. “Oh,” she stammered.” My apologies. When you’re free…” She almost ran away.

  I closed the door. “Olivia,” I scolded. “What was that all about?”

  “I don’t know what you mean,” she lied.” Now, where were we?”

  My cock strained against my pants, uncomfortably. The William I had always been would have gladly taken care of it down Olivia’s willing throat. But something tugged at me. Guilt. Fucking guilt. And it was more than that, and I knew it. I didn’t want anyone sucking my cock except for Victoria, which made me want Olivia to do it even more.

  “I believe you were about to suck my cock, you hungry, little slut,” I teased.

  “Language, Mr. Thorne.” She feigned anger. She loved when I called her that.” Patience.”

  “I don’t have time to be patient,” I bit back.

  And that made her giggle. But it was too late. Before I could even sit back down, my secretary buzzed in.

  “Mark apologizes but asked if you could meet with Victoria and him? Said he really wants to talk to you about something. Something he felt shouldn’t wait.”

  Fuck, I said under my breath. “Yeah. Sure. Send them both into the conference room. I’ll be there in five.” I t
urned to Olivia. “Going to have to take a raincheck.”

  “Tonight?” Her eyes were thick with lust.

  “We’ll see.” I couldn’t make her any promises. My emotions were all over the fucking place. I wanted a stiff drink, truth be told, regardless of the time.

  “Please, William. I miss you.”

  “Olivia. I said, we’ll see. Come on. Off you go,” and I spanked her too-tight ass.

  She gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. “Call me then,” she said and slunk out the door.

  I grabbed my suit jacket, buttoned the top button, and made my way over to the conference room. Mark and Victoria sat far too close to one another, Victoria fidgeting uncomfortably. It was easy to see and feel the obvious attraction Mark had towards her. What heterosexual man in his right mind wouldn’t?

  “What’s up? I’m slightly busy today. Make it fast.” I wouldn’t even make eye contact with Victoria. “Mark, I thought we had agreed this morning at breakfast to narrow it down and call them back in the next couple weeks or so?”

  “Yes. But after our meeting wrapped up this morning, Victoria called me with an idea. An idea I think is pretty sharp. Not only will it help the community to move forward with a new future, a future that puts the tobacco industry in the past, but it is financially sound as well.”

  “Okay…” I paused, still not looking at the too-sexy girl who couldn’t keep still in her seat.

  “We all agreed that involving children somehow would be the best idea. Oust the tobacco guys, do something for the community, for the youth. We have a lot of old money here, a lot of loyalty towards these cigarette bastards. Who can stay mad at you if children are a part of the equation? At-risk children too. Wouldn’t it be great if our youth had something better to do than be the target audience for these tobacco campaigns?”

  I knew he was referring to the scandal back quite a few years ago where the tobacco guys were accused of targeting the young African American community specifically to try to lure them in with their ad campaigns. It was despicable really what these pricks were capable of. Growing up, the peer pressure to smoke was suffocating around here. God. I knew it all too well. I bristled at the memory I fought to suppress every day of my life.

  “I’m following…” I sat back, now aware of the way Mark looked over at Victoria as he spoke. Was he infatuated with Victoria or did he really like her ideas? I wondered. But so far, I was impressed.

  Victoria chimed in. “Well…I thought it might work to get the building to become almost like an art center, a performing arts center, for children, and even adults. Music, dance, singing, martial arts, painting, sculpture, a sort of one-stop shop for all of it. We could run afterschool programs for children, conduct classes, produce concerts and recitals, and showcase exhibits. Really denote it as an art center for the community. Provide some scholarships or some kind of financial aid for those in need of it.”

  I didn’t say anything. I just watched Victoria light up. She was so passionate, so full of life, so creative, so fucking smart.

  She continued, antsy about what I was thinking. “We already had the one proposal for a children’s center; we had one for a school; another for an art museum. Why not make the focus the arts and combine a few ideas? Bring it to the community. Start fresh. Rather than getting proposals, why not tell them what we are looking for, hold interviews, help with start up, and direct what we want?”

  I smiled. I just couldn’t help it. I saw her visibly relax.

  “William. I think it’s brilliant. We already have the interest. We have the lenders, the investors, and the space. This could really make a difference, create a lot of jobs, and really shine for our community,” Mark added.

  So different, I thought. Mark, the business, PR guy; Victoria, the idealist.

  “Write it up, Mark. I want details. Projected numbers. Timeline. Costs. I like it. I like it a lot. Figure out the logistics first. When can you have it done?”

  Mark turned to Victoria, then back to me. “Can I steal her for a few days? Maybe a weekend?”

  Fuck. I hadn’t thought about that. Definitely no to the weekend. No fucking way. “Take the rest of the week. I want this done by Friday. If not, I like the museum idea, and that’s what I’m going with.” I stood. “Okay?”

  They stared at each other. I knew two and half days would be tough, but no fucking way would I let her spend the weekend with him.

  “Okay?” I said emphatically.

  Mark chirped up. “You bet. No problem. Victoria, can you write up the vision? I’ll do the rest.”

  She looked to me as she spoke. “I’ll do whatever Mr. Thorne needs.” I knew she meant much more than the project.

  “Good. It’s settled. Now, can I please get back to work?”

  Victoria muttered something under her breath and froze when she noticed I heard. I turned to Mark. “Mark. That will be all. I need to speak with my assistant on other matters.”

  “Yes, of course. No problem.” He turned to Victoria. “I will pick you up here around 5:15 then? For dinner?”

  “Yes. Thank you.” She stared directly at me again. “I look forward to it.”

  I knew Mark was uncomfortable, but I had to hand it to him, he left the room without a glance back.

  “To my office. Now.” I ordered. “You waste one minute, and you will sorely regret it.”

  “I…” Her face was so pink, it reminded me of her breasts the night before after I had ravaged them.


  * * * * * * * *

  I shut the door behind her, locked it, and drew my blinds.” Pull up your fucking skirt, Victoria. “I wasted no time. Almost everyone had left the office suite for lunch.

  “What?” She was panting. “Why?” She searched my eyes, her eyes watering.

  She knew exactly why. “What did you say back there, Victoria? Do you want to say it to my face? Do you think I’m deaf?”

  She welled up, guilty as hell. “I’m sorry,” she conceded.

  I had only heard some of it, but I knew what she was saying, thinking.

  “Bend over my desk. Pull down your panties, even though they don’t cover you at all.”

  “William, please. I’m sorry.”

  “Sorry for what?”

  “For saying that. I lost myself for a second. It won’t happen again. Please. I’m sorry.”

  “What did you say?”

  “You don’t know?”

  “What did you say, Victoria?” I snarled, pushing her body over my desk, her pussy against the coarse wood, her ass ready for me to spank.

  Her breathing picked up. I pulled her panties down to her thighs, still attached to her garters. God she made me hard.

  “I said…I said…I…”

  Smack! I let her have it.

  “I know what you said. You were saying that I wasn’t working at all, weren’t you? That my day was busy with Olivia? I heard your snide remark.”

  Smack! I slapped the other cheek.

  Tears began to stream down her face. “Yes,” she admitted. “I said what was true,” she continued on bravely.

  “Excuse me? What did you just say?

  “I didn’t say anything that wasn’t true,” she repeated.

  Smack! Smack! Smack!

  “Oh god,” she moaned.

  “I work hard, Victoria. I did not fuck Olivia today, if it makes you feel any better. Isn’t that what you said under your breath? That I was working hard, ‘fucking Olivia’?”

  “Yes.” Now she sobbed.

  Smack! Smack! Smack!

  I couldn’t help but start to rub her red, round ass in between smacks. I unzipped my pants, as I spoke quietly in her ear.


  “Well, as much as this pisses me off…”


  “I only want to fuck you…”







nbsp; She wailed as I slipped my cock into her. She was burning hot and slippery wet, and I almost came immediately, as she screamed out my name.

  “Oh god. William! ”

  “Silence,” I ordered. She was too loud. Too feral. And she was making me too fucking hard and excited.

  I wrapped my hand in her hair, tightly, holding her in place, as I fucked her, hard. I didn’t care if it hurt. I couldn’t control myself. I couldn’t get enough of her. I wanted to feel every inch of her.

  I drilled her relentlessly.

  “This is for my pleasure. Your pleasure is inconsequential. Do you understand me?” I said angrily.

  “Yes, William. Yes, I do…I do…understand.” She began to shudder in orgasm and groaned and I lost it. I came ferociously inside her wet little cunt.

  I held her positioned over my desk, as I watched my cum seep out from her pussy and down her inner thighs.

  “Stay,” I ordered, pulling tissues from my Kleenex box to wipe her. I zipped my fly back up. Otherwise, I was fully clothed.

  “Aaah. William,” she moaned out my name, making me chuckle, as I wiped between her legs, over her clit.

  I kissed behind her ears, her neck, as I continued to hold her bent over my desk to clean her. “You want more,” I teased, circling my fingers over her clit and then smearing her juices up across her tight asshole.

  “Y…Yes,” she tried to say.

  “Too bad,” I said simply.” Pull your panties up and pull down your skirt. And then have a seat.”

  I threw out the tissues, and sat down behind my desk, waiting for her to take the seat across from me.

  She sat. And somehow, I was suddenly calm, all tension evaporated.

  “Don’t ever disrespect me like that. Do you understand?” I was firm, but my anger towards her had long been forgotten.

  She fidgeted with her hands, staring at them. “Yes, William. I’m sorry.”

  “Okay. Good. Now…” She still wouldn’t look at me. “Look at me, Victoria.”

  She complied, and her stare was so emotional, it made me want to hold her. It made me want to take her back home and protect her, to make her feel safe, to comfort her and never let go. But it was fleeting. That wasn’t who I was. And I needed to remember that.


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