Brokenly Found

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Brokenly Found Page 8

by Nikki Bolvair

  Hands let go of me as Tyler jumped off to shove me into Kayden’s closet as he followed.

  What the—? Before I could ask what in the world he was doing, he put a finger to my lips to be quiet. "Shh."

  "Kayden Oliver McGuire!" his mother yelled through the door. "Open this door!"

  I stared into Tyler’s eyes and mouth against his hands. Oliver? His midnight eyes crinkled when he smirked and nodded yes. I guess maybe Mama McGuire really didn’t know about me. Or about me sleeping in her sons’ beds and how close we’d gotten. She did say that she was glad they were like brothers to me before.

  I heard the door open and then Kayden, "What?!"

  "Dear gracious child, where are your clothes?!" I heard his mother fluster. "And who was screaming? It sounded like a girl. Do you have a girl in here? You better not. I just found..."

  I smirked. She was about to rat out Raina. Seriously? Nothing in this house was a secret. Well, except for me. In the closet. With Tyler.

  ‘Mom! No, I do not have a girl in here. I just came home to change my clothes and head out. I don’t know who was screaming. Maybe it was Faith down the hall with Raina." He paused for a second, and I knew Kayden was going to cause trouble. With a seductive voice, he added, "Although, I wouldn’t mind having Faith screaming out my—Ouch!" It sounded like he just got told. The little stinker.

  "Do not go there, Kayden Oliver. Faith is meant to be treated with respect, and you are to stay away from her. She doesn’t need you trying to get in her... drawers."

  "It’s pants, Mom—Ouch! Will you quit that?" I think his mom just hit him. My lips tilted into a smile against Tyler’s hand.

  "She needs a family, not games. Let her be. Tell your brothers that too. After you and Lincoln graduate and Tyler’s on board, then you can all ask her out, but give the poor girl some time. She might not be on board with the kind of relationship you boys want."

  I felt disappointed with her request, but was warned that she thought of me as family. She also knew that her boys' attention was not as brotherly towards me as she had suggested before. That gave me a sense of relief. If, and when, the time came to 'come out of the closet'—I snorted—quite literally, she would not be opposed to it as I thought.

  "OK, Mom."

  "So you boys are thinking about it then?" She sounded like a cat that got the cream.

  Kayden was silently thinking about his answer before he spoke. "About her or that kind of relationship?"



  Something must have passed between them because the next thing I heard was her saying, "And get some clothes on, will you?" Just before she slammed the door shut.

  The closet door opened, and I saw Lincoln and Kayden peering in at us.

  "Where did you hide?" Tyler questioned Lincoln, his voice full of curiosity.

  Lincoln grinned. "Behind the door."

  I looked towards Kayden and raised an eyebrow. "Pants, huh?"

  He shrugged and grinned as he pulled me out of Tyler’s arms and back into his room. Securing his hands on my hips, keeping me in place and effectively blocking his brother’s exit, Kayden leaned down and whispered, "So, are you busy tomorrow?"

  I blushed. Kayden was still in his boxers.

  Chapter 12

  I was dragged out of bed the next morning at an unhappy hour by Sarah. She took me on my first jog with her. It was cold, my legs were burning, but the conversation between the two of us consisted of heavy breathing, and for me, wheezing. I needed to slow down to a walk.

  "S-s- Sarah?” I gasped as I stopped to lean down, putting my arms against my knees, trying to catch my breath. I sounded like I was dying.

  "Faith?" She stopped and turned around to see me bending over with my arm around my middle trying to catch my breath. Sarah sounded fine, like she hadn’t just jogged the five miles we both had. I grimaced as I stood up to stretch, and I tried to ease the ache, but my ribs refused the position. Sarah sucked. Bruised ribs sucked too.

  Sarah made her way towards me concerned. "Your ribs should be better by now."

  I snorted, glancing her way, "Yeah, not after—" I snapped my mouth shut and my eyes went wide. Crap!

  Her eyes narrowed as she stood in front of me with hands on her hips. "After what, Faith."

  I took in another breath and looked up into the dark sky, willing for some magnificent excuse to make its presence.


  Dang it! Time to deflect and do a turnaround.

  "Why have you started running in the mornings?" I threw out as I brought my gaze to her.

  This time, she was the one to balk. "W-w-what?"

  I just asked the question as a distraction, but now I was realized there was a bigger reason for her to stop running at night.

  "Why run in the mornings?" I asked curiously.

  "Because it’s a great way to start the day," she reasoned, gaining her composure. She came over to me giving me a pat on the shoulder. "I’ll call Brady to give us a ride back home. You look like you’re going to fall over."

  I twisted my lips at her lame excuse, which didn’t match her earlier hesitation. What was going on with Sarah?

  Sarah and I sat on the curb while we waited for Brady, and the whole time she tried to convince me of doing a belated birthday party once again.

  I sighed, "Sarah, I really just want to forget it this year. Please?" I looked over and saw that she was having trouble with that request.

  "Ok, no party, but will you let Brady and I take you out for dinner or something? We want to do something."

  I chuckled and put an arm around her shoulders. "Sarah, I will let you guys take me out to dinner all you want as long as you don’t take me on a run anytime soon.

  Her arm made the same pathway as mine did around my shoulders as she laughed. "You got yourself a deal, Kiddo."

  When Brady pulled up to the curb a few moments later, we both got up from our spot on the curb and got in.

  "Sore, Daniels?"

  I groaned, sitting back against my seat in the back of the SUV. "You have no idea."

  At home, I took a shower, relishing in the heat of the water spilling down my back, making me groan as my sore muscles loosened. I made quick work of getting dressed and rushed downstairs for breakfast. Hotshot lifted his head when he saw me, but didn’t move from his spot beside Brady until I sat down. He placed himself directly beside my chair and put his head on my lap, pleading.

  "Feeling better?" Brady asked as I took a piece of bacon and bit into it.

  "Yes." I ignored HotShot as I filled my plate with scrambled eggs, bacon and toast. Hotshot nuzzled my thigh and let out a soft whine, urging me to send any food his way. I winced when I moved my left side, and my ribs protested. "I think I’ll stick to shorter runs or even walking. Walking sounds really good."

  Sarah laughed while Brady chuckled. "That was one of her shorter runs," he told me.

  I looked to Sarah, who frowned when she saw me grimace once again. "Are you sure you’re ok, Faith? It looks like you’re having more trouble than you have been in the past few weeks."

  I waved her off. "Yeah, I’m fine. I just must have overdone it this morning." HotShot once again nuzzled my leg as he put more force into it than the last time. I mentally snorted as I slipped a piece of bacon from my plate to him. He nipped my fingers when he took it making me pull back. I looked down at him as he chewed on the bacon that was previously mine and glared. Geez, impatient much, Mutt? He didn’t need to nip me.

  "You’re doing ok with your classes? Homework and all?" Brady asked.

  I nodded, taking a bite of my eggs. "As to be expected with all my makeup work."

  "How about you, dear?" Sarah asked him grinning. "Have any crazy stories yet?"

  "As a matter of fact... There was this old guy that decided to go jogging in his sandals last night.

  "Oh?" Sarah asked, taking a sip of her juice.

  Brady's grinned widened. "Only his sandals."

  Sarah s
pit out her juice with a look of disbelief, as I laughed hysterically.

  Beeeeep! Beep-beep-beeeep! Saved by the horn.

  "Love to stay and chat, but," I said, grinning as I picked up my bag and grabbed the last bacon, "Tyler’s honking." I turned to Brady before heading out. "I'd hate to have that image in my head. My imagination is enough to make me shudder."

  "Faith," he grunted.

  "Only sandals?" I heard Sarah asked, horrified as I made my way out.

  Poor Brady.


  Tyler pulled up to his house after classes. He smiled at me as he parked, putting an arm around my shoulders and twirling the loose hairs that fell out of my ponytail.

  "Are you ready for your date?"

  I blushed, slightly weirded out by how that sounded. I was dating him, but I was also seeing his brothers. In a matter of weeks, the McGuire brothers had turned my life sideways and held onto me, not letting me push them away while they made themselves comfortable in my heart. They weren't letting me go. These "dates" they insisted we went on were only a formality. Answering Tyler's question, I nodded. "Yeah. Do you know where he's taking me?"

  His face turned serious as he cupped my neck and brought me closer to him across the jeep's console. His lips met mine as I put my hands down to steady myself, closing my eyes to take in the feel of his lips caressing mine. His kiss was so sweet and gentle, but it still made my insides flare up with desire. When he pulled back, he looked serious, his lips pressed with determination. "Yes. We want to do the traditional dates with you so you won't feel like you're missing out on anything. My brothers and I don't want to overlook how a normal date should go, since we've asked you to take a chance on all of us." He grinned, letting go of me as we both sat back. "But I'm not going to tell you what he has in store for you tonight. You'll find out."

  He got out of the jeep and came to my side. Before I could even open the door, he pulled me out with his hands on my waist. He made me feel feminine, which left me with an unusual feeling. I looked into his eyes for a moment and felt doubt. Was I getting to be too soft? Was I doing the right thing? Should I have guarded my heart more first, before jumping into this kind of relationship with them? Brushing those thoughts aside, I smiled and gave Tyler a quick kiss when his eyes narrowed, realizing something was going on with me.

  I pulled myself away from him and smiled. "Bye, Tyler."

  "Faith?" His voice held uncertainly. I turned back to see him leaning against his jeep, hands deep in his pockets. His face was dark with worry as his midnight eyes were searching. "You ok?"

  I nodded my head, smiled, and turned to keep walking towards my house on the other side of the sidewalk. I didn't want to worry him with my silly uncertainties.

  "Faith!" he yelled sternly. "Words please."

  I chuckled at his demanding tone and turned back to him, as I resorted to walking backwards. "Yes, Tyler. I have a date, remember?" I stated as I raised an eyebrow. I just made it to my grassy front yard when I saw the real worry on his face and stopped. "Tyler?"

  He sighed as he stepped towards the sidewalk on his side of the street. "I know that." His deep voice rumbled as he raised it giving me a calculated stare. "But will you still be here when he comes knocking? Do I have to worry every time I ask you that question, and you reply with that same answer? Will you run again?"

  I felt a stabbing in my heart when he said those words to me. I had hurt him when I had run. I had hurt all of them. I hadn't realized that. Tyler took a deep breath and spoke again with that same calculated stare, his eyes darkening. "Are you ok, Faith?"

  I got it. I realized what he wanted from me. He didn't want the same answer I had given him when I left. He didn't want a "Yes" or a head nod. He needed reassurance that I wasn't going to run again. That I was here to stay.

  I dropped my bag beside me on the grass and ran towards him, making his eyes go wide in surprise.

  He caught me easily, with my legs around his waist as I wound my arms around his neck. I leaned my forehead against his, ready to get serious holding his gaze. We both chuckled. I gave him a light kiss, then pulled back to see the storm in his eyes. "I get it, Tyler." He looked worried, so I continued. "I get why you don't want me to answer that way."

  He pulled his head back and nodded, waiting to see what I would say.

  "I won't run," I told him as a slow grin slipped out. "I like you too much."

  His mouth twitched, but he still looked worried. "I like you too. More than like, so you can't run again."

  So demanding.

  I let my hand glide up into his hair and held on to bring his head again towards mine. "Tyler, I am perfectly okay." I leaned in to give him a slow kiss. "Are you?" I asked in return, when I pulled back with a raised brow.

  "Yes," he said, rolling his eyes when I continued to stare. He smiled and swatted my butt. "Yes Faith, I'm perfectly okay."

  I grinned. "Good." I leaned towards him for another reassuring kiss. Pulling back, I patted his shoulder. "Gonna let me down so I can get ready for my date with your brother?"

  His arms tightened around me, and jokingly he stated, "Nah, we're good. Kayden can wait." Then he started to make his way into his house with me wrapped up around him.

  I laughed and smacked his shoulder. "Tyler! You're going to make me late!"

  He paused just before entering his house and looked at his watch. He sighed and then gave my butt a playful smack before he let me down. "Yeah, you're right. I guess I better let you go." He gave me a parting kiss. "Be good."

  "Always am."

  He grunted, and I headed off across the street towards home, but not before I heard him mutter, "Hope not."

  Chapter 13

  I let the front door shut behind me, then paused when noticed Brady and Sarah sitting on the couch. They were watching a movie. Brady noticed me, giving me a single hand wave while his eyes were still glued to his show.

  I smile, but what really caught me off guard was that the two of them were cuddling. It was the first time I'd seen open displays of affection between them like that. Or maybe I just refused to notice, but it was nice to be able to see them that way. I continued to head towards the stairs but paused when I heard Sarah.

  "Where are you going in such a hurry?" I glanced towards them once again, realizing that I hadn't even asked if I could go. I mean, I was sure they'd be ok with it... right? They knew the McGuires.

  I shrugged and hoped they wouldn't refuse me going. "I have a date tonight."

  That caught Brady's attention. He'd been glued to the television and only given me a single hand wave when he noticed me earlier, but when I said the word 'date' his attention quickly turn to me with his show long forgotten.

  "A date?" he asked as he dragged out the words as if it was the most the most horrible thing on earth.

  "Yes, Brady," I said as I rolled my eyes. "A date."

  "With who?" He got up from his spot on the couch, and Sarah followed as they both came over. Brady folded his arms, disapproving the idea already.

  I frowned when I noticed this. "With Kayden."

  Brady gave me a pointed look. "Uh-huh. And where are you guys going?"

  I gave him an annoyed look. "I don't know."

  "You don't know?"

  I shifted my stance to mimic his. "No. It's a date," I said with most obvious reason.

  "Uh-huh," he uttered again with a calculated stare, and then a slow grin appeared. "I'll find out." He gave Sarah a quick kiss, and then he headed upstairs.

  What is he up to, I thought as I turned to Sarah, who was grinning happily. She pulled me towards the stairs. "Come on, I'll help you get ready."

  While upstairs, I hurried to find something suitable to wear. I wasn't a 'skirt girl,’ and I definitely wasn't a 'dress girl,' so I found a nice pair of jeans and a purple top that seemed nice enough. I grabbed my sneakers and a bracelet, along with some earrings that somebody had once given me.

  When I was finished, I was happy with the outcome. Stylish and
hip. Sarah though looked a little apprehensive as she took in my choice of outfit.

  "Are you sure you don't want to wear a dress?"

  A little taken back, I shook my head. "No. I don't do dresses."

  "How about a skirt?" she suggested, heading towards my closet as she looked through my wardrobe, almost desperately.

  "Don't do those either."

  "You sure?" she asked, as she rifled through to find anything, I assumed, that resembled a skirt or a dress.

  "Nothing," she whispered in disbelief as she came out of my closet. "You don't have a single dress or skirt. How did I not know this?" she asked more to herself than to me.

  I shook my head, amused at her horror with my wardrobe.

  "Sorry, Sarah, I don't do skirts."

  "But it's your first date."

  "Yep," I chirped, still not sure what she was getting at. I was excited about my date with Kayden, even though I didn't know where we were going.

  Sarah looked down at my feet towards the tennis shoes that I had chosen. They were one of my nicer ones.

  "You sure you don't want to wear, maybe, some nice sandals?"

  "Nope, I'm good," I told her. "All I have is, you know, flip flops."

  Sarah groaned as she dragged her hand down her face in disbelief. Dropping it, she pointed to me as her face became determined. "You and I—we need to go shopping."

  "Okay," I told her not understanding her distress. I grabbed my wallet...

  "Not even a purse."

  I laughed, amused, and raced downstairs.

  "Where are you going?" she yelled after me.

  "I'm going to meet Kayden." I gestured towards the stairs as I walked.

  "You're not waiting for him to knock on the door?" she questioned from the doorway to my room, confused.

  My eyebrows lifted, trying to figure out what she was attempting to say..."No. Why would I do that? He lives right across the street from us. I'll just head on over there. I'm ready before he is. Why should I wait for him to knock?"

  Sarah shook her head once again and seemed a little disappointed. I had no idea what she was talking about. We're going to hang out. That's what dating was, wasn't it? I turned to head downstairs. I glanced back to the TV to tell Brady goodbye, but he wasn't there.


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