Rescuing Rudi

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Rescuing Rudi Page 12

by Carter, Polly

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Yes, sir, what?”

  “Yes, sir, I broke your strictest rule.” Rudi knew he was staring at her, but she couldn’t lift her eyes from the floor.

  “And you knew you were doing that?”

  She didn’t answer. He gave her hands a tiny shake.

  “Yes, sir.”

  He sighed. “Well, I’m not going to ask you why you deliberately chose to do that because it doesn’t make any difference. If you thought you had a good reason to swim alone, you should have talked to me about it first, not just gone ahead and done it, shouldn’t you?”

  “Yes, sir.” Was what Rudi said, but “No, sir,” was what she was thinking. She was fairly sure asking permission would not have brought the desired result. Sometimes desperate times called for desperate measures, and things were getting increasingly desperate.

  “And then you deliberately, knowingly and flagrantly disobeyed my order for you to stay in your room?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “And you invaded my privacy by getting into my bed?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Do you agree then that you deserve to be soundly punished?”

  “Yes, sir.” Rudi’s heart was beating so fast and her teeth chattering so loudly she could barely get the words out. She was about to hear the rest of her sentence, and she knew it wasn’t going to be light.

  “Please go to your room and bring the spanking table in here.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  On jelly legs that were almost threatening to give way, Rudi tottered up the hall, picked up the table and carried it back. Although it had looked small enough when Denver had brought it to her room, she was much smaller and it took quite an effort for her to manage it.

  “Put it there,” Denver ordered her, pointing to the middle of the room, “and come with me.”

  Rudi put the table down and followed him into his private bathroom. Opening the small cupboard, he took out a cup of disinfectant in which was the scrubbing brush he’d given her before. He placed the cup on the ledge in the shower recess, took the hand-held shower from its hook on the wall and put it on the floor near the entrance, then leaned over and turned the taps on a little way. Finally, he carefully undid the buttons on his cuffs and rolled both sleeves up to his elbows.

  “Come here,” he said turning to her. “Turn around and hold your nightdress up to your waist.”

  Rudi’s head was spinning; she had no idea what to think, so she just did as she was told.

  He positioned her so she was just inside the recess, and he was outside so as not to get wet. He bunched her nightdress up further and pushed it into her hands, then picked up the shower and adjusted it so it was set to a jet rather than spray. It was only on low, so there wasn’t a lot of excess splash.

  “Bend forward.”

  Surprised and shocked by what Denver was asking of her, but with an insatiable yearning to please him however she could, Rudi slowly leaned forward so her bottom was jutting out into the shower recess. She desperately hoped he was a man who liked plump, round bottoms, the kind that stick out behind because hers was certainly doing that right now.

  He guided the jet to her bottom, wetting it thoroughly all over, then put the hose down and squirted some shower gel into the palm of one hand and picked up the scrubbing brush in the other.

  She grunted and shivered as she felt his hands rubbing the soap over her, and then gasped as she felt his hand slip between her cheeks.

  “Use your free hand to hold that cheek open for me,” he ordered gruffly.

  Rudi reached back and stretched her cheek as ordered while he did the same with the other one. She was utterly flabbergasted, stunned and astonished by Denver’s behaviour, something she would have thought almost impossible considering what she thought of to herself as his ‘fuddy-duddery’, and mortified by the intimate nature of his demands, something she’d never experienced with anyone else. Something she’d never even imagined someone might do.

  And yet, the very act of having to surrender her own will to a degree she would previously have thought impossible brought her to an also previously unknown peace. As she felt him carefully and gently scrubbing her, she also felt all her own power melting away. She was utterly in his hands, utterly under his control. And she knew, without a single doubt, it was exactly where she had always wanted, longed, yearned to be.

  As she relinquished her will to his, all the tension drained from her. She felt light and deeply content.

  As if noting the change in her bearing, Denver picked up the shower, rinsed his brush and put it back into the disinfectant, then carefully rinsed all the soap from in and around her bottom, before turning the water off.

  “Okay, little girl, hop out.”

  Rudi stepped out onto the bathmat and waited, still holding her nightdress up around her waist. Denver took a clean towel from the towel rack and dried her thoroughly. She was in heaven. Even though it was the first time she had been so brazenly naked in front of him, she felt no self-consciousness at all. Her body was his and it filled her heart to overflowing to have him taking such gentle care of it even if his ministrations had a more clinical than sexual feel about them as he dried between her legs.

  As he touched her sensitive areas gently, she closed her eyes wishing there was no towel between his hand and her flesh.

  When he was happy she was quite dry, Denver replaced the towel and led her back into the bedroom.

  “Go to that cupboard,” he said, pointing, “and fetch the black Gladstone bag from the shelf.”

  Rudi opened the cupboard door. On the shelf in the middle was the bag, and out of the corner of her eye, standing on the floor in the hanging space, leaning against the back wall, she glimpsed three, what looked like, canes. She gave a silent gasp and licked her suddenly dry lips.

  Quickly she pulled out the big bag and took it to him.

  “Put it on the bed, here, and open it.”

  Rudi obeyed. Inside she could see a white cotton bag with a drawstring, and… a frisson shot through her as she realised what she was looking at, and she felt small beads of sweat break out on her palms and forehead.

  “Now, I want you take out the white bag, open it, and take out the cleanser in the clear bottle, and the lotion in the white bottle and put them on the table with the cotton wool.”

  With trembling fingers, Rudi fished out the two bottles and roll of cotton wool and placed them on the small table in a row as she’d seen Denver do last time.

  “Now, you’ll see in there a collection of correction implements?”

  Rudi could indeed.

  “You are to choose which I will punish you with, but remember you are not being punished for minor misdemeanours but for breaking my strictest rule followed by further blatant disobedience and wilful misbehaviour, getting into my bed without permission. If I think you have chosen an implement because you think it will be a soft option, I will spank you with that and then spank you again with something I choose, so pick carefully.”

  Rudi looked into the bag in confusion. She’d never been spanked with anything – other than Denver’s slipper, which she could see staring up at her – so how could she judge which was a ‘soft option’ and which was not?

  She certainly hadn’t thought the slipper was, but perhaps she was wrong. She decided it might be safer to assume Denver regarded the slipper as a ‘soft option’ and leave it where it was.

  She pulled out a shortish leather strap with the end cut into three strips. She had no idea what it was called, but it didn’t look too scary and it felt quite soft, so she put it back deciding it probably was a ‘soft option’.

  The next thing she pulled out was a round leather paddle. How much would that hurt? What about this wooden oblong paddle?

  She looked up at Denver in confusion, hoping he would give her a clue, but he merely nodded with a brusque, “Hurry up.”

  She could also see some kind of long-handled brush. Should she choose tha
t? She thought not, but how could she know? And then a thought struck her, and she made her decision.

  She took out the round leather paddle and put it on the table, then crossed quickly to the wardrobe and fetched a cane. She leant it against the wall next to the table, then looked at Denver. She didn’t know if the paddle was a ‘soft option’ but was pretty sure the cane wasn’t. She hoped Denver would see she was trying to choose something he would approve of.

  “Are you sure?” he asked, nodding at the cane and frowning.

  She forced herself to look steadily into his eyes, thinking again how gorgeous he looked and how much she wanted to be in his arms. Soon, she hoped with all her heart. Soon.

  “Yes, sir,” she whispered.

  “Good. And you understand why you are being punished and agree you deserve it?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Right then. Let’s get started. Pull your nightdress up and bend over the table.” His voice was brisk and businesslike. “Keep your face turned toward me so I can see it.”

  Rudi followed his instruction. Once she was in place, Denver tucked her nightdress a little more tightly under her so it couldn’t come loose and fall down across her now naked bottom.

  Then, watching her closely as he did so, he took a big piece of cotton wool, soaked it in the astringent cleanser from the clear bottle and wiped her bottom all over. Rudi flinched and gasped at the first touch.

  “Cold, eh?” He grinned.


  As much as she had longed for his attention, and despite having had many men in the past admire her bottom and want to touch it, watching the man she adored inspecting her bottom while wiping it with cotton wool was quite a surreal experience. Part of her was embarrassed by such intimacy, particularly as they’d had virtually none of the more traditional kind, a little kissing and he’d felt her breasts. That was all.

  Now here she was, after he’d scrupulously washed her bottom in the shower, bent over a table while he…

  “Hold your cheeks open for me, please.”

  “What?” His voice startled her back from her reverie.

  “Hold your cheeks open for me.”

  His eyes narrowed. Quickly she reached her hands back and pulled her cheeks open. She wasn’t going to drift off now. It required every ounce of her determination to obey his instruction. Never, ever, in her whole life had she felt as exposed, vulnerable and humiliated as she did at that moment. Or as excited. As thrilled.

  “Open your eyes.”

  That gorgeous voice. She opened her eyes and looked at him. That unbelievably handsome face. Those beautiful brown eyes looking at her sternly but tenderly.

  She watched him as he gently and carefully wiped every crevice. She’d never known a man would do something like this but, even if she had, Denver was the only man she would ever even have considered letting do it. She exhaled deeply, her mind and body a riot of strange new thoughts and feelings.

  Satisfied with his work, he stopped, threw the cotton wool into a small bin on the floor, then poured moisturising lotion from the other bottle into the palm of his hand.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Good. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable. Well, only the part getting spanked. I want all your attention focused on your bottom and the lesson you are going to learn about not being disobedient.”

  But she could barely hear him because all her attention was already focused on her bottom as he massaged in the lotion, rubbing and squeezing her plump flesh. It was so lusciously erotic. Her hips involuntarily started moving against his hands, as her eyelids drooped, and her breathing deepened. Her bent over, naked. Him standing behind her. If only he would just, undo…

  “Open your eyes.”

  Startled by his voice, she opened her eyes. He was watching her with a small triumphal smile.

  “I think you’re enjoying that, aren’t you?” he murmured thickly.

  Rudi blushed with embarrassment. Had he read her mind? She felt like a kid caught looking at naughty pictures.

  He stopped massaging her and rubbed his hands together then tapped her bottom.

  “Now, my girl,” he said sternly, the recent sensuousness in his demeanour gone completely. “I think your bottom is well and truly ready and it’s time to get it thoroughly and seriously spanked. Stand up.”

  Surprised, Rudi pushed herself up, but kept hold of the table. Her legs were feeling quite rubbery.

  Taking the paddle from the table, he walked to the bed, sat down and placed the paddle beside him.

  “I’ve decided to spank you over my knee. You can bend over the table again later when I cane you. Come here, now. Quickly. Let’s get on with this. We don’t want to be here all night.”

  Unsteadily, Rudi walked to him. His face was unreadable as he took her hand and pulled her across his knee at an angle so the top half of her body was supported by the bed, her feet were on the floor, and her bottom positioned perfectly in the middle of his lap. Before she even had time to think, he had slipped one arm over her back to hold her firmly in place, while the other hand started spanking her briskly over her nightdress. It was thin material, but it bunched sufficiently to take the edge off the hard hand-spanking Denver was giving her.

  It didn’t take long, though, for her to hear herself grunting or saying an involuntary ‘ow’ each time his hand fell, first on one cheek, then on the other.

  “You are a very disobedient girl, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, sir, ow!” Rudi answered wondering for the life of her why being a ‘very disobedient girl,’ which she’d done deliberately, had seemed like a good idea. She wasn’t enjoying this, well apart from being pinned against Denver with his arm around her. That bit was nice, but the part where his hand was firmly spanking her bottom? That part not so much. “Ow, ow!”

  Denver paused briefly, his hand massaging her cheeks.

  “I can’t believe you went into the pool like that after I had expressly forbidden you from doing so. And then to leave your room after I told you not to, and to have the audacity to hop into my bed! I should spank you every night for a year, don’t you think? Is that what you deserve?”

  “Yes, sir,” Rudi answered, her heart aching more than her derriere. It would be worth it if it meant she got to stay with him for a year, she thought dreamily.

  “Ow, ow!” Or maybe not!

  Denver pulled up her nightdress and started spanking her bare flesh. As his hand fell, over and over again in a steady tattoo, Rudi scrunched her face up and gasped, grunted, squealed, held her breath, and wriggled – for especially stingy slaps.

  She wasn’t getting away, though. Denver tucked her more tightly under his arm and spanked her firmly, only pausing every now and then following a particularly loud squeal or more vigorous wriggle, to rub her increasingly red and sensitive bottom and remind her of exactly why she was being punished.

  Already drowning in sensation, some pleasant, some not so pleasant, Rudi listened as he scolded her for disobeying what she knew was his most important rule, for possibly endangering herself, for having the audacity to crawl into his bed uninvited, and for not keeping still while he was spanking her.

  Everything he said was true, but instead of focusing on her misdeeds, all Rudi could think of, apart from the sting he was inflicting on her now tender skin, was how beautiful his voice was; its deep but honeyed tone flowed over and through her, transporting her like a favourite symphony. It was only a few short weeks since she’d first heard and fallen in love with it in her room at the hospital. Since then, she’d heard it every day, chatting, informing, scolding, laughing, teasing, and her heart broke to think that might be going to end.

  She couldn’t let that happen; she had to keep fighting to stay, and that meant, “Ow, ow, oh, sir,” paying the price for her scheming. It was getting harder, though, and Rudi was beginning to wonder if he was ever going to stop.

  And then he did. For a moment, he rubbed and massaged
her stinging bottom without speaking. Then he picked up the paddle and ran it gently over her skin sending a quiver of apprehension skittering down her spine.

  “You don’t do yourself justice, do you, Rudi?” he scolded her. “I find you on the street, dirty and drinking spirits from a bottle. You step in front of my car. I take you in and look after you asking nothing in return other than that you obey my rules and my privacy. And have you done either?”

  “No, sir,” Rudi whispered almost inaudibly.

  “Speak up,” he barked, pausing his hand.

  “No, sir!”

  She felt the paddle sliding over her again, tensing herself in anticipation of a sudden whack, but it just continued its gentle circular travels across her cheeks and down her thighs.

  “You’re a lovely girl, Rudi. You’re smart and good at your work. You’re very attractive. You’re fun. You could be anything you want, but you let yourself down by your poor choices, don’t you? Don’t you?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Well, you have shown me grave disrespect by flagrantly and deliberately breaking my house rules. When you disrespect others, you disrespect yourself, and if you don’t respect yourself, you can’t respect others. It’s a vicious circle, isn’t it?”

  Most of Rudi’s attention was focused on the paddle, still prowling over her bottom. She knew that at any moment it was going to rise and come cracking down, and as that moment became inevitably closer, she found it harder and harder to pay attention to what Denver was saying. She realised he’d stopped talking, though, and assumed he was waiting for a response for her. If only she’d known what he said! Still, mostly he just wanted her to agree, so she decided that was the safest option.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Yes, sir, what?”

  “Huh?” She was confused.

  “When you said ‘Yes, sir,’ what were you agreeing with?”

  Oh no! He knew she’d not been listening, and he sounded cross.

  “I was agreeing with what you said,” she tried, not very hopefully.

  Thwack! The paddle came down hard.

  “You weren’t listening, were you?”

  Thwack! On the other cheek.


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