A Pale Horse

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A Pale Horse Page 31

by Wendy Alec

“Live AIDS virus delivered April fourth, 2017. Injected twelve-o-seven a.m. Signed warrant for Nicholas De Vere’s execution,” Jason continued. “I saw the document, Adrian. Then you tried to kill Lily, my own daughter. Your own niece.”

  “Casualties of war, Jason.” Adrian calmly laid the towel over a chair. “Like Father, Melissa, and my son, Gabriel. All casualties of war.” He looked straight into the barrel of the gun.

  “So what are you going to do, Jas?” He shrugged. “Kill your own brother?”

  A supercilious smile spread across his lips.

  “I don’t think so.” He picked up the glass and sipped.

  Jason held the gun with both hands, flicked off the safety, then took a long slow breath.

  “You’re not my brother,” he said.

  He pulled the trigger.

  The bullet smashed through Adrian’s throat. The glass shattered on the floor as he fell to his knees, his hands at his neck, blood spurting between his fingers from the severed carotid artery. He looked down at the blood on his hand, a look of faint surprise on his face, then collapsed onto the floor.

  Jason took one step nearer, tears of rage running down his cheeks. He pointed the gun at Adrian’s head.

  “This one’s for Julia, you murdering son of a bitch.” Jason looked at him with intense hatred. “Rot in hell!”

  He pulled the trigger.

  The second bullet smashed straight through Adrian’s skull. Jason watched as Adrian’s body convulsed once, twice, then went limp.

  Jason started to tremble violently. The gun slid out of his hand onto the marble floor.

  He had just shot his “brother,” president of the new ten-kingdom one-world axis, in cold blood.

  Jason De Vere.

  Was a murderer.

  The door of the suite flew open, and Jason looked straight down the barrel of Neil Travis’s nine-millimeter Beretta.

  He made no attempt to struggle as Travis and his security forces surrounded him and a black bag was pulled over his head.

  He made no attempt to struggle as the noose tightened around his neck.

  His last waking thought before he lost consciousness was that he had lost Julia—this time, forever. Julia St. Cartier was dead. And his world had died with her.

  A savage blow hit his temple. Then Jason De Vere’s whole world went black.

  To be continued . . .

  To my unrepentant brother Lucifer,

  The two crimson moons arise in the heavens. I have seen them for many moons in my dreamings.

  If you persist with your malevolent schemes of genetic Armageddon, War is inevitable.

  You will lose the Third Great Battle, brother.

  You will be hurled by our brother Michael from the First Heaven through the great angelic Portal down to Earth.

  Repent, Lucifer, Before your days and nights are spent in eternal torment in the Bottmless Pit.

  I plead with you one more time. Desist from your futile fantasies of victory. Your defeat is inevitable.

  Your brother Gabriel.

  * * *

  My supercilious and uncharacteristically arrogant brother Gabriel,

  I see you have been spending far too much time with our deluded brother Michael.

  How I grieve for you.

  Even more, I grieve also for the fact that I, your elder brother, your protector, your guardian, have not been by your side to watch over and protect your sensitive and finer nature from the indifference and pitiless persuasions of our brother Michael.

  He contaminates your untainted mind with his own base and infected thoughts, Gabriel.

  This causes me great suffering.

  Yes, I, Lucifer, suffer greatly on your behalf.

  Come join me, Gabriel. Let us be brother to brother again.

  Relay to my callous and unfeeling brother Michael, when he asks me to repent, that I, in my wisdom, discern his real motive.

  He is assured of my eternal victory and his own defeat and would save himself from the indubitable humiliation of his impending downfall.

  No doubt, Michael‘s unease at our impending battle has persuaded you to write to me.

  Mark me well, my younger brother, My plan is set.

  Again I issue my invitation, adored Gabriel.

  Join me.

  Your devoted brother Lucifer

  * * *


  I receive no answer to my magnanimous missive. You disappoint me exceedingly.

  May your dreamings be infested with apparitions of the first stage of my eternal Kingdom.

  A thousand-year reign. A millennium under my rule.

  What havoc shall I wreak upon this world when I rule from Yehovah’s throne. Every vestige of the Nazarene will be erased from memory on Earth.

  The crimson moons rise.

  Your brother Lucifer

  * * *

  My greatly deluded brother Lucifer,

  Receive my pity. For surely it is now the only emotion my heart is capable of holding for you.

  I have received your latest missives. Our communication is now at an end.

  As I write, our brother Michael mobilizes his armies in preparation for your final expulsion from the First Heaven.

  Mark well the sights and sounds when you enter these gates again.

  For surely, brother, they shall be your last

  * * *

  Lucifer threw Gabriel’s missive onto his mother-of-pearl desk.

  “I will defeat you, Michael,” he said with an iniquitous smile. “On the White Plains in the East of Eden.”

  Lucifer rose and walked to the window of his Ice palace. He threw open the balcony doors and stared up at the two crimson moons, their flaming tails blazing high on the horizon above the bleak ice plains of Gehenna.

  “I shall take you and Gabriel captive. I shall rule from Yehovah’s throne.

  “I shall storm the gates of the First Heaven within the hour.”

  He held his broadsword high.

  “It is time to war!”

  Reference Sources

  The following sources provide background information to this title:

  Daily Mail article – by Anthony Bond

  Former Pentagon consultant claims President Eisenhower had three secret meetings with aliens

  Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2100947/Eisenhower-secret-meetings-aliens-pentagon-consultant-claims.html (Updated: 07:58, 15 February 2012)

  Transcript of the videographed statement from the Honorable Henry W. McElroy, Jr. – former representative of the New Hampshire State Legislature (May 8, 2010)

  Source: www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread570886/pg2.

  Map of Auschwabenland

  Source: http://beforeitsnews.com/strange/2012/08/third-reich-maps-of-the-inner-earth-2442362.html.

  Transcript of Ron Paul’s farewell address to Congress – by Matthew Hawes (November 14, 2012)

  Source: http://12160.info/page/the-transcript-of-ron-paul-s-farewell-address-to-congress-11-14-1.

  Books in the Chronicles of Brothers series

  The Fall of Lucifer – Book 1

  Messiah: The First Judgement – Book 2

  Son of Perdition – Book 3

  A Pale Horse – Book 4

  Order now on www.chroniclesofbrothers.com

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