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by Michael A Aquino

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  As discussed in the “Time” sections of FindFar, the

  4th Dimension is simply a measurement of change

  between the 3D locations of two or more objects or

  forces. Hence any variety of 4D “yardsticks” can be

  devised and used within & among OU components, such

  as human schedules in terms of the Earth’s orbit around

  the Sun.

  However things become more problematical when

  trying to measure the 4D of the entire OU, because then

  at least one 3D externality is required, and none has been

  found to date. Indeed most astrophysicists cannot wrap

  their heads about any kind of 3D OU externality - that

  would just not expand the parameters of the OU.

  In other words, it is impossible to “date” the entire


  But what’s even more fun is that we don’t need to.

  The notion of “time” as a fixed, unidirectional linear

  progression is nothing more than a myth of certain

  primitive religions whose storylines require a “start”,

  “action”, and “end” [usually in terms of “sin”,

  “punishment”, and “atonement or worse punishment”].

  Absent such a threatening storyline, there is no actual

  need for an OU “beginning” or “ending”: It simply

  extends infinitely into both its past and its future [or

  more accurately these would both be “measureless”].

  Correspondingly the OU neteru don’t require

  definition in terms of “beginning or ending”.

  The implications of this brief preamble being that as

  the essence (NL) of the OU is external to it, so the

  essence (MS or “soul”) of an incarnate OU-

  human is necessarily higher/external to it.

  This relationship is inescapable if each OU body’s

  coherence and continuation ( telos60) as an integral being

  are to be maintained.

  60 Cf. Chapter #5.B.3.

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  Summarily: The actual, authentic You is not a

  temporary OU device; that is just its manifestation as a

  tangible tool. You exist in the super-OU realm 61 of the

  neteru, which is literally “beyond time and space” [since

  those 4Ds are limited to within the OU].

  That You will continue past the discarding of your

  temporary OU body is thus not even a matter for debate.

  The only questions are what You can and elect to do with

  yourself after OU-disconnection.

  D. Profane Religions

  Profane62 human religions, generally identifiable as

  “mainstream” institutions targeting the widest expanse of

  the masses, are propaganda mills with the common

  purpose of the deception, intimidation, and exploitation

  of the ignorant and credulous throughout their incarnate

  lifetimes. Characteristics of the principal Western and

  Eastern institutions may be studied in IlluminAnX. 63

  1. Extrapolating Ignorance

  Profane humans generally receive passive, faith-based

  indoctrination only; they are not expected to actively

  examine or interrogate such indoctrination, indeed are

  usually reprimanded or punished if presuming to do so.

  Accordingly they assume themselves to be defined and

  manifest by their physical bodies and senses. If they think

  about “death” - which most avoid doing as much as

  61 Neter-Xertet. Cf. Chapter #7.G.

  62 From the Latin profanum: “before/outside the fane/sacred


  63 Aquino, Michael A., IlluminAnX. San Francisco: Barony of

  Rachane, 2017.

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  possible - they imagine only the blind fear of the BBS.

  Thus they are easy prey for profane religions.

  Cruelly and cynically, the result is a danse macabre of

  the blind leading the blind, though a maze of mystical

  nonsense, alternately promising posthumous reward for

  obedience and threatening eternal punishment otherwise.

  Not only do such religions have no actual power or

  authority to decree such fates, but their private and

  public documents make it clear that they have not the

  slightest idea about actual “afterlife”, or even how to

  discover it.

  Nor, all the more remarkably considering these

  destinations’ ostensible all-importance, do they even

  care. The amount of profane-religious writings on

  postcarnate existence is almost nonexistent, abandoning

  even speculation to secular visionaries such as John

  Milton, Dante Alighieri, and William Blake.

  2. Procrustean Prescription

  In ancient Greek mythology Procrustes was an insane

  ironsmith from Attica who prided himself on creating an

  iron bed that would fit everyone he kidnapped. If they

  were too short, the bed functioned as a torture-rack to

  stretch them; if they were too tall, he’d cut off the excess

  from their legs and feet.

  Profane religion professes to know the “Why?”

  answers that OU science adamantly refuses to address.

  Why do individual humans exist as conscious entities? Is

  life the greatest of all divine gifts and blessings? Or is it a

  sadistic joke: decades of affliction, fear, and toil, relieved

  only by its ripping-away, unexpectedly and amidst pain,

  exhaustion, degradation? Followed by the even grimmer

  prospect of endless torture, with only an eye-of-the-

  needle chance for some vague bliss instead?

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  Are humans even given the option to embark upon

  this journey? No.

  Can they abandon it if it’s unendurable? No, suicide is

  held by all profane religions to be not just a sin, but the

  uttermost heinous of all sins (C#7.B.2.).

  If they struggle through their forced lives, obeying

  every religious edict as best they can, can they thereby

  expect Heaven instead of Hell? Most certainly not:

  Humans can never escape their own “original sin” if they

  are Jews; all are destined for the same posthumous


  And if Christians they can still not save themselves no

  matter how devout they are; only the whim of Jesus

  Christ can purify them. And if the New Testament is any

  guide, he is just as likely to bless a whore as a virgin.

  Perhaps more so.

  So welcome to the bedroom of Procrustes. You are

  placed on Earth with a “Guilty!” sentence hanging like an

  immaculate albatross around your neck. You now face

  perhaps eighty years of every possible physical ordeal

  before you, which brief interludes of happiness only

  highlight as all the more recurring and relentless. You

  have nothing to look forward to but a painful, terrifying

  death-throe at an unknown moment.

  And this was the pleasant part: Now if you are

  Jewish, you are condemned to an eternity of desolation in

  Sheol, And if a Christian or Muslim, a far greater

  likelihood of eternal, hideous torment and torture in Hell

  than admission to Heaven on the mere whim of Jesus or


  Expect to escape this doom as a Hindu or Buddhist?

  Sure, you get to stay right her
e! If you’ve been a

  normally-flawed human, though, expect to come back as

  a centipede or wharf-rat.

  Isn’t it a relief to know that “all of the above” is

  nothing more than cruel, cold-blooded enslavement lies?

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  3. Sometimes They Come Back

  a. Reincarnation

  “Reincarnation” - the centipede/rat scenario

  mentioned above, began as a Buddhist and Hindu idea,

  because these do not posit the Judæo/Chistian Sheol/

  Heaven/Hell repository, so needed to think of something

  else to do with expiring souls. It seemed simplest just to

  recycle them, with the profane-control threat being the

  provision for slippage down the organismarchy if you

  were uncooperative this carnation.

  As examined in more detail in IlluminAnX, this

  Hindu/Buddhist invention was later borrowed by some

  profane Western “initiatory” groups as something more

  “occult” than the old, depressingly-inevitable S/H/H.

  And exciting because, unlike conventional J/C, such an

  “initiate” could self-redeem beforehand - guaranteeing

  either a ticket to Heaven or at least a promotion for the

  next reincarnation! How could this be accomplished?

  In the 13th Century CE Jews [and uncertain

  Christians] were offered a new hope for non-Messianic

  redemption from both Adam & Eve’s Original & their own

  additional sins. The Spanish Jew Moses de León

  authored a series of books, the Zohar (“Splendor”),

  claiming to reveal divine mysteries concealed in the

  Torah. 64

  The mysticism contained in the Zohar is known as

  [Hebrew] Cabala (aka “Kabbalah”, “Qabala”, etc.). The

  word means “aligned” or “corresponding”, and purported

  64 Moses de León ascribing the Zohar to the 2nd-century rabbi

  Shimon bar Yochai, who hid in a cave for thirteen years studying the

  Torah and was inspired by the prophet Elijah to write the Zohar.

  León’s widow confessed that her husband had written it, using the

  prophet for profit. ( Jewish Encyclopedia, Funk & Wagnalls)

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  to chart an initiatory pathway to redemption by personal

  effort alone.

  Standard Buddhist/Hindu reincarnation is prima

  facie nonsense. With the occasional exception of a few re-

  Napoleons and -Cleopatras in sanitariums, newborns

  have not appeared with oldmemories. And of course

  neither Gautama nor Vishnu set up an equivalency of

  old/new bodies.

  Nor in the B/H model, would it make sense to

  eradicate one’s previous personality, memory, and

  accumulated knowledge with a physical reincarnation.

  This would make the entire operation pointless, since the

  reincarnate would be completely new and unique from

  any perspective. Punishment or promotion would be

  equally pointless.

  Some “pop-occult”-fantasies notwithstanding,

  Egyptian metaphysics included absolutely no concept of

  physical reincarnation. The B/H model of “identity

  restart” would amount to sacrilegious murder of the ren-

  emanation of the MS: an inconceivable blasphemy.

  As detailed herein, the entire curriculum of Egyptian

  initiation involved extension and exercise of the body and

  its senses to enable identification and realization of the

  eight MS emanations, following which the body is

  discarded and the MS embarked upon its neter-


  So while bodified you’re not expected to cringe before

  religious threats of punishment, or equally-empty

  promises of reward. As the Egyptians represented by the

  symbolism of Maat, and their disciple Plato by his

  concept of the Agathon65, your desire to be and do the

  Good is yet another anamnesis: an innate nobility of your

  MS which you have only to acknowledge and actualize.

  65 The highest Good for its own sake. Cf. MindWar & FindFar.

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  b. Resurrection

  Chapter #4.D examines the rather repulsive and grisly

  superstitions of J/C relating to dead bodies in which

  human “souls” were either permanently imprisoned or

  reinserted by God/Jesus.

  Summarily Hebrews had no concept of the “soul”

  beyond a mere animal-animating force ( nephesh), of

  which only reviled and feared elementals elohim and

  rephaim remained with the corpse.

  The early Christians [erroneously] mistook the Greek

  psyche for the Hebrew nephesh, insisting that, although

  sundered at death, it would soon reunite with its dead


  And fear not them which kill the body, but are not

  able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to

  destroy both soul and body in hell. 66

  The immediate, if short-lived (!) resurrection of Jesus

  post-crucifixion was held to exemplify this:

  And as they thus spake, Jesus himself stood in the

  midst of them, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you.

  But they were terrified and affrighted, and supposed

  that they had seen a spirit.

  And he said unto them, Why are ye troubled? and

  why do thoughts arise in your hearts?

  Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself:

  handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones,

  as ye see me have.

  And when he had thus spoken, he shewed them his

  hands and his feet.

  And while they yet believed not for joy, and

  wondered, he said unto them, Have ye here any meat?

  And they gave him a piece of a broiled fish, and of an


  66 Moses et al., Holy Bible. Garden of Eden: Day 1+, Matthew 10:28.

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  And he took it, and did eat before them. 67

  However dramatic this Easter-fable, it has no

  significance beyond that - not just for the obvious reason

  that Jesus did not permanently revive, but more that

  some theoretical future Night of the Living Dead would

  seriously overcrowd Earth with re-animatees utterly

  adrift from their original envirotimes. It is difficult to

  imagine how any such Christian finale could be anything

  but a worldwide disaster.

  (1) Necromancy

  Ritual summoning of the Departed has been an

  interest of ceremonial magicians, mediums, scientists,

  and séancetists since antiquity. Most of this can be

  written off to the superstitious, delusional, or fraudulent.

  But if thought is indeed a field-phenomenon and the

  MS is immortal, there is no reason to assume that

  communication of the ESP-type is impossible. While a

  full inquiry into this would require its own book, here it

  may be noted that the seemingly-fanciful trappings of

  ritual chambers, séance parlors, and Expressionistic

  mad-laboratories should not be dismissed too quickly or

  contemptuously. As discussed in MindWar, deliberate

  concentration and energizing of both conscious and

  subconscious thought requires reinforcement by and

  non-distraction of the body’s physical senses. This can be

  either by minimi
zing them [as in Yoga-meditation or Dr.

  John Lilly’s sensory-deprivation tanks], or in the

  selection/construction/decoration of enhancing


  Beyond its range of physical senses, the human body

  can both detect and react to a wide range of waves and

  67 Ibid., Luke 24:36-43.

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  fields within and possibly beyond the Electromagnetic

  Spectrum. Many of these EMS functions are detailed as

  Psychological Controls (PSYCONs) in MindWar. Dr.

  Lilly’s tanks did not specifically identify or reduce/these.

  What would have been needed was for the tank to be

  surrounded by a “Faraday Cage”, indeed one enhanced to

  nullify all externalities. 68

  (2) Zombification

  The reanimation of dead human bodies minus the

  “soul” (personality, intelligence, conscience) of the once-

  person has assuredly been grist and gore for horror from

  Haiti to Hollywood.

  In his The Serpent and the Rainbow (Warner, 1987),

  Wade E. Davis (Ph.D. Ethnobotany) exposes the Haitian

  practice as the controlled use of poisons.

  As for modern “Zombie Apocalypse” reverie, there is

  more than a passing allusion to the worrisome opiate

  epidemic, combined with the alarming dumbing-down of

  an undereducated populace. Still this hasn’t yet advanced

  to mass-mob cannibalistic extremes. 69

  68 While it is obvious to even the minimally-intelligent that the Great

  Pyramid of Giza was never anyone’s tomb, its true purpose has

  remained elusive, not the least because of the odd interior

  architecture, dimensions, baffles, sinks, and angularities. Published

  instrument readings, spatial relationships, and the constitution of

  the “King’s Chamber” coffer just happen to add up to a very tidy

  sensory-deprivation Faraday Cage - which would explain Napoleon’s

  comments. Cf. Wm. R. Fix, Pyramid Odyssey (New York: Mayflower

  Books, 1978).

  69 Perhaps I spoke too fast: A 2018 Google-search for “zombie food”

  yields no fewer than 140 million websites of munchies, crunchies,

  recipes, and party-catering! “Zombie rock music” brings up 63

  million more, in case the decomposing feel like dancing ...


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