Reborn: 6-10

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Reborn: 6-10 Page 38

by D. W. Jackson

  [Diamond Soul: Ability to convert MP into Soul MP. Ratio 100/1. Level 1-15%]

  [Poison Affinity: cost of using poison related skills and abilities will be reduced by 10% and power of fire related skills and abilities will be boosted 5%. Level 1-34%.]

  [Ogre’s Strength: +.1% to strength. Level- Max.]

  [Blood Strengthening- cost 10 vitality: gain 1 point in hardness. Level 1-0%.]

  [Light Shield. Cost ***Sun mana. Blocks attacks using the power of light energies.]

  [Sun Mana. For every one hour spent under the sun gain 1 sun mana.]


  Demon Absorption: Cost 25MP: Absorb defeated enemies to obtain skills. Level 4- 32%

  Bash: Cost 1SP - Slam into enemies with your body to do X10 damage. Level Max%

  Rabbit Punch: Cost 1Sp- Using feet or hands quickly lash out with a lighting quick attack. Level max.

  Stab: Cost 1 SP- Thrust forward with weapon (sword, spear.) level 2-98%

  Poison Spit: Cost 5MP. Level Max%: Spit a corrosive poison that sticks to enemy doing 5 damage a second for ten seconds.

  Analyze Ability. Cost 5MP: Ability to see opponents name, level and skill as long as they are no more than 5 levels above you. Level max.

  [Poison: cost 10MP- ability to make a small amount of toxin that paralyzes. Can be placed on weapons.]

  [Sticky Thread: cost 15MP- shoot out a stream of sticky thread to trap opponents.]

  Stealth: Cost 20 MP. Erase your presence from enemies any movement cancels the ability.

  [Fire ball: cost 10MP. Create two ball’s of fire and throw it at an enemy. Level 3-15%.]

  [Cone of frost: Cost 15MP: send out a cone of frost freezing everything in its path. Causes 15 frost damage every second for eight seconds. Level 3-42%]

  [Crushing blow: cost 5SP: strike with a hard blow bypassing 55% of opponent’s defense. Level 2-32%]

  [Shock Armor: cost 12MP. Covers a small area with electoral energy that will stun an opponent struck with it for two seconds. Level 2-11%.]

  [Shock Strike: cost 25MP. Hit an opponent with an energy attack that paralyses the part struck for seven minutes. Level 2-54%.]

  [Pounce: cost 5SP jump straight forward with great speed doing 2x normal damage.]

  [Poison Vine whip: cost 40MP. Call a vine dripping with paralyzing poison to strike your opponent. Level 1-99%.]

  [Reaper’s Blessing: cost 50MP- bless a weapon or item with the goddess’s power. Lasts for twenty-four hours.]

  [Sharp Strike: cost 10SP- strike with a bladed weapon to deal 1.5 the normal damage. Increased chance for a critical strike. Level 1-61%]

  [Fire Lance: cost 25MP- casts a long lance of fire. Level 1-87%]

  [Ice Spear 15MP- coat a weapon in ice giving it an added ice attribute to its attack. Level 1-72%.]

  [Ice Shield 20MP- created a shield of ice that can fend off attacks. Level 1-21%]

  [Lullaby of Subduction: cost 20MP- chance to charm an enemy confusing them. A strike releases the confused state. Level 1-21%]

  [Death Wail: Cost 40MP- a loud wail that strikes at the mind of them enemy deal direct damage. Damage based off of spirit. Level 1-14%]

  [Shadow Whip: cost 20MP, 5SP- attack with a whip made out of pure shadow that will follow the enemy wherever they try to run. Level 3-51%.]

  [Shimmer: cost 10SP- surrounds the body with light making it hard to discern movement.]

  [Shadow Armor: Cost 25MP 10SP; creates an armor made of shadows to protect the caster.]

  [Mana Manipulation: Cost: 30MP- able to manipulate pure mana and give it form. Level 4-13%]

  [Hide: Cost 10SP- erase your presence.]

  [Boost: Cost 50%SP- Double all stats.]

  [Dark Eyes: cost 50MP- strike directly at the soul of the opponent causing them to lose strength and dealing a small amount of damage. Level 1-32%]

  [Flame Sword- cost 30MP coat a weapon in flame essence.]

  [Burn Out- Turn 10% of your HP into a white hot flame to attack your opponents.]

  [Infuse Earth-cost ***- infuse earth with magical energy to strength it. Level 3-29%]

  [Earth Essence: cost ***- ability to infuse MP with earth essence. Level 3-7%]

  [Earth Shield: Cost 40MP- create a stone shield made of condensed earth. Level 1-18%]

  [Toxin- cost 25MP: spew out a cloud of toxic poison that does 1 damage per second for five minutes. Level 1-88%]

  [Poison Control- cost ***: merge poison with mana to use it more freely. Level 2-9%]

  [Secrete- cost ***: create a liquid form of poison that will last until needed. Cost depends on poison made and amount created. Level 2-13%]

  [Hemlock Oil- cost 60MP: thin oil that can be used as medicine for swelling and pain when used in very small amounts. Causes complete paralysis when used in a concentrated form. Level 1- 32%.]

  [Sealing Poison-cost 60MP 10SP: seals all MP and SP based abilities and skills for 120 seconds. Level 1-91%.]

  [Slash- cost 5SP: create a blade of light that extends the reach of your blade. Level 2-17%.]

  [Sunder- cost 25SP 5MP: hard strike that has a large chance of crushing or cutting through armor. Level 2-30%]

  [Blood Strike- cost 40SP 20HP: a fluid strike that ignores all defense to strike directly at an opponent’s heart. Level 2-4%.]

  [Heal: cost 10MP- heal 5HP. Level 1-18%]

  [Earth Shroud- cost 15SP enter the earth to hide. Level 1-3%.]

  [Light Strike: cost 15SP- coat your weapon in light when attacking. Level 1-1%.]

  [Light Ball: cost 20MP- create a ball light. Level max.]

  [Hemostat: cost 20MP- stop bleeding. Level 1-0%.]

  [Light Arrow: cost 10SP- attack using 1 arrow made of light. Level 1-4%.]

  [Flare: cost 25MP- create a flash of light to blind your enemies.1-0%.]

  [Burst: cost 20SP- infuse your body with energy allowing increasing damage by 5% for 5 minutes. 1-7%.]


  [You have gained the skill gambler’s boost (passive) .2% boost to all other stats for each 1 point in the luck attribute. Level 2.]

  [You have gained the gambler’s gambit (active) skill. Cost 20MP: boost all stats for one minute. Boost is random. Level 1.]

  [You have gained the poker face (active) skill. Cost 5MP: forces a calm face no matter the situation. Level 2.]

  [You have gained the bluff (active) skill. Cost 5MP: bluff opponents to make them think you are stronger. Level 1.]

  [You have gained the read (passive) skill. Chance to see what skill your opponent is using. Based on luck.]

  [Gambler’s game (active). Cost 100 MP. Call of The gambling god using your stats as chip to play against another gambler. Can only be used against those of the same rank or higher. Can only be used once every six months. Time until next use 0 days. Level-Max.]

  [Luck shield: passive/active. When attacked has a chance to block attack. Amount of MP used is depended on the attack.]

  [Gambler’s stake: cost 40SP- During a battle you can sacrifice gold in order to temporarily increase you stats. The amount of gold sacrificed determines the rise in ability.]

  [Lucky find: Cost 25MP- search the area for hidden treasure.]

  [Luck toss: cost 100MP- toss a gold coin if it lands on heads your luck will increase by 10%, if tails luck will decrease 10%. Can only be used once a day. Effect lasts for eight hours.]


  Silver gambler’s emblem: emblem signifying that one is an intermediate gambler of the gambler’s guild. Durability 10/10 luck +1.

  Sword of the Hawk: Sword belonging to a great hero of the Hawkwing family. Durability 50/50 attack 20-32 strength +10 stamina +5.

  Mithra armor: Armor blessed by the god of light. Durability 40/40 defense + 20 Endurance +10 spirit +10 agility +5.

  Dragon skin gauntlets: durability 25/25, defense +10, magical defense +5, strength +1, endurance +2

  [Studded Liro leather pants: made from thee tough hide of a Liro lizard. Durability 30/30, defense +7, endurance +2, agility +1.]

cklace of the dragon: defense +15- when HP reaches 0 necklace will break fully restoring the persons HP.]

  [Superior mana ring: increase mana by 10%.]

  Demonic Valor #10-1

  After learning of the movements of the kingdom against Emelia and her duchy, Ash had been very busy. Ash had been working on training at a leisurely pace, but over the past few weeks he had been forced to speed up his progress. The main difference was that now, once he had gained his new abilities and trained in them for a few days, he would move onto the next demon clan instead of spending time within their labyrinth to train himself and his new guard and wife.

  Over the past few weeks, Ash had been able to make it to five different clans, though he didn’t get to spend much time in any single one. He would arrive and go straight to the labyrinth. Most the time, Ash wouldn’t get to sleep until late and then he was only afforded a few hours before he was forced to start training. His time had been pushed so thin that his eyes started to gain permanent bags underneath them.

  In the end, not a single second was wasted. Ash knew that he had to rush, but he felt bad about neglecting the new wives he had collected at each clan, but whenever they saw him they never gave him a judging look which made things much easier to bear.

  Mia was a short demon who belonged to a tribe that looked like a short version of an elf. They were very connected to nature as they were created from plant type demons. Lena looked like what one would consider a typical demon with ash grey skin and large bat-like wings. Tina was a robust young lady with a forked tail that had been descendent from animal type monsters. Gena was another warrior who, unlike Tolarea, had a short slender frame. She used a single handed sword along with a shield. Eun was the latest addition and Ash had yet to learn much about her. She was a tall woman with long blue hair and silver eyes. She used a mix of magic and a spear to fight.

  The abilities he had gained were as varied as his new wives. Most of them were simple, but it seemed that each clan had one that stood above the rest. The best abilities as far as Ash was concerned were the passive abilities since they didn’t require him to do anything for them to be of use.

  [Echo Location: advanced hearing that allows you to the placement of people and items even in total darkness. Level max.]

  [Darkness Resistance: 5% reduction in damage from any sources using the darkness element. Level 1-0%.]

  [Darkness Affinity: cost of using darkness attribute skills or abilities will be reduced by 10%. Level 1-0%.]

  [Dark Soul: turn 100HP into soul MP.]

  With an extra way to increase his soul MP, Ash was happy, and since his HP recovered faster than his MP, it was a godsend. The more abilities that Ash gained, the more he began to understand that the demons had thought out their training program well for the demon lords. Though his passive abilities were his favorite, Ash also liked many of his new active abilities.

  [Dark Spear: Cost 80MP create a spear of pure darkness that will last for five minutes. Can attack through armor as long as it is not blessed. Level 1-0%.]

  [Infuse Darkness: cost ***- infuse the air with Darkness energy to strength and control it. Level 1-0%.]

  [Darkness Essence: cost ***- ability to infuse MP with the darkness essence. Level 1-0%.]

  [Sword of Illusion: cost 40MP 10SP- create three illusionary replicas of your sword blade that can do 10% of the original strike. Level 1-0%.]

  [Phantom Strike: cost 10SP- attack with a phantom strike that does no damage but can deceive your enemies. Level 1-0%.]

  [Armor of Thorns: cost 40 MP cover your body with thick wooden armor that is covered in thorns. Lasts for 10 minutes. Level 1-0%.]

  [Tremor: cost 75MP- Shake the whole earth within five hundred square feet. Level 1-0%.]

  [Wind Slash: cost 10MP 5SP- eject a blade of wind that follows on a straight path. Level 1-0%.]

  [Wind Wing: Cost 15MP 30SP- create wings made of air that can let you fly and increase your speed by 5%. Lasts for 5 minutes. Level 1-0%.]

  [Total Destruction: Cost 300MP 100SP- create a massive storm of pure magical energy and physical force that spreads out over fifty yards attacking everything within its range. Level 1-0%.]

  [Agis Shield of Protection: cost 120MP create a large massive shield that can cover fifty square feet. Can take a total of 150 HP before disappearing. Level 1-0%.]

  A lot of the abilities that he had gained were costly, but would be of great use in a large scale battle. Ash wasn’t sure, but he figured that the sage had changed the normal training to focus on what would be useful to Ash in concerns to the upcoming war.

  At level 1, most of the skills were still useful, but not as good as if they were at a higher level. Ash tried his best to get them to level them up, but it was not something that could be done overnight.

  As the time passed and the coming battle drew nearer, Ash started to reflect on his new skills and the last large battle that he had been in. At that time, Ash had only been in small one on one battles against other humans. He had been slightly overconfident at first, but after his near death experience while running from the scouts, he had learned that no matter how strong he was, he was still vulnerable. His stats were high and he had a number of impressive skills and abilities, but all it took was one fatal strike to end his life.

  The main difference between Ash and one of the monsters that one might fight was that he was human. The monsters had weak points that could be taken advantage of, but they were often small or well concealed. As a human, he had many weak points that could cause his death. Not only that, in a way his whole body was a weak point. If he got a deep would, he would bleed and his HP and SP would quickly drop as the blood left his body. If he lost an arm, it was nearly impossible to get it to regrow, though it could be done if he could find a person with the right ability, or if he got his own mend ability ranked up high enough. Though it was hard to tell how long that would take.

  With this knowledge, Ash spent the small amount of free time trying to envision on the best way he could fight when faced off against more than a few people at the same time. If he only had the same abilities as before, he would still be limited but he was sure that now he could do better, though he knew part of himself would still be scared. No matter how much time passed, that was one thing that didn’t really change. It was different than when he fought against monsters in the labyrinth. When he fought against humans, his heart beat so fast he could feel it beating against his ribs like a beast trying to escape its confinement.

  With his new abilities, Ash was sure that he could fare much better, even though a few of them that would be good to use against heavily armored opponents cost a great deal of MP. Ash had thought about upgrading his own gear and after spending time not only discussing it with the sage, but also his wives, Ash was assured that before they left the demon kingdom to prepare for the war, they would stop by the demon Maoh’s castle and he could take what he wanted from the treasury.

  From what the sage said, the castle’s treasury was filled with a number of things that each Maoh had gathered over the years. This was not only weapons and armor, but also ability books, monster cores, gold, gems, and a number of other precious objects. When Ash heard this, he made a quick decision that he would not only take things for himself, but for his wives as well.

  As Ash lay back against the headboard of the bed he was currently using, he looked up as if he could see through the darkened wood of the ceiling to the sky above. “It is almost time,” he said to himself. Though his words were uttered softly, Ash felt Eun shift next to him.

  So much had happened lately it was hard for Ash to keep it all in mind, but one thing was sure. His training for the time being was over and tomorrow they would head to the Maoh’s castle so that they could prepare for war. Ash wasn’t sure how long they would be there before heading to the front lines, but he knew that many of the demon clan heads would be at the castle as well to help him prepare. Many of whom Ash had yet to meet other than the quick greeting he had gotten from t
hem on the day he had taken the role of the next Maoh.

  The demons could be placed into four main groups. There was the flying troops, scouts, mages, and melee fighters. Each group could be broken down into a number of different smaller parts, but due to the diversity of the demons it was hard for Ash to grasp. Many of the demon clans had similar abilities or at least it looked like it on the surface, but how they put them to use was completely different. For instance, there were two major clans that used light magic. One of them used it mainly for healing and support, while another used it for attacking and defending.

  Ash had asked the sage to give him papers with an overview of all the clans and their main abilities, but Ash hadn’t had enough time to go over them well enough to learn much. He couldn’t even recall a quarter of the clan’s names, let alone their abilities and how they could be best used in a large scale battle. Before, Ash had only been one among a number of other soldiers with only a small amount of responsibility, but now he was the at the head of the proverbial snake. It put a lot of pressure on him and it was something that he felt most keenly. Each day that passed, it felt as if more and more weight was pressing down on him, as if an inviable giant was sitting on his shoulders. A few times late at night, Ash woke sweating. His eyes wide and his chest tight as if it refused to let him draw in breath. Ash knew that it was a weak version of a panic attack, but he was too ashamed to tell anyone about them. A few times, one of his wives woke up with him, but he was able to defer any questions by merely saying he had to go to the bathroom.


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