Beautiful Illusions Duet Bundle: Eighty-One Nights and Beautiful Ever After

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Beautiful Illusions Duet Bundle: Eighty-One Nights and Beautiful Ever After Page 43

by Georgia Cates

  I’m pretty sure the rest of the family is on their way to losing interest in her as well. They rarely call to check on her and never ask for visits anymore. It’s been at least a month since we’ve heard from them.

  With the Lochridges, she was like a new toy who has now lost her shine. Hutch says that’s how all of them are with everything in their lives except money and power. Nothing holds their attention for long before they’re on to the next most exciting thing. And that’s more than okay with us. That little girl has all the love she needs in us. She’ll never know their toxicity. They’re doing her a favor by choosing to not be in her life.

  “I don’t know where Max went slumming to find such an uncouth American. She’s certainly not Lochridge calibre. But I guess it’s fitting, considering the kind of family he comes from. He has a more similar background with this wife than he ever did with Mina.”

  “I can’t believe she won’t let you see Mina’s daughter. She’s your own flesh and blood. That’s wrong. You should do something about that.”

  “One hundred percent. You should take legal action, Blair. You know you’d win. Who wouldn’t rule in your favor?”

  The trio of women go silent and all smiles fade when I open the stall door. “Pardon me. The nasty bitch wife needs to wash her hands.”

  I will not stoop to her level.

  I will not stoop to her level.

  I will not stoop to her level.

  Clarissa opens the other stall door, and I realize that in my anger I’d forgotten she was in here. And then another realization hits me when I see the expression on her face: she heard Blair insult the Hutchesons.

  I can take being insulted. I’m accustomed to it, but no one gets to insult Clarissa and her family. “You can say what you like about me but not Clarissa and her family. Apologize.”

  Blair looks at me and smiles. “I don’t apologize for speaking the truth.”

  “Apologize. Now.”


  I count to three in my mind. Slowly. “I care what my mother-in-law thinks of me, and that’s the only reason I’m not going to knock the hell out of you right now.”

  “Go ahead. Knock the hell out of her. I’ll think even more of you if you do.” Clarissa steps between the two friends and me. “I can take care of these two if they try to be heroes.”

  I may be small, but I’m fast. And my fist collides with Blair’s nose before she has time to think about retreating. The stream of blood immediately trickling down her upper lip is satisfying.

  “Holy shite. There goes that rhinoplasty,” one of the girls says.

  “You may be wee, but you are mighty,” Clarissa says.

  Blair reaches up and touches her face. “You broke my nose?”

  “I certainly hope so. Maybe then you’ll think twice before looking down it at other people.”

  Clarissa and I leave the loo, and I bring my hand up to inspect my wedding ring.

  “Good job, lass. That was a mighty fine left hook. Where did you learn to do that?”

  “My friend Bleu taught me.” I open and close my fist. And it hurts like a mutha. “I may have just broken my hand. I hit her harder than I intended.”

  “Well, you didn’t hit her harder than I intended. She deserved that plus so much more.” Clarissa reaches for my hand and inspects it. “You should take off your wedding rings before your fingers swell.”

  My entire hand is throbbing and already feeling tight. “That’s a good idea. I’d hate to have to cut them off.”

  Ava Rose holds out her arms for me, but my hand is throbbing so badly. “Let Da hold you, baby.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I’ll tell you on the way home.”

  Calvin has barely pulled away from the curb when Hutch revisits the conversation about what is going on.

  “Blair and her friends came into the loo. They didn’t know we were in there, and Blair said nasty things about me and your family.”

  “Did she upset my mum?”

  “I wouldn’t say upset. Pissed off would be a better way to describe what your mom was.”

  “My mum can get aff her heid if someone talks shite about the family. She’s not okay with that.”

  “I told Blair that I cared about what Clarissa thought of me and that she was the only reason I wasn’t going to knock the hell out of her. Your mom told me to go for it. So I did.”

  “Wait… what?”

  “Your mom wanted me to punch Blair so I did. I think I broke her nose.” I hold up my fist. “And maybe my hand.”

  “You brawled in the loo at the restaurant?”

  “Yes, and it was great. I’ve been wanting to do that for a while.”

  “Wow. My wife is a brawler. I had no idea.” He reaches over Ava Rose’s car seat and caresses the back of my neck. “That’s hot.”

  “You’re not embarrassed that I acted so unrefined?”

  “You defended our family. I couldn’t be prouder of you, Lou.” Hutch lowers his voice. “And I also couldn’t be more turned on.”

  “That’s good because I believe we have some baby-making to do,” I whisper.

  “Aye, we do.”

  I stopped my birth control three months ago in preparation for what we’re calling the next chapter of our lives. Tonight is our first try, and while it’s the same act we’ve engaged in I don’t know how many times before, everything about this time is different.

  Hutch leans forward to look at Ava Rose in her seat. “I hope she doesn’t wake and try to stay up when we move her from the seat to her crib.”

  She does that sometimes. Well, a lot of times. “I hope she doesn’t cry to stay in our bed.”

  “Fuck, I didn’t even think about that.”

  We spoiled Ava Rose by letting her sleep with us for so long. Convincing her to sleep in her crib in her new nursery has been trying at times.

  “It’s been a long day for her.”

  “It’s been a long day for all of us.” And a stressful one. I’m glad graduation is behind me.

  “Are you too tired to try tonight?”

  “No. I want to. But I may fall asleep right after though.”

  “After won’t hurt my pride, but I don’t think I could take your going to sleep in the middle.”

  I giggle. “Then you should do your best to make sure I stay awake.”

  “Oh, you’re on.”

  After we’re home, I go to our bedroom and prepare myself for our first baby-making session while Hutch gets Ava Rose down in her crib for the night. I know things must have gone well when I come out of the bathroom and see him sitting on the side of the bed, wearing only a pair of boxer briefs.

  I stop in the doorway and lean against the frame. Shifting my weight to one leg, I put my hand on my hip.

  Black baby-doll top split up the middle, barely covering my breasts. Exposed belly. Tiny black triangle between my legs. Fuck-me-now facial expression.

  It’s the ultimate prelude to baby-making.

  “What does Da think?”

  “Da loves.”

  Walking toward him, I realize that every step brings us closer to making this actually happen. And I’m overcome by the love I feel for this man when I think about what we’re doing tonight.

  He stands when I reach him and I dip my fingers into the waistband of his underwear, pushing them down his thighs. He kicks out of the fabric and I feel his full, thick cock against my stomach when he pulls me close.

  We clumsily turn, our mouths not separating until I sit on the bed and glide to the middle. Using my index finger, I use it to coax him closer. “Get up here and put a baby inside me.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Taking his time, he crawls up my body as he leaves a path of kisses beginning at my belly. When we’re face-to-face, I grasp the back of his neck. “Kiss me.”

  I pull him down so our mouths meet and his makes love to mine. Slowly. Deeply. Lovingly.

  When we stop kissing, he pulls away and looks at my face.
“Tonight could change everything.”

  He stares into my eyes as he hovers above, and I run my fingertips down the bridge of his nose. “I hope so.”

  He kisses the side of my face and moves his mouth down the length of my neck before unfastening the ribbon that holds my top together. But before he does, he places a kiss between my breasts. And a thought strikes me. If we conceive tonight, it’ll only be a matter of months before I put a newborn to these breasts for nursing. I look forward to that.

  Hutch unfastens my top and pulls the straps down, leaving me topless. Next, he hooks his fingers into my waistband and drags my panties down my legs.


  Bare skin to bare skin.

  Heart to heart.

  Open invitation.

  He nestles his body between my parted legs until his hard cock presses against me. As always, a slick opening greets him. When I lift my hips, the crown pushes just inside me and then glides all the way in with ease.

  “I love how you’re always wet for me.”

  It’s true. All Hutch has to do is look at me and my body reacts. I’m sensitive to him. I get dripping wet for the man because he has conquered me. Broke through my walls. He’s the only man who’s ever been strong enough to do so, and I adore him for it.

  He is my world. My everything.

  He thrusts himself inside me until the base of his cock hits my entrance. Buried to the hilt. He closes his eyes and holds that position for a brief moment before rocking in and out of me slowly.

  His pace gradually quickens but not to a point of aggression. Not even close. This is making love. And hopefully making a baby.

  I cup the back of his neck with my hands and pull his face to mine. “I love you so much.”

  He stretches upward and presses a kiss to my forehead. “I love you too, mo maise.”

  Closed eyes. The muscles in his face and neck flexed. “I’m going to come.”

  I hear those words and I wrap my arms and legs around him, squeezing. I hold him tightly and he remains unmoving inside of me, his body filling mine with a part of himself that will join with a part of me and make our baby.


  With his forehead still pressed to mine, his weight covers me like a blanket. He remains inside of me, and the only movement happening between us is the rise and fall of our lungs.

  “Did we really just do that?”

  “Aye. We really just did that.” He lowers his mouth to mine, lightly kissing my lips. “And now you need to lie on your back with your hips elevated.”

  “Elevated how?”

  “The article said we could use a pillow, but I have something else in mind.”

  He rises and kneels between my legs, patting the tops of his thighs. “Put your bum here and your ankles on my shoulders.”

  I lift my hips from the bed and he shoves a pillow under my butt before grabbing my feet and putting them on his shoulders. “You’re turning me upside down?”

  “That’s the gist, I guess.”

  “You really want this to work, don’t you?”

  I’ve been surprised by his interest in researching natural ways to increase the odds.

  “You know me, Lou. I’m astute in everything I do.”

  “Do you really think this position helps?” We didn’t do it before and I seem to have gotten pregnant easily.

  “I don’t know how much it helps, but it certainly doesn’t hurt.”

  “Do you have any other fun positions for us to try?”

  “A whole list of them. Missionary was just to get warmed up. We’re trying the plow next.”

  “The plow?” I giggle because it sounds so silly. “Explain that one, please.”

  “Picture me holding a farmer’s plow. Your legs are the handles. Your arms and head are the chisel part on the ground. I’m going to stand and you’re going to put your head and arms on the bed.”

  “I’m facedown on the bed with my ass and legs in the air?” That’s just great.

  “Fuck yeah.”

  “Well, that’ll be the first time we’ve done it like that.”

  “And I strongly suspect it won’t be the last time.”

  “You think you’re going to enjoy plowing my fields, huh?”

  “Aye, and when I’m done cultivating your land, I’m going to plant my seed.”

  “My, my. You are a clever one tonight, Mr. Hutcheson.”

  He smiles and I wait for more clever words but they don’t come.

  “What is it?”

  “I’m remembering all the times when I thought you were your most beautiful.”

  “Go on. I need to hear some flattery because I don’t feel very beautiful like this.”

  “The night we met at the Inamorata gala. The first time you lay beneath me. When you told me you loved me the first time. When I saw how much you love Ava Rose. When you became my wife. And even though you might not think so, right now.” He turns his head and kisses the side of my ankle. “In this moment you are so damn beautiful to me.”

  I reach out and run my fingers through the bristly hairs on his thighs. “Hutch?”

  “What is it, mo maise?”

  “I think you should plow my field now.”

  “You do, huh?”

  “Yes. Right now.”

  And that’s exactly what he does.


  Maxwell Hutcheson

  It’s our last weekend in Edinburgh. Can’t say I’m sorry about that. I’m looking forward to moving into our new house in Glasgow.

  But I am going to miss this fucking dobber. He’s been my best mate since I went to work at Lochridge.

  “Lou really likes Ella. Maybe the two of you can come up for the weekend after we’re settled into the new house.”

  “Aye. I know Ella would like that. She enjoys spending time with you two since you’re our hashtag-couple-goals.”

  “How is that going by the way? Your extended relationship?”

  “It’s good.” Brady chuckles. “It’s great actually.”

  “Cora chose well?”

  “She did. But she should have for what it cost.”

  “Worth every pound though, aye?”

  “One hundred percent worth it. Ella is everything I’ve ever wanted.”

  “Are you in love with her?”

  “Let’s just say I can see the potential.”

  “Is she the kind of lass you’d want to marry?”


  “Good. I’m happy things are going well for you.” Brady is a good man. He deserves to be happy.

  “What about your brother and his nuptials? That’ll be here before you know it.”

  “Only a month away.”

  “Is he ready for that and everything it includes?”

  “I think he is. He’s grown up a lot since Pearl was born.” A child does that to you.

  “Having a child changed you.”

  “With me, I think it was the wife more than the child.”

  “True. Lou has changed you but in a good way.”

  I think it’s time to drop the bomb on Brady. “We’re trying to have a baby.”

  “Well. Fuck. Me.”

  “Sorry, mate. Can’t. I have to save all of my spunk for Lou.”

  “Hey, Cameron, are you going to pour my beers or do I have to come around there and do it myself?” the barmaid shouts.

  “Calm your tits, Maggie. I’ll get to them in a minute.”

  Cameron. Bartender.

  Lou’s Cameron?

  Fuck, it pisses me off that I called him that in my head just now.

  Cameron Stewart is Lou’s past. She’s my wife. We have a family. We’re trying to have another baby. A man from her past means nothing.

  Except it’s bugging me. I want to know if this bartender is Cameron Stewart. I want to know if this is the man who tried to win Lou back while we were apart. The man who proclaimed his love for my wife.

  A husband just needs to know shite like that.

nbsp; And he needs to claim what is his so a fucker like Cameron Stewart doesn’t come around trying to fuck with his wife.

  “Let’s move to the bar.”

  “No fucking way. I have a perfect view of the game from here. I won’t be able to see it from over there.”

  “Just do this for me, please.”

  “I might if you tell me why.”

  “This bartender. I think he’s Lou’s ex.”

  “Why do you care even if he is? He’s part of Cait’s past.”

  “I need to set some shite straight with him if he’s her ex.”

  “O-fucking-kay.” Brady stands and shoves his chair under the table. “Jealous possessive alpha motherfucker.”

  “That’s accurate.”

  We move to the bar and he washes a few glasses before noticing us. “What can I get you?”


  “For you too, mate?”


  “Tomatin’s a nice choice. Smooth.”

  He grabs two glasses, pouring each two fingers high, and I push a bill across the counter when he tells me the total. “I’ve got this round.”

  “You’ve got all of them for making me leave my good seat.”

  “Fair enough. Drinks on me tonight.”

  I study the bartender trying to decide if he looks like the guy in the photo I saw on Lou’s phone, and I can’t decide. It’s been too long since I saw it.

  Fuck this.

  “Hey, mate. Seems like you’ve served me drinks somewhere else before.”

  “I worked at The Last Drop for a few years.”

  I fucking knew it.

  “You worked with Cait and Rachel?”

  “Oh yeah. I know those lasses well. I haven’t seen Rachel since she stopped working at the pub, but I ran into Cait on the train a while back.” He leans closer. “And between me and you, she’s a mighty fine shag. I plan on getting some more of that next time I run into her.”

  “Ohhh fuck,” Brady says and gets up. “I’m going to the toilet.”

  “She is an excellent shag. And I should know. Because she’s my wife.”

  “Your wife?”

  “Listen and listen well because you’ll only get one warning. Cait is mine. If you try to talk to her again, I will kill you. If you ever see her out and you tell her you love her, I will kill you. If you ever touch her, I will kill you. Zero hesitation.”


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