Stumbling Into Forever (Stumbling Through Life Book 2)

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Stumbling Into Forever (Stumbling Through Life Book 2) Page 8

by Molly O'Hare

  Holly took the stick in her hand and gave it a quick squeeze. Here goes nothing.

  However, nothing ever went smoothly for her. She should have known better. As she hovered over the toilet, something nudged her leg.

  Then it nudged harder.

  When she focused, she saw Waffles at her feet. He then huffed before he jumped up onto her leg. Unfortunately, for her, Holly was already unbalanced, but with Waffles sneak attack and her hand already being occupied she saw or rather felt it coming.

  Timmmbbeeerrrr, she shouted in her head as she found herself falling through the air. In an attempt to catch herself, she grabbed onto the shower curtain, which effectively fell on top of her. Before she knew it, she was in the bathtub tangled in the curtain with her pants around her ankles.

  Ben was instantly in the room. “Holy fuck, are you okay?” he asked jumping into the shower to help her.

  “Why does this stuff always happen to me?” She looked at him before darting her eyes to Waffles who had his two front paws on the side of the tub staring at her with his tongue hanging out of the side of his mouth.

  “It’s because you’re Holly.” Ben barked out a laugh.

  “That’s not a good enough reason.”

  He kissed her forehead. “It’s all the reason you need. Are you hurt?”

  “My ego, yes.”

  He raised his brows at her. “And?”

  “And what?”

  His gaze darted to the stick still in her hand. “Oh yeah.” She was too afraid to really look at it. “I think I got enough on it but the box said we had to wait.”

  “Fine. Now, we wait.” Ben pulled Holly out of the tub before unwrapping her from the shower curtain. “Finish up in here and then we’ll read it together.”

  “Okay.” Her mind was going a million miles an hour. And yet, she was still surprised her pants were down around her ankles.

  Ben left the bathroom while Holly cleaned herself up.

  Only me.

  When she made it out of the bathroom, Ben had Ripley, Waffles, and Twitch all at his feet.

  “What’s with the party?” she asked, as she worried her bottom lip. It was like an intervention.

  “If we are about to grow by one, I thought it was only fitting if everyone in the family was present.”

  “We don’t know if I’m pregnant,” she stated.

  “True.” He stared at her. “But if you are, everyone is here.”

  Holly nodded as her heart pounded. She took a deep breath before she held out her hand with the stick face up for both of them to read.

  Chapter Ten

  “We’re pregnant.”

  Ben stood there in awe as he watched an array of emotions run across Holly’s face as she stared at the stick.

  The stick that just changed their lives.

  He must have been living in a dream world. It was as if everything stopped around them and all that was there was him and Holly.

  The soon to be mother of his child.

  His child.

  Knocking him from his thoughts, Ben heard a whine come from his left. When he looked at his feet, he saw Ripley putting her paw in the air with her head tilted to the side trying to understand what was going on. He bent at his knee coming to eye level with all their pets who soon jumped into his arms nearly tackling him backward. “You guys ready to be, big brothers and sisters?” he asked making sure to scratch every one of them.

  This was it. This was the moment he’d been waiting for his whole life.

  With a yip from Waffles and Ripley, and a nudge on his knee from Twitch, Ben’s face broke into a ridiculously wide smile.

  He was going to be a dad.

  And not just to animals.

  Ben looked up at his wife. She glowed, and the warm smile she sent back at him made his heart slam against his chest.

  They were going to be parents.

  This was the start of a new chapter for them.

  Ben stood before he took a step closer to Holly cradling her face in his hands. He brought his lips to hers. He licked along her bottom lip demanding for her to open as he deepened their kiss.

  Words wouldn’t work at this moment.

  Not when he was getting everything he ever wanted.

  A baby.

  They were going to have a baby.

  He pulled back from their kiss to rest his forehead against Holly’s. “We’re going to be parents, Grace.”

  “We are.” She smiled at him as tears formed in her eyes. When he saw a tear fall down her cheek, he used the pad of his thumb to gently wipe it away. “I love you, Holly Richman.”

  “I love you too, Ben.” She stepped into his arms allowing him to enclose her in his embrace completely. Ben reached down grabbing her bottom forcing her to jump. Holly instinctually wrapped her legs around him.

  The moment she was secured, he started making his way to their bedroom. Once he made it inside he kicked the door shut.

  Sorry guys, but I’m on a mission and being interrupted is not in the plan.

  Not this time.

  Ben gently placed Holly on her back before moving down to her stomach. He then lifted her shirt before getting onto his knees straddling her legs. Every so gently he placed the palm of his hand on her exposed skin.

  My child is growing in here.

  Ben was at a loss for words. He vowed at that moment he would do whatever it took to be the best father he could be. Just like his dad was to him, or how Henry was to Holly.

  He would stop at nothing to make them proud.

  Ben bent kissing Holly’s stomach. I will always protect you.

  “Uh, Ben?” Holly looked down at him. “You’re kinda freaking me out here.”

  “Hush your face, can’t you see I’m imagining you rounded with my child? Or children?” He winked at her.

  “Take a step back there, mister. Child. Let’s go with child as in singular.”

  “I want a whole sports team full,” he said.

  “Not out of my hoo-ha.”

  Ben laughed before kissing her stomach again. “We’ll discuss it later. Have I told you today that I love you?”

  “You tell me every day, but it’s always nice to hear,” she answered looking at him with such love, he could feel it surrounding him.

  His face brightened as he looked back at her. “I want to have many babies with you, Holly.”

  Holly’s face softened with contentment as a twinkle in her eye appeared. “Good. ‘Cause, Ben, I want to have many babies with you too.”

  A wicked smirk appeared on his face. “How do you think Waffles will handle it?”

  Holly’s eyes widened in shock. “I have no idea. Let’s just hope for the best. The last thing we need is for him is to recruit our child as his minion in world domination.”

  “He’ll probably try.” Ben crawled up the bed to reach Holly. He then pulled her into another deep kiss. “I love you, baby.” He moved from her lips as he peppered kisses along her jawline. “You’ve made me the happiest I’ve ever been.”

  “Ditto.” A wicked grin appeared on her face. “Less talking, more celebrating.”

  “Oh, we are. Make no mistake of that.” He growled.

  Ben started to kiss along her exposed neck causing her to tilt her head back. Once he reached the collar of her shirt he sat up. “Off,” he ordered as he pulled her shirt over her head forcing her to sit up.

  “You’re very demanding.”

  “Again, hush your face.”

  You know what this is taking too long. He reached for the cups of her bra and ripped them in two. Holly then pushed at his chest. “Can you not destroy my clothes, please? I’m getting real tired of that.”

  He shrugged nonchalantly. “You took too long.”

  “You didn’t even give me a chance!”

  “Still took too long.” He leaned over kissing her swollen chest. “How did I not notice these had grown?

  “I don’t know. I mean I just thought I ate too many donuts.” Holly’s eyes
rolled back into her head. “Donuts. Man, I would kill for a peanut butter glazed donut right now.”

  “Focus woman.” Ben growled at her.

  “But donuts.”

  He sat back on his heels. “You know it all makes sense now. You almost killed Waffles when he took one.” He reached his hand out before pinching her nipple causing a slight moan to escape from her.

  “I change my mind,” she remarked. “No donuts, I want more suckie.” She pushed her chest into the air.

  “What momma wants, momma gets.” Ben huffed out a laugh before he brought her peak into his mouth.

  Man, he was so fucking lucky.

  After a few seconds, he released her with a pop before moving to her other breast. He could do this for days. He let his tongue slide against her nipple before pulling away and blowing on it.

  “Ben, please,” Holly moaned.

  “Patience,” he said after releasing her. He then slid down her body before reaching her pants. In one quick movement, he pulled them, along with her panties from her body, throwing them behind him.

  “At least you didn’t rip them this time.”

  He cocked his brow at her. “Did you want me to?”

  “Hell no!” Holly laughed as she let her legs fall open exposing her core to Ben.

  Fuck, she was so beautiful.

  Lightly he traced her lower lips with his fingertips feeling her wetness.

  “Mhhmm.” Holly threw her head back the moment Ben reached her clit. Bending over he brought it into his mouth causing Holly to shoot her hips to his face. Instantly she buried her hands in his hair as she rocked against his mouth.

  “Ben,” she cried.

  He bit down onto her clit before sucking it into his mouth

  “Ben!” she screamed out. “Fuck me!”

  “I plan on it.” He used his fingers and pushed inside of her slowly. As her hips started to thrash around he knew she was close.

  With one last lick of her core, he pulled back.

  “Do you have a death wish?”

  “Not today.” He yanked his shirt over his head before undoing his belt buckle. He jumped from the bed discarding his pants.

  Within seconds he was on top of her. “Is this what you want?” he growled as he positioned himself. Once he lined himself at her core, he slowly circled her entrance.

  Holly narrowed her eyes at him. “Duh.”

  “Oh, you’re feisty today, aren’t you? You know I love it when you’re feisty.”

  “No,” she answered. “I’m horny and I believe since I’m now carrying your child and it wants me to eat nothing but peanut butter donuts, you better fuck me into burning off those calories.”

  He stopped what he was doing and arched his brow. “What?”

  “For the love of all things. Cut me some slack.” She bounced her head back and forth. “I can’t think straight, right now.”

  “I’ll let it slide this time,” he said before inching his way inside of her. Honestly, he didn’t have any other choice but to let it go. Seeing Holly so wanton, fucking unmanned him. And the fact inside of her was their child sent him over the edge.

  Ben started slowly pushing his way inside of her as she clung to him. He gently grabbed onto her hips before flipping them so she’d be on top. After getting her situated he growled, “Ride me.”

  Without even a question Holly started moving her hips. Fuck he loved that she’d grown so comfortable with him to do so. He remembered when she used to try and hide herself from him.

  Holly leaned back bracing her hands on his lower legs as she worked him up and down. Ben had to clench his teeth to keep control. With her legs spread wide, it gave him the perfect vantage point of their joining.

  He couldn’t stop himself even if he wanted to. He reached his left hand out opening her lower lips to expose her clit to his view. That’s when Holly started to work herself harder as she moved around him.

  “Oh god,” she screamed. Ben started to feel her shake. He was right there with her though. He could feel himself at his breaking point.

  With one hand he pinched her clit while the other went to her hip helping with her movements.

  He pounded himself into her as he felt Holly start to explode. Abandoning her clit, he lost all control as he slammed himself deep into her walls before bringing her hips down to his, and freezing. He groaned loudly as he emptied himself within her.

  “Holy guacamole,” Holly blurted out as she laid on top of him.

  His sentiments exactly.

  He did his best to calm his panting as he came down from his high. After a few minutes, Holly righted herself before looking down at him with a smile on her face that he was sure matched his own. He then let his gaze travel down to her stomach. He placed the palm of his hand on top of it. “I love you, Holly.”

  “I love you too, Ben.”

  Just then Ben’s eyes widened. “Oh shit.”

  “What, what is it?” Holly asked as Ben rolled forcing her to fall off of him and onto her side.

  Ben jumped from the bed and ran to his pants, grabbing his phone from the pocket. “Shit. There is so much to do.”

  “What’s going on?” Holly pushed herself onto her elbows. “Are you okay? You’re kinda freakin’ me out here.”

  He snapped his attention to her at her worried voice. “Me. Yeah, I’m fine. It just hit me. Do you know how much shit you trip on and fall over every day? We’re gonna have to Holly proof this house and pronto.”

  Ben looked back at his phone and started frantically typing. There has got to be a place I can get a lot of it, he thought.

  “What are you doing?” Holly’s brows were knitted together when Ben looked up.

  “I’m searching the internet for bubble wrap. There’s got to be a place where I can buy it in bulk.” He gave her a ‘duh’ look. This was the most logical solution. Didn’t she understand with her track record he was going to have to start now in Holly proofing the house?

  “You are not covering this place in bubble wrap.”

  “Who said I was going to cover the place? That would be a waste of time.” He looked her up and down cocking his brow.

  “Oh no. No, you don’t Benjamin. You are not wrapping me in bubble wrap. No freakin’ way!”

  “How else do you suppose I keep you safe?”

  Holly jumped from the bed. As she made her way toward him, she banged her shin on the bedpost. “Owwie”

  “See.” He threw his phone onto the bed before moving over to her and dropping to his knees. “Let me see.”

  “No.” She refused to move her hand from her shin.

  “Let me see, Holly.”

  “No. It’s your fault I hit the dang thing anyway. We find out we’re pregnant and then you go all crazy. So, no. I’m not moving my hand.” She glared at him.

  Ben rolled his eyes before he pushed her hand away himself. Thankfully there was only a small red mark. “It doesn’t look like you cut it.”

  “Of course, I didn’t cut it.” She growled. “Let’s get back to where you think it’s a good idea for me to be wrapped up like some sort of lunch meat then—”

  “You don’t wrap lunch meat in bubble wrap.”

  “Can I use bubble wrap to clean up the mess I make once I strangle you to death?” Her lips thinned as she threw her hands on her hips angrily.

  Ben sat back on his feet as he observed her. Damn, she was fucking beautiful. Her hair was all over the place, her face red with annoyance.

  And, she was going to be the mother of his children.

  He was never going to forget this moment.

  Ben pulled her body to his as he rested his head on her stomach. After a few seconds, Holly’s hand moved to his hair. Once he realized she wasn’t trying to rip out his hair, he smiled. Plus, she didn’t need to know he already ordered the bubble wrap.

  Ben picked her up at her waist and tossed her back onto the bed.

  Round two.

  “No manhandling.” She glared at him. “Ho
w many times do I have to tell you?”

  “I’m gonna manhandle you all right.” However, as he reached for her hips his phone started to ring. “Shit.”

  “Answer it,” Holly said. “It might be the insurance company.”

  Fuck. The last thing he wanted to do right now was to be pulled away from his wife. Especially when he registered Holly had lifted one of her breasts before toying with her nipple.

  Fuck me.

  Ben growled as he answered the phone. “Richman.”

  “Ben, it’s Will.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Right as Holly and Ben started their walk up the police station steps, they saw John burst through the door.

  What the… Why the hell is he here? Holly’s face scrunched at the sight. Please don’t tell me he was up to no good. Holly gave him the once over. Who was she kidding, this was John. Of course, he was up to no good.

  The moment John recognized her and Ben his whole face lit up in a boyish grin. Instantly, he ran down the steps in their direction. Once John was right in front of them, she noticed Ben brows shoot to the sky as he gave him the once over. “What are you doing here?”

  “I can ask the same thing about you two?” John crossed his arms over his chest surprising Holly.

  Defensive much?

  Holly watched amazed as Ben and John did this weird speaking thing but without actually speaking.

  Okay, Twilight Zone, here I am.

  Ben broke the silence first. “Will asked if we could come down to the station. I guess he has some information.” Ben shrugged. “He didn’t go into detail over the phone.”

  “Hopefully, he’s got good news.” John lifted his chin.

  That’s when Holly started to notice something was off. As she took a closer look at John she realized he was fidgeting.

  Hold up. Holly did a complete once over on John. He was nervous, there was no disputing that, but more importantly, he looked… normal. Hell, he even looked like he brushed his hair. And was that… Holy crap that was cologne. “John,” she started a little taken aback. “You look like a normal human being, your hair is brushed, your clothes look good… I’m in shock.” Holly’s mouth curved into a smile. “I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say you weren’t at the station trying to… how did you put it before? Oh, yeah, make it look like you had an exciting story or something insane like that.” Holly’s smile widened from ear to ear as she teased him.


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