Her Client- The Complete Series

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Her Client- The Complete Series Page 3

by Sally E Xander

  When I rolled to my side, it gave me the chance to stare at her. I had heard the term afterglow. But I never imagined it was a real thing, but as I looked upon Jane, I realized it was.

  She glowed from the inside out, and I had never seen anyone as beautiful as her. She had picked me to be her first, so I decided to be honest with her. “I had never been with a woman before. You’re my first too,” I admitted.

  Jane turned to face me, her hands pressed together under her head. As if by magic, she looked years younger than she had when she first arrived.

  From now on when I imagined Jane, I would picture this moment. Her with a slight sheen of sweat all over her body and her long blonde hair splayed out in a tangled mess. She became my new fantasy. A memory I would use when I was alone and needed a release.

  “Really?” she whispered.

  “Really,” I assured her. “It was…” I couldn’t find the words to describe it.

  “Yeah…” Jane sighed as she rolled onto her back staring at the ceiling. The contented expression on her face made me want to be a part of whatever she was feeling.

  I scooted closer until our bodies touched once again. Because I couldn’t keep my hands off Jane, I trailed my fingers lazily over her body in no particular path.

  Her smile grew. “So. Does this mean that you’d be willing to meet with me again?” she asked.

  She didn’t have to ask. If she called and requested me, then I would be there, but I was glad she did. It meant that she enjoyed our time as much as I did.

  To answer her, I lifted onto my elbows and leaned over pressing my lips against hers. A soft, easy kiss. Nothing seductive, just a simple kiss. “Yes. I’d like to see you again.”

  Jane reached up and trailed her fingers down my face and neck. “I’m glad.” When her eyes locked with mine, she said, “There are so many things I want to try with you.”

  I turned my head pressing my lips against her hand. “Me too, Jane.”

  She released a heavy breath and grinned at me. I couldn’t wait to see her again.

  Glancing at the clock, I realized our time was almost up. Though I wasn’t ready for it to be over, I didn’t have a choice. I left Jane alone on the bed and walked to the bathroom to turn on the shower. When I returned, I found her pulling on her skirt. “Shower?” I asked.

  Jane looked up at me with her soft brown eyes and gave me a slight smile. “Next time. I have a date tonight. With a man. So…”

  My stomach dropped. “Say no more.” It was so strange this feeling of jealousy. We had this incredible time and yet she was leaving for a date. I knew it was hypocritical of me considering I had sex with men multiple times a week but still… I couldn’t help it. Leaning against the bathroom doorframe, I faked an easy going attitude. “Have fun.”

  Jane shook her head and laughed slightly. “All I’ll be thinking about is you. You’ve changed me, Angel.”

  That tightness in my chest loosened at her confession.

  This woman had changed me too. I wasn’t sure how, but I was different. Thinking back to when I lost my virginity, I tried to remember how I felt. I wondered if it was like this back then. Excited and yet nervous about what happened next. My mixed emotions made me emotionally exhausted. How can being with a sexy woman change so many things for me? I was glad Jane had picked me.

  Wanting a few more minutes with her, I moved until I stood in front of her then I helped her redress. The softness in her eyes made me want to take care of her. “You should leave your hair down tonight,” I said while running my fingers through her hair, untangling the largest knots.

  “Are you sure?” She chewed on her lower lip as she stared at her reflection in a mirror.

  “Definitely. You look softer and absolutely stunning.” I praised though I regretted it because it meant she would look this way on her date. A late-night date. With a man.

  I smiled realizing that she hadn’t showered, so our sex was still on her. At least that was something.

  After putting on the hotel robe, I followed her to the door where I helped her into her coat. “I’ll see you later.” It was more of a question than a statement.

  “You will.” She tugged on my robe pulling me closer. “Thank you for tonight, Angel.” Jane gave me one more kiss then opened the door, and I closed it behind her facing the empty space that she left. Smiling to myself, I went over our evening as I walked back to the bathroom to shower.

  If I hadn’t had other plans, I would have stayed and taken a long soak in the tub since my apartment didn't have one. But I had a little boy to babysit. By the time I was freshly showered and dressed in my favorite cotton shorts and t-shirt, I had a text from Bev.

  I had hoped she had heard from Jane even though it was unlikely she would have called this soon after our appointment. To my disappointment, it wasn’t about Jane but my now regular client. He wanted to see me the following day.

  My reality came flooding back. This was a job. Having sex with Jane was a job no matter how amazing it was. One day Jane would find someone she didn't have to pay to fuck. I needed to remember that.


  By the time I said goodnight to Mark’s mother and took over babysitting duty, my mind hand began to settle. My evening with Jane had played on a loop in my head during my drive.

  I had enjoyed every minute of it, but there were things that I missed by having sex with a woman. Like cock. It wasn’t a secret I loved dick and being fucked hard with one was in the top five favorite things I had ever experienced. I had also missed the weight and strength of a strong body taking me. But I would never forget the softness of Jane’s touch. The feel of her breasts against mine. The taste, scent, and feel of her pussy on my tongue.

  Lounging on Mark's sofa, my mind wandered again to Jane and my new realization that I could never go back to have sex with just men.

  Fantasies of a ménage with a man and woman flittered through my mind. I could have the best of both worlds. The softness of a woman and a hard cock to fuck. My fantasies became limitless. I grinned to myself imagining all the scenarios.

  Flipping through the channels, I settled on a movie then cuddled into the couch. My eyes grew heavy, and I didn’t try to stay awake. I had fallen asleep at Mark’s countless times when I worked late.

  The feel of a blanket being placed over me startled me awake. “Hey,” Mark whispered as he tucked the blanket around me then picked up the remote to turn off the TV “Sorry to wake you.”

  Rubbing my eyes, I sat up. “Don't apologize.” I moved to flip the blanket off, but Mark took a seat on the end of the couch and patted my feet.

  “Stay put missy. It’s late, and I don’t want you driving your clunker at night.”

  I was too tired to argue or stick up for my piece of junk car. She might have been old and rusty, but she did the job. “M’kay,” I mumbled as I snuggled underneath the blanket. Mark didn’t move as he slunk into the couch and ran his hands over tired eyes. His wedding band shining in the lamp light.

  Mark had been a widow for two years, and he still hadn’t taken off his wedding band. It made me curious since he never talked about his wife and the only pictures of her were in Ethan’s bedroom. I only knew he was a widow because he told me during my interview.

  “How was my boy?” he asked with a tired voice.

  “I haven’t heard a peep from him since I arrived. Your mom said they wore each other out playing in the pool before bed.”

  A soft smile lit his face. “Mom said his swimming is getting better thanks to you.”

  I preened at his compliment and admitted, “He’s a good student.” Mark’s love for his son was incredibly sexy. I couldn’t understand how he managed to stay single. I thought for sure all the divorcee’s in the neighborhood would have snatched him up. And as far as I knew he didn’t date.

  During the week, his mom babysat Ethan while Mark was on his current jobs sight and I got weekend duty. Since Mark owned his own business, he spent his weekends working on paperwork in
his home office. Ethan loved it since he got my attention but Dad was always right there just in case.

  “Did you have a good time?” Mark shrugged and made some grunting sound.

  “It was good seeing my friend, but I’m not into the bar scene. We ended up at a place with loud music, cheap beer and a lot of young college kids.” He glanced at me with a pained smile. “I have nothing against college kids,” he pinched my toes making me squeal. “Obviously,” he said waving his hand over me. “But it would have been nice to hang out and talk without having to yell at each other over the noise and drink real beer.” I laughed at that. He was a self-proclaimed beer snob. The proof was in his beer fridge. Some people collect wine, he collected beer. He even had a tap in his kitchen.

  Mark yawned then patted my blanket covered legs. “I should be getting to bed.”

  “Yeah.” I reached for my phone to check the time. That was when I noticed another text from Bev.

  Suddenly, I felt more awake than I did hours ago. I clicked on Bev's message and smiled.

  “Boyfriend?” Mark asked. I looked up at him still grinning but shook my head.

  “No.” I rolled my eyes. “You know I don’t have a boyfriend.” He raised his brows as if waiting for an explanation. An explanation that I would never give him. I had told him I got a job doing customer service and left it at that.

  Looking at my phone again, I knew nothing would be able to wipe the smile off my face. “I just got some good news.”

  Great News.

  Jane wanted to see me again.


  Her Client Part 2

  Copyright © 2019 by Sally E. Xander

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Cover Photo: Shutterstock

  Cover Design: Cristin Cooper

  Created with Vellum

  For Romand and Emily


  “Humph! What the…?” My eyes snapped open to see light blue eyes staring down at me. Ethan adjusted his perch on my stomach digging a knee into my pelvis. “Hi, Angel! Did you sleep over again?”

  Ethan grinned as I rubbed my eyes while trying to calm my racing heart. He and I needed to have a talk about jumping on innocent people to wake them.

  “Hey buddy,” I groaned as I lifted him off me so I could sit up, but the moment I was settled, he took a seat on my lap.

  Rubbing my now sore stomach, I guessed if I lifted my shirt, I would have a knee print in the center of my body. “Yeah. I came over last night after you were asleep so your grandma could go home.”

  “She doesn’t like sleeping over,” he stated matter of fact while wiggling his bony butt on my legs. He was all awkward and sharp edges. Luckily for him, he was adorable. His innocence and happy demeanor kept him from getting into trouble…often.

  “I know.” I smiled as I tried to tame his blonde curly locks with my fingers. When he swatted at my hand, I tickled his knobby knees.

  “No!!” he squealed with a giggle. I kept going until he begged me to stop but once I did, he asked me to tickle him again.

  “You are a silly boy!”

  “I know!” he said between bouts of laughter.

  “Good morning! It’s always nice to start the day with some giggles.” Mark’s mother grinned at us while setting her purse on the table next to the front door.

  “Hey Meg,” I said as Ethan jumped off my lap and ran toward his grandmother with open arms. They gave each other a big squeeze then she followed him into the living room. It was where I was busy folding the blanket and fixing the couch cushions.

  Meg planted her hands on her hips and scowled. “Did my son make you sleep on the sofa?”

  Shaking my head, I have her a smile. “It’s more comfortable than his guest bed.”

  “That’s true,” she sighed. “And the reason I can’t sleep over. One night in that bed and I’m so stiff I can’t move for a week.”

  While slipping into my shoes, I noticed Meg check the clock. “Are you going to be late for class?”

  “No. I don’t have class until after noon on Tuesday and Thursday. But I do need to put in some study time. Next week are finals.” She groaned with me.

  “Better you than me.”

  “yeah. And I still have another term to go before I graduate.” I knew I sounded whiny, but I was done with classes, studying, writing papers and tests. Unfortunately for me, I still had graduate school. Just the thought of more school made me want to curl up into a little ball in a corner. A part of me hoped I didn’t get accept into the graduate program, so I had an excuse to take a break from school. But the goal oriented and driven part of me wanted to get it done and move onto my future career.

  “Oh, looky here. All my favorite people,” Mark said entering the living room holding a mug in one hand and another insulated mug of coffee in the other. When he handed me the insulated mug, I wanted to fall at his feet and thank him. I had slept over often enough that he knew I needed my caffeine first thing.

  After taking a large gulp and almost burning my tongue off, I sighed with contentment and then said, “Thanks.”

  He gave me one of his half grins and nodded his head.

  “Well, I need to get going,” I stated to the room. Ethan’s pout put another smile on my face. It felt good to be wanted even if it was from and adorable three-year old.

  Mark followed me to the door and gave me a one-armed hug. “Thanks for coming over so late last night.”


  As I waved goodbye, Mark’s mother asked, “Speaking of, how did it go? Did you meet anyone?”

  Mark’s eyes widened and he gave me a pleading look. “Save me!” he mouthed.

  I shook my head as I laughed my way to my car. My mother was just as bad, so I felt his pain. She wanted me to stay close to home and date boys from our church.

  I couldn’t move away fast enough.

  Once alone in my car, I said a little prayer that it would start and when it did after the second try, I sighed with relief. I really needed to take it in to get serviced, but I had been so busy that I kept putting it off. I wondered how much longer my luck would hold out.

  Now that I had some extra money, I should think about replacing it. But that was something else I would have to put off for later because I had too many other things to worry about. Like passing my finals next week, impatiently waiting to hear back from graduate schools and work.

  Thinking about my new job made me think about my clients, which made me think of Jane.

  I couldn’t wait to see her again. Last night, I fell asleep with images of her and I and what we did, and what I hoped we would get to do. Never in my life could I have imagined how hooked I would be after having sex with a woman.

  Growing up, I could appreciate a beautiful woman. I even admired them, but not once did I have the desire to be intimate, to touch kiss, lick…

  Just the memory of last night made my stomach tighten and dampen my panties. I drew in a deep breath. There was still so much more I wanted to explore with her. After one night…a few hours…and I became addicted to her.

  I wasn’t sure if it was a good or bad thing yet. How was I going to feel if Jane decided after this next time that she didn’t need or want to see me again? Money aside, I enjoyed our time together, and if I had my wish, she would become a regular client.

  Fifteen minutes after arriving home, I couldn’t take it anymore. I needed to study, but Becky and her boyfriend, the flavor of the week, were going at it in her bedroom. The constant banging of the headboard, Becky’s squealing, and his grunting were not helping me concentrate.

  If this had been any other time, I would have laughed it off. I might have even enjoyed listening to two hot people get it on, but if I wanted to graduate with honors, I needed to focus. />
  “Oh Becky!” her boyfriend grunted. “Fuck! You are a nasty girl!”

  “Ugh.” That was it! I was out of there. Even noise canceling headphones weren’t working with these two. Luckily, there was a giant library a few miles away that was calling my name.

  Annoyed at having to leave my own apartment to study, I was half tempted to barge into Becky’s room and tell her boyfriend about his sexy girlfriend’s job. But I didn’t because I would never do that to Becky even if I thought it wasn’t fair to the guys in her life. I was just stressed and wanted to take it out on someone.

  Not five minutes later, I dropped my backpack next to the front door clenching my fists and jaw. I tried to breathe as I barely managed to keep from screaming in frustration.

  “What’s your problem?” Becky asked while she and the boyfriend sat at the kitchen counter looking all sweaty and satisfied.

  Were they eating my left-over Chinese food?

  I pinched my eyes closed and shook my head. I purposely ordered extra so I could have it for dinner tonight.


  I was this close to losing it on her.

  “My car won’t start.” I threw my keys on the ground and stomped through the apartment to my bedroom where I face planted onto my bed. I didn’t care how ridiculous I looked having a tantrum. Today was sucking so hard and it wasn’t even noon yet.

  Becky followed me into my room and leaned against the doorframe. “I thought the whole point of working for Bev was so you can get it repaired.”

  Don’t yell at her. She would just be an innocent victim of your anxiety.

  “I haven’t had time,” I muttered into my pillow.

  “Well, where were you headed?”

  I lifted my head just enough so she could hear me. “Library.”

  When she didn’t say anything right away, I glanced over at her and she had a confused look on her face. “Why would you need to go to the library?”

  I sighed. “Does it matter?” Thankfully, I managed to speak without biting her head off.


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