Break my heart (Estate Series 1)

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Break my heart (Estate Series 1) Page 1

by Georgia Plumb

  Break my heart

  Estate series - Book one

  Copyright © 2021 Georgia Plumb

  All rights reserved

  The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.

  ISBN-13: 9781234567890

  ISBN-10: 1477123456

  Cover design by: Art Painter

  Library of Congress Control Number: 2018675309

  Printed in the United States of America

  Thank you to everyone who encouraged me to write Break my Heart, But i couldn't have done with without my husband to be. Thank you for always being there for me and doing everything you do for us. I love you xx


  Break my heart




  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty


  Thank you

  Social Media

  About The Author


  2 years ago

  Walking up my drive, I release a shiver. I really don’t want to be here. I should have just stayed at Sherri’s, she begged me enough, but I need to grab my charger. My phone died last night, and I haven’t been able to get hold of Reid using Sherri’s, it’s not like him not to answer his phone…

  Noticing something by the front door, I crouch down when I realise its Reid’s leather jacket. Why is that on the floor? He never comes to my house when I’m not here, I make every effort to keep him away from this hell hole. Picking it up it feels heavy, unwrapping it I find my CDs I let him borrow, a Bullet For My Valentine poster I’d put up in his room and a note. What is this about?

  Don’t speak to me again, we’re done


  Confused, I get my keys out to unlock the door and run upstairs to plug my phone in. Why has he left this…Is it some sort of sick joke him and Brady are playing? Powering up my phone I click on the call icon and pull up his number, tapping his name I put the phone up to my ear to hear a blocked tone.

  He blocked my number? No… he wouldn’t

  It must be Brady or Gavin messing around. I’m so going to beat their asses when I see them.

  Feeling my phone vibrate, I look down to see a call from Brady coming through, hitting accept I start yelling down the line “This is not funny Braids! Why have you blocked my number on Reid’s phone? and where is he?!” I shout, “Calm down babe. Look, I don’t know what’s going on, but I promise I didn’t block your number. Reid just came and told us all to stay away from you, says he’s done and he won’t explain why! have you got any idea what’s going on?”

  He told them all to leave me alone?

  What the hell is going on…

  “No! I’ve been at Sherri’s. My phone died so I popped home to grab a charger. Everything I gave Reid was on my doorstep” squeezing my eyes shut to dull the ache forming behind them, I start going back downstairs “I don’t know what this is all about babe. I think you should come talk to him” He’s right, I need to find out what’s going on “Yeh, okay. I’m on my way over now” knowing he is at Brady’s, I hang up the phone and make my way down to my car, I need to talk to him and find out what’s going on.

  Luckily mum is at work today, if she caught me running in and out the house she would whoop my ass. Cranking the engine, I shove my car in gear and make my way over.

  Only being 10 minutes away it doesn’t take me long until I’m pulling up on the driveway. They had the garage converted into a den last year when we all drove his mum mad in the front room, it’s pretty sweet with sofas, tv’s and games consoles, most of the summer holidays were spent playing video games and listening to music. Knowing they are bound to be in there, head towards it.

  Let’s see what all this is about.

  Walking in, I see their friend Gavin James, Brady’s little brother Spencer, Reid and Stacy Brown lounging around.

  Oh god, I hate Stacy Brown.

  She’s always wanted Reid and made it clear I was in the way of her being able to have him. Her being here now has my hackles up, looking over at Reid he looks bored as he sits and stares at me “Can we talk alone for a minuet please” I get no response from him as he just stares at me, “Reid? What’s going on?”

  Why is he ignoring me?

  Getting up from his chair, he walks right up to me “Nothing is going on. I left you a note telling you we are over. So why are you here?” there is no emotion in his voice. Staggering back a step, I feel like the wind has been knocked out of me.

  Is he really doing this?

  “What? What are you saying! This is some kind of joke isn’t it?” This can’t be real, he’s not breaking up with me…. He can’t be. “I don’t want you anymore. What else is there to say, I’ve gotten bored. Needed a change” it’s like he’s ripping my heart out in front of everyone. How can he do this to us! I feel like my legs are going to give out…. I’m going to be sick…

  “Come on dude, don’t be mean” Brady says as he comes up behind me to hold me up when I almost fold in half. Reid’s eyes narrow on the arm around my waist “Can you just leave. I got plans and you’re bumming me out” he says as he saunters back to his chair. How can he be so uncaring about what he’s saying… How can he not see how much he’s hurting me….

  Stacy struts over to sit on his lap, he doesn’t push her off like I expect, in fact he puts his hand round her back to grab her ass. Hot angry tears flow down my cheeks as I watch what’s happening “What did I do? Why are you doing this to me!” chocking on my sobs I hold onto Brady’s arm for support, it feels like I’m bleeding.

  Reid doesn’t answer although I think I see some remorse flash across his face, but he schools it with a bored expression “What your doing isn’t fair man” Brady says holding me up, I would be a crumpled mess right now if it wasn’t for him clinging onto me “Come on babe. I’ll take you home” he says as he leads me out of my nightmare. I watch Reid the entire time as we back away from the room, he looks like he couldn’t care less right now.

  This isn’t the boy I know.

  This isn’t who I fell in love with.

  Pushing away from Brady, I stumble towards my car letting the tears fall. Unlocking it without thinking, I climb in locking it from the inside before Brady opens my door “Come on Beck’s. You can’t drive like this” he says as he knocks on my window and pulls at the handle. With blurry eyes it takes me two attempts to get my key into the ignition. Blasting my playlist to block out Brady’s pleas, I shift into reverse and on auto pilot, back out of his drive.

  Driving home my phone is blowing up, I ignore it all. I can’t speak to anyone right now, I just need some quiet. Seeing the sign for the nature reserve 2 miles up, I shift up a gear, I know exactly where to get it.

  Me and Reid had our first picnic here, our first proper date. I make a start and I
walk the familiar path that leads to our tree, I’ve walked this path so many times with him in the past, this is the first time I’m alone.

  Sitting down under the oak tree I try to think of anything that could have caused this, but I come up with nothing. It was only yesterday at the Halloween party that we’d locked ourselves away in an empty room and got lost in each other. Everything was fine, We’d laughed, we kissed… We loved. How can that all change in one night.

  Pulling out my phone I delete the messages from Brady and Sherri noticing there are none from Reid, not that I expected anything from him. Pulling up a number I didn’t think I would ever need, I hit call.

  “Dad. Can…can I come live with you, at least until school ends?” Trying my hardest not to choke on sobs. I can’t believe I’m calling him, but I need to get out of here “Becca?, what’s happened?” he doesn’t even sound like he really cares, I can hear him talking with someone in the background “I just need a fresh start dad. Can I move to Suffolk with you, please” I don’t even care if he’s not bothered about me, I just need somewhere to lay low…. And try to put myself back together.

  “Of course you can honey. I’m working full time so I’m not around much, but you are always welcome” That doesn’t surprise me, work has always come first when it comes to my dad, It just means I get the house to myself “Thank you. I’ll text you once I’ve packed and when I’ll be coming up” A normal parent would be distraught at their child being upset, unfortunately though… I have no normal parents.

  Ending the call, I drive home and start packing, needing to get out of here as fast as possible. Feeling numb I look around to see so many things that remind me of Reid. I’m so confused and angry, angry he could do this to us. We’ve known each other forever, loved each other for years.

  I thought he was my best friend.

  I thought wrong.

  Chapter One

  Present Day

  I really want to hate my friend right now.

  She’s the reason I’m sitting in my beat-up BMW outside a party I really don’t want to be at. But being my oldest friend, Sherri knew exactly how to get me to give in and go with her. I’ve only been back on the estate a week and she already managed to put me in a situation I’ve tried so hard not to be in. Being here is giving me some horrible reminders of why I left in the first place, making me wonder why I ever came back.

  “Come on becks! You know you want to see everyone. Maybe even a certain someone” my so-called best friend says waggling her eyebrows “Shez I really don’t think this is a good idea, maybe we should just go to yours and watch movies or something” I plead with her although I know I’m talking to a brick wall. “No can-do missy, you’ve been gone long enough, time to stand tall and face your fears!” I know she’s right, but I’m scared out of my mind. The reason I left is behind that door and I don’t think I’m ready to face it.

  This is the house where my life fell apart, looking up at it I tell myself I will not let him me chase me away again. Steeling my spine, I open the car door earning a hoot from an exited Sherri, “Let’s do this girl! Time to show them you’re back!”

  I’m so going to regret this.

  Walking up the path to the door, I can see that the party is in full swing. Plastic cups and rubbish litter the front garden along with some bodies either passed out drunk or making out. Sherri runs ahead and pushes through whoever is in her way to get through the door, typical Sherri, she’s always been confident, not giving a shit what people think of her.

  I wish I was the same.

  Sherri is model thin with legs that go on for miles, beautiful red hair that reaches mid back and a smile that lights up a room. She’s the girl all the guys want to know and all the girls hate, turning heads wherever she goes and doesn’t even notice.

  Meanwhile I’m shorter with wide hips and a backbreaking bust that I got from my mum. The only thing I’m thankful for is my trim waist. I inherited my dad’s chocolate brown hair and matching eyes, which my mum reminds me of daily with a hurl of insults that I’m his spawn.

  Dad died 3 months ago after a long battle with cancer. I want to say we had the perfect relationship and I moved in with him because I loved him, but me and dad never really clicked. He never wanted kids, but an accident with my mum back in secondary school meant he became a father much younger than he intended. Don’t get me wrong, he was never an abusive parent, but he wasn’t ever there for me either. Him passing meant I had nowhere to go but to move back home.

  Walking through the throngs of people I find Sherri at the drinks table making a vodka cranberry for herself, seeing me she passes me a cup and adds a good amount of rum and coke without me even asking “Bottoms up. Let’s get merry!” she says, knowing I need some liquid courage right about now.

  Downing my drink, she drags me over to the dancefloor, Something I can get on board with at this party.

  Dancing has always been my safe haven, I’ve loved it ever since I could remember picking up my first Walkman and getting lost in the music. I used to go to the local youth centre to dance when being at home wasn’t safe, I’d end up staying there most of the night…. locked away in the hall with my stereo and my pain.

  Swaying my hips to some crappy pop song, I start to loosen up, letting the beat flow through my body. Until a pair of arms come around my middle, feeling breath at my ear making me stiffen “Easy baby girl, it’s just me” Brady….. I missed him almost as much as I missed Sherri, other than her, he’s been my best friend forever. Turning in his arms I look up at his big cheesy grin and give him one of my own while wrapping him in a hug that could crush a bear “Braids! It’s so good to see you” pulling back to look at him it becomes apparently clear that someone has been hitting the gym while I’ve been away. He is still just as handsome as ever with his big 6ft2 stocky frame, dirty blond hair and the kindest eyes I’ve ever seen. Brady is a real heart breaker, if I didn’t see him as an annoying brother, he could probably do it for me. But alas, my heart only beats for one man.

  One who threw it away.

  “I missed you so much babe! I can’t believe you’re back at last. DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT leave again you hear me” he pleads, it breaks my heart that I hurt him, I wasn’t thinking when I left, I only thought about getting as far away as possible. “I’m sorry Braids, you know why I had to get out of here for a while. I just couldn’t sit here and watch him move on with someone else” Even bringing up what happened makes my heart hurt, Brady knows why I left, and he knows not to bring it up, “I know, I know and I kinda hate him a little for it, but I’m so glad you are back. The estate has been boring without my girl” he smiles, “You had Sherri” I say knowingly with a grin. Brady has had a thing for Sherri since year 8, but he never does anything about it, no matter how many times I say he should. “Yeh well we have a bigger problem right now and that problem looks like he wants to rip my head off for dancing with you” Brady warns. Turning my head, I catch a sight I was hoping to avoid tonight.

  Reid Doyle, the star of my fantasies and nightmares sitting on the sofa…. staring at me. Why does he have to be so good looking! Can’t he be a pimply ogre. But he’s the furthest from that, he’s every girls dream.

  Messy black hair? check

  Big muscular body? check

  Bad boy tattoos covering both arms? check

  Two deep blue eyes you could stare into all day? Check check

  Those beautiful eyes are currently glaring in my direction, I’ve never seen them hold so much hate, up until two years ago they only showed love when they were on me.

  “Let’s make him jealous shall we?” Brady grins spinning me so my back is to his chest, holding me close as we sway to the music. Now I’m turned around, all I can see is Reid, He looks ready to blow a gasket. I almost fold in half when I see a tanned arm go around his neck attached to a blond bimbo who lands on his lap, The girl kisses the hell out of his face while her tiny slutty skirt rides up to give everyone a preview of the barely there und
erwear she thankfully put on. When she comes up for air I recognise her as Tiffany Williams, the bane of my existence. Tiff has always been a grade A bitch, she was the most popular girl back in school, with her curves in all the right places and toxic personality. I look away, not wanting to see this happen all over again, I watched it happen that night with Stacy, and it broke me.

  When Brady goes rigid in my arms, I turn see what he’s looking at and it takes all I can muster not to smile. Sherri is on the dancefloor with Gavin James moving in on her.

  Uh oh… this isn’t going to end well.

  I can feel Brady taking in deep breaths, no doubt to try and calm himself down. I give his arm a squeeze to try and stop him from going over and beating his ass, trying my best to keep Gavin in one piece. When he grabs hold of Sherri and spins her round to dance, she laughs out loud as he whispers in her ear, Oh god I’m not going to be able to hold him off if Gav carries on. Brady is stock still watching it play out, clutching his fists so tight I feel his knuckles crack. Gavin is harmless and loves to flirt with everyone, he would never take advantage of Sherri’s drunken state though, so I know she’s safe.


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