The Broken Marriage (New Hampshire Bears Book 14)

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The Broken Marriage (New Hampshire Bears Book 14) Page 6

by Mary Smith

  “Jenessa Wooten!”

  Mikayla shouting from the front of the house made her jump and drop her book.


  “Why the hell aren’t you answering your phone?” Her sister raced into the den, looking frantic.

  “What’s happened?” She leaped to her feet, panicked something was wrong with Shade.

  “Look.” Mikayla shoved her phone into her hand.

  Jenessa’s eyes had to focus on what she was looking at on the screen.

  Shade Wooten possibly being traded to Idaho.

  She read the words ten times. Her knees finally gave way, and she fell down onto the couch.

  “He’s gone.”

  “No.” Mikayla bent down in front of her. “These are just rumors, but you can shut them down.”

  “How?” she asked breathlessly. Her heart was racing, and she couldn’t breathe.

  “Tell him. Tell him the truth. Tell him how much you love him. Tell him how much you want him back and what he means to you. Stop lying to yourself that you don’t need him by your side.” Mikayla had a single tear rolling down her cheek. “Don’t let him leave without him knowing what your true feelings are for him.”

  Her words washed over her. Shade was getting ready to leave her and New Hampshire. She knew what he thought of this place. It was his home. He had told her so many times. Just like he told her she was his home.

  “Are you even listening to me?” She took the phone from her hands.

  Looking into her younger sister’s eyes, she nodded.

  “Go to him. He’s at Jarvis’s place right now.”

  Slowly, she shook her head. A lump formed in her throat cutting off her words

  “You’re a fool.” Mikayla stood and without another word, she left Jenessa sitting on the sectional.

  After the door slammed shut, Jenessa couldn’t move from her spot. She reached for her phone and searched Shade’s name. Numerous articles came up about his trade. He could go anywhere because he was so versatile as a player. Every season, he seemed to get better and better. She knew because she’d been watching him play since college. She hated it when she went to law school. Luckily, Shade had been drafted to Maine, and she was in Massachusetts.

  Tossing her phone to the side, she slouched down into the cushions. The tears came, and she couldn’t control them. Everything had finally hit her, and it made her think about their wedding day.

  Jenessa had always wanted a big wedding and all the pomp and circumstance that came along with it. The big dress, the massive cake, all her family and friends with eyes on her. All of it.

  Until Shade.

  When she attended law school, it pained her to be away from him for a great length of time. But he was playing hockey, making a name for himself, and she was chasing her dream of being a lawyer. On the day she graduated from law school, Shade was traded to New Hampshire. After the graduation ceremony, Shade, Mikayla, her parents, and she all went out to celebrate at a fancy dinner.

  Her parents never cared for Shade because he didn’t come from money or a stable family background. But she didn’t care about his past. The dinner had been a bit awkward until her parents called it a night and went back to their hotel. Shade, Mikayla, and Jenessa went to a local club. She wasn’t a big partier, but she wanted to dance and drink the night away in Shade’s arms.

  A few drinks in, she watched Mikayla go off with some guy as she and Shade were grinding out on the dance floor. For the first time in a long time, she felt free. Free from school. Free from her parents. Free from it all. Even if it was for one night.

  “When are you going to marry me?” she asked as they went back to their table.

  He sat down, and she chose to sit on his lap.

  “Tomorrow,” he answered without even thinking about it.

  “You’re just saying that because you want in my pants.” She laughed.

  “Nope. I will marry you first thing tomorrow. We’ll wake up, shower, get married and then spend the day in my hotel room. Then we’ll pack your apartment and go to Manchester and start our life.”

  This sobered her up quickly. “You’re serious?”

  “Yes,” he said. “I love you and we’re meant to be together forever.”

  Quickly, she pressed her lips to his and held him close. She wanted him right then and there, but somehow she controlled herself.

  They continued to party throughout the night and when she woke up the next morning, she still remembered their conversation. Although, she didn’t believe it would happen. They had never sat down and truly discussed their future. Albeit, they said to be together forever, and it was a struggle to make the long-distance relationship work, they never said the words until last night. In a club. Drinking.

  “Good morning, Jen.”

  Rolling over, she saw Shade staring down at her. She realized he was freshly showered. “Why are you up? And dressed?”

  “Because we have an appointment to get married today,” he told her.

  Before she could say anything, a loud knock on the door interrupted them.

  “That’s Mikayla.” He informed her and headed to the door.

  He barely had it opened before her sister burst through and jumped on the bed. “Wake up! Wake up! Someone is getting married today.”

  “What the hell, Kay?” She pushed her off the bed. “Are you both nuts?”

  “No,” they answered in unison.

  “Come on and get up.” Mikayla clapped her hands together in an effort to get her out of bed.

  “We’re not getting married,” Jenessa clarified.

  “Why not?” Shade’s expression and tone of voice were full of disappointment.

  “Wait, you’re serious?”

  “Is there a reason you keep asking him that over and over?” Mikayla interjected. “You should know by now if he said it, then he meant it.”

  Shade nodded in agreement with her.

  “So, get your ass up and let’s go,” Mikayla ordered.

  “Give us a minute,” she told her. “Go away and come back later.”

  Dramatically, Mikayla sighed and left the hotel room.

  Shade came over and sat on the side of the bed. “Do you want to marry me?”

  Jenessa fully sat up and cupped his face in her hands. “I want to marry you, but we’re not spontaneous people. Are you sure you want to elope?”

  “If you just want to be engaged and plan a huge wedding, then I will do it. However, I’ve wanted to marry you since I fell in love with you. I’ll wait if I have to.”

  Happy tears filled her eyes, and she leaned in and kissed him. “I want to marry you…today.”

  “Then let me back in,” Mikayla called from the other side of the door, causing them both to laugh.

  Shade let her in, and she dragged Jenessa to the bathroom. Jenessa began to fumble over everything and got upset when she realized she didn’t have anything white to wear. Mikayla managed to do her makeup and hair. Jenessa ended up wearing a red and white long maxi dress. Stepping out of the bathroom, Shade’s mouth dropped.

  “Beautiful as always.” He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her.

  “Stop making out and let’s get married.” Mikayla pushed them apart.

  They used Jenessa’s car to go to a wedding chapel that does quick ceremonies. Shade paid for it all. The two of them filled out the paperwork and waited for their turn.

  “Are you nervous?” he asked, tightly holding her hand.

  “Sort of wish my parents were here.”

  “Why?” Mikayla barked. “They don’t even like Shade because he’s not a descendant of some royalty or whatever.”

  Jenessa hated that Mikayla was right, but she was. Her parents wouldn’t even acknowledge Shade half the time and definitely wouldn’t approve of what was happening at this moment.

  “Wooten?” the minister announced, and they all stood.

  As the minister went through what was going to happen, Jenessa barely comprehended
the words being said. All she knew was Shade and she would be married and together. At that moment, she didn’t care about what dress she wore, or who was or wasn’t there, only that Shade stood at the end of the aisle waiting for her.

  The ‘I do’s’ went perfectly. Their vows came from the heart. The kiss was perfection. She couldn’t have planned it any better.

  And now he was leaving.

  Chapter Seven


  Walking into the Bears’ conference room, Shade’s anxiety seemed to be shooting through the roof. It was the first day of training camp, and everyone’s moods were the same. He took a seat near the front with Edgar on one side and Jarvis on the other. In front of him was Dag Limon who turned and grinned at him.

  “Haven’t seen you Woot? What’s been going on?” Dag questioned.

  “Not much,” he lied. “How’s Elexis?”

  The name of his girlfriend caused him to smile broadly. “She’s outstanding.”

  Not much more is said as Janan, Nova, Coach Long, and Cabel went up to the front. Everyone in the room quieted down and waited to hear what was about to be said.

  “I’d like to welcome you all to training camp,” Nova began. “We all feel this season is going to be the best yet. However, it will be starting off with some changes.”

  His leg began to bounce up and down. Shade couldn’t stop the nervous tick. He had no memory of ever being this crazed. Not even on his wedding day. Thinking of Jenessa made his eyes close, and he took a slow deep breath.

  “Uncle Tad.” Nova turned toward Coach Long.

  Taden Long rubbed his bearded chin as he took a step forward. Shade glanced around the room, checking out everyone’s expressions. They were all confused as to why Coach stood up there. He watched Coach compose himself before speaking.

  “I have been a Bear for over a decade. I consider Manchester home. However, things have happened in my life.” He paused slightly hanging his head, unable to go on.

  The entire PHL world knew of Coach Long’s past. Hell, the entire world knew. The room felt his pain but said nothing as they waited for him to continue.

  “No one has ever had an easy life,” he spoke again. “I’ve never had the luxury of knowing what freedom is without strings attached. I don’t mean I’m chained to the PHL or my contract but with life in general. This offseason, I took time for me. Something I’ve never ever done. I’m always putting others first, and I don’t mind it. However, I needed to do something for me. Something to bring me happiness. As much as hockey has brought me joy, it was also a distraction of my reality. But not anymore.”

  Everyone watched intently as his eyes welled up.

  “I’m retiring.”

  The statement made everyone gasp. All but Shade. He knew the words were coming, but they still pained him. Coach Long would be in the PHL Hall of Fame as a player and a coach. He still had a lot of good years in front of him and there could always be the possibility of him returning.

  “I’m very lucky to have had the career that I have had, but my heart isn’t in it the way it should be. You all deserve a coach whose full attention is on the game.”

  As Taden finished, Cabel began clapping. The room stood, giving him the true sendoff he deserved. After he left Nova brought the attention to her again.

  “I know you all are worried because today is the first day of training camp and you think we don’t have a coach. You see, Dad told us a while ago about his intentions for this season. Janan, Cabel, and I have been searching for someone to come in and take over. However, we couldn’t really find anyone we felt “fit”.” She air quoted the last word.

  “Then someone came in and sat down to option for the job.” Cabel took over. “We were all uncertain about this person because he’s a player and never coached before. He sat with us, laid out a plan for the team, and impressed us all.”

  Shade felt a shift in the room as many of the guys leaned forward or moved in their seats.

  “He’s going to retire from his position and the team to become our coach,” Nova said.

  A dramatic pause caused everyone to hold their breath. Then Hamilton Baer, stood and moved to the front of the room. All the players began to cheer, hoot, and carry on as he just stood at the head of the room. Shade caught Janan and Hamilton gazing at each other, and it made him think of Jenessa all over again. They used to look at each other as if no one else but they were in the room.

  Once the guys quieted down, Hamilton addressed them. “I know this is a massive change. Yes, I’m retiring. Nonetheless, I believe in you all, and I hope you have the same faith in me. I know we will have an amazing season.”

  The room erupted in applause for him. Shade had been playing with him for a long time and knew he would be an outstanding coach. He loved hockey and everything that went with it. Hamilton would give his blood, sweat, and limbs to the Bears, no matter what title he held.

  “Settle down.” Janan raised her voice, and the group quieted. “We have a couple more things to discuss. First, you’ve not heard but we’ve traded Nathan and Teo.”

  This made the guys look around. Shade caught a glimpse of Alden Brockman. Nathan dated his sister and was the father of her baby. He seemed sad. They all knew Alden and Nathan were close friends.

  “Yes, we did, but we’ve obtained Liam Green and Jacob Wallace, who will be here tomorrow. And we’re in talks for someone else to replace Hamilton’s spot.”

  Everyone let the names of their new goalies sink in. The room seemed extremely pleased to have two of the biggest goalies in the league on their team.

  “Who’s our new captain?” Ladd asked from the back of the room.

  “First, we wanted someone who would help you boys stay in line.” Janan glared at them all. “This position is more than a C on a uniform. Even though there are several guys who would be proud to wear it, we have one who will help lead us to the championship.” Again, another dramatic pause. “We picked Shade.”

  His ears began to ring as the room cheered for him. Jarvis and Edgar began tugging and grabbing at him, making him stand up. Nova waved him up toward her, and he slowly made his way up front.

  “I know we all heard the rumors about him being traded, but this morning he signed a contract to stay,” Janan explained, leaving the part out that it was only for one year.

  He was uncertain if this decision would cause him more heartache. Being in Manchester only brought up memories of Jenessa. He couldn’t even eat out without something reminding him of her. However, he had loyalty to this team and right now, they needed him more than Jenessa wanted him.

  “All right,” Janan yelled out to the room. “Let’s get some physicals done.”

  The guys began shuffling out of the room when Shade felt a hand on his shoulder.

  “This is going to be a crazy ride.”

  Shade nodded at Hamilton’s remark. “Yes. Let’s hope we survive it. The media is going to tear us apart and nitpick everything we do.”

  He agreed. “I guess we need to give them something to talk about.” He slapped Shade on the back as he walked ahead of him.

  As the team went through their rigorous physicals, the guys kept coming up to Shade to offer him congratulations about wearing the big C.

  “Mikayla’s going to shit when she hears you’re staying,” Jarvis said, wiping the sweat from his brow with the bottom of his T-shirt. “Why didn’t you say anything to us?”

  “Janan and Nova told me not to,” he said truthfully.

  “Are you happy?” Edgar asked when he walked up to them.

  “Yes, because I love being a Bear…” He paused, not finishing his thought.

  “Then why aren’t you happier?” Edgar called him out.

  “I can’t celebrate with my wife,” he confessed.

  “Have you talked to her?”


  “Then how do you know you can’t celebrate with her?” he countered.

  Before he could tell him he didn’t think she woul
d want to see him, his name was called to the next station. He tried his best not to think about Edgar’s question and put his focus on the instructions being given to him. When he finished he went to the water station. As he took several gulps, Jackson came up to him.

  “Hey, Captain.” He smirked.

  “Guess I’ll have to get used to that.”

  “It fits you. I think you’ll be an outstanding captain.”

  Even though many still had a bad taste in their mouths about Jackson, Shade saw he was trying to change.

  “Thanks, Jackson.” He knew by the tone he meant it to be genuine. “Are you ready?”

  The simple question had a lot of meaning behind it, not needing to be explained out loud.

  “Yes, I’m going to show the haters what I’m able to do.” Determination filled Jackson’s eyes.

  “I can’t wait.” He gave him a slap on the back as he moved through the gym.

  Everyone began to finish up as the team moved toward the cafeteria. The team lunch would give the officials time to get the results of the physicals. Shade filled up his plate with the delicious food and took a seat at one of the emptier tables. It didn’t take long before there were guys surrounding him.

  The conversation quickly moved to all the changes. Albeit, it was a crazy meeting, everyone expressed their excitement about Hamilton as the coach and Liam and Jacob coming to the team. Shade felt the same way. He did hate to see Nathan and Teo leave but understood the reasoning for it. They were great guys, but their numbers were lacking this past season. The topic about other PHL teams brought their discussion full circle as they finished eating.

  Cabel told everyone to return to the conference room. Once the group settled into their seats, he announced that everyone passed their physicals. He then turned the floor over to Hamilton. Shade wasn’t surprised when the lights dimmed and the projector turned on. He knew their new coach would be prepared. The guys focused on the plays he began to run through.


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