My True Love Gave to Me

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My True Love Gave to Me Page 1

by Dahlia Rose

  My True Love Gave To Me

  Copyright © December 2020 Dahlia Rose

  Cover Art by EDH Graphics

  All rights are reserved. No part of this e-book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  Table of Contents

  Copyright Page

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Also By Dahlia Rose

  About the Author

  Chapter One

  “This isn’t too bad,” Eden said looking around at the exclusive speakeasy type bar.

  Peridot was in the back of a local strip mall where a garden center had turned the walkways and center of the circular area into a blooming wonderland. You wouldn’t expect to see the flowers and the water features when you parked at the front of the buildings. In fact, Eden looked at the area thinking it was a little bit sketchy when they took the three steps down between a shoe store and an international food market. Then it opened up to the beauty of the garden gracing the outside of a brick structure that looked like an old warehouse.

  Lisa, of course had a VIP member card. A black sleek piece of plastic she swiped at the door to let them inside. Then they both walked down a cool, lighted tunnel. Finally, a heavy door was opened up and they were inside. In a place where leather, red and mahogany was the décor. It was so polished and posh. The music was light and of course, suited to the prohibition era. Knowing Lisa, Eden was expecting some pulsing beat where she couldn’t hear herself think and the base could drown out your own heartbeat.

  Lisa smiled wide, her long hair in a slick ponytail which suited her fine bone structure and wide brown eyes. She wore a black bodycon dress that molded to her every curve and wide gold hoop earrings.

  Eden wore black skin-tight jeans and her black strappy heels. The black spaghetti strap top had sliver running through the fabric and Eden wore her hair down, going with a silver necklace and earrings combo to accent her look.

  “Stick with me kid and I’ll show you the world,” Lisa teased before taking a sip of her drink.

  Eden shook her head in amusement. “That would be us somewhere in Cancun at the drop of a hat.”

  “What’s wrong with that?” Lisa laughed. “It’s called an adventure.”

  “Hmmm, I’ll fit that in between two jobs, work and school,” Eden answered ruefully.

  “Hey, you wanted to be the big shot lawyer,” Lisa responded.

  Eden nudged her friend with her shoulder. “To get you out of trouble, you’ll probably be my only client.”

  This sent them laughing as they shared various finger foods between drinks. Pot stickers with caramelized onions, seared scallops with capers over arugula, and chicken bites with a sweet and spicy sauce. All the while, they laughed and talked, Peridot got busier until it was standing room only, but their little corner table was perfect for people watching.

  Lisa noticed the foursome before Eden did, all wearing casual jackets over t-shirts and jeans that went from faded blue to black. Lisa was always looking for her next love.

  To Eden, her best friend was in love with being in love. Her radar was always in tune for the next conquest. Eden knew she herself was the introvert and if it weren’t for Lisa dragging her out sometimes, she would go from home to work and vice versa. She was happy in her space and in her skin. She wasn’t the tallest or prettiest girl out there, but she was beautiful in her own right and very selective in who she dated. So much so, it had been two years since Eden’s last relationship and that lasted six months.

  “My, my, my, they look very interesting,” Lisa murmured.

  “Who are we looking at?” Eden asked looking around.

  “Head on slow swivel,” Lisa said urgently. “They are coming down the second bar on the left.”

  “Ah okay,” Eden saw who she meant and took a sip of her drink. “They’re okay.”

  “I think I like the thick one, he looks like he has great thighs,” Lisa assessed.

  Eden almost choked on her drink. “How could you possible tell that under denim?”

  “Just a feeling,” Lisa said around her straw. “I think you are getting checked out.”

  “By whom?” Eden wanted to look around, but she knew as per Lisa to keep it cool.

  “The one that’s all cool and sexy in his leather jacket,” Lisa said. “He’s glanced over here more than once.”

  “Probably at you,” Eden answered.

  “Girl, I know when attention is on me and that is not it,” her friend answered. “He flicked a glance at me and then homed in on you like a magnet.”

  “Stop it.” Eden smiled. “They all look like they stepped out of GQ and I have contacts lubricating solution in my purse.”

  “Bet you he wants to get something all lubed up.” Lisa grinned wickedly.

  Eden couldn’t help the bubbling laugh that escaped her, and it caused people to look around, including the four men who came in.

  One of the wait staff, dressed in the period style clothes came to their table with drinks and an appetizer of chargrilled oysters and the toasted Italian bread points. “From the gentlemen at the bar, they said enjoy and you are both beautiful,” the young woman passed the message on with a smile as she placed the food and drinks on the table before leaving.

  “What do we do now?” Eden asked.

  “Invite them over to share these,” Lisa answered. “Girl, they sent two dozen of these bad boys, that means ‘I-know-you-can’t-eat-that-all- by-yourself and invite us over.’ ”

  “All four of them?” Eden asked skeptically. “That sounds like an orgy in the making.”

  Lisa laughed. “Only you would think that, trust me the two that are interested will come over and the other two wingmen will find their own interests.”

  “The whole dating and mating ritual of men and women should be studied from anthropological standpoint,” Eden said. “I cannot believe we are doing this.”

  Lisa waved her hand to call them over. “Then we haven’t been best friends long enough,” she said wickedly as she lifted her drink to her lips.

  Lisa seemed to be correct, the ones that moved towards the table was brown haired Caucasian who Lisa deemed had thick thighs and Mr. Sexy in the leather jacket. He was of Asian descent, not knowing much of the culture she didn’t know from which region. He wasn’t as tall as his friend, but when he slipped his coat off, it revealed broad shoulders and a muscled biceps. On his arm was a tattoo that depicted the sun rising over water with symbols of a language she couldn’t understand.

  “Thank you for the, drinks and oysters,” Lisa said with a flirty smile. “Does that mean you’re going to sit with us and share?”

  “That sounds perfect,” the first guy held out his hand to Lisa. “Jordan Martin and this is my friend, Jacob Sato.”

  Jacob extended his hand out to Eden. “It is a pleasure to meet you.”

  “Eden Kinsley.” She slipped her hand into his firm grasp.

  “May we sit?” Jacob asked.

  “Please,” she answered.

  They found extra chairs to join them at the table and the conversation stayed mild.

  “I have to ask what Asian heritage you are,” Eden said to the man who definitely set his chair closer to her than she’d expected.

  “My parents are Japanese, I was born here in the United States,” Jacob answered.

  “I’ve always wanted to visit Japan,” Eden said with a smile. “My dad was based in Okinawa befo
re my parents had me.”

  “You were born here in Texas?” Jacob took a sip of the beer the waitress delivered to the table for the men.

  “No that was Lawton Oklahoma where my dad was stationed,” she answered. “I grew up in Arizona and moved here like five years ago.”

  “Why does one move from one hot state to another hot one?” Jacob teased.

  His eyes looked kind and a little devilish, Eden liked that. “Came for a job, stayed for the steaks.” She laughed. “I’m a paralegal and I’m studying to be a lawyer. What about you?”

  “The four of us, we had a start-up that took off, now we work with companies like Google and various apps using our analytics programs,” Jacob replied. “We also built a database for law enforcement that can use facial recognition along with CCTC.”

  “Wow, that’s amazing,” Eden said thoroughly impressed. “I’m sure your parents are super proud of you.”

  “Hmm, maybe so, I tend to do my own thing,” Jacob answered.

  There was a story there but not wanting to pry, Eden kept the conversation light, liking the man who sat next to her more than she really should. It seemed him and his friend could buy and sell the place they were in, while she worked for a small law firm and lived in a small one bedroom.

  Between the conversation Eden and Jacob shared, they also talked with Lisa and his friend. The other two men came over and were introduced as David and Wes. It was a fun night, talking and laughing until the speakeasy began to empty.

  They walked out into the warm Texas air. Then while their friends waited, Jordan and Jacob escorted them to the car.

  While Lisa and Jordan walked away to talk, Eden was very much aware of the man next to her.

  “I’d like to make you dinner on Saturday,” Jacob said with an inviting smile. There was no question in there, just a statement and it was a turn on.

  “I would like that,” Eden said with a smile. “I have to ask though, why you’d want to see me again?”

  “I heard your laugh,” he admitted. “And I looked across the room and thought you were exquisite.”

  “Oh...” Eden didn’t know what else to say and the silence stretched for a minute.

  “We should exchange numbers, so I can reach you,” Jacob said after a moment.

  “Oh, yeah,” Eden said in embarrassment and repeated the number of her cell phone.

  It dinged in her purse and he smiled. “That’s me. I’ll text you my address.”

  “What time should I be there?” she asked.

  “Say around seven?” Jacob asked.

  “I don’t make it a habit of having dinner at strange men’s house,” Eden teased.

  “Hopefully, I won’t be a stranger for much longer.” A slow smile spread across his face.

  His sexy, smooth face, damn it, I’m attracted, Eden thought.

  “Ready to go?” Lisa came back over with her companion.

  “Yep,” Eden said a bit too quickly. She didn’t want to get too infatuated with Jacob Sato. She needed the drive home with the night air to come back to reality. Men like him didn’t fall for women like her.

  “See you Saturday,” Jacob said before kissing her hand. “I am looking forward to it.”

  “Me too,” Eden heard the breathlessness in her voice and wanted to grimace. Her heart was already aflutter from feeling his lips on the skin of her knuckles.

  The men made sure they were in their car and safely back in the area she parked before they walked away with a wave.

  “Look who has a date!” Lisa teased. “You, saucy wench!”

  “Ha, ha,” Eden said but her smile was there. “What about you and Jordan huh? Mr. Thick Thighs.”

  “We are definitely going out, but you ma’am are going straight to dinner at the man’s house,” Lisa pointed out. “Such a bold move.”

  “Do you think he’ll expect more?” Eden balked at the thought. “I should have said let’s go to a movie or dinner or something.”

  “Woman, go to dinner and let the night go where it may,” her friend said. “Live a little.”

  “Ugh, this dating thing is stressful,” Eden said with a sigh.

  “But the rewards are so delicious.” Lisa laughed. Her friend took the bull by the horns so very easily, maybe that was something Texans were born with.

  Still, Eden felt an excited flutter in her stomach about seeing Jacob again. Maybe she’d channel Lisa for a while. Just put aside work and school for the coming weekend and just live.

  Chapter Two

  This was their second week of dating and Eden couldn’t be happier. A fierce attraction flamed between them that only got hotter with each kiss. Jacob seemed to have no problem with taking it slow. Most of their dates were with him cooking for them at his house, but Eden didn’t mind in the least.

  While getting dressed up and going out on the town was a treat now and then, it was perfect for her to hang out at his house, eat a nice dinner, watch a movie, and relax with each other. There was much more to be learned that way instead of purging information across the table at a restaurant. She recalled the very first date right after they met at the speakeasy while she drove the now familiar route.

  “Okay, I’m going to a cute guy’s house,” Eden murmured. “Let’s see what the evening brings.”

  She maneuvered her car through the sultry Texas night to the swanky residential area of Dallas where Jacob lived. All of the houses in Westlake started at five hundred thousand and went up from there. There were no kids playing outside or a bike in a driveway. Her apartment was in a decent area of town but Jesus, her little Prius looked like a pauper’s car going up a street with all the BMWs and Lexus model cars and trucks in the driveways.

  Eden found the house number, thank God. She’d felt like she would get lost on one of the streets in the neighborhood. Jacob’s house was the beige brick one that graced the center of a cul-de-sac. The house was massive, lights that highlighted manicured lawns and shrubbery. She parked her small car right next to his matte black Escalade truck and got out, feeling as usual, like she should leave instead of walking up to the door.

  She was just about to do that when the front door opened, and Jacob stepped out. “Hi, you’re here, I was beginning to worry,” he said with an inviting smile.

  Was it possible that he was even sexier than before? His blue t-shirt was stretched across his chest and biceps.

  “I don’t think anyone could miss this house,” Eden teased, not letting him know she was almost freaked out about being lost. “It’s the largest one on this street.”

  “It’s just a house,” he said and extended his arm in invitation to the inside.

  “I don’t usually accept dinner invitations to men’s houses,” Eden found herself saying. “My friend Lisa has your address in case I need help.”

  Jacob grinned. “I wouldn’t expect anything less, but we talked like three times before this.”

  “True, but I don’t know what’s in your head.” Eden stepped into a foyer that featured granite tile floors and a high ceiling with a crystal chandelier in the center. “Wow, just wow, only a house huh?” she teased.

  “I sleep here, so yeah,” Jacob said. “It’s a home when you have a family in it and you fill it with love.”

  “And that’s what you want?” Eden asked.

  “Eventually.” Jacob led her toward the kitchen and backyard. “This is where my sanctuary is. I love to cook, and I love my backyard.”

  “I can see why.” Eden looked through the back door to the pool and the rock feature that spilled like a waterfall into the lighted water. He had a huge swing made in the shape of a ship with a dragon mast. Then an outside brick grill, and fireplace combo thing with chairs set around it for at least ten guests.

  “Wine or beer, coffee or tea?” Jacob asked.

  “Wine please,” Eden said turning back to the kitchen and seeing how extensive it truly was. “Are you sure this is a kitchen or the set from one of those food competitions channels?”
/>   “I need space to spread out,” he answered with a smile. “You won’t be complaining when you taste my seared scallops, jasmine rice and hot spinach salad.”

  “I’m not complaining now,” Eden said. “I’m letting you know though, I am truly a basic cook. If I can put it in the oven on three seventy-five for an hour, I’m good.”

  “Please sit.” His laugh was rich and deep as he poured the wine. “Duly noted. In Asian culture, we favor warm foods to warm the body. People say it’s just Chinese medicine, but I like ginger, chilies and other spices in my cooking.”

  “Color me intrigued, so I get to watch you cook too.” She took a sip of the wine and tasted the subtle flavors on her tongue. “I will take mental notes but more than likely, will never use them.”

  “That’s okay, it means I can cook for you all the more,” Jacob said with a smile.

  “So, I know about your job and kinda met your friends.” Eden met his gaze. “Tell me why you decided you wanted to ask me out?” She watched his hands as he deftly grated ginger and added spices to a sauté pan.

  Jacob spoke as he worked, “Honestly, you looked as out of place there as I felt.”

  “So, you picked the wallflower from the garden of roses?” Eden asked.

  He looked up at her. “No, I picked the flower that stood out from the rest of the roses. You didn’t look like you were trying to catch a single guy’s eye. You were there having fun with your friend and it wasn’t about the people or the place. It was you relaxing and enjoying yourself.”

  “Lisa spotted you guys right away,” Eden admitted. “I, on the other hand was told not to swivel my head around like a fan.”

  This made Jacob chuckle and the night only got better. When it came time to leave after his amazing scallop dinner, the kiss they shared almost made her kick off her shoes and ask to stay the night. The man was a master at kissing, teasing her mouth with languid lips and then taking it deeper until all she could feel was his firm chest pressing hard against her body.

  He kissed her once more before saying, “A little taste until next time.”

  There definitely was more than once because in the last few weeks, she’d spent four out seven days at his house and was loving every minute of it. Jacob was unlike the guys she usually met who wanted to send dick pics and ask what she was wearing to rub one out, via text or phone call. He was intelligent and fun with a sense of humor that had her laughing.


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