This Land Is Our Land

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This Land Is Our Land Page 27

by Suketu Mehta

  “What’s so wrong with wanting to put up a fence”: Andrew Kaczynski, “Carl Higbie, Who Works at Pro-Trump Group, Says Racist Comments Were ‘Statistical Observation,’ ‘Out of Context.’” CNN (May 2, 2018).

  In February 2018, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) removed the phrase “nation of immigrants” from its mission statement: Richard Gonzales, “America No Longer a ‘Nation of Immigrants,’ USCIS Says.” NPR (February 22, 2018).

  Two Indian engineers were having beers on the porch: John Eligon, Alan Blinder, and Nida Najar, “Hate Crime Is Feared as 2 Indian Engineers Are Shot in Kansas.” New York Times (February 24, 2017).

  “A majority of the 2017 murders were committed by right-wing extremists”: Anti-Defamation League, “ADL Report: White Supremacist Murders More Than Doubled in 2017” (January 17, 2018).

  calculated the ancestries of all 422 people charged with terrorism in America since 2001: Lyman Stone, “I Calculated Ethnic Groups’ Rates of U.S. Terrorism. Here Are the Results.” Federalist (November 15, 2017).


  In the last three decades, there was zero income growth in the bottom 50 percent: Facundo Alvaredo, Lucas Chancel, Thomas Piketty, Emmanuel Saez, and Gabriel Zucman, “World Inequality Report 2018—Executive Summary.” World Inequality Lab (December 14, 2017), p. 12. See also Howard R. Gold, “Never Mind the 1 Percent. Let’s Talk About the 0.01%.” Chicago Booth Review (2017).

  The bottom 40 percent of Americans not only don’t have any wealth to speak of: Christopher Ingraham, “The Richest 1 Percent Now Owns More of the Country’s Wealth Than at Any Time in the Past 50 Years.” Washington Post (December 6, 2017).

  Warren housed 15,000 souls in 1940 and is now down to 9,478: All figures on population, poverty, and demographics from the United States Census Bureau, “Community Facts. Warren City, Pennsylvania.” city, Pennsylvania/POVERTY.

  Warren County went for Trump en masse: Pennsylvania Department of State, “2016 Election Returns by County” (last accessed December 5, 2018).

  the eight richest individuals on earth, all men, own more than does half the planet: Deborah Hardoon, “An Economy for the 99%.” Oxfam (January 2017).

  There are 1,542 billionaires today, whose fortunes rose by a fifth in 2017: Rupert Neate, “World’s Witnessing a New Gilded Age as Billionaires’ Wealth Swells to $6tn.” Guardian (October 26, 2017).

  Only 20 to 30 percent of the children of the poorest 10 percent go to college: Gregor Aisch, Larry Buchanan, Amanda Cox, and Kevin Quealy, “Some Colleges Have More Students from the Top 1 Percent Than the Bottom 60. Find Yours.” New York Times (January 18, 2017).

  460 people will bequeath $2.1 trillion to their heirs over the next twenty years: UBS/PWS, Are Billionaires Feeling the Pressure? Billionaires Report 2016 (last accessed December 5, 2018).

  “alliance between mob and capital”: Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism (Berlin: Schocken Books, 1951), p. 147.


  After an epic journey, a Congolese mother and her six-year-old daughter: Editorial Board, “Gratuitous Cruelty by Homeland Security: Separating a 7-Year-Old from Her Mother.” Washington Post (March 4, 2018).

  “screaming and crying, pleading with guards not to take her away”: Merrit Kennedy, “ACLU Sues ICE for Allegedly Separating ‘Hundreds’ of Migrant Families.” NPR (March 9, 2018).

  The refugee … brings with him the specter of chaos and lawlessness: Brad Evans and Zygmunt Bauman, “The Refugee Crisis Is Humanity’s Crisis.” New York Times (May 2, 2016).

  today, 10 million people are officially stateless: Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, “Ending Statelessness.” UNHCR Refugee Agency (last accessed December 5, 2018).

  It was only in the early twentieth century that the modern, convoluted superstructure of passports: Giulia Pines, “The Contentious History of the Passport.” National Geographic (May 16, 2017).

  The Orbán government was urging its citizens to vote in a referendum: Patrick Kingsley, “Hungary’s Refugee Referendum Not Valid After Voters Stay Away.” Guardian (October 2, 2016).

  “All the terrorists are basically migrants”: Matthew Kaminski, “‘All the Terrorists Are Migrants.’ Viktor Orbán on How to Protect Europe from Terror, Save Schengen, and Get Along with Putin’s Russia.” Politico (November 23, 2015).

  “Every single migrant poses a public security and terror risk”: Cynthia Kroet, “Viktor Orbán: Migrants Are ‘a Poison.’” Politico (July 27, 2016).

  Denmark has gone one step further: Madeleine Ngo, “‘No Ghettos in 2030’: Denmark’s Controversial Plan to Get Rid of Immigrant Neighborhoods.” Vox (July 3, 2018).

  The initiative includes twenty-two separate measures: Ellen Barry and Martin Selsoe Sorensen, “In Denmark, Harsh New Laws for Immigrant ‘Ghettos.’” New York Times (July 1, 2018).

  what the Danes call a “meatball war”: Dan Bilefsky, “Denmark’s New Front in Debate over Immigrants: Children’s Lunches.” New York Times (January 20, 2016).

  “a danger to all of us”: Martin Selsoe Sorensen, “Denmark Minister Calls Fasting Muslims ‘a Danger’ in Ramadan.” New York Times (May 22, 2018).

  Danish parliament passed a law under which newly arrived refugees: Emma Henderson, “Refugee Crisis: Denmark Government Defends Plan to Strip Refugees’ Valuables ‘to Pay for Their Stay.’” Independent (December 22, 2015).

  In 2006, the Dutch government tried to make itself unattractive: “Film Exposes Immigrants to Dutch Liberalism.” Associated Press (March 16, 2006).

  Gatineau, Quebec, published a “statement of values”: Ingrid Peritz, “Gatineau’s Values Guide for Immigrants Stirs Controversy.” Globe and Mail (December 4, 2011).

  “We have never believed him [the black man] to be the equal of the white man”: Bob Herbert, “The Blight That Is Still with Us.” New York Times (January 22, 2008).

  by 2015, the year Sweden took in a record number of asylum seekers: “Reality Check: Is Malmo the ‘Rape Capital’ of Europe?” BBC News (February 24, 2017).

  “If a rape must be used as the metaphor of the Indo-British connection”: Salman Rushdie, “Outside the Whale.” Granta (March 1, 1984).

  Nobody asked the Aboriginals if Britain could dump its wretched refuse: Figures in this paragraph drawn from a variety of sources, including Tom Lawson, The Last Man: A British Genocide in Tasmania (London: I.B. and Tauris, 2014), p. 22; and Lulu Morris, “The Last Indigenous Tasmanian.” National Geographic (May 8, 2017).

  half of Australians are immigrants or their children: Elle Hunt, “Barely Half of Population Born in Australia to Australian-Born Parents.” Guardian (June 27, 2017).

  In March 2017, he offered emergency visas to white South African farmers: Russell Goldman, “Australian Official Calls for Emergency Visas for White South African Farmers.” New York Times (March 15, 2018).

  a human version of the famous New York garbage scow: Alex Pasternack, “The Most Watched Load of Garbage in the Memory of Man.” Vice (May 13, 2013).


  “There is no room in this country for hyphenated Americans”: “Roosevelt Bars the Hyphenated,” New York Times (October 13, 1915).

  Thirty-eight percent of New York’s population is foreign-born: Department of City Planning, “NYC’s Foreign Born, 2000–2015” (March 2017).

  crime rates have fallen to what they were in the 1950s: Ray Suarez, “How Crime Rates in New York City Reached Record Lows.” NPR (December 30, 2017).

  The immigration divide is also an urban-rural divide: Maria Sachetti and Emily Guskin, “In Rural America, Fewer Immigrants and Less Tolerance.” Washington Post (June 17, 2017).

  “It’s insensitive and uncaring for the Muslim community”: Peter Finn, “Peter King, IRA Supporter and Enthusiastic Counter-Terrorism Advocate.” Washington Post (March 5, 2011).

  “We’ve come here to Governors Island”: Michael Bloomberg, “Defending Religious Tolerance: Remarks on the Mosque Near Ground Zero.” Huffington Post (August 3, 2010).

  A few years ago, representatives of the giant warehouse shopping club Costco: Suketu Mehta, “The Great Awakening,” New York Times (June 19, 2005).


  In 2006, Mayor Bloomberg, then a Republican, testified in the Senate: Michael Bloomberg, “Mayor Bloomberg Testifies Before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Field Hearing on Federal Immigration Legislation.” New York City, Office of the Mayor (July 5, 2006).

  Then there’s George Borjas: Jennifer Rubin, “What the Anti-Immigrant Movement Really Believes.” Washington Post (May 9, 2013).

  In 2015, Borjas published a study claiming that the arrival of the “Marielitos”: George J. Borjas, “The Wage Impact of the Marielitos: A Reappraisal.” ILR Review 7, no. 5 (September 2015).

  But later analysis showed that Borjas’s study was, at the very least, deeply flawed: Giovanni Peri and Vasil Yasenov, “The Labor Market Effects of a Refugee Wave: Applying the Synthetic Control Method to the Mariel Boatlift.” National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper no. 21801 (December 2015, revised June 2017).

  “In general Özden found that migrants”: Ruchir Sharma, The Rise and Fall of Nations: Forces of Change in the Post-Crisis World (New York: W. W. Norton, 2016), p. 51.

  “he [Clemens] and his co-authors, through study of all the available economic literature”: Shaun Raviv, “If People Could Immigrate Anywhere, Would Poverty Be Eliminated?” Atlantic (April 26, 2013).

  Close to half of American farmworkers are here illegally: Tamar Haspel, “Illegal Immigrants Help Fuel U.S. Farms. Does Affordable Produce Depend on Them?” Washington Post (March 17, 2017).

  In 1986, Ronald Reagan signed the Immigration Reform and Control Act: Rachel Kleinfeld, “Wanna Cut Crime? Let in More Immigrants, Legal and Illegal.” Newsweek (September 7, 2017).

  four out of eight of Maryland’s crab-picking businesses closed in 2018: Ryan Marshall, “Shortage of Blue Crab Pickers Forces Maryland Seafood Shops to Shut Down.” Delmarva Now (May 4, 2018).

  “The native-born criminal conviction rate was thus 2.4 times as high”: Alex Nowrasteh, “Criminal Conviction Rates in Texas in 2016.” Cato Institute (April 23, 2018).

  A 2018 study in the journal Criminology: Christopher Ingraham, “Two Charts Demolish the Notion That Immigrants Here Illegally Commit More Crime.” Washington Post (June 19, 2018).

  According to a 2018 Yale survey: Mohammad M. Fazel-Zarandi, Jonathan S. Feinstein, and Edward H. Kaplan, “The Number of Undocumented Immigrants in the United States: Estimates Based on Demographic Modeling with Data from 1990 to 2016.” PLOS ONE (September 21, 2018).

  “The vast majority of past immigrants changed their values”: Dennis Prager, “Immigrants Change Cultures—Whether New Yorkers in Florida or Latinos in America.” Townhall (July 17, 2018).—whether-new-yorkers-in-florida-or-latinos-in-america-n2500981.

  In 2015, the federal government … asked: National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. The Integration o
f Immigrants into American Society (Washington, DC: National Academies Press, 2015), p. 6.

  According to a 2013 Gallup poll, 95 percent of immigrants: Jeffrey M. Jones, “Most in U.S. Say It’s Essential That Immigrants Learn English.” Gallup (August 9, 2013).

  Only 41 percent of third-generation Mexican American children: Jens Manuel Krogstad and Ana Gonzalez-Barrera, “A Majority of English-Speaking Hispanics in the U.S. Are Bilingual.” Pew Research Center (March 24, 2015).

  “Cities and neighborhoods with greater concentrations of immigrants”: Julia Preston, “Newest Immigrants Assimilating as Fast as Previous Ones, Report Says.” New York Times (September 21, 2015).

  86 percent of first-generation immigrant males participate in the labor force: “Report Finds Immigrants Come to Resemble Native-Born Americans over Time, But Integration Not Always Linked to Greater Well-Being for Immigrants.” National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (September 21, 2015).

  The total annual cost to all levels of government is $57 billion: Julia Preston, “Immigrants Aren’t Taking Americans’ Jobs, New Study Finds.” New York Times (September 21, 2016).

  “Second generation children of immigrants from Mexico and Central America”: National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, The Integration of Immigrants into American Society (Washington, DC: National Academies Press. 2015), p. 6.


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