Broken Hill Halo (Broken Hill High #2)

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Broken Hill Halo (Broken Hill High #2) Page 19

by Sheridan Anne

  “Well, go call the seller,” I tell him. “It’s only an hour away. We can go down tomorrow.”

  Nate flicks through the photo’s a few more times before grinning at me. “Alright,” he says. “Let’s do this.” He rises out of his seat and places me down on my feet, making sure I’m steady before taking my hand and leading me outside. He flicks my phone around in his hand as he leads me right out the back to where it’s quiet.

  He hits the seller’s number on the phone and a minute later, he’s talking cars with the guy on the other end. His hand tightens in mine the further they get in the conversation, telling me just how excited he is. “Alright,” he says into the phone, smiling down at me in the dark. “We’ll see you tomorrow.”

  He hangs up the call, and I swear, not a damn thing could wipe that smile from his face. “Thanks,” he says.

  “I didn’t do anything,” I tell him. “That was all you.”

  “Don’t be stupid,” he says, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to my lips. “Without you, I'd still be sitting inside that cramped house, in a foul mood, looking for someone to beat the shit out of. But now, I have something to look forward to.”

  He pulls back and I lace my hand through his as he slides my phone back into my back pocket. “Come on,” I tell him. “Let’s do whatever it is we have to do here so you can take me home.”

  “Sounds fucking good to me,” he says.

  We walk back up to the party and I find Jesse at the drinks table, making himself very familiar with some girl from public and all I can do is laugh. It’s good to see that even when things are falling apart and the world seems like it could never right its self, some things don’t change. And that thing is Jesse’s need to get as many girls underneath him as possible.

  Nate rolls his eyes as he takes in his little brother, and I’m sure he’s probably thinking the same thing as me. I find Brooke sitting down as Maxen talks to some guy from public, quizzing him on whether or not he knows anything, though, we have to be sneaky with these guys, they know why we’re here and if they get caught talking to us, they’ll be seen as traitors to the guys at their school, which I’m sure will probably make the remainder of their high school years a living hell.

  “Hey,” I say, reaching down for Brooke. “I have to pee.”

  She nods her head and reaches up to let me haul her out of her chair. The second she vacates her seat, Nate takes it straight away, leaning over and taking control of Maxen’s interrogation.

  Brooke and I walk down to the bathroom together and by the time we get there, I’m practically squishing my legs together, hoping I don’t piss my pants. It’s some kind of miracle that the bathroom is empty when we finally find it and I rush on in, slamming the door behind me.

  I take care of business and come out a moment later, feeling like a whole new woman. “Here,” Brooke says as she hands me her drink. “Hold this. I may as well go while it’s empty.”

  I nod as I take her drink and lean up against the wall while I wait. I get lost people watching and sipping on my drink that I don’t notice someone coming up from behind me until it’s too late. “Hey,” the voice says, making me spin around with a speed that I didn’t know I was capable.

  I gasp at Jackson’s sudden appearance before the scowl sets in. “I should have known you’d be here.”

  “Surprise,” he says with a grin as though he’s god’s gift to womankind. He briefly looks around and I have a feeling I know exactly who he’s looking for. “What are you doing over here by yourself?” he asks. “This isn’t the kind of party you want to be at alone.”

  “Oh?” I question. “And you suddenly care about my safety?”

  He scoffs. “Believe it or not, but I’m not the jerk you think I am.”

  “Uh huh,” I say before turning away and wishing Brooke would hurry up.

  “Hey,” he says, taking my elbow and turning me back to face him. He leans his arm up against the wall, caging me in from the rest of the party. He looks down at Brooke’s drink which I’ve pretty much finished. “Let me get you a new drink.”

  “No thanks,” I say.

  “Come on,” he says, leaning in a little closer. “I’ll get you a drink. We can talk, get to know each other. I’ll prove to you that I’m actually a good guy.”

  “You forget that I watched you ram my boyfriend’s car and nearly killed him,” I remind him. “And, besides, I heard you’re dating Phoenix now.”

  “Phoenix who?” he scoffs before grinning wide and laughing to himself. Taking in my unimpressed glare, he continues on. “Us racers do that shit all the time. You can’t tell me you haven’t seen one of the other guys do exactly the same thing. This time was just unfortunate. How was I to know he’d spin out?”

  “I’m not buying it, Jackson,” I tell him.

  “Come on, babe,” he says, leaning in closer again so I can smell the rum on his breath.

  “Hey,” I hear called out from across the room.

  I look up over Jackson’s shoulder and see Phoenix storming towards us as I hear the bathroom door opening behind me. “Great,” I tell him. “Your girlfriend’s coming.”

  He lets out a heavy sigh. “Damn. She’s so fucking annoying,” he mutters under his breath.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” she demands, though it takes me a second to realize she’s talking to me, not Jackson.

  “Excuse me?” I grunt.

  “You heard me,” she says in a tone that manages to grab the attention of everyone in the whole house, even with the noise coming from the speakers.

  “What the hell is your problem?” I ask as Brooke makes her appearance at my side.

  “You’re flirting with my boyfriend. You already have Nate, now you have to go after Jackson as well? I mean, are you not getting off with Nate? Do you need someone who knows what he’s doing?”

  I shake my head and walk away, it’s not worth it. “Hey,” Phoenix demands, grabbing my elbow and yanking me back, though I guess I’m lucky she didn’t grab a fistful of hair. “I’m talking to you. Don’t walk away from me.”

  I let out a groan. “What the hell do you want, Phoenix?” I demand as I wave my hand in Jackson’s general direction. “I’m not even slightly interested in him. He’s a loser. He’s all yours.”

  She narrows her eyes on me as I notice people stopping what they’re doing and watching us, hoping for a catfight. “You know,” she starts just loud enough for everyone to hear. “I know about you.”

  I roll my eyes. I mean, what the hell could she know about me? “Whatever you think you know, I’m sure it’s probably some made up bullshit.”

  “Oh really,” she says. “You’re not sick?”

  “What?” I grunt as the room goes a little quieter. Brooke gasps beside me and looks to me with a questioning gaze. “What the hell are you talking about? I’m not sick.”

  “That’s not what Dr. Raymond says,” she tells the room with a smug attitude. My heart begins to race as the walls start closing in. How the hell does she know about Dr. Raymond?

  “Leave it alone,” I tell her.

  “Leave what alone?” Phoenix asks innocently. “You mean you don’t want me to tell everyone that you’re on a two finger diet? That everything you eat comes straight back up again?” Laughter is heard all around the room but all I can focus on is the sound of her voice, Jackson’s sneer behind her, and Brooke’s shocked gasp beside me. “I’m just looking out for you, Tora. You’re sick, you need help.”

  I start shaking my head, or maybe it’s my whole body shaking, I don’t know, but big fat tears begin the well in my eyes. People laugh and point and I’m once again the center of attention, but not for the reason’s I’m used to. I’m the person being laughed at, just like I used to be when Nate was the one making them laugh.

  My pulse begins to drum in my ears and it’s quickly becoming the only thing I hear.

  I can’t breathe.

  I need to get out of here.

  I spin on my
heel and hurry out the back door, gasping for breath as the cool air hits my face. I run and run until I’m at the very back of the property. I hit the back fence and spin around to find Brooke right behind me.

  I search her concerned and hurt eyes. “Is it true?” she asks. “Are you bulimic?”

  I take a breath and slowly let it out as the tears roll down my eyes. I sink to the ground and look up at Brooke as she crouches down to me. I nod my head. “Yes,” I tell her as the shame completely takes over me. “I… I don’t do it anymore.”

  “But… why?” she says, searching my eyes for some answers. “You’re beautiful.”

  “I never felt it,” I tell her. “It started when I was fourteen. I did it all the time. When mom found out, she took me to a doctor and I got healthy. Then over the summer I did it again and stopped when Nate happened.”

  She nods her head and is silent for a while. “I guess we know the dirt Phoenix had on you now,” she says. “But, why didn’t you tell me?”

  I look down, unable to meet her eyes. “I was embarrassed… ashamed. I didn’t want you to think any less of me.”

  “Oh, Tora,” she groans as she throws her arms around me. “Don’t be stupid. I could never think less of you. You’re my best friend and I love you no matter what. I could have helped you.”

  “I know,” I tell her. “I kept telling myself that, and I swear, I went to tell you a million times but right before the words came out, I’d stop myself.”

  She squeezes me harder and we stay wrapped in each other’s arms. “You’re all good now, right?” she asks. “You don’t feel like you’d do it again?”

  “No,” I tell her, pulling back and letting her see just how serious I am, though a smile cracks across my face at the mascara that’s smudged under her eyes. “I’m good.”

  “Good,” she says as she narrows her eyes on me. “What?” she demands.

  “Your face,” I laugh. “You have raccoon eyes.”

  Her eyes widen in horror as a low gasp comes sailing out. “No,” she cries. “Is it bad?”

  “Oh, yeah,” I laugh as I rub at my own eyes, though, I didn’t bother with makeup tonight, so I know I’m good. I mean, maybe a little red and splotchy, but that’s it.

  “Shit,” she groans. “What am I going to do?”

  An idea strikes and I strip off my jacket before switching it with hers. She pulls it on and I pull the hoodie up over her head before telling her to keep her head down. I lead her back up to the house and walk us around the back, searching for a side entrance. We find the laundry door and slip in while also finding a pile of Noah's dirty underwear.

  I lead us through the house and get us back into the bathroom and quickly close the door behind us before high fiving Brooke on our sneaky incognito skills. The second I flick on the light, Brooke looks up into the mirror and gasps. She takes two big steps towards the vanity and practically shoves her head under the taps.

  I fix myself up while I have the chance and start snooping around the bathroom while I wait on Brooke.

  “I fucking know,” a voice laughs from the hallway outside. “I got the bastard in a headlock and fucking pummelled him. Think I broke a few ribs.”

  Brooke meets my eyes in the mirror and we listen up to the conversation, always down for a little gossip.

  “Fuck yeah,” a different guy cheers. “I bust that pretty boy’s lip and snapped his fucking arm,” the guy says as my stomach drops. “I made sure that fucker won’t be doing any more damage to my fucking face. Beat that.”

  I look back at Brooke to find her eyes on mine once again. Her head tilts in question and I realize she’s thinking the same thing that I am. This is about Parker.

  We had thought it was one attacker but now I’m realizing there were more, though, I don’t know just how far this is going to go, all I know is that I need Nate here, now.

  I look to Brooke again and watch her pulling out her phone as someone slams a heavy fist into the door. “Who the fuck is in there?” an angry voice demands. “I need to fucking piss.”

  Brooke types madly onto her phone and I realize we don’t have much time. If we leave now, we see their faces but we run the risk of them leaving and not finding them again, or we can wait a minute or two for the boys to come and handle this here, but then, what if the boys don’t hear their phones over the music? Then we’re fucked.

  A third voice speaks up, one that sends chills down my spine. “Parker deserved a fucking lesson,” the voice says. “Next up is Jesse and then I’m going to save Nate for last. Make his little bitch watch as well.”

  My eyes widen as my stomach curls. ‘Is that Josh?’ Brooke mouths to me in the mirror.

  I nod my head then jump when the fist pounds into the door again. “You’ve got three fucking seconds and then I’m coming in.”

  Crap. What do I do? What do I do?


  I can’t be in a small confined space when the door opens. If Josh sees me here, he’s coming for me, no matter who’s around.


  I need to get out of here. Give myself a chance to run. To find the boys.


  I grab Brooke's hand and we haul ass. I rip the door open and throw myself back. The guy who was banging on it falls forward and we dash around him as he face plants into the ground with a loud groan.

  My eyes lock on both the guys before they come to a stop on Josh’s. Recognition flashes in his eyes. First with anger and then fear, realizing I know exactly who hurt Parker and what’s now coming his way. He knows the boys won’t stop until he’s hurting much worse than Parker was.

  He has two choices here. Run after us, hoping he can catch us both and shut us up, or he can run for his life.

  I don’t know which option he goes with, all I know is that I have all of three seconds to get to Nate and end this. Once and for all.

  Chapter 21

  I run as fast as my legs can take me, barging my way through the crowd with Brooke on my heels. I search the people, hoping one of the faces would be familiar, but I’m getting nothing.

  Shit. Where was he in this stupid house?

  Brooke tugs on my arm and I stumble over my feet, but a hard body keeps me upright. “Shit, sorry,” I say to the stranger.

  We get into what must be the den when I see Jesse leaning up against a wall. His eyes catch mine as I pass and just like that, he’s right beside me. “Where’s Nate?” I demand.

  “What’s going on?” Jesse asks.

  “Where’s Nate?” I yell.

  “Over there,” he says with furrowed eyebrows as he points across the room.

  I ignore his curiosity and scan the room. My eyes find his at the same time his find me.

  Nate pushes up out of the chair and hurries towards me, making me wonder what the hell I must look like right now. He grabs me and pulls me, protectively, hard against him. “What’s wrong?” he demands, looking around the room for a threat.

  “It was Josh,” I pant.

  “What was Josh?”

  “Parker,” I practically yell at him as I try to get the words out as fast as possible. “Josh did it with two other guys. They were at the bathroom bragging about it. A blonde with curly hair and a tall guy with… with…” I say, struggling to find something to describe him.

  “Tattoo,” Brooke yells out. “A tattoo on his neck.”

  “Shit,” Jesse curses looking around. “Three guys?”

  “Yes, you have to go now,” I demand. “Josh saw me. They know I know.”

  “Fuck,” Nate curse as he releases my body but holds tightly onto my hand, pulling me behind him. “Where?”

  I point out the bathroom and Nate starts barging his way through the crowd. I feel sorry for some of the people as they’re truly getting pushed aside, others are smarter and see us coming before scrambling out of the way in the nick of time, but then, there’s some that just get pushed straight down to the ground in our rush.

  As we break throu
gh the den, I look around the room and see the guys scrambling out the backdoor. “There,” I yell.

  Nate looks up and follows my gaze before he drops my hand and truly chases after them. People squeal as my boys haul ass, terrified of what could come from this. I mean, it’s no secret who Nate and Jesse are. They’re dangerous and so are their friends, and if you’re in the way when shit goes down, then you better hold the fuck on.

  Josh and his friends break out into the backyard and I distantly notice Noah looking on with wide eyes, terrified for the safety of his home, though, Nate promised he’d handle his shit outside and that’s something he’ll respect.

  The boys catch up to them and I wonder how the hell it took them this long to get here. I mean, did they not think they were here with me? Or are they just stupid and underestimated what Nate would do to them. Either way, the picture is crystal clear now and they’re running for their lives.

  Nate catches Josh around the back of his shirt and yanks him back as Jesse catches the blonde guy. Maxen darts around Jesse and the blonde and launches himself up on the outdoor table before flying off the edge and tackling the tall tattooed guy to the ground.

  People scream and scramble while guys try to get in on the action or break things up, though when they see the Ryder brothers, they take themselves out of the equation. I mean, the only person who wants to be on the receiving end of Nate Ryder’s hand is a woman desperate for a release.

  People start to circle around as Nate throws the first punch. All seven of the guys start scrambling around. Fists are thrown followed by grunts of pain.

  Maxen gets on top of the big guy and pummels his fists into his ribs over and over again and even though this is wrong, I can’t help but feel pride with every connecting fist. I mean, I want to get in there and throw a few fists, maybe snap the blonde guy's arms like the way he did to Parker.

  Nate gets Josh down and he holds his hands up in front of his face. “Stop being such a fucking pussy,” Nate demands as Josh seems to cower.

  “I… I… ARGH,” he grunts as Nate grows tired of his stuttering.


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