Blood of the Fae (The Fae Chronicles Book 2)

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Blood of the Fae (The Fae Chronicles Book 2) Page 10

by Valia Lind

  "Why can't I eat anything? I've been eating faery food for weeks now."

  I know the rules for morals. If a mortal eats faery fruit, they won't want to leave. Ever. They'll be addicted and most of the times, they become slaves. But faery food doesn't effect me the same, or I would've felt it by now.

  "This is different."

  "How so?"

  "I can't really explain it. But there are a lot of very powerful fae present and they can do things...things that can have consequences. So be careful."

  I close my eyes briefly, taking a deep breath. This whole evening was making me nervous and now I'm extra nervous. I need to stay calm and in corneal.

  "I'll be watching over you," Derek says, before he pushes past me. I think he's gone, but then his voice reaches out to me. "I'll always be watching over you."

  So many thoughts rush over me at those whispered words. It doesn't feel like hastily spoken phrase. It feels like a promise.

  A promise a fae prince just made to me.

  The quiet of the night is shattered by my emotions and I wish there was a way I could go after him and tell him that I'll be watching over him as well. The connection I feel towards him intensifies anytime he's near me. He's become that to me and I have no idea what I will do with that information.

  But there's just me and the trees. He's gone.

  And I am left all alone.

  Chapter 16

  When Nora and I finally walk into the main hall, it is already filled with fae of every kind. Their clothes is much more elaborate than what I am wearing, but I don't feel out of place. Which is very surprising to me. Maybe I'm becoming accustomed to this life. Or maybe I'm still thinking about Derek's words and every little emotion they evoked.

  Stay alert.

  Stay alert.

  Stay alert.

  I have to repeat this to myself, because it's way too easy to get lost in a daydream. Now is not the time nor the place. The queen notices me right away, as she is seated at the other side of the room, in a raised platform. She motions me forward, and I walk across the floor to present myself in front of her throne. Derek is standing right over her right shoulder, and it's taking everything in me not to stare at him. A brief glance, but even that isn't missed by Queen Svetlana, so grins knowingly at me when I stop in front of the throne.

  "Welcome, Avery," she says, her voice carrying across the way and everyone seems to quiet down at once. "You are our honored guest this evening, so I want to start it off with an old tradition." I glance over at Nora, who has moved to stand with the crowd, but she can't help me now. "The first dance."

  With those words, the floor at my back clears, as the fae move out of the way and to the sides. I turn, confused as to what exactly is happening, when the queen stands.

  "The first dance is an old tradition that has not been part of our revels for a while. But tonight, on this special occasion, I would like to ask my son, Prince Derek, to lead our esteemed guest, Avery, into a waltz."

  My eyes fly up to meet Derek's immediately, and it's only because I've come to know him so well do I see the twinge of shock in his expression, before it shuts down. There is no choice here, no way for either of us to say no.

  "Go on," The queen urges, and that's when I realize what she's doing. There's a smug smile on her face, and it can mean one thing. She wants to embarrass me. What teenage girl actually knows how to waltz. Or dance in front of a crowd.

  Derek steps down from the platform, offering his arm to me and I have no choice but to take it. He leads me to the middle of the dance flow, sliding his hand down my arm and giving my fingers a quick squeeze.

  "Just do the best you can," He murmurs, just loud enough for me to hear, "And don't let them see you sweat."

  It's such a human thing to say that I almost smile. Instead, I steel my features, looking up at the prince. He guides one of my hands to his shoulder, while he takes the other into his own. When he steps forward, wrapping his hand around my waist, I forget to breathe. Our bodies brush, just barely, and I look up to find his intense gaze on mine.

  "Lead the way," I whisper, as the music starts.

  Derek takes another pause, and then he steps forward. My movements are automatic, as I trust his leading and fall into the rhythm. There's a bit of an audible hush over the crowd, as if they too expected me to stumble.

  But one thing the queen or the fae here don't know is that my father taught me how to waltz when I was just a little girl. And he continued to dance with me on many occasions. I can see now how it may have been a way to prepare me for this life, if the need ever arose. How those childhood rhymes carried the truth about Faery in them. How our dance lessons were a way to teach me not only self confidence, but a way to keep myself on the winning side if I ever ended up in court.

  When Derek spins me, I see Queen Svetlana's face for the briefest of moments. Her gaze is hard, because her plan clearly didn't work. I have no idea why she wants to see me fall in front of all these fae, but she does. Whatever her plan is, I one upped her and that's going to cost me. I know that for a fact.

  But right now, as Derek's hand around my waist pulls me even closer as we spin, I don't want to think about any of that. He moves like someone who is meant to do this with elegance and grace. But even though he's clearly much better at it than I, there is no hesitation in my movements. And I think it's simply because I am dancing with him.

  We have found our footing, together, and we glide across the floor as if we've been doing it all of our lives. His skin feels hot under my touch, his shoulders strong and sure under my fingertips. He holds me close, but with a gentleness that I have come to expect form him when it comes to me. Much like when he carried me across the forbidden forest, cradled in his arms.

  The whole court falls away as we spin and spin, and I think I can dance with him forever, if ever given the chance. It's a dangerous thought and one I shouldn't be having. But as I look into his eyes, I think, he might be thinking the exact same thing.

  We're a match in every way. Even in this small aspect, even though this dance doesn't feel all that small at all.

  It feels more significant than I'd like to admit and I'm not exactly sure what to do with that information.

  For now, I let Derek lead me as I hold onto him and forget every terrible thing that has happened to me since I got here.

  When the music finally fades, the court erupts in applause. Derek spins me out, so that I can take a bow, before walking me back over to the queen.

  "It seems you are full of surprises," She says, looking down at me. She's unhappy with me. I don't have to be a mindreader to know that. It would be a helpful trait right now, because I still have no idea what her intentions are.

  "You may go and mingle," the queen looks over at Nora, who hurries over to stand beside me. I incline my head at the queen, before I follow Nora to the edge of the room.

  "Avery, that was incredible. I didn't know you could dance!" Nora gushes as soon as we're out of the earshot of the queen. After that ordeal, I want to slump against the wall and eat some chicken nuggets or something, but I know I have to keep up with the appearances. So I give Nora a quick smile.

  "My father was big on educating me in many ways."

  "Well, if I ever get to meet him, I'd like to thank him for that myself. The look on her face—“

  "Nora," I lower my voice, because the last thing I want is for someone to overhear our conversation and get Nora in trouble. But I did give her a bit of a bump with my shoulder, which makes her grin.

  "Let's get you something to drink," she says, leading me to one of the tables set up at the edges of the room. Apparently, there will be no official dinner, as this is more of a celebration. Which apparently has me as the esteemed guest. But there is food piled on every table, enough to feed these fae, and then some, for days.

  I glance over my shoulder, almost involuntarily, my eyes find Derek. He's back to standing beside the queen, as she speaks with a man that has eaten too many donu
ts in his day. He's shaped like one of them. Which is not something I've ever thought I'd see in Faery. They have the most perfect complexion, so it looks out of sorts. Especially since his face is red and sweaty. I can see the gleam even from over here.

  "Who's that?" I ask, nodding at the man.

  "Oh, that's one of the human ambassadors. Queen Svetlana has quite a few, and they usually come to these sorts of things."

  "A human?" That makes sense then. It's why he seems so dull in color compared to the rest of the people here. I give the crowd another scan and I realize there are a few humans here. I'm not sure how I feel about that.

  "She has been in power for a long time, Avery. There's a reason for that."

  Of course. It's smart to make allies. Even if they're human ones. I wonder what the man does for a living in the human realm. He has to be someone high up. Maybe a politician. He looks like he could fit the part.

  "Beautiful dancing," Julian appears at my side, just as Nora pours me a cup of juice and hands it to me. The fountain that sits in the middle of this table is filled with a pinkish substance, which I assume is the faery nectar. It smells sweet and delicious.

  "I do have some tricks up my sleeve," I smile at Julian, before taking a sip.

  "There are no sleeves on your dress, but you do look great in it," he winks and I roll my eyes at his poor attempt at charm. Sometimes he really is a lost cause. And others, he's as smooth as butter.

  "Does that mean you get the next dance?" I ask, which is met by silence. I look up to see Nora and Julian exchange a glance. "What?"

  "You're technically not allowed to dance with anyone else. The queen must choose your partner each time."

  "Well, that seems strange," but then again, I'm at a revel in Faery while there's a magical war going on. Oh and I have wings. Everything is strange right now.

  "She told me to go mingle. What does that entail?" I ask, taking another sip.

  "Just make a circle, be seen," Julian replies, "And keep Nora near you at all times."

  Before I can question that any farther, someone calls his name and he's gone. I give the room a thorough study, amazed at just how many fae are here. I guess I should say individual bodies, since not only fae are present. But if I'm not actually supposed to talk to any of them? I think I can handle that just fine.

  "Let's walk," I say, and so Nora and I do.

  It's another hour before the queen calls me to her side. The noise levels have truly gone up in the room, the fae and humans alike having a little bit too much to drink. There's dancing and groping and a lot of laughter. Nora and I try to stay as much out of the way as possible, but there's really nowhere to go.

  When the queen summons me, I'm almost glad. Maybe I can finally know what all of this is about.

  "Derek, be a dear, and come stand beside Avery."

  The moment queen begins talking, every eye is turned to her.

  "Now, my fellow courtesans, I have the best news to share with you all," Derek comes to stand beside me, and shifts to be a bit closer at her words. I can feel the tension in him, just like it's in me. I have a feeling I'm not going to like whatever she has to say.

  "You are all aware of the awful assault our borders have received in the last year. Faery is holding strong, as we all know she will, but there are steps to be taken to see that she succeeds." She glances over at me, before continuing with a smile. "A great power has been given to us, a witch with the Ancient's tongue on her lips. And she is here to help us."

  She's spinning a story, trying to show her subjects her strength, without giving away too much information. I make my face clean of all emotion, as I watch her make her speech.

  "This great power needs a home and I am so pleased to announce that now, it will have one."

  The confusion that I feel at that is coupled with dread. And rightfully so. Because Queen Svetlana's next words shatter my world.

  "May I present to you Prince Derek and Princess Avery, for they are bound for marriage from here on to the end of times."

  Chapter 17

  There's a hush over the crowd, as if they're waiting for the queen to say she's joking. I'm waiting for her to say that she's joking. Whatever I expected, it wasn't this. It was never this.

  Don't panic.

  Don't panic.

  Don't panic.

  I learned about fae betrothals briefly when I was with Hannah. It was in one of the history books. Once an announcement is made it cannot be unmade. But an announcement by the queen herself? It carries extra weight.

  Keeping my expression as neutral as possible, I glance up at Derek. His completely still, not even his eyes are blinking. What I wouldn't give to know whats going on in that head of his. It's taking all of my self control not to panic. Not to visibly freak out.

  I have to stay calm.

  I have to stay calm.

  I have to stay calm.

  I'm about to be yelling at at myself non-stop. What is happening?

  When the applause erupt this time, I visibly jump, making queen's smile broader. She lets the claps die down, and I know she's relishing in this. No one in this court is happy about this. I can see that by their stares. If the power she's talking about is truly present in me, she just announced to the whole court that she will have control over it.

  Because just like she can control Derek with her magic, if Derek and I are married, she get's control of mine.

  Don't cry.

  Don't cry.

  Don't cry.

  Angry tears. Sad tears. It doesn't matter. I want to scream. I want to sent this whole place on fire. I want to drown Queen Svetlana in one of those faery fountains she loves so much. The panic is turning to rage and I can feel my magic building. My hand is tingling, as if it's ready to set the fire and water at the court.

  I feel a slight pressure on my hand and then Derek's fingers wrap around it. He gives me a gentle squeeze and it's the only outward reaction to what the queen just announced. I hold onto his hand, like it's my lifeline. There's no way he knew about this. No way.

  "Let us celebrate!" Queen Svetlana's voice booms out across the crowd, and then the music starts playing again, and her guest have no choice but to act joyous. Everything is falling apart and I can't seem to find the will to move.

  The queen steps down from the podium, coming to stand in front of us.

  "Do you like my surprise, Avery?" She asks, grinning. There's so much smugness in that motion, I would like nothing more than to wipe it off with my fist. Derek gives me another squeeze, as if he can tell what I'm thinking.

  "You really think Derek and I will be married?" I ask, even though I know the answer. I'm really hoping I remember the information wrong. But of course, that's not the case.

  "You will be. Sooner rather than later. We need to get that power of yours under control and then we need to do some good with it."

  "You won't get away with this," I reply, shaking my head. There is no way I will succumb to her control. There is something that I can do and I will figure it out. I promise right here and right now.

  "Oh, but I will. You should have been smarter, Avery. I have been around a long time. I know all the tricks in the book."

  Except she doesn't. Because no matter how powerful she is, she can't read the ancient books and that's why she needs me. That thought will fuel whatever I have to do to get out of it. And I won't fail.

  The blast that comes is unexpected, and louder than anything I've ever heard before. One moment, there's laughter and shouting in glee, the next, bodies are flying through the air.

  I'm thrown backwards, losing my grip on Derek, as I slam against the wall. Falling forward, I land on my stomach, stunned. Shaking my head, I try to get my bearings but everything is in chaos. Fae are screaming, there's debris all over the place, and more is falling from the holes blown in the walls.

  I get to my feet, pushing the hair out of my face as I search for Derek and Nora, who were the closest to me. The queen is in front of me, and a sudden
urge to end her rises in me. My hand lights up with a fireball, and she seems me a moment before I throw it at her. It catcher her on her shoulder, and she screams, her face full of rage.

  Another fireball forms in my hand but before I can throw it, her guards are there, pulling her to safety. Angry at my missed chance, I snuff out the flame as I look for the others.

  I fine Nora first. She's to my right, covered by another body, blood everywhere.

  "Nora!" I shout, falling to my knees beside her, afraid of what I'll find. But then she grunts, and I push the body off her, as I reach to help her up. "Are you hurt?"

  "No," she shakes her head, running her hands over her body. "What was that?"

  "I think that was a bomb."

  I glance up at the voice, and the relief I feel is almost tangible. Derek pulls me and then Nora to our feet, giving us a quick once-over. His jacket is gone and his shirt is bloodied, but he also seems to be in one piece.

  "Have you seen Julian?" I ask, trying to see past the dust settling over the room. I have to shout to be heard over the screams, and then another blast comes, sending us off our feet.

  "We need to get out," Derek says, grabbing my hand and dragging me behind him.

  "Not without Julian!"

  He stops and groans at me, but I'm not about to leave without our friend. Glancing back at the chaos, I try to see if he's anywhere in sight. But there's too much smoke and dust, and too many bodies.

  "Avery, we have to go," Nora urges, right as a group of soldiers I've never seen before rushes into the room through the blown out walls. "We'll find him. But we can't help him if you're caught."

  I glance at her, as this all makes sense. They're here for me. The queen paraded me around the court for weeks and then tonight, providing them a perfect opportunity to come for me.

  "Come on!" Nora rushes to the back, and I let Derek pull me with him, just as the screams become too much to handle.


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