Broken Hill Halo (Broken Hill High #2)

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Broken Hill Halo (Broken Hill High #2) Page 14

by Sheridan Anne

  The girls laugh as hair is straightened or curled. Makeup is spread over the whole vanity in my bathroom and dresses and heels are thrown all over the room in our indecision of what to wear.

  Once I’m ready, I walk out of my old room and go downstairs to find the boys. I stop by the kitchen and search through the large pantry for a little something to snack on when a large body comes up behind me and pushes me into the pantry with his hands on my waist.

  The doors close behind us, throwing us into darkness as his lips come down on mine, masking my giggles. Nate picks me up and sits me on one of the shelves as my legs wrap around his waist, holding him close.

  He kisses me deeply as his hands travel up my thighs, putting stars behind my eyes. I’ll never get enough of this.

  I reach for his belt buckle and start undoing it, trying to keep quiet as possible as he slides his hands up over my ass and slips his fingers into the waistband of my underwear. He pulls the lacey fabric down over my ass and begins sliding them down my thighs.

  I get him free and without wasting a second, I guide him towards my entrance. His body freezes as noise on the opposite side of the pantry catches our attention. He grins against my lips before pushing forward. I feel his tip, grazing my skin and use my legs to pull him in closer.

  He’s so close and the fact that he’s not inside me right now is killing me and he knows it. His grin widens but when he hears his mother’s voice, it instantly starts killing the mood. “Yeah,” she sighs as we hear the sound of glass bottles clinking against the marble countertop. “I found out about a year ago.”

  “Oh, Trish,” my mother’s saddened voice says, killing my vibe like a bucket of cold water being poured over my head. “I’m so sorry. You should have said something.”

  “No,” Trish replies as Nate’s head cocks to the side while trying to work out what they’re referring to. “If I talked about it, it would suddenly become real. I quite enjoy living in denial.”

  “Trish,” mom scolds. “Do the boys know?”

  “No, I couldn’t find it within me to tell them.”

  “Oh, sweetie,” mom says before I hear the sound of the fridge and a little more clinking. “I think we’ll be needing this one too.”

  “Maybe a third,” Trish laughs.

  “Does Cade know that you worked it out?”

  “He sure does,” Trish says, making Nate’s eyebrows pull down. He looks to me with nothing but confusion in his eyes. “I couldn’t hold it in. I went apeshit on him. Trashed the house and everything.”

  “And you still live with him?” mom says in disbelief.

  “Of course. I couldn’t do that to the boys. They think the sun shines out of his ass. Besides, I don’t know what they’d do if they ever found out.”

  There’s silence for a while and I wonder if they’ve gone. I meet Nate’s eyes again but mom’s voice has me freezing again, “How do they not suspect anything?”

  “I’m a good actress,” Trish chuckles as their voices begin to fade away. “They think Monday night is date night when in reality, it’s actually therapy session night.”

  “Oh, Trish,” mom chuckles before their voices completely disappear.

  Nate and I stay hidden away in the pantry for a few silent moments before he reaches down and hands me my underwear. He begins putting himself back inside his pants and I reach for him. “Are you ok?”

  He looks at me with a darkness behind his eyes that I haven’t seen since before things changed between us. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “Nate?” I question. “I heard exactly what you just heard.”

  “I know,” he snaps.

  “Don’t you want to talk about it?”

  He scoffs. “No, thanks,” he mutters before pushing his way out of the pantry and not sparing a glance back at me, leaving me sitting alone and wondering what the hell just happened.

  I shake it off, hoping that whatever that was about is nothing, but let’s face it. Things clearly aren’t as they seem in the Ryder household. There are secrets here, secrets that the boys don’t even know and whatever they are, they’re big enough to cause issues in a marriage I’ve always thought was stronger than steel.

  I just hope Nate cools down and comes around soon because I don’t like the way he just looked at me. It’s as though I was thrown back into the past and I suddenly became Nate’s punching bag once again.

  I take a breath and hop off the shelf before quickly pulling my underwear back up my legs and hoping no one else walks in.

  I step out of the pantry and go to head back up to the girls, wanting to be away from him for a while. As I reach the stairs, I see him walking into the garage alone and I can’t help but follow him. He clearly isn’t ready to talk about it and obviously is hurt and confused. We didn’t hear enough to know what’s going on but all we do know is that his mother is hurting while his father is keeping some sort of dirty secret.

  Nate Ryder has been my rock over the past few weeks and now it’s time to return the favor.

  I step into the garage and close the door behind me. He turns at the sound and I see it in his eyes, he’s prepared and ready to tell me to fuck off but I ignore it and walk forward. I crash into his body and throw my arms around him. “I love you,” I remind him.

  Not a second later, his arms are curling around me and he holds on with everything he’s got. His head falls to my shoulder and I hear him desperately trying to calm himself. “I could fucking kill him,” he tells me.

  “I know,” I murmur as I clench my fingers into the fabric of his shirt. “But you’re not. You don’t know the full story and until we work it out, you need to hold your shit together. If not for me, for Jesse. He idolizes your dad, don’t ruin that unless you truly have to.”

  He grunts as his hand weaves into my hair. “I’m sorry,” he murmurs after he’s quiet for a little too long. “I didn’t mean to snap at you before.”

  “It’s ok,” I whisper. “I snap at you all the time.”

  “Yeah,” he says as he lets out another breath and finally manages to calm himself. “You’re a crazy bitch like that.”

  I pull back and I can’t help but laugh at him. “And you’re an ugly, freckled, swamp frog.”

  He grins back as he pulls me back in. “An ugly, freckled, swamp frog who wants to finish what we started before.”

  I shake my head and tsk at him. “No can do, swampy,” I tell him. “You wasted all our time being a broody asshole. It’s time to go. You’ve got your race in thirty minutes.”

  “Damn it,” he groans before dropping his head back to my shoulder and letting out a huff. “Get the guys.”

  Chapter 15

  We pull up at the race and as usual, the place is filled with bodies, even more so now that the word of an illegal race has started to spread around Broken Hill. I mean, it won’t be long until the cops are showing up and shutting this thing down. But don’t be fooled, all that means is a change of scenery. Someone else will open a new on one some other property which will probably be a good thing as it would give Nate a new track to play with and perfect.

  Nate drives down to his favorite viewing spot, forcing people to get out of his way or risk being run over. Maxen drives behind us, this time not parking amongst all the other cars. Max comes to a stop beside us and as usual, the crowd starts to hover like magnets.

  I let out a sigh as I lean back against the hood of Nate’s car. I mean, why can’t these people just go and hang out with their friends? Why do they insist on crowding around the boys? I know they’re irresistible and generally the life of the party, but it’s annoying as all hell and especially frustrating when all you want to do is relax and watch the race.

  Tyson and Parker turn their backs on the crowds, making somewhat of a circle around us and blocking everyone out while hoping they get the point to leave us the fuck alone. Parker reaches out and pulls Courtney under his arm, making the wall between us and them even stronger, all to Courtney’s delight, of course.
r />   I roll my eyes as her cheeks pinken and turn to Brooke. “Hey, I’ve been thinking,” I start.

  She lets out a groan, cutting me off as all eyes fall to me. “This couldn’t be good.”

  “Shut up,” I laugh, bopping her shoulder. “I was thinking of maybe… befriending Elle.”

  “What?” she shrieks with wide eyes as a look of disgust crosses Jesse’s features. “Are you nuts?” Brooke demands. “I think you couldn’t possibly do anything stupider. The girl put the idea in Josh’s head to assault you.”

  “Don’t act like I don’t know that,” I tell her. “It’s just… she tried. She told him to back off and she didn’t take it any further. She gave in and,” my eyes flick to Jesse, “we still ruined her.”

  “So?” Jesse grunts.

  “So, she has nothing. She walks around school in a deep depression. She gets bullied by nearly everyone. People treat her as though she’s invisible. I mean, she’s suffered enough. She’s lost everything. Is it that much to ask that we show her a little compassion?”

  “Yes,” Bec scoffs.

  “Well, too bad,” I tell them. “I wasn’t asking permission. I was asking advice.”

  “Your funeral,” Brooke grunts before turning away with a stubborn huff. She stalks off and grabs Max, forcing him along with her.

  I roll my eyes at her back as I lean into Nate’s chest. “She’s right,” Jesse says, stealing my attention. “I think you’d be stupid to get involved with her.”

  My blood begins to boil and I find my frustrations coming up and surprising the shit out of me as it pours out like word vomit. “I’m not saying we have to be best friends,” I snap at Jesse. “I just think it shouldn’t be so fucking hard for us to be decent human beings and show her a little kindness. After all, it was our actions that took every thing away from her. We humiliated her in front of the whole school and she hasn’t been able to move on from that.”

  Courtney grunts. “So, what? You want to resurrect the queen of darkness?”

  “No,” I yell at them. “I want to be nice. Besides, what does it matter to any of you? I’m the one who got hurt. I’m the one who had to deal with that shit. Not you guys. This is my call.”

  Anger pulses through me at my heartless friends. I mean, I’m the one who just lost her Nanna, I’m the one who was assaulted, I’m the one who had a parent walk out, yet I’m the only one who can manage a little kindness?

  I turn in Nate’s arms and lean my head against his strong chest as I take a few breaths, fearing that I’ll try and yell at them a little more. “Come on,” Nate murmurs as he takes my arm. He leads me away from our group of mean douchebags to give me a chance to cool down before I cause a massacre.

  “Are you ok?” he questions as he leads me around the maze of people.

  I let out a sigh as I dig my feet in and look up at him. “Am I being stupid?”

  He considers me for a moment before stepping into me and pulling me into his warm chest. “No, I don’t think so,” he tells me. “I think you’re showing what a strong person you are. You’re forgiving and kind and there’s nothing wrong with that. Showing compassion to someone who has wronged you only shows what an incredible person you are and makes me love you more.”

  “You’re sure?” I question.

  “Positive,” he says. “Just because your friends are bitches, doesn’t mean you have to be.”

  “And what about Jesse?”

  A smile pulls at his lips. “He’ll get over it. Jesse is a grudge holder and a damn good one. He’ll get over it in his own time. When she can prove that she’s no longer a threat and makes it up to you.”

  “Well, I doubt that will ever happen.”

  “True,” he shrugs. “But being unable to see past his own anger is his flaw and it shouldn’t stop you from doing what you think is right.”

  I nod my head as a race starts down on the track and I can’t help but look across at the dirt the cars kick up behind them. Nate watches right along with me and cringes when the guy in the lead begins to lose control of his car. “Moron,” Nate grumbles as he shakes his head.

  I grin to myself and thread my fingers through his before tugging on his arm, letting him know I’m good to re-join our asshole friends. He walks with me but stops as someone calls out his name. “Nate,” the voice shouts over the noise. “Wait up.”

  We turn around and I find some scrawny dude with a clipboard and wait for Nate to tell the kid to fuck off like he usually would, only he doesn’t. He raises his head and walks forward, dragging me along to meet the guy in the middle. “What’s up?” he asks the scrawny guy.

  The kid looks a little sick at talking to Nate but apparently has a set of balls as he brings his clipboard up and starts talking. “The guy you were against tonight bailed,” he tells Nate.

  “Fuck,” he grunts. “What do you mean bailed?”

  The kid seems to shake in his boots but doesn’t shrink away, unknowingly earning my respect. “I don’t know. He’s not here and you’re up next so he’s automatically disqualified.”

  “So, there’s no race?” Nate grunts with anger growing behind his eyes.

  “No,” the kid confirms.

  “I didn’t come all this fucking way not to race,” Nate booms. “You better figure something out, Aaron. I’m up next and there better be someone there beside me.”

  Aaron looks down at his clipboard with shaky hands. “Well, um… the guy you were up against two weeks ago. Braedon. He wants a rematch. Thinks he can take you.”

  Nate shakes his head. “No way. That fucker nearly ran me off the track. Find someone who knows how to control his car.”

  “I’ll do it,” a smug familiar voice comes from beside me.

  Nate, Aaron, and I turn towards the voice and my mouth practically falls open as a shiver goes through my body. Jackson Millington stands beside me with Phoenix curled under his arm, staring straight past me and locking his heavy glare on Nate’s in a challenge.

  I shake my head as my hand tightens in Nate’s. “No,” I say, not trusting him for one minute.

  “Ha,” Jackson laughs as he tears his eyes away from Nate’s and looks down at me. “What’s wrong? You scared. Don’t think your boy could beat me?”

  “No,” I grunt as I step in front of Nate and glare up at Jackson. “That’s not it at all. He could beat you with his eyes closed, but you’re up to something. It’s as clear as fucking day.” I look down at Phoenix and see nothing but a knowing smirk, confirming what I already know.

  Nate wraps an arm around me and pulls me back as he stares down Jackson. “You’re on,” he says before taking my hand and hauling me away.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” I demand when he stops in the center of our group. “Are you insane?”

  “I had no choice,” he yells back at me.

  “What’s going on?” Jesse demands.

  “Nate’s opponent bailed so he agreed to race Jackson instead.”

  “What?” Parker and Jesse say in unison.

  “Yeah,” I scoff. “Fucking stupid.”

  “I had no choice,” he repeats, annoyed at having to explain himself. “If I say no, I forfeit and Jackson wins. He challenged me. My only option is to race.”

  “I don’t like it,” I tell him.

  “Neither do I,” he says.

  “He’s up to something.”

  “I know, but what was I supposed to do? Walk away with my tail between my legs like a fucking pussy? I’m sorry, but that’s not my style.”

  The thought of Nate backing down to someone like Jackson doesn’t sit well with me. All my life I’ve known Nate to be larger than life. He’s always held the crown. He’s always been the fearless leader amongst mere mortals. Nate backing down to a challenge is simply unheard of. I let out a resigned sigh. “Just be careful, ok,” I tell him.

  He pulls me in and presses a kiss to my forehead. “I will,” he tells me.

  He looks up at Jesse and the two of them share some k
ind of unspoken message before he pulls away from me and gets behind the wheel of his black Camaro. I walk over to Jesse and stand beside him, watching as Nate drives down to the starting position.

  “Nothing feels good about this,” I tell him.

  “I know,” he says. “Jackson’s a good racer but he’s known for playing dirty.”

  “Shit,” I grunt. This isn’t sitting well with me and nerves are bubbling up in my stomach. I could be sick watching his play out. “Tell me you’re not about to ask me to race with you?”

  “No way in hell, babe. Not this time,” he tells me before driving off.

  Nate pulls into his starting position and Jackson pulls up beside him. Every single person in the audience grows silent as they witness what’s sure to be the race of the year. Everyone here knows that what they’re about to see is a big fucking deal and not one person is willing to miss it.

  People all around are madly typing out texts on their phone, wanting to share the year’s biggest gossip with all their friends. And this is before the race has even started. I’d like to see what happens when we finally have a winner.

  I can’t help but look across to where Jackson’s car came from and find Phoenix smirking back at me. I narrow my eyes on her. The girl is nothing but an A-class bitch, only she plays innocent, especially around Nate and Jesse which really rubs me the wrong way. It’s almost like she’s hiding something, but she’s never placed herself on my radar enough for me to bother working her out. Though, if she’s hanging out with Jackson now, maybe I should try.

  As if on cue, Jesse follows my gaze and locks eyes on Phoenix. His eyebrows pull down in confusion, especially when Phoenix’s stare moves from me to him, changing from a glare to a seductive lure, though, hopefully, Jesse knows better than to fall for this shit.

  He scoffs beside me. “Been there, done that,” he says before looking back to the start of the track.

  The crowd is going nuts and people are making bets left, right, and center, but all my attention is focused on one thing.

  Nate sits behind the wheel, looking as calm as a cucumber, but I know deep inside, his mind is whirling with the endless possibilities, trying to predict how this race is going to go. Trying to get inside Jackson’s mind and figure out whatever bullshit plan he’s going to stir up.


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