Something (Full Murderhobo Book 1)

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Something (Full Murderhobo Book 1) Page 26

by Dakota Krout

  “All of these are things that I refuse to share.” Andre shook his head gravely, “I can tell you that I use abilities, not powers, yet I cannot tell you what they are. I found that if I give away this information lightly, others will know my weaknesses. I am much safer in our Kingdom than I was in The Grove, but there are still limits to what I'm willing to share.”

  “Because it has been decades for all of us? Because we don't know each other anymore?” Taylor spoke in an even tone, assessing what he was telling her and looking for flaws in the story.

  “Admittedly, that thought has crossed my mind,” Andre told the others, and Luke nodded at the words.

  “I am glad. Trust is never given. Good to know that I am not abnormal.” Luke didn’t see that the others winced when he made that comment.

  “At least you’ll be useful in reclaiming the pass,” Zed told Andre after considering for a few moments. “Make a few trees slam things to death; abyss, make them walk and control them like golems! Them we can ride in style and-”

  “Oh, right. I also can’t intentionally kill any sentient creature,” Andre rattled off the restriction, and Zed almost exploded.

  “You can’t kill?” He waved an angry hand at Luke, “He has a gear fetish, and you can’t kill? What’s wrong with you, Taylor? Are you a bed-wetter?”

  Surprisingly, that made Taylor's previously always ridgid face turn beet-red. A blast of force took Zed off his feet and tossed him into the underbrush. “Mind your tongue! Even if we are party members for a short time, remember that I am the next Archmage-apparent! Keep your filthy words to yourself!”

  “That was… out of character. Touch a nerve, did I?” Zed slowly got to his feet, blood dripping from a cut across his forehead… and tears slowly seeping from his eyes. He then silently rejoined the group and walked along without speaking or tending to his wound.

  Taylor took the opportunity to offer the information that she was willing to part with, “I am a subclass of Mage called a ‘Namer’. I have reached level seven, and have reached the highest levels with my Senses. My Physical Reactions and Mental Energy are nearly equivalent in power. I use spells to take down my enemies from a distance, and I have no such restrictions on killing. I simply cannot use disease-style spells."

  “Is that a restriction of your class?” Andre hesitantly asked; he was uncertain what had made her attack Zed, and he did not want to come in contact with her wrath.

  “A small one, based only on the specific components that I use,” Taylor explained matter-of-factly, turning her eyes to the horizon.

  “I have reached level nine.” Luke instantly had the attention of everyone around him, and their expressions were full of shock and doubt.

  “Did you not devote any of your gathered Potentia into your… powers?” Andre put forward the question they were all wondering about.

  “I did.” Luke's face twisted, and he snarled at his resurfacing memories. “I was trapped in a small area for decades, and got to the point where I had killed so many of the same thing, so many times, that I simply got no Potentia for years at a time. Though, I did train in such a mana-rich environment that my sub-characteristics have all increased fairly massively. I believe that I terrified the Enchanter who tested me. That was before I kicked him through the wall for trying to fry my brain. In terms of what I specialized in? I suppose my Fitness? It just reached over forty points.”

  “Celestial Feces.” Zed whispered so softly that it was only heard because he was surrounded by Ascenders.

  “My power? I suppose you mean my skills. I don't have many, but my most powerful one is based on having access to armor and weapons.” Luke unfurled the tents that he had been carrying everything in for a full day, giving it a shake to show that it was now empty. He simply dropped the tent on the ground and continued walking after that. “I am able to absorb them, then use them with my mana instead of having to wear them. However, the more I have, the more damage I can deal and receive.”

  “Let me be clear; if we get anything that I can use, I will be taking it.” Luke's words were a threat, not a simple assertion. “I have my own goal, and I will not let anyone or anything stand in the way of it. The only reason I am not back in Murder World right now is that Don cut me off!”

  They continued walking through the forest quietly after Luke’s outburst, and Zed finally allowed his boredom to overcome his grumpiness. “Hello everyone, I am a True Bard, and I was able to reach level four in the last two and a half years. Not all of us were able to go to some luxurious alternate dimension to train, and my training has consisted of moving between populated areas to tell stories, as well as spreading inane propaganda on behalf of the Hollow Kingdom.”

  There was no comment, so Zed kept speaking. “I use what are called ‘Masteries’, and they are based on controlling, subverting, and bending others to my will. What I mean is, bending others to the will of the Kingdom. Guess what? I can't use masteries on other Ascenders that are part of the Kingdom! I also can't use them on regular civilians, unless ordered by the Kingdom! Do you have any idea how difficult it was to gain the number of levels that I did?”

  “My master nailed me to a tree to teach me how to give it nutrients so that I could eat one apple a day for about three months,” Andre blithely stated.

  Taylor joined in on the gripe session, “Archmage Don threw me off a cliff and made me survive in an area populated by tier five and higher spellforms for the last few years.”

  “I spent forty years alone, with a majority of that devoted to killing goats, eating hallucinogenic berries, and losing the love of my life.” Luke’s words made the others look at him questioningly. “She isn't dead, I simply have to progress further in Murder World to get her back.”

  “I thought you were alone there?” Zed’s question got him a glare in return. “Right, a subject not to bring up. Two of those in a single conversation, lovely. Well, I clearly specialize in the sub-characteristic ‘Charisma’. I'm hoping that our time together will get us great stories, so that I can start gaining Potentia and levels again in the near future.”

  “How about you, Zed?” Andre thumped the thin Bard on the back. “Any restrictions on killing?”

  Zed shrugged at the question. “Just can't kill people that are citizens of the Kingdom. Not without orders at least.”

  “Same as the rest of us,” Taylor chimed in with a grin.

  “I could.” Luke’s words stopped the conversation cold. “Wouldn't even make me blink.”

  “Bandits don’t count.” Andre tried to move the conversation along, letting out a nervous laugh.

  “Bandits?” Luke thought for a moment, shrugged, and kept walking.

  Chapter Forty

  Their journey was not a short one, since they were walking at a fairly normal pace to allow Zed to stay with them. Most of them were used to solitude and silence, and only Zed was used to having regular conversations. Yet, roughly a week had passed since their awkward attempt at reintroducing themselves, and Luke was becoming more and more twitchy. Eventually, it got to the point that Zed, who had been dying for conversation and kept getting shut down, couldn’t handle it anymore. He turned on Luke, and exploded, “What? For Celestial’s sake, what?”

  “Do you not see that the forest around us has been reaching out toward us the whole time we've been walking? Now that the trees are getting closer together, I'm not sure how much further we will be able to go before we get attacked. I am debating whether I should destroy them before they can ambush us.” Luke’s words were calm, but he radiated a killing intent that almost made his teammates step away from him. “One moment; I need to make sure my weapons and armor are ready.”

  “Weapons and armor? You’re barely clothed with the canvas pants and shirt we forced you to wear. What weapons and armor? You keep eating them.” Zed looked scornfully at the ragged garments that Luke was wearing only because they insisted that he not walk around naked.

  “Skill check, Fully Geared. No. Walking Arsena
l. Gotta get used to that. Old habits.” Luke ignored Zed and scanned the status screen that popped up.


  Head: Simple Metal Helm (Crafted). Effect: +7% of overall health is added as armor. Head is considered armored when attacked. Strength: Slashing/piercing attack reduction (40%). Weakness: Blunt force, lightning elemental damage reduction (-1%).

  Shoulders: Simple Metal Pauldron (Crafted). Effect: +3% of overall health is added as armor. Shoulders are considered armored when attacked. Strength: Blunt force attack reduction (10%). Weakness: Lightning elemental damage reduction (-8%).

  Gauntlet: Metal Gauntlet (Stone Ape). Effect: +10% of overall health is added as armor. Hands are considered armored when attacked. Strength: Slashing/piercing attack reduction (80%). Weakness: Blunt force, magical, elemental damage reduction (2%).

  Torso: Simple Metal Cuirass (Crafted). Effect: +5% of overall health is added as armor. Torso is considered armored when attacked. Strength: Slashing/blunt attack reduction (60%). Weakness: Lightning elemental damage reduction (-10%).

  Legs: Simple Metal Greaves (Crafted). Effect: +4% of overall health is added as armor. Legs are considered armored when attacked. Strength: Slashing/piercing attack reduction (30%). Weakness: Lightning elemental damage reduction (-9%).

  Feet: Ornate Leather Boots (Crafted). Effect: +1% of overall health is added as armor. Feet are considered armored when attacked.Strength: Slashing/piercing attack reduction (10%). Weakness: Blunt force attack reduction (-9%).

  Right Hand: Battering Ram Knuckles. Effect: +5% physical damage (Blunt). Right hand treated as a weapon when attacking.

  Left Hand: Simple Steel Sword. Effect: +3% physical damage (Slashing/Piercing). Attack range increased by 1 meter. Left hand treated as a weapon when attacking.

  “I doubt that those trees are going to be able to throw around lightning bolts… I can take them.” Luke muttered to himself, a bad habit that he had gotten into after being alone for so long. “Death to trees!”

  “Please don't attack the trees,” Andres’ serene voice sounded out, the first time that he had spoken in several days. Still, his plea was too late. Luke had attacked with his left hand, shattering the trunk of a tree and leaving a deep hole that radiated cracks in a large boulder that was right behind it.

  “They’re attacking us!” Luke insisted as the tree fell over with a crashing groan. He inspected his left hand and the boulder, pleased with his increased attack range from the absorbed sword. “On the plus side, there is no rush. We can get to them; they can't get to us unless we get close! I can attack at a distance now!”

  “Is an extra arm length considered ‘at range’?” Zed idly mused.

  Andre watched the tree fall over helplessly, feeling a twinge of pain as it did so. “Luke, I am binding the trees as we walk. They're not reaching out to attack us, they are accepting the bond that I am offering. I'm using the opportunity of walking along our border to start taking control of the flora of the kingdom. Eventually I will make everything in the Kingdom work together in harmony, and the accumulated Potentia and mana generated by this harmonious air will work to improve the lives of our citizens. This will extend to everything from becoming Ascenders, to simple improved fertility, and healthier children. So again, please stop attacking the trees.”

  “Does that have something to do with the reason why you are bleeding?” Luke stepped closer to Andre; whose eyes widened in surprise and filled with caution.

  “How did you know that?”

  “You smell like blood, and no matter how much time has been passing, it always smells fresh. Does that have something to do with your abilities?” Luke sniffed at the air again, then his eyes wandered to the palm of Andre’s left hand.

  “It does; that is as much information as I would like to share.” Andre hid his bleeding hand from view, pulling his hands into the extra-wide sleeves of his green robes.

  “I had wondered what Druids did. Makes more sense now when I hear it laid out like that.” Zed offered easily. “They bleed on things and make them grow.”

  “That is not what Druids do. Luke, leave the trees alone.” Andre’s voice was firm, and this time, more demanding than polite.

  Luke looked at the trees one more time, then glared at the Druid. “This wouldn't be the first time I've been attacked by trees. If you are wrong about them, don't come crying to me!”

  “Trees attacked you? Trees?” Andre stopped walking, an idea starting to form in his head.

  “Fine. It was bushes. They were poisonous.”

  “That’s different, and you know it. Look.” Andre pulled a hand from his sleeve and started moving it side-to-side. As he did so, all of the plant life as far as the eye can see followed along with the motion of his hand perfectly. Luke started glowing blue as he devoted mana to his armor. “That's pretty. I am waiting for it to all go out of your control and need to be destroyed. My expectation is clear.”

  “Literally can't happen. Not only are they bound to me, they are bound to me willingly.” Andre sighed as Luke shook his head.

  “If they are bound to you willingly, they could leave your control willingly. Don't worry. I’ll keep an eye on them.” Luke lapsed into silence, and the group continued walking. Over the next day, the forest around them began to thin, shifting into grasslands and prairie.

  “We are getting close to the pass. If you have high enough senses, you can see the mountains in the distance. The area that we need to reclaim is in there.” Taylor pointed out, directing her comrades. “Prepare yourselves; the rest of the trip should take a day at most.”

  Zed didn't see anything, so he simply shrugged and continued walking. “If you say so, then all right. Another question: if this pass is so important, why has the Kingdom not worked to get it back? Why are we going there?”

  “Did you all notice that the grass is moving?” Luke looked around in concern.

  “That's me,” Andre told him with a long-suffering sigh. “I have my work cut out for me; grass takes a lot of time. Don’t worry. Again, it is going to be under my control.”

  “Good to know. I'll keep an eye on it.”

  Taylor spoke up before another argument could break out, “The pass is so far away from population centers that it doesn't make sense to go and spend a huge amount of resources capturing it. Normally it would be a trade route, or a military asset if we were in an all-out war, but the current border skirmish has not gotten to that point. Since only merchants are heavily affected by the loss, it has never made sense to send an army. I think that the only reason they sent us is that all of the scouts that have been going there in recent months have not been returning.”

  “Question for you! Why do you know all of this, and we do not? If anything, my Bardic Knowledge should be what is telling us what we need to know,” Zed challenged her. “I read the same report that you did, so I should have the same information that you do. But, you seem to keep pulling facts out of nowhere.”

  Taylor was sick of being questioned over and over by Zed, so she finally gave him a complete answer. “My training was not merely upon how to gain my power. It was over all aspects of the Kingdom; its management, its logistics, everything that I needed to know in order to make decisions as the Archmage. With the time dilation, I was allowed to study as much as I wanted, and nothing ever went out of date due to waiting too long to read the reports. I will just know more than you. It is to be expected. Also, Zed, I don’t know if I like you very much.”

  “The feeling is mutual. You are a willing pet of the Kingdom, and I know that you saw what happened when my abilities were revealed.” Zed’s reply was instant; it seemed that he had been bottling the rant up for a while. “I am bound to do what I am told, and there is no end in sight for me. You simply need to get strong enough - quickly enough – for the end to be in sight. For me? The only way for me to do that is to be among people, lots of people, for a long period of time. My handlers seem to hate Bards, and thus refused to give me what I need to advance. Now I'm
with all of you, in the wilderness, once more away from people.”

  “You wanted to come with us,” Andre pointed out evenly.

  “It was go with you, or continue being forced to keep my mouth closed as I wandered in the Kingdom. Do you know that is the only way to keep me from gaining Potentia? Not allowing me to speak or catch attention from other people?”

  Luke looked over at him, “Do you gain extra Potentia from complaining? If so, you should be level five already.”

  Taylor and Andre let out soft chuckles, and wry grins appeared on their faces. Even Zed had to hang his head for a moment to compose himself. “All right, fair enough. I'll try to chill a little; I know that my situation isn’t your fault. In fact, without you, I would be in a much worse situation… however, I do have some demands.”

  “Bo~o~o.” Andre called out. “Why are you in a position to make demands?”

  “Because I have trained my voice; I can literally complain for a week straight. I have enough Fitness that I don't need sleep for that amount of time. Your call!” Zed waited for a long moment, then smiled. “I thought so. Here it is: all I need is time in every city that we pass to tell the people in the area about our adventures. That is the only way I will be able to benefit from working with you in terms of empowering myself. If we do that, I promise I will be the best companion you have ever had in your travels.”

  “Deal,” Taylor told them.

  “Done,” affirmed Andre.

  “Don’t care.” Luke leveled a lingering look, “You don’t get Potentia from fighting?”

  “You only get it when you participate in combat, and the things you’ll fight would kill me in an instant. Not like you can keep a beast off me long enough for me to hit it and get out of the way.” Zed perked up happily after Luke nodded in understanding. Knowing that he had finally gotten a win - after several years of training under people who clearly hated him - brought his mood up instantly. “Now that we are actually a party working together, let me show you some of my Masteries!”


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