practical, and proposes a constructive and ethical telos
for such an application.
Indeed it is precisely the telos-basis of MindWar
which illustrates and exemplifies why telos is the
essential key to evolution and exaltation of human
consciousness towards MS divinity and immortality.
Absent such telos, the human race has nothing in its
future, as in its past, but Mechanistic suffering, futility,
and eventual, inexorable extinction.
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Chapter 7: “Death” Demystified
To die, to be really dead: that must be glorious!
- Count Dracula
A. From Terror to Transformation
The obvious fulcrum of the concepts and processes
addressed throughout MindStar is the phenomenon of
transition from physical to metaphysical human
existence: what is commonly called “death”.
Since “death” is not in fact death (in the sense of a
cessation of self-conscious existence), this chapter shines
a harsher, more explicit light upon it, to explode and
vanquish the conventional, ignorant fear-conditioning so
deeply and constantly ingrained in human beings
throughout their incarnate phase of self-aware existence.
“Deathfear” is physical-body-instinctive, easily the
strongest and most unrelenting of all such emotions.
Invalidating and rejecting it is one thing intellectually,
but quite another viscerally. Even the most advanced and
enlightened initiates can suddenly find themselves
stricken and terrified by it.
So this is not a read/enjoy/relax chapter of MindStar:
It is a rude-awakening, a shock that will accompany you
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henceforth, very much a “Matrix red pill”. 41 Its discourse
ranges from the conventional to the extraordinary,
pushing the limits of the reader’s coherence [and/or
confidence in that of the author].
We’re going out on some limbs here, but you won’t
need a saw. As with other supra-rational concepts in
MindStar, which thereby are not reconcilable by OU-
exclusive laws of logic42, you will need to apply the
analytical tool of anamnesis, the dialectic precision of
which will enable you to recognize truth when you
see it - an exercise not of faith or trust, but Nœsis.
Non-initiate humanity habitually regards “life” as
being either a purely physical OU-function, or as a two-
layered physical body with a non-physical “soul”. which
may or may not survive the body’s cessation of
metabolism and subsequent decomposition.
The “blue-pill”-former is termed materialism, the
“red-pill”-latter idealism. 43
B. Who Owns Your Body:
The protagonist of The Matrix assumed he did, until
he awakened to discover it attached to a variety of
parasitical mechanisms. Let’s find out to what you might
be hooked-up ...
41 In the 1999 science-notsofiction movie The Matrix, a human
sensing “something wrong” with his environment was told that it was
an artificially-conditioned illusion. He was offered a blue pill to
restore it, or a red pill to shatter it. He chose the latter, and
experienced something rather like this chapter.
42 The principles and applications of strict logic are reviewed in
FindFar. Deductive and inductive logic operate exclusively within
the OU.
43 These terms for human life are used differently for the political
processes discussed in Chapter #6.
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1. State?
Externally in society you know who you are by
documentary credentials: birth-certificate, passport,
licenses, diplomas, marriage/divorce certificates, and
eventually death-certificate. All these are issued by
various levels of the nation-state of which you are a
“citizen”, in other words to which you belong. It is the
state that recognizes and validates you, and it legally
claims both the responsibility to protect you and the
prerogative to kill you.
You and others may call yourself by many names, but
it is the state which records and authenticates your
“official”, permanent name.
The state stipulates what officials, agencies,
physicians, teachers, parents, and morticians can do to/
with your body. It can punish you if you try to escape its
control, as well as deny your attempt to enter it. From
birth to death you are enveloped in a “matrix” of its laws
and customs conditioning, controlling, and limiting your
freedom of communication and action.
Despite all-of-the-above, an individual would
probably argue that consciousness is untouched &
unreachable by the state, and that this is the final,
decisive establishment of bodily-ownership. 44
2. Religion?
Life is a divine gift, conventional religions all
maintain, and in “intelligent” humans especially so,
giving them dominion over the “lesser” flora, fauna, &
features of God’s creation. Thus functions like mating,
44 In 1984 George Orwell argued that in fact one’s “soul” could be
destroyed by unendurable torture (Room #101). But all that was
actually demonstrated was that self-preservation can be terrorized to
preempt selfless love.
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sex, and birthing are held to be sacred, and any
interference with them sinful. The killing of non-human
life is permissible precisely because it highlights the
“special” status of human life.
The killing of other humans is usually endorsed as
self-serving collaboration with religion-hosting states, but
once again individual, non-state “murder” is not. 45 Most
significantly, killing oneself is condemned as the “greatest
of all sins”. It is the ultimate insult to God to reject his gift
of life to you, since it is a life, an “image”, that emulates
his own. Killing yourself is killing God “by proxy”, as
illustrated by humans’ crucifying/killing God-as-Christ.
As Judæo/Christianity lost its literal hold on educated
humanity ca. the European Enlightenment, social-
contract theorists contended more cynically that the
Church frightened adherents into continuing their
miserable lives simply to extract tribute and toil from
them. All disobedience, heresy, infidelity led inevitably to
eternal damnation in Hell; only the most abject surrender
of oneself throughout life might possibly result in Christ’s
mercy - certainly not owed by personal effort.
3. Profession?
Some professions expect the individual to subordinate
his life to their success, mission, or image. The most
obvious of these is military service, whether state,
mercenary, or revolutionary. You are expected to risk,
45 In the United States, for instance, the military forces all include
chaplains from all the profane religious institutions, as
commissioned officers with government-provided/funded facilities
[in bald disregard of the Constitution’s establishment-of-religion
prohibition]. The principal mission of chaplains is to convince
soldiers that human injury and murder ordered by the state is not a
sin in the eyes of God. Religions providing such chaplains include
Judaism, Catholic & Protestant Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, &
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and if necessary sacrifice your life for the mission or
cause. Decorations for valor are awarded as much for
such personal risk and injury/death as for killing the
In other professions, including religions, martyrdom
is not only permitted but admired and rewarded. If a
minister kills himself, he’s damned to Hell. But if he is
killed ex officio, he might well be canonized a saint.
4. Psychiatry?
The “medical” avocation of Psychiatry has as its
central article of faith that any continuation of physical
life, no matter how painful or restrictive, is preferable to
death. If a sufferer contemplates suicide, this is “mental
illness” and must be enticed, argued, threatened,
drugged, or padded-cell-imprisoned away. Your body
ceases to be your property the moment you want to get
rid of it.
5. Family?
If you are a member of a family, other members of it
will claim all or part of your body according to your and
their position. As a minor your body is controlled by your
parents, who are subject to state punishment if they don’t
control it as prescribed. If you marry as a husband, your
wife and relatives expect you to procreate as well as
provide. If you marry as a wife, your body is instantly
subordinate to reproduction and care of children.
Suicide within a family is traditionally regarded as a
betrayal of “family obligations”, a social shame to the
family name, and even criminal culpability of other
members who didn’t prevent it.
Exclusive of self-serving exploitation, of course, there
may also be the factor of sincere romantic and/or familial
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love. Of course persons genuinely and purely in love
characteristically don’t think of it in “property” terms.
But if one is contemplating personal incarnation options,
love for other incarnates is certainly going to be of
critical, even determinant importance.
6. Familiars?
If your family extends to members who are furred,
feathered, finned, or scaled, what you do with your body
must take what happens to theirs into special
consideration. Implicitly neither they nor you would see
this as a question of “ownership”, but certainly of a bond
and obligation that goes beyond verbiage.
7. Yourself!
What the above recitation highlights is that, as
intuitively as you assume your body to be “yours
exclusively”, this is true only insofar as you’re the only
one inside it.
Indeed even this is a bit of a broad-brush: Biological
science estimates that each human body contains about
39 trillion living bacterial cells, so where the OU is
concerned, it’s more accurate to visualize a very large
crowd of critters who’ve somehow all decided to be “you”
for awhile. 46
At least in the metaphysical realm of the MS, there
are, as the Egyptians detected and identified, only eight of
You. 47
46 Nor do these remain the same 39T cells: The body’s Life-Field (LF)
dictates the disintegration and regeneration of all proteins in the
body about every 160 days. Cf. C#5.B.2.
47 Cf. Chapter #5.C.
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C. Materialism - “The Big Black Sack”
Since materialism holds that a human being is
nothing more than a haphazard, temporary coagulation
of physical matter/energy 48, “consciousness of self” is
nothing more than an illusion which ceases the moment
the body stops functioning and decomposes. 49
Hence whether this “illusion” is completely accidental
or constructed and emplaced by prior/super-nature
intelligence/s is also a nontopic of permissible discussion.
The only respectable assumptions are atheism and
1. The Conceit of Atheism
Some materialists are so fanatic in their certainty that
since “they” are only freak, persistent electrochemical
accidents, everything else in the entire OU must be too.
Thus they confidently deny not just any creative genius
behind the subatomic, interfunctional complexity of the
OU/“Nature”, but the uniform and continuous
enforcement of this “Natural Law” (NL) everywhere
from millisecond to millisecond.
The odds against the entirety of this are prima facie
impossible, so atheists handle this annoyance by refusing
to discuss it. Questions as to why, if one’s personal
consciousness is nothing more than a freak electrical
collision in the brain, this “illusion” should continue with
consistent memory for the individual’s lifetime - and why
48 Prior to Dr. Harold Saxon Burr’s 1972 discovery of LFs (C#5.B.2),
conventional materialism had no way to explain the extraordinary
organization, integration, & replacement of the human body’s
cellular & molecular structure. Materialists grappled with this crucial
problem by simply ignoring it.
49 Cf. C#2.C.
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such a “freak electrical accident” coincidentally occurs in
every other human brain.
Insistent that “he” is nothing more than this electrical
illusion, the atheist has nothing but nothing to anticipate
when the electrical switch is turned off: the proverbial Big
Black Sack (BBS) of extinction, of nothingness.
The absence of any supernatural morality, including
of posthumous reward/punishment for incarnate
behavior, makes sincere atheists that much more
dangerous to others, as they are motivated only by
sensual gratification. Some may of course derive pleasure
from kindness, but others just as whimsically may enjoy
depravity, torture, murder. Indeed the entire spectrum of
sensual gratification has nowhere a moral governor; the
overriding goal is relief from boredom, of being forced to
confront the futility of a meaningless consciousness.
Emperor Ming the Merciless: Klytus, I’m bored! What
play thing can you offer me today?
Klytus: An obscure body in the S-K System, Your Majesty.
The inhabitants refer to it as the planet ... Uurth.
Ming: How peaceful it looks. [He activates a console, and
watches as earthquakes, floods, etc. start to occur.
They both laugh.]
Klytus: Most effective, Your Majesty! Will you destroy
this ... Uurth?
Ming: Later. I like to play with thing awhile before
- Flash Gordon (1980)
H.P. Lovecraft, himself an exceptionally reflective
atheist, was only too aware of this plight, hig
hlighting it
in his story The Hound (1922):
Wearied with the commonplaces of a prosaic world,
where even the joys of romance and adventure soon grow
stale, St. John and I had followed enthusiastically every
æsthetic and intellectual movement which promised
respite from our devastating ennui.
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The enigmas of the Symbolists and the ecstasies of
the pre-Raphaelites all were ours in their time, but each
new mood was drained too soon of its diverting novelty
and appeal.
Only the sombre philosophy of the Decadents could
hold us, and this we found potent only by increasing
gradually the depth and diabolism of our penetrations.
Baudelaire and Huysmans were soon exhausted of thrills,
till finally there remained for us only the more direct
stimuli of unnatural personal experiences and adventures.
It was this frightful emotional need which led us
eventually to that detestable course which even in my
present fear I mention with shame and timidity - that
hideous extremity of human outrage, the abhorred practice
of grave-robbing. 50
Fortunately for Earth’s climatologists, as well as the
tranquillity of cemeteries and mausoleums, today’s
atheists sublimate their ghoulish desperation for ultimate
boredom-relief by the ongoing catharsis of multimedia
zombie-orgies, wherein the absence of a higher life-after-
death is replaced by a decidedly lower one. At least, the
extinction-fearful atheist consoles himself, continuation
as a rotting, cannibalistic cadaver is better than the BBS!
An ambulance responds to a 911-call at a cemetery
overrun by cannibalistic zombies. The paramedics are
instantly attacked and devoured.
Rotting zombie on the ambulance radio:
“Send ... more ... paramedics ...”
Instead a few minutes later a police car responds to
investigate. The two policemen are also attacked and
Rotting zombie on the police car radio:
“Send ... more ... cops ...”
- Return of the Living Dead (1985)
50 Lovecraft, H.P., Dagon and Other Macabre Tales. Sauk City:
MindStar Page 14