Stone (Savage Hearts Book 1)

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Stone (Savage Hearts Book 1) Page 5

by C. S. Gunn

  “Nothing, he’s just trying to piss you off. Come on, there’s a table right there.” Aly pulls Jay away from the bar and scowls at Ashe over her shoulder.

  “What’s that guy’s problem?” He asks me.

  “I told you, he’s a snob. Comes from money and thinks the world owes him or something.”

  “Why is she with a guy like that?”

  “Good question. They met in college, I never understood her attraction to him.” Jay is good looking, but his personality is terrible.

  “Well, if she ever wants to know what it’s like to be with a real man, she knows where to find me.”

  We’ve been here for at least an hour, and no Stone. I guess he’s not coming in today. The situation with Jay and Ashe has calmed down since we won’t let Jay go up to the bar to order. No contact means no snarky remarks. I get up to play a song on the jukebox, I start swaying my hips a little while I stand in place. As the song gets faster, so does my dancing, or swaying, whatever. I’m not drunk, but I’m definitely a little buzzed. Feeling hot I look over at Aly, “I’m going to step outside, I’m kind of sweaty.”

  “Okay.” She waves me off, giggling at something Jay is whispering in her ear. I look back at Ashe, he’s watching Aly with a mix of longing and irritation. Poor guy.

  I walk outside, down to the end of the building, and lean against the wall closing my eyes. The cool air swirls around me, it feels great. After a few minutes of standing there, I finally cool off enough to go back in. I turn to walk back to the door when a hand slides over mouth, and an arm grabs me around the waist, trapping my own arms at my sides. “Did you think I forgot about you?” Oh, God….I recognize that voice. “I wasn’t expecting to see you here, but I’m so glad I did. Now that I’ve found you, I’m taking what you owe me you little tease.” He pulls me to the side of the building and slams me against the wall.

  “Please. Don’t do this.” I pleaded.

  He roughly grabs my hair and pulls my head back. “I gave you the chance to do it willingly, but you chose to be difficult. Now, be a good girl and shut the fuck up. This won’t take long.” I hear his zipper and I can’t hold back the sobs.

  “Please!” I cry and attempt to get away.

  “I said shut the fuck up slut!” He slams my head into the brick wall. The impact dazes me. He lifts my dress and I can’t stop the tears from falling or my body from shaking. I wait in terror for what’s coming next, then suddenly, I feel him being lifted off me.

  Looking over my shoulder, I see that Stone has Jake by the neck. “You piece of shit! You think you can come to my bar and rape women?!” He slams his fist into Jake’s face.

  “I wasn’t raping her! I know her, and she’s been asking for it man! I wasn’t doing anything wrong. She wanted it!” He tries to justify while blood runs down his chin.

  “You sick motherfucker!” He punches him again. “If I ever see you treat another woman like this again, I’ll beat you within an inch of your pathetic life.” Leaning closer to him he says tightly, “and if you ever come near her again, I’ll kill you.” Punch. “Nod if you understand asshole.”

  Jake nods and Stone tosses him to the ground. “Get the fuck out of here. Don’t let me catch you anywhere near here again.” Within seconds, Jake is in his car, peeling out of the parking lot.

  Stone rushes toward me and gently grabs my face with both hands, rubbing the tears from my cheeks with his thumbs. “Are you ok? Did he hurt you?”

  “Just a little bump on the head. You came before he did anything else.” I place my hands on his chest. “Thank you for saving me, Stone.”

  “You’re bleeding. I’m going to kill that fucker for hurting you.”

  “I’m fine. Really.”

  “Come on, let’s clean you up.” He guides me up the stairs, into what looks I assume is his apartment. It’s small but clean. He has a black leather couch, a large flat screen TV on the wall, and enough movies to start a video store. He leads me to the bathroom and motions to the toilet. “Sit, I’ll get the first aid kit.” Once he’s fished out the kit, he pulls out the rubbing alcohol and puts some on a cotton ball. Getting on his knees in front of me, he raises the cotton ball toward me. “This is going to sting, okay?” I nod. I watch him closely as he cleans the cut on the side of my forehead, he’s being so…..gentle. “What were you doing out there alone?”

  “I needed some air, it was hot inside the bar.” I shake my head slightly. “I didn’t even hear him coming.”

  “You need to be more aware of your surroundings, especially here. Did you really know him?”

  “I met him at The Lair that first night I came here. We went there first. He seemed nice, so I danced with him.”

  “Then what happened?” He asks tightly.

  “He said I was teasing him, because of the way I was dancing I guess. He asked if I wanted to go to his car, and when I turned him down, he threatened to take me to the alley and take what he wanted, so I kneed him in the nuts.” A small chuckle escapes his lips, and it causes me to smile a little.

  “I should get you back downstairs. I’m sure Aly is wondering where you’ve been.” He stands up and holds out his hand to help me up.

  “Yeah, probably.” I slide my hand into his. All I want is to stay here with him, but that’s not an option, or a good idea.

  I stop when we get to the entrance of the bar and look up at him. “Are you working at all tonight?”

  “No, not tonight.”

  “Thank you again. For saving me….and taking care of me.” I stand on the tips of my toes and gently kiss his lips, they’re softer and warmer than I imagined. He doesn’t kiss me back, did I read this wrong? Am I that stupid when it comes to men? I end the kiss, embarrassed and ready to run. But before I can step back, Stone growls and pulls me close, crushing his lips to mine. I feel his tongue lightly glide over my lips and I immediately part mine to grant him access. Our tongues meet, swirling together, exploring and licking. He sucks on my tongue and I have to grab on to his shoulders to steady myself. He tangles one hand in my hair and pulls my bottom lip between his teeth as he breaks the most earth shattering kiss I’ve ever experienced. His body is pressed so close to mine that I can feel his erection against my belly, it doesn’t freak me out like it did when I felt Jake’s at the club, feeling Stone’s laces my body with a need that I can’t explain. He was just as affected by that kiss as I was, and it has my heart pounding in my chest.

  “You’re beautiful, Aspen. So fucking beautiful.” He leans his forehead against mine, our ragged breaths mingling. “We need to stop, before I can’t.” He nips at my bottom lip.

  “I should get back in.” I respond, breathlessly. Not wanting to walk away.

  “Do you have your phone?” He lets me go and I instantly feel the loss of him.

  “No, where would I put it?”

  He looks me up and down. “Fair point. Give your number to Ashe. I’ll text you later so you have my number. If you need anything, or if that dickhead comes near you again, you call me. Okay?”

  “Okay. Thank you.”

  “Goodnight, Aspen.” He lightly kisses my cheek.

  “Goodnight, Stone.” I whisper before reaching for the door.

  Chapter Six


  Lying in bed, all I can think about is the kiss Aspen and I shared. I was so close to losing control with her, but after what happened with that asshole, I couldn’t let that happen. She was too vulnerable, and I was too angry. I’m still angry. He tried to rape her. He dared to lay a finger on her. He dared to touch what was mine…wait, mine? What the hell am I thinking? Aspen isn’t mine. I’ll protect her, and I’ll have my one night with her, but I can’t offer more than that. I just need her out of my head, and the only way to do that is to get between her luscious legs.

  Picking up the paper that she wrote her number on, I enter her number into my phone. She gave her number to Ashe, just like I asked. Such a good, sexy girl. Staring at her number I contemplate on sending her
a text….fuck it.

  Me: Hey, it’s Stone. How’s your head?

  It’s two am, she’s probably sleeping. She left the bar a couple of hours ago. I know because I watched her leave from my kitchen window.

  Aspen: It feels fine. Thanks to you.

  I guess she couldn’t sleep either.

  Me: Good. Just wanted to make sure you were ok.

  Aspen: I can’t sleep, but I’m ok.

  Me: Why can’t you sleep?

  Aspen: Thinking.

  Me: About?

  It’s been a few minutes, maybe she fell asleep.

  Aspen: Nothing. It’s late, I should get some sleep. Sweet dreams, Stone.

  Me: Goodnight sweet girl.

  I have a feeling she’s up for the same reason I’m still up. She’s wondering what would have happened if things played out differently tonight. How far would we have gone? I intend to take her as far as she’ll let me, and I intend to do it soon. I can’t wait anymore. She’s driving me out of my mind and she has no idea. She’s so innocent, so pure. I want to corrupt her, I want to see how far her innocence will bend before it breaks.

  I fist my cock and slowly slide my hand up and down my shaft, thinking about all of the things I want to do to her. Thinking about how hoarse her voice will be after screaming my name over and over. I pump my hand faster, imagining her coming on my face as she rides it. I bite my lip and pump even faster, picturing her on top of me, bouncing and grinding. “Ahhh.” I furiously tug on my dick. Fucking her in my mind, hearing her moans. “Oh shit! Aspen!” I watch as come shoots all over my hand and stomach. I imagine her beautiful lips sucking my cock clean, her sexy little tongue licking the thick come from my stomach. I need to fuck this girl, this is getting ridiculous.



  Sweet girl….he called me sweet girl. As if it’s not hard enough to stop thinking about him. Sleep has yet to come and I doubt it will come any time soon, all I can think about is that kiss. I’ve never been kissed like that before. Chad never kissed me with such passion, even in the beginning. Whenever we kissed it always felt like we were just doing it because we were supposed to, like we were both over thinking it, or not really that into it. But with Stone, it just happened, and it felt right. No thinking, just feeling. Every time I see him, my heart races, my palms start sweating, and my entire body heats up. I’m drawn to him. I know he’s dangerous, and probably not good for me, but I can’t bring myself to care.

  I wanted to tell him that he was what I was thinking about. Would he have stopped kissing me if things had been different? Does he think about me as often as I think about him? Is he thinking about me now? I stare at my phone wanting to text him again. Deciding against it, I put my phone on the nightstand, face down, and attempt to shut my mind off. But my thoughts are still consumed by him. I’m starting to develop feelings for him, and it’s driving me crazy. Wondering if he feels even a shred of what I feel is driving me even crazier. I want to ask him, but a huge part of me is afraid of the answer.

  I get up to make myself some tea, hoping that it will ease my mind, tea always seems to calm me down. I tip toe to the living room and notice the TV is on, Aly is still up. “Hey. What are you doing up?”

  “Couldn’t sleep. You?”


  “Aspen, I’m really sorry I wasn’t there earlier. I should have been there.” She looks up at me with teary eyes.

  Plopping on the couch next to her, I pull her in for a hug. “Please don’t cry. I’m fine. I promise. Look, the cut isn’t even that bad.” I say pointing at my forehead.

  “Stone did a great job doctoring it up.” She sighs. “I just feel like a really bad friend. I shouldn’t have let you go out there alone.”

  “It’s ok, Aly. Really. Do you want some tea?” I smile.

  “Yes, thank you.” She smiles back, a small smile, but a smile.

  “So, Stone sent me a text and asked if I was okay.”

  “He did? That was sweet of him.”

  “Yeah, but I think I might be reading too much into it.”

  “You really like him, huh?”

  “I do. I already couldn’t stop thinking about him, but the way he took care of me, he was just so gentle. And the way he kissed me after……”

  “He kissed you?”

  “Yes.” I blush.

  “And you didn’t tell me! How was it?”

  “It was amazing, passionate, and sexy. And I’ve been thinking…..”

  “Yes! Do it!”

  “You haven’t even heard what I’ve been thinking.”

  “You want him to pop your cherry, it’s obvious. That man is sexy as sin and he clearly want’s you. I saw the way he was watching you that first night we went to The Asylum.”


  “Really. I’m telling you, he might have it as bad as you.” I can’t help the grin that forms.

  “You know, Ashe watches you too.”

  “No he doesn’t.”

  “He does. You should have seen the disappointment in his eyes when he saw you with Jay.”

  “Well, be that as it may, I have a boyfriend. Ashe may be hot…gorgeous even, and funny. But I can’t just throw away a six year relationship. Plus, I love Jay.”

  “I know, I shouldn’t have said anything.”

  “It’s okay. It’s nice to know I still got it.” She laughs.

  “You’re only twenty five.” I laugh with her.

  I know she loves Jay, but he’s kind of a douchebag to everyone but her, and me by association. He dotes on her whenever he’s around, and he’s around a lot. At times, he even seems to love her to the point of obsession. I don’t think he’s being unfaithful while he’s in town, but I have my suspicions about the medical conferences. It’s like he can’t wait to go to them. I mean, I get that he loves his job, but those things can’t be fun. I’ve mentioned my concerns to Aly before, but nothing good comes from it, so I just keep it to myself now.

  After talking with Aly for a bit, I finally feel my eyes getting heavy. “I think it’s time for bed.”

  “For me too.” She says while she yawns and stretches her arms. “Night.”

  “Night.” I get crawl into my bed, and finally, sleep claims me.


  “Aly, I’m heading out.”

  “Okay. I’m meeting Jay for lunch so I’ll be leaving soon too. See you in a few hours?”

  “I’ll pick up pizza and a bottle of wine on the way home. We can have a night in.”

  “Sounds perfect.” She smiles.

  I grab my keys and exit the apartment. About ten minutes later I pull up to The Asylum, its only noon so they aren’t open yet but I’m hoping Stone is there. I park the car and walk to the door and begin to knock. After I knock a few times with no answer, I decide that maybe this is a bad idea. I mean, I feel like I look like a clingy want-to-be girlfriend. Just as I’m about to turn around and get back into my car, the door opens. “Hey. What are you doing here? I didn’t take you for a day drinker.”

  Why does he always have to look so damn good all the time? I clear my throat. “I’m not. I just wanted to say thank you. You know, for what you did for me last night.”

  “Come in.” He moves to the side so I can walk past him. “Can I get you some coffee? I just brewed it about twenty minutes ago.”

  “Please.” He makes a cup and hands it to me. “Thank you.” I smile nervously. “Do you need help setting up?”

  “Have you ever worked at a bar before?”

  “No, but my uncle owned one before he passed away. My cousin runs it now.”

  “Well then, that makes you an expert.” He grins. “You can wipe down the tables.” He hands me a rag. I start to wipe the tables while Stone wipes the bar. “Does your family live around here?”

  “No. I don’t really have any family left. My cousin doesn’t count since I don’t talk to him. He’s on drugs and running his father’s business into the ground. My parents died in a car accident
about a year ago, so I moved out here to get away. Aly already lived here, so it was perfect.”

  “I’m sorry, I know what it’s like to lose someone you love.” The sadness I hear when he says that almost destroys me. All I want to do is wrap my arms around him, but I know he doesn’t want to talk about it, so I stay put. He clears his throat. “How long have you known Aly?”

  “Forever, we grew up together.”

  “No brothers or sisters?”

  “No, well, kind of. I was adopted when I was a week or so old, and while looking for my birth parents, I discovered I had an older brother. After I contacted him, we started to slowly build a relationship. But he died of a brain hemorrhage six month after I met him, so we never got to be family, and I didn’t pursue my birth parents any further. I only got to meet him in person once.” He seemed like a really awesome guy. We had a lot of fun the day we met up. Even though I didn’t know him well, I still miss him. I think he would have been a great brother. “What about you? Any family?”

  “No. My mom overdosed on heroin when I was four, and my dad was never in the picture, I don’t even know if she knew who he was. I spent my whole life in and out of foster homes.”

  “That must have been really hard.”

  “It is what it is.” He shrugs.

  “Bar looks good.” I smile at him, wanting to change the subject. “Do you need help stocking?”

  “Come on, alcohol is in the back.”

  After we get the bar stocked I notice something under the counter that I know for a fact wasn’t there before. “You got it?” I ask pulling out the vermouth and jar of green olives.

  “Yeah.” He runs his hand through his hair….is he embarrassed? “I got it for you. I know you don’t really like shots so…..”

  I run over to him and throw my arms around his neck. “Thank you.” I smile, just before kissing him. I know he thinks it’s no big deal, but it means the world to me that he’s thought of me. Stone deepens the kiss and I can’t help the way my body melts. My hand gains a mind of its own and begins to slide beneath Stones shirt, his arm snakes around my waist and pulls me closer to him…suddenly, the door bursts open. “Shit.” Stone and I whisper in unison.


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