Stone (Savage Hearts Book 1)

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Stone (Savage Hearts Book 1) Page 8

by C. S. Gunn

  “Shower. I need a shower and you’re going with me.”

  “I already had one.”

  “Then you’ll be extra clean.”

  He set me on my feet once we’re in the bathroom and turns the water on. Slowly, he starts removing my clothes, as if he wants to memorize every detail of my body. I can’t deny that I love it. Standing there naked, I feel more exposed than I did the day at the lake. But I also feel powerful. The way Stone’s eyes are devouring me makes me feel sexier than I’ve ever felt. He quickly shoves off his sweats and steps into the shower, pulling me with him. His lips land on mine, kissing me with the same desperation I feel. He lifts me up as he backs me up to the shower wall and I wrap my legs around his waist. The tile is cold, but it does nothing to cool me down….Stone has my body on fire. He starts trailing kisses up my neck while one hand messages my breast. “Your tits are perfection.” He says before licking my nipple. “And this ass…fuck, this ass.” His other had squeezes my ass cheek. “But nothing is better than this.” His hand leaves my breast and sinks into my wet heat. “This beautiful, tight little pussy is heaven.” He starts pumping his fingers in and out of my opening, causing me to moan. “And that. That right there is the sexiest sound on earth.” He fucks me with his fingers faster, forcing my moans to get louder.

  “I want you inside me.”

  “I am inside you sweet girl.” He gives me a sexy grin.

  “I want you inside me.”

  “Say it baby. What do you want inside you?”

  “I want your cock inside me.” I’m too turned on to be embarrassed. Normally I’d never talk like that, but Stone does something to me, he turns me into someone I don’t recognize, and I love it.

  “That’s my good girl.” He pulls his fingers from me and licks them clean before impaling me with his hard shaft. “Is that what you need?”

  “Yes. Oh god yes!” He starts thrusting into me fast and hard, his fingers digging deeper into my flesh every time. I know that I’ll have bruises when this is over, but I can’t find it in me to care.

  Stone shoves his hand into my hair and yanks my head to the side, biting my neck as he growls. “Fuck, I can’t get enough of you. I love the way you feel.”

  I moan loud, causing him to growl deeper and pump his hips harder. Sex with him is primal, he’s a beast, and I have no desire to tame him. I dig my nails into his shoulders, I know I’m drawing blood, but he doesn’t seem to mind. He changes the angle of his thrust, making me scream his name. “Right there, oh god!”

  “Come for me, Aspen.” I fall over the edge, coming hard, as if my body was waiting for his command. Stone immediately follows, kissing me everywhere he can reach as our climaxes claim our bodies then fade away. “I don’t know what it is that you’re doing to me.” He says as he slowly sets me down on my feet.

  “Probably the same thing you’ve been doing to me.”

  “And what’s that?” He grins smugly. He knows damn well what he’s doing.

  “Causing me to be addicted to sex.” It’s not just sex that I’m addicted to, it’s him.

  “Sounds about right.” He chuckles.

  We wash each other and have sex again before getting dressed. I’m sore as hell, but I can’t resist this man. The more time I spend with him, the harder I fall.

  Chapter Nine


  "After walking Aspen out to her car, I decide head into the bar to grab a beer, or six. She’s got me feeling things that I’ve never felt before, things I didn’t even know I was capable of feeling. I need her like I need my next breath and I have no fucking idea how to deal with it. I’ve never given a second thought to any of the women I’ve slept with, but Aspen is different. She consumes my every thought, and I’m finding myself wanting to spend every moment of every day with her. I need to get my shit together and figure out what the hell I’m going to do. She’s starting to mean too much to me.

  As soon as I step into the bar, I see Angela, a girl I used to fuck a while back, over by the pool table. Before I can even get two feet in, she spots me and walks over, swaying her hips in that seductive way that used to get me rock hard. “I was hoping I’d see your sexy ass here. Wasn’t sure if you still owned the place.”

  “Still here.”

  “It’s been a while.”

  “A few years.”

  “Do you still have that couch in your office?”

  “Yeah, it’s there.” And the damn thing should be burned.

  “Good.” She bites her lip and grabs my hand, pulling me toward the office.

  “I’m not in the mood right now Angela.” I extract my hand from hers. See, this is what I mean. Here’s a hot girl, ready to spread her legs and let me have my way with her, and all I can think about is Aspen. A couple of weeks ago, I would have taken her back there, fucked her senseless, then slapped her ass and sent her on her way….now, the thought just feels wrong.

  “Well, that’s a first.” She shrugs. “It’s cool, I gotta run anyway. I was supposed to meet my fiancé like thirty minutes ago.” Fiancé? Good luck to that idiot, they haven’t even tied the knot yet and she’s already looking to be unfaithful. “It was good to see you, Stone.”

  “Yeah, you too.”

  I walk behind the bar and grab a beer, then pop the cap and take a long swig. I’m definitely going to need more than one now. “What’s up with you? Things didn’t go well with Aspen? You didn’t hate her sandwich that much did you?” Ashe asks from behind me.

  “Things are going too well. That’s the fucking problem.”

  “I’m not sure why that’s a problem.” Of course he doesn’t.

  “She’s got my insides all fucking twisted. I’m falling for her, how the fuck am I supposed to deal with that?”

  “I don’t know, but you need to figure it out.”

  “I know. I think I need to put some distance between us.”

  “I don’t think that’s what you need man, but you do whatever you feel like you have to. All I know, is that girl is crazy about you, and she doesn’t deserve to have her heart played with.” He’s right, I know he is. I need to sort this shit out. I’ve had a rule set in place for myself for a long time, never get too close….and I’ve broken that rule, on a huge scale.



  It’s been a few days since I’ve heard from Stone, I’ve tried to text him, but he just ignores me. I’m not sure what’s going on, but the more time that passes without talking to him, the more I feel like an idiot for thinking there was anything more than just sex between us. I wish he would just let me know it’s over instead of leaving me to wonder what I did wrong. I’m worried this thing between us, whatever it might be, has run its course. I miss him like crazy. It’s insane how much I’ve come to need him, and to think that I may no longer have him has my mind racing, and my heart aching.

  “You okay?” Aly asks as she sits down for lunch.

  “Nope, just as depressed as I was this morning.”

  “Still nothing huh?”

  “No. I don’t know what to do, Aly. What if I was just another notch in his belt? What if he’s already moved on to another girl, someone more experienced?”

  “You listen to me, Aspen. That is not what you are to him. That man is crazy about you, he may even love you. Just give him some time, he probably just needs to work out some issues. From what I can tell, he has a lot.”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  “I usually am.” She smiles and pats my hand. I’ll give him the time he needs, I just hope that’s all it is.

  After the workday is over, I leave without waiting for Aly, I need some time to myself for just a bit. I decide to stop and this cute little café on the way home, an iced coffee sounds amazing right now. Once I order my coffee, I find a table next to a window. It’s such a beautiful day, I wish they had outdoor seating. As I settle in and sip my coffee, I hear the bell above the door, and instinctively look up, what I see sends me into a panic. I grab my purse and r
un to the bathroom. Hopefully there’s a window I can escape through. I close the bathroom door with a thud and lock it. Dammit, there’s only one window, and it’s way too small for even a child to fit through. What the hell am I going to do? I can’t let Jake see me. Maybe I can wait him out in here, hopefully, he just orders and leaves.

  “Are you almost done in there? You’ve been in there for like ten minutes and there are other people that need to use the restroom.” I hear a woman yell through the door as she pounds on it. Well, I guess I can’t stay in here forever, maybe he’s gone now.

  I open the door slowly and step out. “Sorry about that.”

  “Thank you.” The woman sneers before shutting the bathroom door behind her.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I see a back door. How the hell did I miss that? I quickly move toward it when someone grabs my arm, please don’t let it be him, please. “Did you think I didn’t see you? You little tease.” He spins my around and backs me to the wall, pressing his body to mine.

  “Please, don’t.” I choke out, tears beginning to fall down my cheeks.

  “Don’t worry. I won’t take you here. Too many people, too many witnesses for what I have planned for you. I just wanted you to know that I haven’t forgotten about you. You’ll never be safe from me, Aspen.” He licks my tears. “Never.” He releases me and walks away. I slide down the wall, sobbing uncontrollably, trying to catch a breath that I’m not sure will ever come. Will this ever end? Am I always going to have to look over my shoulder?

  After I compose myself a little, I get up and walk toward the exit as calmly as I’m able. As soon as I get outside, I look around franticly and run to my car, locking the door as soon as I’m inside. I turn on the car and slam it in gear, I just want to be home….what I really need is Stone, but that’s not possible anymore.

  “Aspen! Oh my god, are you okay?” Aly pulls me into her arms as soon as I enter our apartment. “What happened?”

  “Jake, he was at the café, Aly. He threatened me.” I tell her between sobs.

  “Did you call Stone?”

  “No.” Why would she bring him up now?

  She pulls back to look at me. “Call him. Now, Aspen. He needs to know what just happened.”

  I nod and take my phone out of my purse, praying to god that this time, he answers me.



  I feel my phone vibrate and pull it out of my back pocket, when I see Aspen’s name, my heart stops. She must be so upset, and she has every right to be. I’ve ignored her, left her to wonder what the hell she did wrong. But she did nothing wrong, in fact, she did everything right….she’s fucking perfect. I’ve missed her with every fiber of my being, no matter how hard I tried to think of something else, my mind always drifted to my sweet girl, my Aspen. I can’t stay away from her, I’ve tried, it’s tearing me apart more than I thought was possible. I hit the answer button and bring the phone to me ear, happy to finally be able to hear her voice again. “Hey sweet girl.”

  “Stone?” I hear the sadness in her voice and it fucking kills me.

  “Look, baby I’m-“

  “It’s Jake.”

  I get off the couch, pacing back and forth as rage fills every inch of my soul. “What the fuck did he do? Did that motherfucker hurt you?”

  “He threatened me, Stone. He said I’ll never be safe from him. I’m so scared.” I can feel the fear roll off her through the phone, he’s going to regret fucking with my girl. He has no idea what’s coming his way.

  “Are you home?”


  “Is Aly with you?’

  “Yes, she’s the one who told me to call you.” Is she serious, why would she need to be told to call me? I’m a fucking asshole that’s why, she probably thought that I would just ignore her. Fuck I feel like a piece of shit.

  “Aspen, you should have called me the moment you saw him.”

  “I….can we not right now? Please?”

  “You go get some rest sweet girl. But we’re talking about us later, okay?”

  “Okay. What are you going to do?”

  “Find him, and kill him.”

  I disconnect the call and run down the stairs, I need to get my gun from the bar. “Everything okay?” Ashe follows me into the office after I burst through the door.

  “Jake threatened Aspen.” I tell him while loading my gun.

  “Need help?” He’d really help me go end some guy’s life? It’s been a long time since I considered anyone a friend, but Ashe is definitely becoming one. So much for not letting anyone get too close, huh?

  “Nah, I’ve got this. Thanks man.” I give him a pat on the back as I rush out the door to my truck. I have a feeling I know where Jake is, and I need to get there fast.

  I pull up at The Lair and spot Jake’s car, good, that asshole is here. I throw the truck in park, grab my gun out of the glovebox, and put it in the waistband of my jeans. As soon as I walk into the club I’m surrounded by a sea of people, finding him may be harder than I thought. Why did Aspen ever come here in the first place? This place looks like a haven for sleazy men. Not that my bar is perfect, the crowd at my place may be rough, but at least they’re not out trying to rape women. Finally, I spot him, talking to a girl that has no idea the monster she’s inviting into her life. Just before I reach him, he sees me and tries to bolt. Too bad for him, I’m faster. I snatch him by the back of his collared shirt and bring him close to me. “You and I need to have a little chat asshole.”

  “Why? I did what you asked. I stayed away from her. I swear.”

  “Funny, that’s not what I was told.” I drag him out of the back door, into the alley.

  “Please. I didn’t hurt her!”

  I close my fist around his throat and slam him against the wall, squeezing as I lift him off the ground. “You just couldn’t listen, could you? You slimy piece of shit. Did you think I was fucking joking when I said I’d kill you?”

  “No.” He tries to say, but I’m blocking his airway, so he’s having some trouble.

  I pull out my gun and slam the butt of it into his head, nearly knocking him out. “I should have killed you the first time you touched what was mine.” I point the gun at his temple, ready to pull the trigger. Before I get a chance, the door swings open and a drunk couple comes stumbling out. I quickly set Jake down, releasing his throat. I keep my hand around his arm, just in case he gets any bright ideas. “Whoa. Is he okay?” The man asks, looking at Jake.

  “Yeah, just a little too much to drink. You know how it is.”

  “Sure do.” He looks over at the blonde with him. “Come on before my dick gets soft, there’s a dumpster over there we can fuck behind.” She giggles and follows him. Damn, these people have no shame.

  I turn my attention back to jack once the drunks are out of view. “You got lucky tonight motherfucker. If I hear that you went near Aspen again, I’ll put a bullet through your skull regardless of who’s around.” I hit him with the butt of my gun one more time, knocking him out this time. Hopefully, that knot on his head will serve as a reminder.

  A soon as I’m back home, I grab a bottle of scotch and take a swig. I need to calm the fuck down before calling Aspen. I’m pissed that I had to leave Jake alive. I know I’ll get my chance to kill him, he’s too stupid to listen, even if it means saving his own life. I hope I’m wrong though.

  Once I feel calm enough, I grab my phone and dial her number. “Hello.” She answers, I can still hear the sadness in her voice and I want to kick my own ass.

  “Hey sweet girl.”

  “Hey. Did you find him?”

  “Yeah, at The Lair.”

  “Figures. Did you hurt him?”

  “Not as much as I wanted to, there were too many people around.”

  “Are you hurt.” My sweet girl, she’s pissed at me, and scared of Jake, yet she still wants to know if I’m okay. I didn’t think I could fall for her even harder, but I have. There’s nothing I can do about it, and I’ve r
ealized, there’s nothing I want to do about it.

  “I’m good. You okay?”

  “Yeah. Thank you.” She takes a deep, shaky breath. “I’m tired. I think I’m going to go to bed.”

  “Goodnight angel.”

  “Goodnight, Stone.” She hangs up. I don’t blame her for being upset with me. I need to make this right. I need her to know that she belongs to me, and I belong to her. She’s my world, and it’s time I showed her. Tomorrow I’m going to ask her something I’ve never asked another woman, tomorrow, I’m going to show her just how much she means to me.

  Chapter Ten


  Today is the day I ask Aspen to stay over, and I’m nervous as hell.

  “Dude, just text her already.” Ashe has been watching me stare at the damn phone for the last twenty minutes.

  “Fuck it. I can’t put it off forever, right?”

  Me: Hey sweet girl.

  Aspen: Hey.

  Me: Do you have plans tonight

  Aspen: No. Why?

  Me: You want to stay over at my place tonight?

  Aspen: Okay.

  Me: 7 okay?

  Aspen: Sure. See you then.

  I put my phone in my pocket, relieved. Now I need to figure out what I what to make her for dinner. I want it to be special. “I’m going to get out of here about four so I can hit the grocery store.”

  “You’re making her dinner? Look at you all domesticated and shit.” He slaps me on the back.

  “Yeah, well I don’t know if this is going to be a good thing, or a fucking disaster.” But I’ll be damned if I’m not going to try. She deserves this and more. She deserves everything.


  I look around the grocery store like I’ve never been in one before. I have no idea what I should make her for dinner.

  “Grocery shopping? Why do I feel like this activity is too normal for you?” I turn to see Aly.

  “Hey.” Maybe I should ask for her help. “I want to get something to make for dinner…for Aspen.”

  The look on her face is almost comical. “Really? That’s…..really sweet. You need help?”


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