Rescuing Rudi

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Rescuing Rudi Page 9

by Carter, Polly

  She tried to speak, but her throat was dry. She licked her lips and swallowed. She had no choice.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Are you absolutely sure you are not going to change your mind when the time comes?”

  “Yes, sir,” she replied with absolute conviction. “I will do whatever you say and take whatever punishment you give me.”

  Chapter 6

  Rudi felt the tension immediately leave Denver’s body, to be quickly replaced by an urgency of purpose.

  “I just have to fetch some things and then I’ll be back so we can get this done and over with. Go back to the corner and wait,” he ordered her as he left the room.

  On her own, back with her nose to the wall, Rudi shivered with apprehension. What she had agreed to, she had no idea, except that it seemed certain to include a hard spanking. That was bad enough, but Denver had implied there would be more that might be as difficult or even more so for her to bear. But what?

  She didn’t have to wait long to find out. He returned carrying a small table, which he placed in the middle of the room, and a black Gladstone bag that he put on the table and opened. He took out a small bottlebrush from the bag and handed it to Rudi, and then took out two bottles of liquid, one clear, the other pink, a bag of cotton wool balls and a slipper which he laid out in a row on the table.

  Rudi watched him with a mixture of shock, and more disconcertingly, growing excitement, her eyes opening wider and wider with each new thing extracted from the bag. She looked at him as he removed the final thing, the slipper, closed the bag and turned to her.

  “I’m going to spank you,” he told her firmly.

  She nodded, feeling her knees tremble.

  “On your bare bottom.”

  She nodded again. Now her knees were turning to jelly, and she shuddered as she realised he was going to see her fully naked bottom this time. That hadn’t happened yet.

  “With this slipper.” He looked at her for a response.

  She swallowed hard and nodded again. Her whole legs would soon be so rubbery they would collapse under her.

  “I want you to be totally focused on your bottom as it is through there, I will give you your lesson. I want you to think very carefully about what is going to happen and why, and how you have promised it will never happen again.”

  She nodded and swallowed loudly.

  “So, you are going to have a shower now, and thoroughly and carefully scrub your bottom – all of it,” he added pointedly nodding at the bottle brush she was holding and causing her to blush when she understood his meaning. “When it is absolutely spotless, all over, you are to put on your pyjamas. They look like a child’s pyjamas because I want you to think about whether your behaviour was befitting that of an adult, or whether you behaved like a naughty little girl. If you were actually a child, you would have an excuse, but as you are well and truly an adult, you have none.

  “When you are clean and dressed, you are to bend yourself over the table with your pyjama bottoms pulled down to your thighs and your bare bottom facing the bed, so I will see it waiting for my attention when I come in. And you are to be watching the door. I want to be able to see your face at all times. Is all that understood?”

  Rudi inhaled a big shuddering breath. She could refuse. Of course she could. She would be embarrassed about going back on her word, but that would pass. She’d leave tomorrow and that would be that. But it wouldn’t be that, at all, she knew. She wouldn’t easily be able to walk away from Denver and forget him, and she didn’t want to try.

  “Yes, sir,” she whispered, abandoning her bottom to its upcoming fate but saving her heart.

  He tipped her chin up again and, while he held her eyes with his, he gently stroked her hair. It was still short, but in the time she’d been here it had grown long enough for him to be able to tuck little bits behind her ear. He cupped her face in the palm of his big hand.

  “I’m not angry with you, little girl; you know that, don’t you?”

  She nodded, her throat so dry and tight she felt like she was being strangled.

  “Are you angry with me? Because I am going to punish you?” His voice was soft and sweet. She remembered the first time she’d heard it at the hospital and how it had sounded like the voice of a rescuing angel.

  “No,” she whispered.

  “Are you afraid?” He looked deep into her eyes, searching for the truth.

  She nodded and bit her lip.

  “Don’t be,” he told her, taking both her hands in his. “Of course, the spanking will sting your bottom, but knowing you deserve it will help you accept it, and,” he ducked his head and looked up at her from under his brows and grinned, “you will survive, I promise.”

  She couldn’t help a shy smile playing at the edge of her lips; he looked so unbelievably handsome. It seemed like a miracle she could be here with such a man and that he was interested enough in her to take so much trouble rather than just kicking her out.

  Letting go of her hands, he cupped his around her face.

  “And when it’s over, if you have behaved, kept still and are truly sorry for prying into my private things, we’ll have a nice cuddle, shall we? Will you sit on my knee and have a cuddle afterwards like a good little girl?”

  She blushed to think how much she wanted that, and how quickly she’d felt the blood and wetness rush between her thighs. She nodded but could tell he’d seen her response and the way her eyes had shone at the suggestion. His voice was gruff and hoarse when he spoke again.

  “Then let’s get your punishment over with, shall we? I’ll leave you for ten minutes and when I return, I will expect to see you bent over the table with your scrubbed and spotless bottom presented for its inspection and spanking. Okay?”

  She nodded.

  “Say it,” he ordered, his demeanour now stern.

  “I… I…” she stammered, embarrassed into speechlessness.

  “Say it.” His whole manner had changed from a few moments ago. He was clearly not going to take any nonsense from her now.

  Taking a deep breath, she forced herself to speak.

  “I’ll be ready when you come back,” she began. He waited. She shut her eyes and forced the words out. “My bottom will be spotless, and I will be bent over the table presenting my bottom for you to inspect and spank, sir.”

  He cleared his throat, but his voice was still rough as he replied.

  “Good then. Off you go. Ten minutes. You had better be ready!” And he strode from the room, shutting the door after himself, without looking back.

  Rudi hurried into the shower and undressed. Her heart was pounding with apprehension and excitement, and her head was spinning. Scrub her bottom? Bend over so he could ‘inspect’ it and then spank it with a slipper?

  It was true that she’d had a few men ask her to do weird things before, but nothing like this! One man had wanted to eat his breakfast, cereal and milk, off her naked body; another had wanted her to walk on him in her shoes. She had refused both times, but more because she wasn’t interested in the men than that she had any objections to their requests.

  But Denver was different. His demands of her were much more confronting, but she had discovered that only made him more intriguing, more fascinating. As apprehensive as she felt about what was to come, she was also more sexually aroused than she would have thought possible.

  This might be just the moment she’d been waiting for. Once the spanking was over, and she’d survived two of those already, plus the ruler, she was going to cuddle on his knee, and she was going to try and seduce him. Well, she would be practically naked, and they’d be on the bed together; how would he be able to resist?

  While she was planning her strategy, she carefully soaped and scrubbed her bottom as he had ordered. If she stopped to think about what she was doing and why, it just seemed too surreal to be believable, but when she pictured Denver and imagined sitting on his knee and, maybe this time, kissing him, it didn’t seem strange at all that she wo
uld do whatever he wanted.

  Realising that she’d been dawdling, she quickly cleaned her teeth to ensure her breath was fresh, then turned off the shower, dried herself, pulled on her pyjamas, and padded, feeling every bit as though she were a naughty child, out to the table in the middle of the room.

  With trembling hands, she pulled her pyjama bottoms down to her thighs and then bent across the table, folding her arms to cradle her head, being careful not to knock any of the items he had carefully placed in a line across the table.

  Now she just had to wait. But not for long. She’d barely got herself settled when she heard his footsteps coming from the lounge. Her body gave one violent shiver of anticipation as she saw the handle of the door turn and him enter the room.

  He paused and, as always when she saw him, she was overcome by how attractive he was. Spread out before him as she was, she blushed to think he could easily see the physical effect he had on her, and as he quickly strode over to her, she thought she could see an answering response from him, but then he disappeared out of her view as he stood directly behind her.

  Her breathing stopped as every nerve in her body was attuned to the man standing behind her. She knew he was looking at her plump bottom prominently displayed for him and guessed he would be able to see something between her thighs as well. She ached for him to touch her, to take all she was offering, but instead he moved back around so he was looking into her eyes.

  Her heart was thumping and her breathing erratic as he laid one hand on the small of her back and spoke firmly but gently.

  “You broke my trust this morning, didn’t you?”

  “Yes, sir,” Rudi whispered, the pent-up emotion inside her causing her eyes to fill with tears. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean… I didn’t think…”

  “You didn’t think I would be upset? You didn’t think you shouldn’t be doing it? If that was the case, why did you wait until you knew I wouldn’t be around? No, Rudi. You did something you knew was wrong, didn’t you?”

  Rudi couldn’t speak. She was crying with shame and the pain of having alienated this gorgeous man she so badly just wanted to be close to.

  “Didn’t you, Rudi? I expect you to answer me when I speak to you.” His voice was stern and emotionless. Its coldness hurt her worse than any slipper could.

  “Yes, sir,” Rudi managed to stammer through chattering teeth. She just wanted this to be over and to be held on his knee. Panic enveloped her at the thought that he might be so disgusted with her that he wouldn’t want to cuddle her afterwards.

  “I’m sorry, sir. I really am. I wish I hadn’t done it. I won’t ever do anything bad again, I promise.”

  “I’m glad you are sorry, and I hope not just because you got caught. And I also wish you hadn’t done it, but you did. You trespassed on my privacy. You tried to pry into my personal things. And you lied. Not a bad morning’s work, was it?”

  He paused.

  “No, sir. I’m sorry,” she squeaked again. How could she possibly have thought it was a good idea? What could she have gained and now what might she lose?

  “But the very worst thing you did was to break my trust. Trust is a very precious thing, Rudi. Once broken, it is very hard to restore. How will I ever know if I can trust you again now?”

  Her heart was breaking. She burst into tears again.

  “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Please don’t hate me,” she blubbered.

  “Hush,” he said sternly. “I don’t hate you, Rudi. If I did, you wouldn’t be here. I’m very disappointed in you, but I’m punishing you because I care about you, naughty girl, not because I hate you.”

  Her eyes popped wide open, searching his to see if he truly meant what he’d just said. Although he was still looking at her sternly, she saw his face soften almost imperceptibly, and… was that the tiniest hint of a smile?

  She felt his hand rhythmically and gently rub her back and calmed down as all the pent-up energy and fear drained out of her. He cared about her! He’d said it! Exactly those words, and he didn’t lie. He’d told her over and over how he didn’t lie, so it must be true; he really must care about her! Her heart was singing, and she managed a tiny smile. She was ready to take whatever punishment he felt she deserved. She would show him he could trust her. She would never break his trust again, never misbehave.

  “We’re ready to begin now, I think. Throughout your punishment, I want you to think very carefully about your actions, and about how carefully we need to preserve trust, how easily it can be broken, and how hard it can be to repair. Will you do that?”

  “Yes, sir.” The muscles in and around Rudi’s bottom automatically clenched at the words ‘we’re ready to begin’. Although it was an automatic and defensive response, it caused a pleasurable sensation.

  “By punishing you instead of asking you to leave, I am showing you that I am prepared to believe you made a mistake, that you are truly sorry and that I can still trust you.”

  “Oh, yes, sir, yes, please.”

  “Shh. And by submitting as you are doing, you are showing me that you trust me to punish you fairly not cruelly. Is that right?

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Very well. Keep your face turned towards me, so I can see it.”

  He moved behind her and she turned her head around, watching him as he rolled up his sleeves. He then picked up a roll of cotton wool and tore off a large piece, took the bottle of clear liquid, removed the cap and tipped it up, thoroughly wetting the cotton wool.

  “This will be cold,” he said, as he began wiping it carefully across her cheeks. When both cheeks had been thoroughly swabbed, he looked into her eyes as he pushed the pad between her cheeks, rubbing carefully all the way down.

  She gasped aloud at the unexpected intrusion and shut her eyes.

  “Look at me,” he demanded, and she opened her eyes again, blushing at the intimacy of his actions. “I need to make sure you obeyed my instructions to scrub yourself.”

  She could feel liquid dribbling down between her thighs serving to further focus her senses on that part of her body.

  At last he stopped and withdrew his hand, putting the used cotton wool into a small plastic bag he took from his pocket. He placed it on the table with the bottle of cleaner, then picked up the lotion. Tipping a generous amount into his hand, he began massaging it into her cheeks, squeezing, rubbing and kneading them.

  Rudi moaned softly to herself as a cocktail of emotions swamped her. She’d been longing for some physical intimacy with Denver, and now here she was with all her most private parts virtually exposed and accessible, but he was not making love to her.

  She was spread out for him so he could chastise her bottom in as painful a manner as possible without resorting to cruelty, and yet instead of feeling apprehensive, his massaging of her bottom was unbelievably pleasurable, relaxing and arousing at the same time.

  He moved a little more to the side, continuing to plump and massage her cheeks but more roughly and she could feel her skin becoming hot and tingling. Then, seamlessly, without her fully realizing what was happening, he moved one hand to press down on the small of her back, raised the other and brought it down in a hard slap.

  “Oh!” Rudi’s reaction was more surprise than anything else as his hand began to rhythmically spank one cheek and then the other.

  He had turned his eyes away from her and was looking down at her bottom; she could see him watching the rise and fall of his hand and the jiggling of her bottom each time his hand connected with her flesh.

  She closed her eyes, flinching each time his big, hard hand left another imprint on her now pink cheeks.

  “Open your eyes.” She heard him say, but all her attention was focused on her body reacting to the punishment of her bottom, and it was hard to get her eyelids to obey the command to open.

  Crack! An extra hard spank was enough to jolt her eyes wide open. She was looking straight into his, her body rocking and flinching each time his hand landed. His mouth was
set in a firm line and his eyes locked with hers as his hand continued its work.

  “Oh. Oh. Oh.” Rudi was unable to suppress a small out-take of breath with each new assault on her steadily more sensitive skin. She bit her lip and fought a growing urge to wriggle out of the line of fire.

  “Keep your eyes open,” he ordered again.

  She blinked them open in surprise, not having even been consciously aware of closing them.

  “Oh,” she gasped again. “Mmm. Ow. Oh.”

  His hand came down harder making it more difficult than ever for her to keep still. She stamped her feet on the floor and felt a warning pressure on her back as he pressed her more firmly against the table.

  She saw him give his head a small shake, another warning to keep still. She shivered, stretched her arms to grip the edge of the table, her knuckles going white. The relentless spanking continued. Rudi fought to keep her eyes open, allowing them only to blink tightly with each ‘ow’ as his hand fell over and over again.

  Every now and then he paused momentarily to rub her bottom and scold her before once more beginning the rhythmic assault of hard spanks on first one cheek, then the other, some high, some low, and the most painful of all, those right on the crease between her bottom and thigh.

  It was getting harder and harder for Rudi to keep still, but at last he finally stopped. Rudi let out a sigh, thinking it was over and wondering why he’d changed his mind about using the slipper. She felt some of the tightness leave her body as his hand rubbed her burning cheeks.

  “Okay?” he asked.

  She nodded.

  While one hand continued to rub her bottom, his other hand picked up the slipper lying on the table and held it up. Her eyes opened wide with a surprised question. He chuckled.

  “No, naughty girl. The spanking is not over yet. That was only a warm-up. Now your bottom is nicely primed to receive the slipper. Do you still trust me?”


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