Rebecca and Zaire (Manchester Pack Book 1)

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Rebecca and Zaire (Manchester Pack Book 1) Page 16

by Christina Escue

  “And he used and abused you in ways we never knew of until you’d left us,” the first elder who spoke added. “I was pack beta under your grandfather, and I am sad to say, your father would have had me killed had I spoken out against him, so I didn’t. I sat back and watched him nearly destroy this pack.”

  “Why are you telling me all of this?” I ask, looking at the faces of the dozen wolves in the library.

  “Because, child, as the only living Kelly, and as the one who eliminated our alpha, you are the rightful alpha of this pack,” one of the other council members says and my jaw drops and nearly hits the floor.

  “You’re willing to let a female lead?” Zaire asks the question I’m thinking.

  “Young Rebecca would not be our first female alpha,” another elder states and I look at him.

  “There isn’t a female alpha listed in any of the pack history books,” I counter. “I’ve read the pack history at least two dozen times and would remember a female alpha.”

  “She was not of this pack, child,” the elder says with a distant look in his eyes. “She was from the Norrison pack. She was your great grandmother on your mother’s side.”

  “Wait, are you telling me that you are from the Norrison pack?” Zaire asks, and narrows his eyes at the elder.

  “Aye,” he answers and smiles fondly. “I was there the day of the attack on your pack. I was there the day your pack attacked our home. I am the one who lead the survivors East. My name is Edward Norrison, and I am an original descendant of the pack founder, just as young Rebecca is.”

  “Are you saying we’re related?” I ask in surprise.

  “Aye,” he answers again. “Your mother was my niece, my sister’s daughter.”

  “How?” I start, then shake my head.

  “Your mother never told your father because I asked her not to. He was young when we came here, and does not remember who came with us, and who was already here, and I liked it like that.”

  “Okay, say I believe you,” I start, and he smiles. “Why would the council allow me to lead? Why would I even want to lead this pack when my home, my family, is in Texas now?”

  “You do not have to make a decision right now, child,” the head of the council tells me, and I turn to look at him. “We can leave things as they are for now, and give you time to think about what’s best for the pack, and best for you.”

  “I already know what’s best for me,” I tell them and lay my hand protectively over my abdomen. “I found out a little while ago that my mate and I are going to have a pup, so I will be returning to Texas, where my home is, and I will be leaving Greg in charge of the pack. Someone from the Manchester pack will be coming to check on things periodically, and I hope, eventually, we can merge the packs.”

  “That’s a lot of thinking in such a short time, child,” the male says, and I nod.

  “It really wasn’t that difficult,” I tell him and shrug. “I knew when I came here that I would not be returning, and these are the things Zaire and I were wanting to discuss with Greg anyway. So, when you gave me the option to take over the pack, I decided there was no need for discussion.”

  “She will make a strong leader,” one of the elders mutters from where he’s standing and I smile softly at him.

  “I will make a strong mother,” I correct him and look at my hand still covering my abdomen. “Being a leader is never what I wanted. All I ever wanted was the freedom of choice, and I got that a month ago when I left this place with the knowledge that I would never return.”

  “You, and the members of the Manchester pack will always have a place here,” Greg tells me, and I smile at him. I had always liked the wolf who was only about a decade older than me.

  “Zaire and I will be returning to Texas in two days. If anyone has anything they want to discuss within that time, Greg has Zaire’s phone number, and the number of the hotel we are staying at in town.”

  “Rebecca, there are some younger pack members who are wanting to branch out, and maybe go back to Texas with you,” Greg says, and I look at Zaire, who smiles and nods.

  “If any pack members want to join us in Texas, they are welcome as long as they follow pack rules,” I say and everyone in the room nods. “Now, if you will excuse us, we have some phone calls to make, and I really do need to get some rest.”

  “We will see you again before you leave, child,” the leader of the council says, and I nod before telling them all goodbye and pulling Zaire from the room.

  We walk to the SUV in silence, and once we’re inside and away from the estate, he glances at me.

  “You okay, love?”

  “I am better than okay,” I tell him and smile. “I have the love of a wonderful man, we are going to have a pup in about eight months, and I just found out I am the alpha of a pack I never really belonged in. I will do my best to make sure things within the Douglas Falls pack change, and I know you will be beside me no matter what comes up along the way.”

  “That I will, my little she-wolf,” he says and kisses my knuckles.

  I know things aren’t going to be easy, my life never has been, but I know as long as I have the love of this strong alpha, I can face any trials that come my way.



  Almost nine months have passed since Rebecca killed her father and became alpha of the Douglas Falls pack. We’d been spending our time between the two packs until a few weeks ago. Once she entered her third trimester, travelling was put on hold until after the pup was born. Over the course of our time there, I learned that the pack never agreed with the things her father did, but they were too afraid to fight him. Under Rebecca’s leadership, via Greg, the pack is thriving, and there are talks of merging the two packs, but a step like that will take time.

  Tonight, as I sit here and hold my very pregnant she-wolf, I am thankful that fate and the native spirits led her to me.

  “It’s time,” Rebecca says, breaking my thoughts and looking at me with love filled eyes.

  “Are you sure?” I ask, looking at her rounded stomach. “You’re not due for three weeks.”

  “Yes, I know,” she says and smiles. “But your son wants out to meet the world.”

  “We don’t know it’s a boy,” I remind her and lay my hand on her stomach. I secretly hope this first child is a girl. I tiny version of Rebecca running around would be the best thing in the world. “Could very well be a tiny little she-wolf like her mama.”

  “Well, why don’t you call Bridgett so we can find out?”

  “Come,” I say and pull her to her feet. We cross the living room and I open our bedroom door. Once I have her settled, I grab my phone and call our pack physician.

  “Hello?” A female voice I don’t recognize answers and I frown.

  “Where is Bridgett?” I bark into the phone.

  “She is busy at the moment, but this is her nurse, Charlotte. How can I help you?”

  “Busy? She’s busy? What is she busy doing that’s so important she cannot answer when the alpha calls?”

  “She’s delivering a pup,” Charlotte answers. “Jill went into labor about half an hour ago.”

  “Rebecca is in labor, too,” I nearly shout.

  “Oh, dear, she’s three weeks early,” Charlotte says, and I growl. “How far apart are the contractions?”

  “She just mentioned them to me,” I tell her as I stroke Rebecca’s hair. “Baby, how far apart are the contractions?”

  “About four minutes,” she says and bites her lip.

  “Why didn’t you say something when they first started?” I ask, trying to keep fear from my voice.

  “I didn’t want to worry you,” she responds as another contraction hits. I rub her belly, as I speak into the phone again.

  “Four minutes,” I tell Charlotte and she gasps.

  “I will be there as soon as I can be, but call your mother. She’s delivered several pups, and can help with yours.”

  “Right,” I say and end the call. I
tap mom’s picture and wait for her to answer.

  “What’s the matter, Zaire?” She asks instantly.

  “Rebecca’s in labor. Bridgett is with Jill, who is also in labor. Charlotte told me to call you.”

  “I’ll be right there,” she says and ends the call.

  I lay my phone on the nightstand then ease myself to the edge of the bed.

  “I’m sorry, Zaire,” she says quietly, and I snap my head toward her.

  “No, baby,” I tell her and rub her belly again. “You have nothing to be sorry for. You and the little one are going to be just fine. Mom is a pack midwife, and Charlotte will be here.”

  “As far out as we are, I should have said something sooner,” she says, and tears fill her eyes. “What if they don’t make it in time?”

  “They will,” I tell her, and hope I’m right.

  “Zaire,” she breaths as another contraction hits and I flinch at the pain in her voice.

  “Breath, baby,” I tell her and start helping her with the breathing techniques Bridgett taught her.

  We breathe through that one, and three more before the front door opens and my parents walk in.

  “Thank the spirits,” I say quietly as my mom rushes to Rebecca’s side and my dad scurries into the kitchen.

  “We shifted and ran,” she tells me as she walks into the bathroom and washes her hands. She’s back within a minute and has Rebecca’s knees pulled up. She checks her and smiles. “And it’s a good thing we did.”

  “Why? What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing’s wrong,” she answers and looks up into Rebecca’s face. “But it’s time to push. On the next contraction, I want you to push as hard as you can. This baby wants out.”

  “Yeah, okay,” she says, and I can hear the fear in her voice.

  “You can do this, baby,” I tell her in a soothing voice as I smooth her hair from her eyes. “You are the strongest, most beautiful female I have ever met. You can do anything.”

  I keep talking as she pushes through that contraction, then the next.

  When a cry fills, the room, I turn from my beautiful mate, and my eyes land on my son. He’s tiny, with a mass of dark hair, and lungs that could make a deaf person hear.

  “It’s a boy,” mom says as dad hands her a towel.

  “Come, son. You need to cut the cord,” he says, and I look up at him.

  I move away from Rebecca’s face, and take the scissors from his hand.

  I cut through the umbilical cord, and mom smiles up at me.

  “I’ll clean him up, then you can take him to your mate. I know she is anxious to see him.”

  I nod, at a loss for words, and watch as my mom cleans all the blood and birth fluids from my son.

  Son, I say in my head and smile. I have a son.

  “We have a son,” Rebecca says softly, and I look at her over my shoulder. “And I’m ready to hold him.”

  “Here he is,” Mom says, and holds him out to me.

  Acting on instinct, I take him and cradle him against my chest as I walk back to Rebecca. I sit beside her on our bed, and lay our son in her arms.

  “Do you two have a name picked out?” Dad asks as he and mom stand at the foot of the bed.

  “Yes,” Rebecca answers and smiles at me.

  “Matio Lucas Blakeley,” I say, and mom’s eyes fill with tears.

  “It’s a beautiful name,” she whispers as dad beams with pride.

  “Come, meet your first grandchild,” Rebecca says softly and they both walk to the bed just as Charlotte enters the cabin.

  “Looks like I’m too late,” she says and backs out slowly. “I’ll have Bridgett come check you both over in the morning, and bring all the paperwork.”

  She’s gone before any of us can respond, and we are left alone with our little family.

  “Welcome to the world Matio,” Rebecca says softly as he yawns and snuggles against her chest. “You will never know anything but love, and acceptance.”

  “And he will, one day, lead this pack,” I remind her, and she smiles softly.

  “Not until he’s ready,” she tells me, and I smile at her.

  “The future of the Manchester pack has never looked brighter,” dad says as he backs from the room. “Your mom and I are so happy for you both.”

  “We will come visit in the morning, but you three need a little bonding time,” mom says as they walk from the room.

  Once they’re gone, I take Matio from Rebecca and lay him in the bassinet beside the bed.

  “Let’s get you cleaned up,” I tell her softly and she smiles again.

  I clean her up and change the sheets in record time, then I gather her in my arms, and pull her against me as she drifts off to sleep.

  I know things aren’t going to stay peaceful, that’s not the way of the pack, but right now, in this moment, I am not going to worry about the future. Right now, in this moment, I am at peace.

  About the Author

  Did someone say coffee?

  Whether it be sassy vampire huntresses, spunky witches, or sarcastic humans; coffee is always Christina’s companion as she lets the voices in her head take control and lead the way. Which isn’t always the best idea.

  Writing in a vast array of genres, from young adult to paranormal to borderline erotic, Christina never knows where her characters will take her next, but she sure enjoys the ride.

  When she isn’t writing, Christina enjoys spending time with her kids, binge watching Friends, Criminal Minds, and Supernatural, and, of course, reading.

  So, strap in and hold on tight as you join Christina on this roller-coaster she calls writing. It’s definitely going to be one hell of a ride.

  You can keep up with her, and what her characters make her do next, by following her on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Amazon.





  YouTube Channel:

  More From Christina

  Second Chance Series

  A New Beginning

  A New Hope

  A New Journey

  Diane’s Remembrance

  A New Perspective

  A New Adventure

  Vampire Huntress Saga

  Karma’s Vengeance

  Nevaeh’s Secret

  Delanie’s Fury

  Gina’s Passion

  Vampire Enforcement Bureau

  Agent Johnson

  Agent Jensen (Coming July 2nd)

  Past, Present, and Future

  Now and Forever

  Switzerland Security Services

  Starting Anew

  Fair Bluff NC Series

  Julia’s Letters

  Other Works

  Santa Bandit

  Keep Holding On

  Solstice Series (co-written)




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