Avoiding Armageddon

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Avoiding Armageddon Page 27

by Bruce Riedel

  South East Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO), 55, 64, 66, 69

  Soviet Union: Afghanistan invasion, 84, 86, 90–92, 95–96; break-up of, 106

  Special national intelligence estimate (SNIE), 79

  Special Services Group (SSG), 91, 92, 110

  Steinberg, Jim, 161

  Stinger missile system, 96, 98

  Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement (2009), 23

  Sundarji, Krishnaswamy, 102

  Sunni Muslims, 89

  Taj, Nadeem, 171–72

  Talbott, Strobe, 114, 122, 123–28, 131, 133, 136

  Taliban: and Afghan civil war, 117–18; and Afghan government, 81, 89, 137–38, 145, 175, 193–95; air strikes on, 138; and al Qaeda, 126–28, 143; and Bhutto (Benazir) assassination, 158; and bin Laden, 126; and Gul, 108; and Musharraf, 145; and Omar, 91, 117, 142, 145, 194; and planned New York City subway system attack, 167–68

  Tamerlane, 29

  Tanweer, Shahzad, 19

  Taseer, Salmaan, 174

  Tata (company), 44

  Tenet, George, 141–43, 155, 187

  313 Brigade, 110

  Trade, Indian-Pakistani, 188–91

  Treasury Department, U.S., 23

  Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle (1748), 31

  Treaty of Paris (1783), 32

  Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), 103–04, 152, 154

  Truman, Harry, 48–52, 64, 80

  Turki bin Faysal, 90

  Twin Peaks Crisis (2002), 150, 160

  Ullah, Saadat, 6

  United Kingdom: Raj and partition of India, 26–44; and South Asia policy, 201–02

  United Nations, 158–59, 192

  United Nations Military Observers Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP), 49, 53

  United States: attack on American embassy in Islamabad, 85–86; Raj and partition of India, 27–34, 37–42

  U.S. Central Command (CENT COM), 81–82

  U.S.-India Strategic Dialogue (2012), 179

  Vajpayee, Atal Behari: and Bharatiya Janata Party, 120–21; and Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, 125, 135; and India and Pakistan on brink of war, 151; and Kargil war, 131, 133; and Operation Parakram, 149; and Pakistani relations, 11, 128; U.S. visit of, 136

  Vance, Cyrus, 84

  Victoria, Queen, 36

  Vietnam War, 66

  War of Austrian Succession, 31

  “War on terrorism,” 139–48

  Washington Post on Kargil war, 151

  Watergate scandal, 79

  Weinberger, Caspar, 101

  Wellesley, Arthur, 33

  West Pakistan, 55, 71–72

  Wilson, Charlie, 96

  Wilson, Woodrow, 39

  Wisner, Frank, 116, 121

  Wolfe, James, 32

  Women under Taliban, 118

  Woodward, Bob, 167

  World Bank, 54, 121

  Yousaf, Mohammad, 93, 99

  Yunus, Muhammad, 115

  Zafar II, Bahadur Shah, 35–36

  Zakheim, Dov, 146, 162

  Zardari, Asif Ali: and al Qaeda, 170; and Bhutto (Benazir), 107, 158; and bin Laden hunt, 172; as democratically elected leader, 183; and Indian relations, 12–13, 180; and Mumbai attack, ix, 20–21, 23; and Obama, 174, 175

  Zargar, Mushtaq Ahmed, 141

  al-Zarqawi, Abu Musab, 169

  al-Zawahiri, Ayman, 10–11, 20, 146, 148, 170

  Zazi, Najibullah, 167–68

  Zia ul-Haq, Mohammed: and Bhutto (Benazir), 106–07; and Bhutto (Zulfikar), 83, 140; and Carter, 84–86; and Casey, 96–97; and cricket diplomacy, 102; death of, 99; and jihad, 112; and Kargil, 130; and Kashmir insurgency, 106, 108; and nuclear program, 99, 112; and Reagan, 97–98, 100, 107; and Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, 86–95; and Wilson (Charlie), 96

  Zinni, Anthony, 122, 132

  Zubaydah, Abu (Zayn Muhammad Husayn), 19, 141, 147




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