Meant to Be (Road Trip Romance Book 5)

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Meant to Be (Road Trip Romance Book 5) Page 12

by A. K. Evans

  “So, you still have a few months left,” I noted.

  Tillie nodded.

  “Okay, well, then I’ve got some things to do tomorrow,” I declared.

  While it all seemed obvious to me, Tillie’s creased brows indicated that she had no idea what I was hinting at. I figured it was best to enlighten her.

  “I assume you’re working at the store tomorrow?” I asked.

  “Yes,” she confirmed.

  “While you’re there, I’m going to hunt for some real estate,” I stated.

  Shaking her head in disbelief, she said, “I’m sorry… real estate?”



  Grinning, I answered, “Because you’re here.”

  Tillie’s brows shot up as her lips parted. After staring at me for several long moments, she pressed, “So, you’re going to move here because I’m here?”

  “You said you want all of me,” I reminded her.

  “Of course, I do. But I thought you’d just come to visit once a week or something,” she remarked.

  I shook my head. “If I came here once a week, I wouldn’t leave, Tillie,” I began. “I want to be close to you. Two hours is not close enough. And I’ve spent enough time away from you in the last couple months. I’m not doing that anymore.”

  Tillie let my words sink in before she asked, “What are you going to do once you get out here?”

  “Spend time with you,” I told her. “And if you need my help with any of your stuff at the store, I’m happy to help. You know I’ve already cut back on the skateboarding. I’ve put my time in with that. I’ll do contests here and there, but I’m ready to start the next part of my life.”

  When Tillie spoke again, she shocked me. “It’s completely up to you,” she started. “But if you’re going to move here so you can see me, it doesn’t make sense for you to get a separate place to live.”

  I blinked at her, unsure if I was understanding her correctly. “Are you saying you want me to live here with you?” I asked.

  She shrugged. “Do you want to live with me?” she countered.

  “Tillie, I’d love nothing more than to be with you like that,” I started. “But I don’t want you to think that simply because I’m making this decision to follow you here that I want to take over your entire life. If you need your own space while you’re working things out in this new town, I can find a place that’s close and still give us time to ease into this.”

  Tillie rolled her body toward mine and brought a hand up to cup the side of my face. She searched my face as her thumb stroked along my cheek. Her voice was soft and sweet when she said, “I’ve been in love with you for as long as I can remember, Zev. These last couple months without you have been extremely difficult. Having you back in my life at all right now makes me so happy. But having you in my space daily is honestly a dream come true. There’s nothing for me to ease into with you. I have no doubts about us.”

  It meant a lot to know that she had such confidence in us being together. Coming to Sedona, I really had no idea what to expect when I saw her for the first time again. I would have been relieved just to have her forgiveness and friendship back. Knowing I got those and so much more made me realize that my dream came true, too.

  Feeling overwhelmed, I found it difficult to speak. But I wanted to communicate to Tillie just how much her words meant. So, I brought my mouth to hers and kissed her. When I felt that I’d sufficiently conveyed precisely how her words had affected me, I disconnected and gave her a smile.

  “Hit the light on your side,” I urged. “We’ve got a busy day tomorrow.”

  Tillie rolled to her opposite side and turned off the light. I slipped my arm around her waist and curled the front of my body around the back of hers.

  Silence had filled the room, and I thought Tillie had fallen asleep. A couple minutes later, she called, “Zev?”


  “Thank you for coming back to me,” she rasped.

  I closed my eyes as my arm tightened around her waist. After pressing a kiss to her bare shoulder, I responded, “Thank you for forgiving me and allowing me back.”

  Tillie’s response was to scoot herself backward.

  I stifled a groan at the feel of her ass moving in my lap and struggled against every urge in my body calling me to make love to her again. When I got it under control, I whispered, “Good night, Tillie. I love you.”

  “I love you, too. Good night, Zev,” she replied.

  Then, with my beautiful girl wrapped up in my arms for the first time in months, I found myself easily able to fall asleep.

  “I have a question,” Tillie declared from the seat kitty-corner to mine at the breakfast table.

  We’d gotten up about an hour ago, and it had been much different than the last time I woke up next to her. This time, I took the time to relish the experience. And in doing that, I found there wasn’t anything I didn’t like about it.

  Waking up in the morning with Tillie’s warm, soft body pressed against mine was everything I always imagined it would be. No matter what I might have to face each day, I knew that if I woke up holding her in my arms that there wasn’t anything I couldn’t achieve.

  Truthfully, it made me want to kick myself for having pushed her away the way that I did.

  Not wanting to put a damper on my mood, I lifted a piece of bacon from the plate and responded, “Okay. What’s your question?”

  After swallowing a forkful of her eggs, she said, “Well, when you were in the shower this morning and I was down here making breakfast, I started thinking. And I guess I’m just curious if you told me the truth.”

  My brows pulled together. “The truth about what?” I asked.

  “Your experience,” she answered.

  “My experience?” I repeated.

  Nodding, Tillie clarified, “Yes. How is it possible that you have the same amount of experience as I do in the bedroom?”

  I didn’t understand where she was going with this, and I hated to think she didn’t believe me when I’d told her she was the only woman I’d ever taken to bed. Cautiously, I replied, “It’s the truth, Tillie. I’ve only ever been like that with you.”

  “I believe you,” she assured me. Even though she said those words, her face twisted in a way that I knew she was still struggling with something.

  I finished my last bite, pushed my plate back, and asked, “What’s the matter?”

  Tillie’s eyes came to mine. She held them briefly before shaking her head and brushing it off. “Nothing,” she said. “It’s nothing.”

  “It’s not nothing, babe. Tell me.”

  I watched as Tillie nervously bit her lip. Her eyes moved over my torso as she swallowed hard. “I just… well,” she stammered. “How are you so good? How did you know what to do with your mouth? How did you know what I’d like?”

  Hearing that, I wanted to throw a fist up in the air to celebrate, but I held back. Instead, I gave her an honest answer. “I didn’t know,” I admitted. “But then you told me.”


  “You told me with the sounds you made or the way your legs or hips would move,” I explained. “I just listened to you and paid attention.”

  Her chin lifted slowly in acknowledgment. “Oh, okay.”

  Something was still bothering her, so I pressed, “What is it, Tillie?”

  “You’re incredible,” she admitted. “You made me feel really good last night. I just… I want to make sure I can give you something, even with my mouth, that you’ll like just as much. But I don’t know what I’m doing.”

  Just the thought of Tillie’s mouth on me was enough to send me spiraling. I did my best to rein it in, so I could quell her fears. “We’re learning this together as we go along. You’ll learn what I like just as I’m doing with you,” I told her.

  The look on her face told me that didn’t help. She was still feeling insecure and unsure about herself and her abilities. I was going to need to take a mor
e direct approach.



  “I’ve thought about stuff like this with you for years… for nearly my whole life,” I began. “I’m telling you right now that just the thought of your mouth being on my cock at all is enough to send me over the edge. I figure there really isn’t any way it’ll be bad once your mouth is actually there.”

  Hope surged in her features. “Really?” she asked.

  I dipped my chin. “Yes, babe,” I said softly. “I love what I’ve already gotten from you. Don’t doubt yourself.”

  She shrugged and dropped her head to one shoulder. “I don’t want you to be disappointed. That would be mortifying.”

  Reaching out to her, I tugged Tillie toward me. She came out of her seat as I maneuvered her into my lap. Once she was there, I promised, “I won’t ever be disappointed, Tillie.”

  “How can you be so sure?” she wondered.

  “I just am. I am because it’s you. Because there is no way that I could ever possibly be disappointed with having something I’ve dreamt of having my whole life. You’re everything I thought you would be and more,” I shared.

  “Zev…” She trailed off.

  After giving her a squeeze, I added, “And I don’t want you to ever feel shy about anything when it comes to the two of us sharing our bodies with one another. If you have questions, just ask. We’ll figure things out together.”

  The moment the words were out of my mouth, I saw the worry and nervousness that had been in Tillie’s face vanish. She shot a beautiful smile my way before leaning forward to kiss me.

  I took her kiss and enjoyed it for everything it was. I wasn’t sure why Tillie ever doubted herself. Just her kiss was enough to drive me wild.

  And maybe she thought I was confident in all of this, but I wasn’t. The truth was, I had been a bit worried. Sure, I’d taken women out on dates and kissed them. But it didn’t ever go beyond that even though it could have very easily in many situations. I had willing participants. But I just… couldn’t. I thought I’d eventually get there, but the way I felt about Tillie was always in the back of my mind. Being here now, I was glad that I hadn’t ever just given in for the sake of it.

  Thinking back on the first time Tillie and I were together, she seemed to enjoy what we had. This time was no different. But it didn’t change the fact that I was learning as I went along. I wanted everything I did to be good for her. So far, she didn’t seem to have any complaints. Only time would tell if that would continue. Regardless, I knew I’d never stop trying to give her the best I had to give.

  Tillie pulled her mouth from mine just a touch. Her lips were still brushing up against mine when she asked, “Can I try now?”

  “Try what, babe?”

  She hesitated briefly before she answered, “Using my mouth.”

  “Do you think I’m going to say no?” I asked, wondering why she paused.

  “I hope not.”

  I grinned against her lips as I picked her up and carried her to the couch. Once we were there, I encouraged her. “Show me what you’ve got.”

  Tillie wasted no time.

  And after she’d successfully demonstrated her newfound skills with her mouth, I looked down at her nestled between my legs and declared, “Full disclosure, babe.”

  “Okay?” she replied, the heat still lingering in her eyes.

  “I’ve thought about this moment for as long as I can remember,” I started. “I’m happy to tell you that you’ve far exceeded any expectations I had about how it would go.”

  The corners of her mouth twitched with a smile. I gave myself a minute to take in that look. Then I shifted my body on the couch, lowered her to her back, and stated, “Now it’s my turn to have another taste.”

  “I have to get ready for work,” she argued.

  I cocked an eyebrow and remarked, “Then you better hope I know what I’m doing.”

  Tillie pulled her bottom lip in between her teeth, admitting defeat. I did what I had to do to make sure she still got to work on time.



  The whispered sound of Zev’s voice was like music to my ears… even if it was coming at me at an ungodly hour in the morning.

  I fell from my side to my back and twisted my neck in the direction of his voice. When I opened my eyes, I found Zev looking down at me, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.

  “I brought breakfast up for you,” he declared.


  Not only was he awake and alert, but he’d also gotten out of bed and made breakfast.

  “What time is it?” I asked, my voice raspy.

  “Early,” he replied. “But if we’re going to make it back here on time for you to get to the store before it closes, we need to leave soon.”

  I closed my eyes in defeat. I had to get up.

  It was Saturday morning, Meli was opening the store, and I was heading back to Saguaro with Zev. He’d stayed with me for the past week but needed to get some of his things from home. While we were there, we planned to stop in and visit with his parents.

  I was excited to see them since the last time I saw them was the day of Liam’s funeral. Zev had mentioned his parents made strides in the weeks that followed Liam’s death, but it still was going to be nice to be able to see them for myself.

  Ever since the night Zev arrived, life had been wonderful. Obviously, I knew how horrible I’d felt not having him in my life for the last couple months. Now that he was back, it became all too clear just how bad it had been.

  Of course, since I had my store, I didn’t get to spend every waking moment with Zev. But given the fact that I’d started working nonstop to get through the pain of losing Liam and Zev’s rejection, I wasn’t low on stock. For that reason, when the store closed every evening, I was able to take the time to just relax and catch up with my best friend… who was also now my boyfriend.

  Zev met Meli at the store two days ago. It was the first day she’d worked since the night he arrived. The moment she met him, it all suddenly seemed to come together for her. It was evident to her that Zev was a big part of the reason I had been looking so glum some days. Apparently, the way that Zev and I got along told her everything she needed to know about our relationship. While we hadn’t had a chance to discuss anything, I had a feeling Meli would be lending an ear when we had some time alone again to chat with one another.

  That same day had been great for Zev and me because Meli had gone in to open the store. That meant that we were not only able to sleep in a little bit, but we also had some time in the morning to do something else with one another. So, I took Zev to Bell Rock where we hiked a couple thousand feet up to a stunning view.

  As though my work schedule combined with getting reacquainted with Zev wasn’t enough to keep me busy, I added in a phone call to my mom. I knew she had been worried about me ever since I made the move to Sedona, but I never really realized just how bad it was until we spoke a few days ago.

  “Oh, I’ve been worried sick,” she said after I’d told her the story about Zev coming back and the two of us working it out. “I’ve been driving your dad crazy these last few weeks.”

  “What? Why?” I asked, not understanding what she was saying.

  “The success you’ve had in your business since moving to Sedona has been incredible, Tillie,” she started. “But no matter how busy you’ve been or how successful you were, I knew you weren’t healing. I could hear it in your voice every time I talked to you. And I told your father that if things didn’t change soon, I was making a trip out there myself.”

  It was hard to hear that. While I loved knowing just how much my parents cared for me, it hurt me to know that they were feeling pain over my heartache.

  “I appreciate that, Mom. Everything is good now,” I assured her.

  “I know it is,” she said. “I knew it was the minute you started speaking.”

  “You did?”

  “It was obvious in your voice. You
didn’t sound so solemn anymore, and I knew there was no amount of ceramics orders that could have turned it around like that for you.”

  She wasn’t wrong. I loved that she knew just how important a part of my life Zev was and what not having him around meant for me. Most of all, I loved that she harbored no ill feelings toward him for the way he handled the situation.

  So, for the last several days, my life had consisted of work, a phone call with my mom, and spending time with Zev. I was happy to see that despite the separation we’d endured over the last couple months, we somehow managed to fall back into the comfortable, familiar relationship we used to have. The only difference now was that we had sex. Lots of it. Being new to the sport, I wasn’t sure what was typical. It’s not like I had anything else to compare it to. But I had a feeling we weren’t doing too bad. Because more than anything else I’d done over the last week, I’d had a lot of sex.

  Just as he’d promised, the day after Zev came to Sedona, he went out and stocked up on condoms. Suffice it to say, we needed to make another trip to the store for more because our supply was running low.

  Even on nights like last night, when Zev knew we needed to get some rest so we could wake up early, he didn’t just go to bed.


  He made every effort to still make love to me and take his time doing it. There was no rush on his part to just do the deed and hurry off to sleep. I really had no room to complain, though. Because Zev and I were having a lot of fun exploring this new part of our relationship with one another. He was loving and attentive and never failed to make sure I was satisfied each time.

  It made me feel incredibly lucky and loved, but I just couldn’t understand how he managed to do that and was still up right now, ready to get the show on the road today.

  Not wanting to disappoint him and loving the effort he’d been putting in every day since we’d reunited, I opened my eyes, smiled, and asked, “What’s for breakfast?”


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