Blended with Pain: Notorious Devils (Cash Bar Book 4)

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Blended with Pain: Notorious Devils (Cash Bar Book 4) Page 9

by Hayley Faiman

  Lifting my chin, he turns and walks away from me. I glance back at Carson. She’s face down, her bare back on display, the thin sheet only covering her small ass, and her lean leg cocked to the side. Fuck she’s a goddamn dream come true. An angel that I definitely do not deserve, not even in the slightest.

  Grabbing my jeans from the floor, I pull them up my legs and ass, buttoning them quickly. Next, I take my cut from the back of the chair. Then, I grab my socks and boots that I discarded earlier. I forego my shirt, knowing that I’ll be back here soon. What I don’t do is sneak out the door, not with the partygoers still milling around, not with brothers I don’t trust.

  Sitting next to Carson on the bed, I place my hand on her shoulder and gently shake her until I watch her pretty deep blue eyes open. “Ace?” she asks, confusion written all over her.

  “I have to go to a meeting. Lock the door behind me,” I instruct.

  She nods, and I watch as she rolls onto her back and then sits up. Her tits distract me, I can’t take my eyes off of them. I want to taste them, lick and suck, bite and pull. I lick my lips and only move my gaze from them to her face when she giggles.

  “Nobody has ever looked at me like that before,” she smiles.

  Shaking my head, I reach for one of her peaked nipples. Pinching it, I tug on the sweet bud gently. “A damn fucking shame. You should always be on display, Sweet Pea. Fucking gorgeous,” I mumble.

  Her lips turn up into a fucking beautiful smile. “You are kind of crazy,” she says, shaking her head.

  Giving her a wink, I stand to my feet. “C’mon,” I say, lifting my chin toward the door. I watch as she wraps the sheet around her as if I haven’t already spent hours looking, touching, and licking that sweet naked body of hers.

  She follows close behind me, and I open the door, but before I step out, I turn around to face her. Slipping my hand around her waist, I tug her against my chest. Lowering my face, I brush my lips across her own. “Be a good girl, Carson,” I whisper against her mouth.

  She places her hand on my chest, her cool fingers feel fucking phenomenal against my skin. Sliding my hand down her back, I cup her ass. Giving her a rough squeeze, I release her, taking a step back. Without another word, I turn my back. I hear the door close, and then a lock flips closed.

  Good girl.

  Hurrying down the stairs, I make my way toward the back of the clubhouse. Walking into the room, everyone is sitting or standing around a large rectangular table. No matter what clubhouse you’re in, it all looks the fucking same.

  “Let’s get this shit started,” the president announces, lifting his chin to Hoss.

  Hoss clears his throat. “My son told me what kind of place he was being held. I just… thanks, guys,” he mutters as he lowers his head to look in his lap.

  Baby and Houston clear their throats too. I lift my chin. As shitty as that place was, it brought me to my son, and I can’t be sorry, not for that—not ever. “There’s one in Montana, which is why we’re headed up there,” Baby explains.

  “Are you going to get rid of it?”

  I shake my head, balling my hand in a fist, and placing it on my hip. “We can’t. Our president has called us back home. We did a rush job in Texas and we just don’t have the time,” I explain.

  “I’ll call Snake,” the president announces. “We’ll help with Montana. We aren’t ignoring this, those fucks are all going to burn,” he says.

  “Charlie told me some other shit. Said the main leader had been there a few times, gave some speeches about how it was almost time. I don’t know what it was almost time for. He didn’t know either. But he said that his contact in the government would protect them,” he explains.

  I frown. “What the fuck?” I ask, running my fingers through my hair.

  Hoss shakes his head. “Don’t know, brother. We find out anything when we head to Montana, we’ll let you know,” he offers.

  “Yeah, yeah,” I say, lifting my chin.

  The meeting is over a few minutes later and me, Baby, and Houston walk out together. “Meeting,” I grunt as I make my way outside. Once we’re alone, I look between the two men. “This is the first time we’ve heard anything about the US government being in charge of anything, or knowing anything about the compounds,” I point out.

  “Snake’s going to want to know this,” Baby says.

  I nod. “Let’s get going. The faster we can get back to Canada, the quicker I can get on my computer and do some fucking research on this,” I offer.

  “Let’s get the women and get moving,” Houston agrees.

  “We ride hard we can make it to Big Sky by tonight. From there it’s only another nine hours to make it home,” I say.

  Baby grins. “Thank fuck. I’m ready to be back. You hear anything on Fish?” he asks, looking from me to Houston.

  We both shake our heads. The entire thing, fucking weird as shit. Sure, Fish was acting cagey, but he straight fucking vanished on us without so much as a fuck you. I don’t trust him, and now that he’s gone? I want to know what the fuck he’s up to.

  Snake says he’s got shit handled, and I have no reason not to believe him. I want to do some research but Houston and Baby have been with me the entire time, other than when I’m alone with Carson. I don’t want her to get curious and look over my shoulder either, which I have a feeling she would.

  I’m just going to have to hold off my investigation and hope that all will turn out in the end. It will, I’ll make sure of it. I have a kid and a woman to worry about now. Carson is my woman. I haven’t told her yet, but as soon as we get back to Canada, she’s being branded with my ink.

  There’s something special about her, something that in my thirty years on earth, and countless bitches in my bed, I’ve never felt before. She’s the only mother my kid knows, and I want to have a real fuckin’ family, the three of us.

  Axe deserves that, especially after the crackwhore cunt I made his birth mom. He deserves the good life Carson will give him, that I can give him. He deserves fucking everything.

  “Keys?” Baby asks. He breaks me of my thoughts and I turn my head to face him, lifting my chin. “You good, brother? All this shit, having a kid, bringing a woman back home with you. You good?”

  I nod. “I’m fuckin’ good,” I grin.

  He shakes his head, his hand wrapping around my shoulder and giving it a squeeze. We don’t say anything else, we head inside and make our way toward our rooms. I start to wake up Roxanne and Axe but decide to go back to Carson instead.

  It isn’t seven in the morning yet, so according to Carson, he isn’t up. I know that she is, and I bite my bottom lip thinking about sliding inside of her one more time before we head out on the long fucking day that’s ahead of us.



  I LET OUT a sigh as I stare at the seat of Ace’s bike. Turning my head, I look back at my car. Comfortable seats stare back at me. I want them, I want to sit on them for the rest of this trip. I dream of the cushions, the softness, then there’s the air conditioning. I want it all.

  “Can I go with Axe and Roxanne today?” I ask.

  Ace wraps his hand around my wrist and tugs me against his chest. He cups my cheek with his hand and I melt in a puddle from his tender touch. He’s such a contradiction, all of him. He’s hard, yet soft. Sweet, yet sour. He’s rough, yet tender. He’s Keys, yet Ace.

  “Your ass hurtin’, Sweet Pea?” he asks. His eyes actually dance with his words. I can’t hold back my smile, he’s too damn cute.

  Biting the corner of my lip, I nod. “Amongst other things,” I shrug.

  His other hand slides between us and cups me between the legs. My eyes widen, and I look from side to side to see if anyone is watching. I don’t think they are, but that doesn’t stop my face from heating and assuredly turning bright red.

  “Your pussy sore? Sore from my cock all night?” he asks, a clear chuckle in his voice.

  I let out a breath. “Yes. Is that what y
ou want to hear?” I grind out through gritted teeth.

  He smirks, lowering his face and applies pressure with his fingertips between my legs as his lips touch mine. “Yeah, Carson. It’s exactly what I want to hear. I want this cunt aching for me. Goddamn, I want you wet and aching for me,” he rasps.

  “You’re awful,” I hiss.

  His tongue slips out and he tastes my bottom lip before he nips it. “I know I am, Sweet Pea. You wouldn’t have me any other way, and it makes you wet,” he whispers against my mouth. “Go ride with your friend, take care of my boy.”

  I practically squeal at the thought of riding in the car. I press my lips to his, taking a step back. I’m just about to turn around and run when my feet falter. Being in the car means that I won’t be pressed against his back, it means that I won’t feel his strong abs as he rides down the highway. It means that I won’t be able to press my cheek against his jacket and inhale the scent of leather from his vest.

  “Ride in the car until lunch. Then you can climb on the back of the bike with me,” he offers as if he can read my mind.

  My eyes lift to his and I smile shyly, afraid that my truth is showing. Afraid that he’ll know just how much he already means to me, how much I’m starting to really fall for him. He’s no longer just that hot guy my sister used to date. He’s different now, now that he’s been inside of me. He’s a little bit mine too. I’m sure I shouldn’t think of him that way, but it’s so hard not to.

  “Okay,” I breathe.

  He shakes his head with a smirk. “Go on, or your sore ass and pussy will be on my bike no matter how much it hurts,” he winks.

  Turning from him, I quickly hurry away and practically dive into the car. “Well that was interesting,” Roxie says as soon as I’m in the car.

  “What?” I ask, seemingly innocent.

  She throws back her head and bursts out laughing. “Honey, I heard you two all night, and again this morning. It was misery for me, but I’m so happy for you,” she winks.

  My face heats again, which only makes her giggle a little harder. “He was good, wasn’t he?” she asks, licking her lips.

  Glancing back at Axe. He’s playing with his cars, oblivious to the rest of the world and I’m glad. “Don’t deny it, I heard it all, Sweet Pea.”

  I gasp at her words, turning to look at her, she’s driving out of the clubhouse parking lot, but she’s smiling like the damn cat-that-ate-the-canary. The bitch. Biting the corner of my lip, I let out a breath. “He was. Better than Levi on his best day,” I admit.

  “Woo girl, tell me more,” she sings.

  Shaking my head, I reach for her knee and give it a squeeze. “Why don’t you tell me about Houston?”

  Her smile dies instantly, she sighs and then groans. “He decided since I was coming off of my relationship with Tim that what we did, it was for the road trip only. I asked him about what would happen when we got to Canada and he just brushed me off. He’s young, he’s hot, and he’s good in bed. He doesn’t need my old ass holding him back from all the tail he can score. Which by the looks of the broads last night, means he can score as often as he likes,” she shrugs.

  “First off, you’re not old. So quiet with that. Secondly, maybe he’s keeping things light for your benefit. I mean you literally just left Tim,” I offer.

  She doesn’t say anything, and I don’t force the conversation. I’m glad that I’m here with Roxanne rather than on the back of Ace’s bike. I need a few minutes to breathe. With him, I feel like I’m constantly on edge. He’s awoken my body, especially the physical part of me. I don’t know what the future holds though, for us, for Axe and me—any of it.

  “Tim was abusive,” Roxanne suddenly states. My body jerks, but I don’t say anything. She’s finally talking. “It never starts out that way, you know how it goes. I didn’t have anywhere to go, not really. He’d find me in our little town, or anywhere near it. He’d proven it a couple times, drug me back literally by my hair. I never wanted you to know, I was ashamed.”

  “Roxie,” I choke.

  Her hands grip the steering wheel a little tighter, but she doesn’t respond otherwise. “When those men came up, and you said you were going with them. I knew it was my one and only chance. Tim was getting worse. Plus, he was cheating a lot more often. He’d always done it before, and I always turned a blind eye. He stopped hiding it a long time ago. Everyone in town knew, people literally came up to me to tell me they’d seen him with other women.”

  Tears stream down my cheeks, I’m unable to hold them in. My strong, gorgeous, vivacious neighbor, my best friend. She lived a nightmare and I was right next door oblivious to it. Or maybe I always knew, maybe I just turned a blind eye because I didn’t want to see it. I don’t know the truth, but I’m pissed off at myself for it, so fucking pissed.

  “You would never have been able to help me. Know that, Carson. Plus, in the end, you did anyway. Here we are, on a grand adventure.” She smiles, but it doesn’t reach her eyes. “Houston is right not to want me for anything more. I need to heal. I need to be free. I need to find Roxie again.”

  I nod, squeezing her knee one more time. “Okay, beautiful,” I whisper.

  “I’m thirty-three, and I’ve never been alone. I’m thirty-three and the last time I was single was when Brian Hodges asked me to the homecoming dance in the tenth grade.”

  Staring out the windshield, I don’t look at her when I speak. “Time for you to make the choices you want for yourself, Roxie. You don’t need a man to validate you. You’re the sexiest, most vibrant woman I know. This is going to be an awesome start over.”

  “Damn skippy it is,” she grins.

  We talk about other things, happier things. Like what we are expecting our futures to look like. Roxie wants to go to school, cosmetology, and I love that she’s excited about her passion. I, on the other hand, have no exciting new passion.

  I know how to waitress, and kind of how to be a mom to Axe. That’s all I have. I stopped thinking about a future, and goals, when Axe was one month old, and I became his sole caretaker. I wanted to go away to college once but never knew what for, then it didn’t matter anymore.

  “We’ll get you situated,” Roxanne promises.

  I stare out the passenger window, not quite believing her. My future is so uncertain, thinking about it makes my heart race. So, instead, I shove it in the back of my mind. It can reside there for a while, maybe even forever. If I don’t think about it, maybe it won’t matter. Or maybe I’ll continue to get older and have zero fucking clue what I’m doing in life?


  I’M JONESIN’. Completely fucking jonesin’. I need Carson. I need her body pressed against mine. I need to be able to reach back while I’m riding and grab her leg. I fucking need her. I didn’t think it would be this bad. I’ve seen men fall for bitches before, and I made fun of them for being pussified, but I never thought this is what it felt like.

  I signal to Houston and Baby that I’m about to pull over. Instead of making my way to the next turn-off, I just pull off on the side of the road. The car pulls over as well. Instead of running over to yank Carson out of the passenger seat, I walk out a little ways into the desert and decide to take a leak.

  A few seconds later, Axe is at my side, pissing as well. I grin, looking down at my boy, proud that he can piss standing up, finally. I tuck my dick back in my pants, then reach over at him and ruffle his blond hair.

  “When will we be there?” he asks.

  Turning to him, I crouch down so that I can look at him eye level. “You’ve been so good. I know it’s a very long trip, but once we get there, we don’t have to take any more big trips like this,” I try to explain, giving him a smile.

  He wraps his arms around my neck giving me a hug. “I’m so essited,” he hisses.

  “I’m excited too, Axe,” I admit.

  I am, too.

  I’m fucking over the moon to have a son, my son, and have him home with me. Then, I cringe. Fuck, I don’t have a
home for him. He definitely cannot stay at the clubhouse. Wrapping my hand loosely around the back of his neck, I guide Axe back to our group.

  Houston and Baby are both smiling at me like the assholes they are. Carson is standing, leaning against the car and watching me as well, but she isn’t smiling, in fact, she looks almost nervous.

  “You’re on my bike,” I say, pointing at her. Her eyes widen, and she nods.

  I watch her ass sway as she makes her way over to the bike. Fuck. I watch her standing next to my machine, her back facing me and I get a vision in my head. I imagine her bent over while I take her from behind, her tits swaying and her hands gripping my seat.

  “Ready,” I rumble to the group.

  Baby chuckles, I turn to face him. “You’re done, brother. Slap your stamp on her, she’s as good as claimed and so the fuck are you,” he announces.

  I glance over to Carson again, then back to him. “Yeah, she is. Verdict is still out on me, but that little girl is fucking mine. Her brand gets inked as soon as we’re back home.”

  “You’re in denial if you think you aren’t just as claimed as her. You should be the one getting her name stamped on you somewhere, too,” Houston points out.

  I snort. “Oh, because you ain’t sweet on the Rox?” I ask him.

  His face turns red and he shrugs. “She’s fun, but I’m not settling down,” he states.

  Baby rolls his eyes. “We all say it, hell I said it and I was willing to settle down for a woman. Just takes the right one,” he admits.

  I don’t ask him who. I already know. I watched that train wreck go down. How he thought he could get Hayden is beyond me. She’s Crooner’s girl, always has been. Even a newcomer like me saw that shit. He was being fucking blind to think that she would give up on him. Guaranteed, she’d still be pining for him, even if he hadn’t finally scooped her up.

  “Baby ain’t wrong,” I point out. Houston looks at me, a scowl on his face. “When you see the one you want, you’ll know it. I see the way you watch that curvy little thing. You ain’t sure yet but think about another man layin’ claim. Then you’ll have your answer.”


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