The Tree and the Tablet (The St. James Chronicles Book 1)

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The Tree and the Tablet (The St. James Chronicles Book 1) Page 12

by Kathryn O'Brien

  Gingerly stepping out onto the deck, my eyes darted around expecting something to jump out at me. Moving slowly across the deck, I made my way to the tree. It seemed as if it were glowing brighter upon my approach. As I was standing there, I could have sworn I heard my name being called. Peering around through the depth of sunset, seeing no one near, I gradually inched my way around the tree, noticing a large spot on the tree that looked like a human face. It was facing out toward the bay. I didn’t recall seeing that when it was planted, but then again, I was a little distracted by the strange little man who was planting it. A soft voice echoed around me. It was pulling me in as I leaned closer and closer to see if I was imagining things. There it was again. So faint but clearer.

  “Come closer, come closer. I can’t see you. Where are you?” With a will of its own, my hand steadily crept closer to the whispers. My hand was so close to touching it when, suddenly, the knot twisted and fluttered and Andrea’s face peered back at me, the indentations in the tree bark looked like tendrils of hair moving in the breeze around her face. It spoke, “There you are.”

  Heart racing, I jumped back away from the tree and screamed, dropping my glass of wine. As I turned to run, out of nowhere a tree branch became tangled around my arm. A terrified scream was ripped from me as I pulled frantically to escape the grip, “Let me go!”

  All I could hear was Andrea’s voice saying, “Calm down! Maggie, calm down!”

  Gripped with a terrifying and overwhelming fear like I’ve never known, I felt like I was choking on the very air as my lungs suddenly started burning from the exertion to be released. Succumbing to the fear, my legs crumpled, and consciousness left me.

  Waking up next to the tree, the wine glass was in my hand and Peanut was curled up by my side. I jumped up realizing I wasn’t in the clutches of the tree and braced myself as I studied my arm. There were only a few small scratches where I’d seen the branches clutching at me, but when I looked at the tree, there was no face. Just a tree. One small branch was hanging from the tree. Getting to my feet and clutching the branch, I ripped it away from the tree. My imagination made me believe someone said, “Ouch!” But I just shook my head and laughed. This is ridiculous. Giving the tree a stern look, I said, “You deserved that,” and huffed my way back to the house. Peanut stood there next to the tree with her head cocked to one side watching me. Angrily I shouted, “Peanut, Come!” She ran across the yard and leapt onto the deck scurrying into the house through the open door. I could’ve sworn I heard a faint whisper, “Good night.”

  In response, I stared ruefully at the tree. Shaking my head in disbelief I turned to enter the house, assuring the doggie door cover was in place and the French doors were locked firmly closed.

  Looking around to make sure everything was secure, I placed my wine glass in the kitchen sink before going to get ready for bed. As I changed my clothes, I couldn’t help but notice the black feather wrapped in silver and turquoise. Picking it up, I stroked it tenderly as I thought of my wonderful mystery man. Loneliness and pain swallowed me whole as I longed for some relief from my emptiness. Not really certain what the connection was, but I just couldn’t rid myself of the overwhelming urge to be around the man I met on the plane. He was always a thought in the back of my mind. For the first time in a long time I prayed in earnest, “God, if you can hear me, please bring this man into my life for good.” Sighing, I set the feather down, then crossed the room to climb into bed. Slipping between the cool cotton sheets, I thought about Kelsey. Missing her cherubic little face that reminded me every moment of my sister, I couldn’t wait to see her. With hope in my heart I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

  It felt like I tossed and turned all night. My mystery man was in my head. Oh, the sweet agonizing torture. Every time I’d get close to him, he would turn into a raven and fly away. I just couldn't catch him. Finally, there was peace and I slept the sleep of the dead. The doorbell rang. Peanut ran down the hall barking. Rolling over to look at the clock while shielding my eyes from the sun coming through the shears in the windows, I blinked at the offending numbers in my view. 7:30 am? Why would someone think it's appropriate to ring my doorbell so early? It rang again. Oh, good lord. Rolling to my side, I sat up. Grabbing the scrunchy from the bedside table, I made my way to the door. Whoever it was, they were standing with their back to the door looking out at the parking area where a bright red pickup was sitting. Irritated, I angrily opened the door and asked as calmly as I could, “Can I help you?”

  Turning around to make eye contact with me, was the man of my dreams. “Yes! You can.” Was his husky reply. I tried sucking in great gulps of air to keep myself from losing it, but it didn't work, and my body lost total control of its senses. My mind had decided to stop working properly and uttering something totally incoherent, I lost my bearings with reality and crumpled to the floor in a pile of oblivion.

  Chapter Eleven

  Coming to, my first thought was that something was seriously wrong with me because I didn't consider myself to be so weak that I would faint at the drop of a hat. I seemed to be passing out and waking up in strange places a lot lately. Second thought was much more disarming. My eyes were still closed but as the haze lifted, I could feel what was most assuredly some amazingly strong arms surrounding me. There was also the strong but distinct sound of a human heartbeat against my ear. Thump-thump, thump-thump. It was such a soothing sound. It was very nice, but in my muddled thoughts, I pondered whether my bed had come to life or if I was being held by someone.

  Hazarding a guess that my prior experience wasn't a dream, I slowly opened my eyes. At first, all I saw was a blinding light. Then, to my utter horror and explicit pleasure, I was being held in the arms of none other than my raven-haired god. An audible groan erupted as I faced the combination of embarrassment and pleasure. How could one person cause so many conflicting emotions in me? Suddenly, the gravity of what was really happening took hold of my clearing brain. Anxiety caused me to panic and out of a pure need to be alone with my embarrassment, I struggled to be free of his arms.

  “Whoa. Hold on, there.” He implored softly as he attempted to help me extricate myself from his grasp. It almost felt like he didn't want to release me. “Maggie, please calm down!” He asked calmly. Shaking his head, he muttered, “Andrea said you'd react this way.”

  As he spoke my name, I ceased my squirming. Eyes wide with shock and realization, I barely heard the comment about Andrea before stiffening in his arms again. The flush in my cheeks was hot and uncomfortable as I turned my face toward his. Narrowing my eyes in suspicion, I asked, “What did you just say?”

  Frozen in place, waiting for his response, he must’ve decided it was a good time to remove me from his lap. He swiftly scooped me up and set me down on the sofa next to him as if I were no more than a sack of potatoes. Jumping up from the sofa, I turned on him. Swaying on my feet, the room blurred briefly and then righted itself. Seeing my disorientation, he appeared to consider whether he should hold onto me as his hand extended toward me and then as quickly retracted. He sat there calmly, a smug smile crossed his lips as he gave a devil may care response, “What? I didn't say anything.” Was he mocking me from the plane incident?

  When I analyzed the situation and mentally ran through all of our past encounters, I was suddenly struck dumb by the sudden and overwhelming comprehension that there was something I was missing. My head was still foggy, which caused me to struggle with figuring out the exact particulars. It was like standing in a huge surf as the waves of information battered my foggy brain. Dawning awareness and understanding hit me in the face like a brick. Covering my mouth with my hand, I gasped at the fact that I just realized I knew who he was and he had known all along who I was. “Oh my god!”

  He looked so comfortable on my sofa, casually laid back with an air of confidence surrounding him. All the pieces were falling into place within the puzzle of my mind, “You knew?” Disbelief rocked me, “All along, you knew who I was?” He had
the nerve to look contrite as he flashed a grimace at me. However, this was quickly followed by a smooth grin showing his perfect white teeth that I now wanted to punch. My eyes widened with the affirmation I read in his response and more sternly, with accusation dripping from my voice, I almost growled in exasperation, “You knew!” The outraged scream that followed was purely involuntary.

  Clenching my fists, I stormed to the back door, and flinging it open, I stepped out into the cool air to calm myself. Pacing back and forth, I was livid. How could he do that to me? I noticed that he stepped out onto the deck but chose to ignore his presence as I thought of all the times we’d made eye contact. All the times he could’ve relieved me from my torment. Running through a gambit of questions in my mind, I muttered to myself, “Why? What was the purpose? Was he following me? He knew who I was and what was going on but still chose not to let me in on his dirty little secret.” Stomping my foot on the deck in frustration, I exclaimed loudly. “Darn it!” Betrayal, pain, outrage, frustration, fear, confusion, and joy...Yes, joy, at having him be close. All these feelings directed at him, and also, at my sister, who knew somehow what would be happening but hid it from me. Why?

  Ultimately, the real reason I was angry, was because all the signs had been there and I missed them. He took advantage of my state of mind! Reflecting on the moment we first met on the plane. Absolutely beside myself with grief and then taken in by his handsome face, I failed to notice that the woman in the picture was me. It was me when I was in college. That was a rough year for me and seeking to start over after two breakups in a row, I’d dyed my hair black. He knew on the plane who I was. He never said a word. Standing there in the middle of my deck, I became fully aware of the sudden realization that I was face to face with none other than Daniel BlackFeather. His resemblance to the little boy in the photo on Jaxon’s library wall was unmistakable.

  Feeling a myriad of emotions flowing through me, I turned and stared at the tree. Ha! The robin was now perched on a limb of that tree and was singing away happily hopping from limb to limb as if it were dancing. Not a care in the world. Silly little bird. Staring at it angrily, I sought to silence the joyful little bird with my own voice, “Oh, Shut up!” As I turned around to pace again, I noticed Daniel standing to the side of the doorway. He was smiling as if he were holding in laughter. That’s it! “And you!” My index finger pointed at him and ground out through clenched teeth, “Go away!” Storming past him again and into the house, I marched my way straight into my bedroom. Approaching the dresser, I grabbed the blasted raven feather necklace and turned to stomp my way back out to the deck and confront him. Shockwaves coursed through my body as the brick wall of his chest stopped me in my tracks and knocked the wind out of me. “Oof!” Stumbling backward, I was caught by the waist and lifted into very strong arms.

  There was something about the smoldering look he gave me that flooded me with longing. My heart was racing frantically, but I was still so angry. Trying to push away from him, my body lied and my efforts were feeble at best, but before I realized the peril of my body’s betrayal, I noticed his soft gaze was centered on my lips and he started moving slowly toward them with his. I couldn't stop him and mesmerized, I felt like the two raven feathers and found myself unable to pull away, as if he were a magnet and I was steel. He bridged the gap between us and the kiss was electrifying, sending jolts through every fiber of my being. As our lips touched and my world went spinning out of control, I found that I could barely breathe. Odd, but even though this was our first kiss, it was as if I had felt this before, but couldn’t remember when; however, the sensation was so intense and overwhelming, I just couldn’t get enough. I felt myself melting into him and that was when I realized that he knew that too. He knew I wanted him. His right hand had moved to palm my cheek and when his hand slipped to cup my neck, his thumb gently stroked my jaw as he sought to deepen the kiss. If I didn’t stop him now, I’d be lost if he kept going. God help me! It feels so good!

  How dare he use his charm and my own desire against me. As if finally finding a will to overcome my passion, a renewed anger pried its way through the veil of pleasure I was experiencing. Pushing myself away from him forcefully, I slapped him across the face so hard it left a mark that looked exactly like my handprint. Seeing the red mark getting darker by the second, I almost felt bad about that. He looked surprised. Good! He shouldn’t underestimate me. He was standing there a little dumbfounded with his arms spread wide and his palms face-up. When he started to say something, I interrupted him and slammed the feather necklace into his open palm, screeching vehemently, “Get out!”

  He took the feather necklace and put it around his neck. It dangled on his chest between the opening of his unbuttoned shirt. Speaking calmly, he said in his beautiful voice, “I know you’re angry, but I can explain.”

  Pushing past him, I made my way back down the hall toward the deck to get away from him, my voice a practice in patience but bridling with a deep anger, “I don’t want to hear it.”

  Stepping out onto the deck, Peanut was standing there watching me closely and I put my hands in the air, pleading, “Why?” Our connection was strong and his presence was so electric that I could physically feel him when he stepped out onto the deck behind me. Spinning to face him, I went off into a crazy place in my head. Pointing my finger at him, I sought to placate my raging brain with a fallacy, “You’re a dream. You aren’t real.” Turning toward the yard and motioning outward, “This tree, the amulet, the stupid bird, they’re all some big hoax, right?” Looking at him pleadingly, I laughed when he didn't respond, “Next thing I know, Peanut will be talking to me!” Arms flailing wildly, I paced back and forth, breathing heavily and trying not to explode as heat built and flooded throughout my body in waves.

  Abruptly, I stopped to look down at Peanut. She jumped up from her seated position where she was calmly watching me lose my mind to wiggle her little nub and bark at me excitedly. Turning to Daniel, “Oh-Ho, See, I told you!” Throwing my hands in the air, exasperated and borderline psychotic, “She just said I’m right.” Hysterical and maniacal laughter perforated the silence around us. I sounded like a mad woman. He looked at me concerned with a questioning expression on his face. Guessing his thoughts, I said, “There’s only one way to prove I’m not crazy.” Looking out toward the yard, and then back to him, the gap between us had gotten smaller and I could see his intentions on his face. He was gently and quietly walking toward me, he put out his hands to try and calm me as if I were a wild animal getting ready to flee. I saw him coming this time as I dodged to the right. He tried to follow but I was too quick and dove to the left at the last minute. Leaping off the deck, I made a mad dash toward the tree.

  He followed after me, “Maggie, stop! Please! I can explain. Will you just listen?” He begged in a calm but beseeching voice.

  As I dove around the tree I planted my feet firmly and stood facing the knot in the tree, stating matter-of-factly, “Andrea Michelle, you better materialize yourself right now or I’m not talking to you ever again!”

  The tree fluctuated and fluttered, the bark shifting and swirling. With a deep sound like that of an awakening giant yawning, the face appeared and the branches moved causing the robin to lose his perch. Whistling and flapping his wings crazily, he flew away and then back again landing in the exact same spot on the same branch. The face that appeared just then looked like it had just woken up from a nice deep sleep. “Geez, Magpie. What is it?”

  Daniel stopped right behind me. Letting out a massive exodus of breath that sounded a lot like a balloon losing all of its air at once, “Holy hell! Is that Andrea?”

  Smiling triumphantly, I turned to face him, “See, I’m not crazy.” Gleeful laughter erupted from me and I did a little jig in the yard. Clasping my hands in front of me and continuing to giggle insanely like a child who was up to no good, I danced a circle around Daniel. He didn't look happy at all.

  Looking at me as if I was off my rocker, he exclaimed in aw
e and shock, his deep voice reverberating into my soul, “What have you done?”

  Stopping, mid-skip, I looked at him in surprise. He couldn’t mean me. Confused by his accusation, I dared to ask, “Me?” At his wide-eyed silence, I laughed incredulously and asked sarcastically, “What have I done?”

  “Where is the amulet, Maggie?” A stilted expression crossed his face as he questioned me.

  Without uttering a word, I pointed at the ground near the base of the tree.

  “Please tell me you didn't bury it!?!” It was more of a statement than a question. What did he know that I didn’t?

  Slowly nodding my head as I pointed at the tree and responded irritably as if I were a child getting in trouble for another of Andrea’s pranks, “She told me to!” Without waiting for a response from him, I turned to the tree and said, “Dammit, Andrea! Even in death, you're still getting me into trouble!” Stomping my foot like a petulant child, I turned away and stared out at the water. Raggedly, my breath moved in and out as I tried to control my emotions, but I was so lost in my own thoughts and feeling sorry for myself that I didn't hear Daniel approach.

  He silently slipped his arms around me and feeling overwhelmed and shaken to the core, I chose to accept the comfort he offered. His presence came with a multitude of mixed feelings. Yet the connection was too strong to deny and I found myself turning into the shelter of his arms as I cried my heart out. To his credit, he stood there calmly and gently stroked my hair, whispering that it would be okay. Finally, I pulled away and wiped my moist face on the sleeve of his shirt. Slightly surprised by my brazenness, he laughed.


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