The Kate Nash Series Boxed Set

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The Kate Nash Series Boxed Set Page 26

by Keene, Susan

  “Thank you, Randle, I will.”


  T ony came by after breakfast and suggested we get out of the house for awhile.

  I didn’t hesitate to nod my head. “I don’t have any money or ID. When the men took me in St. Louis, they took everything I had.”

  “Let me find out if anyone knows about your belongings. I’ll be back soon.”

  I showered and put on some casual clothes I found in the closet. My sister had more dressy clothes than I. It was more difficult to dress down. I found something and waited for Tony to come back. “The men didn’t bring any of it with them. They left it in your car. I’m sorry.”

  “I can replace it. But my Glock would make me feel safer. Where’re we going?”

  “Do you always carry a gun?”

  “Yes, I’m a Private Investigator.”

  He sat at the table and faced me. “You can catch the bad guys and Sophie can prosecute them.”

  I put my hand on his arm as a friendly gesture. “We wouldn’t have to go far to find them, would we?”

  Tony didn’t acknowledge my last comment. He changed the subject. “My plan is to go to the mall. There’s a real coffee shop. You could get a latte. A change of scenery and a chance to be yourself would relax you. We can go to a movie if you like.”

  My coat was on the bed. He helped me put it on. “The mall sounds wonderful. It doesn’t solve my money problems though.”

  “I’ll take care of everything. I forget you aren’t familiar with the De Marco money. Dominic pays Sophie a six-figure salary to get petty criminals out of speeding tickets, misdemeanors, and assaults. Apparently, she doesn’t need to be here to earn it.”

  We went out the back door where a man greeted us by name and with a friendly smile. “Do you and Miss Sophia need a car?”

  “Yes, Mike. We’ll be out a few hours.”

  The young man jogged out of sight and returned with a shiny black Cadillac. He slipped out of the driver’s seat and rushed around to my side to help me in. Since he appeared so friendly, I thanked him by name.

  I relaxed as we approached the gate. Tony stopped when an armed man walked up to his window. He lowered it and spoke to him. “Hi Sam, Miss Sophia and I are on our way to the mall and maybe a movie.”

  “Does Mr. De Marco know about this? We have strict orders not to let her off the grounds without a bodyguard.”

  Tony leaned out the window. “Yes, I spoke to him last night. My butt is on the line if I don’t have her back by dark.”

  The guard took a step backward. “Sorry, just doing my job.”

  He opened the gate and we drove through. The driveway was about a mile long. At the end of it, on the left, was a concrete circle with a high stone wall around it. There was an Essex County Sheriff’s car with two officers in it. Farther around the same drive was a dirty tan van with a huge antenna and blacked out windows.

  Before I had a chance to ask, Tony explained. “The Sheriff has a car stationed here twenty-four-seven. They keep track of who leaves, what car they’re driving, and they run the plates. Our informants say they keep a log of our comings and goings.”

  I had been in law enforcement long enough to know this sort of thing was standard procedure with gangs. During the stakeouts I took part in, we were never so blatant. I also had never been involved in a Mafia investigation. “Who’s in the van?”

  “The FBI, they take pictures of who comes and goes. No privacy around here. Sometimes one of our moles takes his turn and brings back most of their findings.”

  “And Sophie has lived with this her entire life? Hard to imagine.”

  I was on edge the rest of the day. I wondered who might have been behind us or took our picture as we strolled around the mall. I hoped some of Ryan’s men would show up.

  We didn’t talk much. It did me good to get away from the De Marco stronghold for a few hours.

  Our first stop was the coffee shop. I sat at a table in the back while Tony ordered and brought our drinks back. My heart jumped in my chest when looked toward the door and there stood Amy peeking in the window. My neck and shoulders relaxed. I had a sensation of relief when I saw my friend.

  She came in, ordered, and sat at the table adjacent to us. I leaned across the table. The dark-haired woman seated to my left is Amy, my business partner. I need to talk to her without anyone eavesdropping. What should we do?”

  “I’ll take care of it. I’ll act like she dropped something and I’ll return it to her.”

  He reached down to the floor and came up with a ten dollar bill in his hand as though he had found it. He stood, walked to Amy and offered it to her. I couldn’t hear their exchange but she smiled, took the money, said thank you, put the money in her purse, and went back to drinking her coffee. Tony came back to our table. “She’ll meet you in the dressing room at Sassy Design. Sophie likes that store so it won’t look out of the ordinary if someone’s watching. Finish your drink and don’t hurry. Tell me about your business. Lean toward me when you talk. Put your hand on mine and laugh once in a while. It’ll make it look like we’re still in love.”

  The next ten minutes were torturous. All I wanted to do was to go to the shop and talk to Amy.

  Tony and I glanced around the shop. He picked up a couple of dresses and showed them to me. I did the same. We agreed on an emerald green sheath we both liked and I took it to the dressing room. He sat on a bench directly to the right of the door so he could see who came and went.

  I didn’t know whether to try on the dress or not. It seemed like I had been in the room forever and no Amy. I was about to give up when she slipped through the door. She stood on the chair so it looked like there was only one person in the room. “I was beginning to think you would never come to rescue me.”

  “That isn’t why I’m here. We’re going to have to leave you there a few more days. When they took you from your sister’s apartment she was hiding near the side of the building. Earlier, she had gone there to wait for you and walked into a murder scene. She was frightened she would be charged with the killing so she hid. She was hidden in the shadows near the side of the building. She wanted to save you but Ryan showed up. Once they all realized what happened, they made plans to try to come get you. The dead man was a member of a family called Lombardi. Are you familiar?” She didn’t wait for me to answer. “Sophie thinks someone from that family killed the man to make it look like she did it. Someone grabbed her and roughed her up pretty good. She can’t go home until the noticeable injuries are healed enough to be hidden by make-up. I came to give you an untraceable track phone, and a gun.”

  “It’s a wonder I’m not dead. Tony and his mother knew right away I wasn’t Sophie. If Dominic finds out, I shudder to think what might happen.”

  She reached down and hugged me. “I’m sorry. Ryan has done his best. He’s in the van at the end of the drive. One of his contacts got him in. Sophie’s afraid for you, but she knew Tony would protect you. I think in a day or two we can make arrangements for you two to trade places. One of us will call the phone I gave you when we get it all worked out. We’ll ring once, wait two minutes and ring you again. Go into the bathroom, close the door and turn on the water in both the sink and the bathtub before you call back. Ryan sends his love, Chili’s fine. Sophie’s at the Penthouse spoiling her. Give her love to Tony. I need to go, love you.”

  With that, she was gone. I sat on the bench to go over what she said.

  When I exited the fitting room, Tony suggested I buy the dress so it looked like our shopping trip was on the up and up. We stopped by a café. “Are you going to tell me what your friend said? You were quiet on the way here. Is everything okay?”

  “I’m sorry. Amy said so much in such a short time I was reviewing it in my mind. I’ll start by telling you Sophie’s okay. Someone from Johnny’s family roughed her up pretty good. That’s why she hasn’t come home.”

  He leaned forward. “How bad is she hurt?”

  “I got the imp
ression it wasn’t bad but it bruised her face and she can’t come home until she can cover it with makeup. Amy gave me a throwaway phone and a small pistol. They say it will only be a few more days.”

  Tony’s face softened when he found out his girlfriend was okay. We ate fish and chips, drank a beer and rode home in a peaceful silence.

  I slept all night.


  T ony pulled into the driveway. A guard jogged up, checked the back seat and the trunk, tapped on the car and motioned us to drive through the gate. “You said earlier you thought Dominic had cold eyes. The story is he had a wife and two sons. They were all killed. Stories float around with several different scenarios about what happened to them.”

  I turned toward him. “What did happen to them?”

  “I don’t know. Mom knows but she says it’s one of those secrets that could get me killed so she never told me.”

  Dominic had children. It was all I could think about. I thought the kids might be the answer to everything. I didn’t have access to a computer, or any other electronics. There wasn’t even a radio in my room. The phone Amy gave me only sent and received calls and texts. I would have to let her and Ryan research it. I sent a message. The minute I pushed the send button I remembered Amy’s warning. I wondered if I had just made a big enough mistake to get me killed.

  It wasn’t safe to leave the phone out. I turned it on silent and put it in a jacket pocket of a coat in the closet. I was a person obsessed. Every five minutes I went to check it. Get a grip, I told myself.

  Rosa brought in a tray with hot chocolate and a brownie. I sat in front of the window that faced out back, ate, and watched the birds as I sipped my warm drink. My goal was to fool my mind into thinking I didn’t care about the news I waited for.

  Before I went to bed, I looked one more time. Still nothing appeared. I fell into a fitful sleep only to be awakened by the morning sun as it streamed through the window. For a second, I forgot where I was. Once I acclimated to the light, I jumped up and raced to the closet to check the phone.

  My answer appeared on the screen. Sophia knew there were two boys who would have been two, and three years older than she. She never saw or heard about them except through rumors over the years. She didn’t know who their mother was.

  I was about to write back when Rosa knocked and came in. She carried a dress in her arms. “Your father requests you accompany him to an anniversary party tonight for one of the elders of the Lombardi family. Johnny will be there. He wants you to wear this dress and low heel shoes. Be ready and downstairs by six.”

  She didn’t stay. She laid the dress on the bed, smiled and left.

  I hoped I wouldn’t have to interact with Dominic or Johnny again before Sophie and I were back where we belonged― so much for hope.

  I took a long hot shower and mulled over the guidelines Tony had given me. I brushed my teeth; put my make up on, and some other menial chores, all with my left hand. It was exhausting and infuriating.

  A few minutes before six, I greeted Randle at the bottom of the stairs. He smiled. “Miss Sophia, you look lovely. Your father is in the car.” He put my arm on his elbow and escorted me out.

  My father said nothing until we arrived at the restaurant. “You look very presentable. Sit next to Johnny.”

  I was surprised when it was Tony who opened my door and led me to the entrance. He didn’t speak or act as though he knew who I was. The family had strange rules.

  Dominic sat at one end of the table. A man who reminded me of a boxer who’d been hit too many times stood behind him. The expensive clothes and haircut had done did nothing to soften his look.

  Johnny was seated at the opposite end. He stood and came over to get me. He kissed me on the cheek. “You look lovely.”

  I muttered a thank you and let him lead me to my seat. A man followed me and stood near me, I guessed he was my protection.

  Twenty-four people were seated at the main table, eight on each side and four at each end. The guests of honor were seated in the middle of one side. Someone tapped on a glass and noise erupted from all sides.

  We ate salads, pasta and warm bread. There were at least ten different sauces and noodles. It blew my theory that all noodles tasted the same and the sauce was the only thing that needed to vary.

  Dominic stood and raised his wine glass. The room quieted. “I’d like to propose a toast to Samuel and Marie on their sixtieth wedding anniversary. Everyone held a glass in the air to honor the couple. Waiters carried in a large cake with a bride, groom, and a sixty on the top of it. They cut it and passed pieces around.

  They brought out a small cake and sat it in front of the happy couple. Johnny leaned my way. “I need to excuse myself. I’ll be right back. Enjoy your cake.” I smiled at him before he left.

  There was a commotion. I looked up in time to see Samuel’s head as it fell into the cake in front of him. The guard behind me leaned down and said, “Let’s go.” I was in shock. He took my arm and hurried me along, “Now, Miss Sophia.”

  Father and his man were gone. I saw the tail lights of the car we arrived in as it turned the corner and sped away. A limousine pulled beside me in a matter of seconds. The man with me opened the door and shoved me in. He stuck his head into the passenger side window. “Take Miss Sophia home and use route C.”

  “Yes, Sir.” And we were on our way.

  “Tony, what happened?”

  “I’m not sure what happened to Samuel, but I know Johnny’s dead on the bathroom floor with a bullet in the back of his head.”

  “Who do you think killed him?”


  “Why would he, Tony? After he kidnapped me, made me come here, and planned a wedding to stop a war?”

  “I think Johnny had Samuel killed so none of the older leaders would be around to speak against him as Don. He didn’t have the support of the organization to become the Godfather. He’s a disgusting man. No one liked him.”

  “So Dominic shot him?”

  “He ordered it. Dominic would never get his hands dirty.”

  “Where’re you going?”

  “I’m taking route C. There are several routes mapped out by the organization. They either have fewer stop lights, fewer places to be ambushed, or some other trait to make it a safer ride. I don’t know how long it’ll take them to regroup and pick a leader. Once they do there’ll be an all-out war. Those can last anywhere from a month to years.”

  I looked behind us. “I certainly don’t want to be here and there’s no way we’ll bring Sophie here either.”

  “I agree. We need to stay out of sight and out of mind for the next twenty-four hours.”

  I couldn’t believe I was so nervous. “What’s going to happen?”

  “All of the men will move to a location where they’ll have a better advantage. There are only the two of you who are De Marcos or at least are supposed to be family. We’ll wait and see where your father wants you to go.”

  We pulled into the driveway, but no one was on the wall or in the guard house. The gate was locked. Tony got out, pushed some buttons and the gate opened. Once we were inside, he did the same thing.

  “Go to your room and stay there.”

  I did as I was told.


  A commotion awoke me in the wee hours of the morning. I opened the bedroom door to look out. It was ghostly quiet in the house. I ran to the bedroom window.

  The men packed cars with hundreds of guns and loads of food. It looked as if everyone was out there to help. Dominic and Tony were consciously missing. One by one the cars pulled out of the driveway. No guards manned the gate to check. Dominic came out at the last minute, surrounded by bodyguards armed with automatic weapons.

  I went back to the hallway and looked out. It was eerily still. I took the gun Amy gave me and tucked it in the waistband of my slacks.

  I walked through the dining room and left by a rear door I hadn’t seen before. A hall led to a red door on th
e far side. I stood and listened. No one was in there. I went in.

  I had found Dominic’s private apartment. Nothing appeared to be old or outdated in his part of the house. My feet sank into the thick white carpet. Under more pleasant circumstances I would have taken off my shoes and let my feet slide around in the luxury.

  The apartment consisted of two bedrooms, two baths, a sitting room, and a full kitchen with a private balcony off the kitchen door. It had comfy chairs and a state of the art barbeque grill with four tiers and two burners on each side.

  Three unscalable stone walls boxed it in. Did Dominic cook? I couldn’t muster up a picture in my mind of Dominic with an apron, a beer, and hamburgers on the grill. It struck me as so funny, I chuckled aloud.

  Nothing looked out of place. I went back the way I came. The quiet unnerved me. I looked around the rest of the downstairs. As I walked upstairs, I heard a noise, ran to the huge landing, lay down, and made myself as small as possible.

  The sound of heavy footsteps made my heart jump. They sounded as if they went toward the kitchen. When I thought the person was out of the room, I took off my shoes, and raced back to Sophie’s room and shut the door. My heart pounded so hard I thought I would faint.

  I crept through the bathroom to the closet and locked myself in.

  My legs began to cramp. I was about to step out when the bedroom door opened. “Miss Sophie.” Quieter. “Miss Sophia, are you here?” Footsteps pounded across the room as the man searched it...

  I tried to push myself into the wall and not breathe.

  “Kate?’ Kate? Are you in there?”

  I exhaled the breath I’d held. It was Tony. “Thank goodness, I didn’t think you were coming back.” I unlocked the door. “Where’ve you been? You didn’t go with Dominic?”

  He smiled at me. “One question at a time, I was outside getting my orders from Dominic. I’m supposed to deliver you to his aunt’s in Manhattan until I can get you out of the country. One of Mother’s friends took her to her sister’s house in Queens. She forgot her passport. I took it to her. I want her out of harm’s way. No one can predict what’ll happen now.”


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