American Heroes: The Complete American Heroes Collection

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American Heroes: The Complete American Heroes Collection Page 19

by Teagan Kade

  “I have a sneaking suspicion, however, that despite your wonderfully crafted persona, you’re more than this firefighter hero with a massive ego. Is there something else under all this rock-hard muscle?” She pokes her finger into my chest, marking a trail down my abdomen.

  Is she flirting with me? Touching me and complimenting me. Though it’s a backhanded compliment, I’ll take it from her.

  The bartender hands her a drink, distracting her from the Derek-themed adventures.

  Her hair brushes over her shoulders and I see a small patch of black ash on her cheek. I can still smell the stench of smoke lingering from her clothes, but I don’t mention it. If anyone is used to the smell of smoke, it’s me. Hell, I probably still smell like fire, too.

  I lick my thumb and lean over, wanting to erase the ash from her chin. She grabs my hand when I touch her skin and pulls it away, looking down at my hand as if it’s a foreign object.

  “See, I know there’s something else under that hard exterior. The letter is proof.”

  She looks up at me, her eyes hooded with desire. They travel up my body slowly.

  Her gaze is both tender and rough. It sends a cold shiver through me. The sensations that swirl inside cause my vision to go blurry, leaving only her in focus.

  I gulp down the rest of my beer and call over the bartender, needing another one to dull her effect on me.

  She’s hot. That’s it. The only reason I’m feeling anything other than my erection right now is because I’m not feeling her wetness sucking me into her.

  “To be honest, I became a firefighter to make up for my past,” I confess.

  Her eyebrows shoot up, and the corner of her mouth curls into an innocent smirk.

  “Your past?” she asks.

  I grab my beer from the bartender and take a large gulp. I’ve never told anyone this before.

  “I’m an asshole. I think you know that by now.” I smile and give her my best puppy dog eyes.

  She rolls her own and sips her drink, ignoring another one of my usually successful moves.

  “If you can believe it, I was a bigger asshole when I was a teenager,” I continue. “I would get into fights, ruin people’s yards and mailboxes, break hearts. You name it, I did it.”

  “Ruin people’s yards? What?” She leans in. I can tell she’s intrigued. Maybe my charm isn’t completely lost on her.

  “Yeah, if I didn’t like you I would go to your house and vandalize it. I only got caught doing it once, and then it just became my thing. It was stupid.” I shake my head and run my hands through my hair, hoping to calm my nerves.

  Recalling the past is always a sore subject for me. I’m not proud of who I was back then, so reliving the memories makes me cringe.

  “Sounds very stupid,” Beth chimes in.

  “You don’t beat around the bush, do you?” I smile, enjoying the fact she’s so straightforward.

  “Nope. What’s the point? You already know it’s stupid, so all I can do is agree, right?”

  “Good point. But after a while that shit got old. People looked down on me and always assumed the worse. Even my father. Becoming a firefighter was my way of earning his respect, I suppose.”

  For the first time in a long time I’m spilling my guts and it’s shocking me more than anyone.

  She turns to face me head on and I’m taken aback by her expression. There’s a smile on her face, making her eyes sparkle. I can sense the shift in her mood, from guarded to open, dark to light. It’s so fucking alluring.

  “So, did you?” she asks.

  “What? Did I what?” I cock my head to the side, not sure what she means.

  She laughs and turns to order another drink before she looks back at me in all seriousness.

  “Did becoming a firefighter earn the respect of your father like you had hoped? Did it help rectify all your wrongs?”

  Shit. How in the hell am I supposed to answer that?

  I take a second to mull over the possible answers. I could tell her the truth, that I really don’t fucking know. Or, I could lie and be the firefighter hero I’ve pegged myself to be.

  But, from what I’ve gathered so far, she responds better to honesty.

  “Penny for your thoughts?” she asks, tilting her head to the side, mirroring me.

  “Yes and no. I come from a long line of firefighters—my father, grandfather, his father, and so on, so I have a lot to prove. Respect is hard to earn when you’ve convinced others—and yourself—you don’t deserve it.”

  Fucking profound, brother.

  She nods her head in agreement, almost like she understands what I’m saying. Her expression gives off a mix of empathy and surprise.

  “There he is.” She lifts her drink up, motioning me to do the same. “Cheers to ignoring your massive ego for a few minutes.” She grins, bringing the glass to her lips. I watch, mesmerized as their fullness slides over the crystal rim.

  And, just like that, my massive ego is back and eager for her attention.

  “Shit!” she blurts out, making all the other customers turn to look her way.

  “What? You okay?” My anxiety peaks, I worry she might be feeling some after-effects from the fire or something.

  “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.” She waves me off. “Sorry, I just realized my house burned down and I have nowhere to go.”

  She pulls out her phone and starts searching for hotels.

  I snatch it from her and slide it in my pocket. “No, you don’t need to stay at a hotel. You can stay with me,” I say.

  “Excuse me?” she reaches for her phone, but I grab her wrist, keeping her away from my pockets.

  Wait, why am I doing this?

  Oh, right. I need to remember the long term goals, not just the short term.

  “You heard me. It’s probably easier for you anyway. It’s not a hassle, really.” I try to comfort and convince her.

  “That’s not what I’m worried about. I’m worried about going back to your place, with you, alone. I don’t trust guys like you who have a reputation.” She emphasizes the word ‘reputation’ like it’s a bad, sinister word, something she’s not supposed to mention in the presence of others.

  “But you can trust me to save your life?” I chuckle.

  “I didn’t get a choice, did I?”

  “Touché.” I finish my drink, giving myself some time to think about my next move. “You can trust me. You can have my room and I’ll sleep on the couch, plus I can help get you whatever you need. No nightly fee required.” I plaster on my best puppy dog eyes and top it off with one of my best-selling grins. It’s a sure-fire way to melt panties off, but I’ll settle for a sleepover with Beth this time.

  “Ugh,” she mumbles, leaning her elbows on the counter, and running her hands through her hair. “Can I have my phone now?”

  I slide it over to her, hesitantly, and she picks it up, opening her browser once more. I can’t help but smile. I knew a hotel, last minute, would cost too much.

  “I guess I have no other options,” she says. “Take me home, my hero.”




  My foot catches on the entryway step, sending me tottering into Derek’s house. For a second I think I might just make a complete ass of myself and fall, but once again, Derek’s there right in the nick of time.

  His fingers wrap around my bicep, righting me the moment before I succumb to gravity. My heels come down with a loud crack, the sound met immediately by what sounds suspiciously like a giggle.

  “Rum and coke catching up to you?”

  I’ve gotta say, I prefer his usual grin to this new, slightly shit-eating version.

  “Not at all,” I respond, trying to keep my voice as level as possible while I run my hands over imaginary wrinkles in my dress. “Just a stupid place for a step, is all.”

  “Right. Damn architect should’ve left a dead drop there.”

  My face pinches in frustration for what feels like the hun
dredth time today. Apparently, Derek has that effect on me.

  “I’m fine.” I say simply, looking pointedly at his hand still clenched around my arm.

  He releases his fingers slowly, grin spreading wider as he clings to the slight contact.

  I stifle the groan that tries to slip up my throat in response, forcing my eyes into a roll I can only hope is convincing. Truth be told, my burning irritation with this man has been reduced to a kind of tired smolder.

  I want to hate him, truly I do, but that doesn’t seem to stop my heart from jack-hammering in my chest as he rests those eyes on me again.

  With a force of will, I take a step back, grinning lazily to deny the very real effect he’s having on me. I’m delighted to see him stumble slightly from my sudden movement, a small groan of surprise leaving his lips.

  “I see the beer’s treating you well.”

  I don’t even wait for a response. Still feeling the need to put distance between us, I simply direct myself deeper into the house, ignoring the way my heart skips when I hear him move to come after me. It’s entirely possible coming here was a mistake.

  While logically I know better than to entertain thoughts of Derek, I’m feeling less than rational this evening. It has been somewhat of a trying day, after all.

  Still, I remind myself that I know how this works. Yes he’s gorgeous and he seems fascinated now. But I know his type all too well. The moment he gets his way, as he’s usually certain to do, all the charm and intrigue will disappear in a haze of self-involvement.

  Fun as that might seem to some, I’ll just have to pass.

  “I’m not drunk, if that’s what you’re implying.” I hear him call, his voice heavy with feigned offense.

  “Of course not. Perish the thought.”

  I’ve managed to make it to the living room, a space clearly untouched by feminine hands. From the leather couch to the heavy wood, it’s like stepping directly into the mind of the modern bachelor.

  I pause in the doorway, eyes raking over the room in search of an inviting space to rest.

  “What do you think?” Derek asks, startling me with his proximity. Clearly the rum and coke have caught up to me, given I totally missed his approach.

  He gestures around the room, wagging his eyebrows as if waiting to hear my praise.

  I can’t help but laugh, and his answering smile has now-familiar chills washing over me.

  Yes, coming here was definitely a mistake.

  “I think I should have booked that hotel.” I say, my thoughts spilling from my lips before I can catch them.

  The smile dies on his face, his eyes taking on a stronger intensity that makes me feel dizzy.


  “Well… sure, it’s just… such a bachelor pad,” I stammer, feeling more foolish by the moment. “But I guess it’ll have to do.”

  Hoping I’ve regained at least a little ground, I make a beeline for the couch, trying my utmost to hide the blood currently rushing to my face.

  It’s the rum. Definitely the rum.

  I let myself sink into the overstuffed cushions, laying my head back in exhaustion. It really has been a hell of a day.

  I don’t move as Derek sinks in beside me, no longer trusting myself to meet his eyes without swooning.

  “Well, I for one, am glad you decided to come. Even if you didn’t really have any other options. It’s safer here, you know.”

  Despite myself, I raise my head, meeting his eyes again.

  “And you’re under the impression you need to protect me? I don’t know if you noticed, but they already put the fire out.”

  “We already put the fire out. And yes, I do know, but I think with Officer Brady suspecting arson, it’s best to be cautious.”

  His words hit me like a punch to the gut, instantly sending my mind reeling. I know he keeps talking, I can see his mouth move, but all sound seems to be smothered beneath the alarm bells springing to life in my mind.


  It takes me a long moment to realize I haven’t actually spoken aloud.

  “Arson?” I actually ask this time, my voice heavy with shock.

  He falls silent instantly, regret flashing across his face.

  “Shit. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say that.”

  Panic floods my mind—overwhelming, heart-stopping panic—and on its heels, surprising even to me, cold, hard anger.

  “You knew this and you weren’t going to say anything?”

  “I—well, it seemed better to wait until we knew for sure.”

  I spring from the couch, immediately falling into a frantic pacing. My hands come up to my head, fingers tangling through my hair as my heels slap angrily at the ground.

  Over and over the word repeats in my thoughts: arson. I can’t seem to quiet it. It’s on a loop. Like, if I hear it enough times, I’ll find a nicer meaning to it.

  “Look, Beth, it could be nothing.” He’s at my side, his voice calm and measured. Soothing. If anything, it only makes my blood boil hotter.

  “Yeah, sure, or it could be arson.” I reply, not so much as slowing my crazed pace.

  I feel his hand on me, strong fingers pulling me to a stop. Against my better judgment, I let him. At this point, I don’t quite feel capable of smacking him away, nor storming out for that matter. At this point, I’m terrified enough to enjoy the sensation of his hands on me, his touch.

  He pulls me near him, his eyes actually looking sympathetic for once.

  “I’m sorry I let it slip like that. I understand it’s scary. We don’t actually know anything, though, at this point. It’s all speculation. Just… try and relax a little. Deep breaths.”

  I feel myself nodding, my eyes locking on the soothing green of his own. With a concentrated effort, I slow my breathing, my thoughts, calming slightly.

  “Better?” he asks, his hand still anchoring me to the spot.

  I nod again. “A little. You should have told me, Derek.”

  “I know. You’re right. I should have mentioned it. Honestly, though, I was just trying to avoid what’s happening right now.”

  Considering I did just pretty much lose my shit, it’s hard to argue his point.


  It’s as close to agreement as I’m going to get to. Now my blinding panic is subsiding, my anger seems to have disappeared as well.

  Its absence brings me back to reality, to my situation, and to Derek. For the first time I notice how close he really is. I take stock of his hand, fingers still pressing into me, his eyes reverently glued to my face.

  I look down at myself as I finish, noting the lingering soot with disapproval.

  Derek tracks my line of sight. “If you want a shower, all you have to do is ask.” His grip loosens, his hand falling limply to his side now I’m no longer in need of restraint.

  And it occurs to me I’m not—in need of restraint, that is. I’m a responsible, levelheaded woman who’s just had the day from hell. Restraint is not what I need right now, not in any way.

  What I need is some good old-fashioned fun.

  Without letting myself think any further, I reach for the hand Derek so recently removed, twining my fingers through his as I gently tug him towards me. Suddenly, the space between us feels cavernous, a rift in need of closing.

  I mold against him easily, my lips finding his in a rush. There’s no hesitation on his part, no bare second of confusion. The moment I touch him, he’s right there with me, his tongue pressing, his hands pulling me even nearer.

  The rush is even stronger than I expected. Sparks race down the length of me, electricity working its way into my core. In an instant, I’m wet, my body humming around me. I feel his answering need, his cock already straining against the fabric of his jeans, his enormous length pressing against me.

  Pulling back, even for the slightest instant, is sheer agony. Somehow I manage it, breaking away long enough to meet his smoldering eyes.

  “A shower sounds perfect.”

is smile is completely breathtaking. Not missing a beat, he springs into action. With deceptive ease he lifts me from my feet, pulling me roughly against him. Before I can fully process his movements, we’re going… his long legs eating up the distance between us and wherever the nearest shower is.

  In stark contrast to the overtly masculine living room, his bathroom looks like a place a girl could really get comfortable in: huge walk-in shower, dark tiles, and jets for days.

  I’m so surprised by the sudden shift I actually need a moment to take it all in. Not that I’ll be receiving one anytime soon.

  I’m back on my feet in a flash. Derek’s hands undress me with practiced ease, his mouth claiming mine all over again.

  My interest in his tile work disappears instantly, my thoughts once again overcome by him alone. I reach frantically for his belt, pulling wildly at the smooth leather.

  I hear more than feel my thong give way beneath his rough hands, see it falling into the steadily growing pile of shed clothing. We pull and tear, hands searching, need growing, until there’s nothing more between us—not so much as a shred to interfere.

  He stands before me, chest heaving, eyes burning, and it’s all I can do not to moan at the sheer sight of him. I mean, obviously I knew the man was big, there are some levels of fitness all the fabric in the world can’t hide. But damn if I didn’t underestimate him.

  Everything about him is perfection. His skin is practically glowing, pulled taut by the mountains of muscle that ripple across him. His cock stands throbbing between us, huge beyond even my wildest imagination.

  I haven’t completely lost my mind. I still know this is undoubtedly a bad idea. Given the day I’ve had, though, and the promise of what’s about to happen, I’m fully willing to allow myself this one night of fun.

  That, at least, is something you can count on men like Derek for—one single, amazing night.

  I’m swept back into his arms, conscious of the heat of him as he carries me into the shower. Water instantly soaks us with a simple flick, liquid spraying from countless jets as he settles me back on my feet.

  He spins me in place, my hands finding purchase on the smooth tile as he presses himself against me. My hair is tossed to the side, his lips caressing my neck.


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