Last Chance Diner

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Last Chance Diner Page 5

by Rowan Thalia

  Ranger stares at me through the windshield as I open my door and enter the hotel room. I sneak one last look at him, blow a kiss, then close my door and lean against it. My body sinks into the wood like I'm made of jelly. Outside, the truck engine roars to life, and it rolls away before I let out the breath I was holding. I want him so bad it hurts. I hope he figures his end out before my wolf forces me to cave.

  Four days later...

  There's a knock on my door. I peek out of my covers, wondering who on Earth would be here. The rap is soft but persistent. I groan and begin unrolling myself from my blanket cocoon.

  'Can't be Ranger - his ass would be banging the door down and hollering,' I muse as I roll out of bed and pad over.

  "Ty!" I open the door and wave him inside. "What's up?"

  He runs a hand through his brown curls, standing awkwardly near the TV. His face is flushed, and I almost ask why, but I realize I'm a little exposed in just a sleep Tee and undies. We're wolves, and nudity is part of who we are, so I didn't think when I let him inside. Ty's adorable in his shyness.

  "Uh, I came to ask if…. Ahem. Ranger said I should offer you the extra room in my cabin?" He paces toward the door, his back to me.

  "Do you need me to put pants on so you can look at me?" I tease. He nods.

  Amused, I dig in my bag for some sweatpants and draw them over my long legs. When I'm done, I sneak up on Ty and tap his shoulder. He turns his head, a crooked grin stretching across his face. Why is this man so cute?

  "So? What do you think?" He leans against the dresser.

  "About living with you? Is this okay with you? I don't want to intrude," I look down and run my toes through the weird shag carpet leftover from the 70s. I have to admit, I got excited when Ty asked, I just hope he's serious. The hotel is okay, but it smells weird, and at night it gives me the heebie-jeebies. Money is starting to get tight too, I had to buy some sensible shoes for work and essentials like makeup and body care products. Living with Ty would be a relief, I tried renting an apartment, but I'm scared to have my social security looked up and give away my location to Thane.

  "It's more than okay. I'd love to have you," Ty blushes, and I can't help but read between the lines of that statement. I'm still sorting through how that makes me feel when he clears his throat.

  "Our property is protected, and you won't have to pay rent. It's the least the Not-a-Pack can do for you now that you are one of us. We can work on getting you a cabin soon, I would think."

  "Thank you, Ty. I'd be grateful to stay with you for now."

  'Great. Let me help you gather your stuff!"

  "Right now?" My voice catches.

  "No time like the present," he walks out the door, leaving it open. I cross the room to shut it but stand there with my mouth gaping when he comes back in with Lewis and two large boxes. These wolves get a job and go to it with gusto, I'm starting to realize. Caving, I grab one of the boxes and enter the bathroom to gather my stuff.

  "Can we just grab what we see?" Ty peeks in.

  "Yeah, I don't have much. Just throw it in there."

  "Gotcha!" His voice echoes from the other room.

  "Let us do all of this," Lewis peeks in the room. His tongue darts over his bottom lip, and I clench the counter to stop myself from moving closer to him. What the hell is wrong with me? Maybe not sealing this mate bond is making me oversexed?

  "You don't have to cater to me, Lewis," I stare at our reflections in the mirror.

  "We all know that," he takes the box from my hands and starts carefully placing all my toiletries inside. "Our group was ragtag, and a bit lost before you came. We like you. All of us do," he shrugs as he moves toward the sink.

  All kinds of thoughts bounce around in my head as he bends into the bathtub behind me. Most of them are pushed aside when I catch a glimpse of his fine ass in the mirror and almost shatter. Yep, I am undersexed right now. Goddess, I need a good fucking.

  Lewis clears his throat, stands up with the full box and grins. Goodness, I hope I wasn't projecting my thoughts. As an Alpha, it's easy to broadcast to lower-ranking wolves, but my pack considered mind-link with anathema. I was trained early to keep everything bottled up.

  "Do you need a minute to change or anything?" He cocks his head to the side.

  "No, I'm sure everything I own is packed already. Let's just get out of here," I smile.

  Two weeks later….

  On a typical day, there's nothing anyone can do to make me get out of bed early. But today we're having pancakes for breakfast, and maybe even sausage if my wolf senses are right. Stretching, I tumble off the side of the bed and slink into the bathroom to pee.

  "Faith? Are you up?" Ty's voice echoes through the short hall.

  "Yep, be right there!" I call back as I finish up.

  It took us a few days to get comfortable with each other, but after a week of living together, Ty and I have a routine. One of us cooks, and the other cleans up. I like Ty, he may never be my mate, but he's funny. It's nice not to have to fork over all my money to the hotel, plus I get to live in a place that smells like wolves instead of people. I call this winning.

  "Ty, you're the best," I entered the kitchen and began taking out the plates while he finishes at the stove.

  "Nah, I'm not. But thank you. I made you some tea," Ty shrugs and points to a mug on the counter.

  Being Ty's roommate just keeps getting better and better. He introduced me to black tea with cream in the mornings, and I swear I'll never go back! Standing beside Ty, I take a deep drink and nudge his hip with mine. A deep rumble vibrates his body, but he keeps flipping the pancake he's got on his spatula. Not for the first time this week, I wish he was my True-mate instead of Ranger.

  "So, what are you going to do on your day off?" I ask as I set the small breakfast table.

  "Brandon and I are going on a supply run, and we'll probably let our wolves out in the Redwoods before we come home tomorrow," he peeks at me over his shoulder.

  I like the way he subtly told me he's not coming home tonight, it's cute. "That sounds fun. You still owe me a hike in the Redwoods and a boat ride," I tease.

  "I do! I promise the next day or night we both have off we'll do one of those, though Ranger is trying his damndest to make sure there are none," he states grimly.

  My heart clenches. I want Ty. Ranger be damned. Living here has allowed me to see how truly amazing this wolf is on the inside. "Ty. I'm only going to say this once. I don't want you to say yes because I'm an Alpha, and you feel like you have to defer to me, am I clear?"

  I wait for his nod then take a deep breath. "Come to my bed, I want you."

  "You realize if this was a real pack, he'd kick my ass - maybe even kill me for having you, right?"

  "But this is the Not-a-Pack, Ty. Ranger doesn't own me, or you for that matter. He's an Alpha by rank, but not our Alpha. He's the one refusing to take on the role of leader," I shrug, but my stomach drops as the words fall from my mouth.

  'He is OUR Alpha,' my wolf growls.

  'Maybe,' I shut her down.

  The thing about being on the outs with your wolf is, she can be a total downer. She's been fucking with my senses and sanity. Bitch even kept me out all night running two nights ago until we could barely walk the next day. I was only able to shift back because she was exhausted. I need her to be on my side, but she's super pissy about not mating Ranger.

  I'm so busy being salty at my bitch, I don't realize Ty has moved toward me until his nose touches mine. My wolf bristles, but I shove her down and lift my chin toward Ty. Our lips meet in a breath, and my skin breaks out in goosebumps. The moan that vibrates his chest when I dip my tongue into his mouth floods my senses, and I almost rip his clothes off in the kitchen. Instead, I pull it together long enough to grab his hand and tug him into my room.

  My wolf is still present enough that I can scent Ty's arousal. My body aches, I want him so bad. When I reach the bed, I turn and push Ty into a seated position. His hair is a mass of w
aves that cascade over his eyes, and his mouth is slack. My heart beats against my ribs so hard I think they might crack. Cupping his jaw, I drink in the dazed look in his eyes before fusing my lips with his once more.

  "Faith? What if …"

  "Shh, don't, Ty. Don't let anything ruin this, please. I need you."

  His lips purse, but his hands lace behind my back, and he draws my body over his lap. Through his sexy as fuck grey sweatpants, I can see and feel how rock hard he is, and excitement fills my veins. Rocking my hips against the evidence of his arousal, I nip at his lip. I make quick work of pulling his shirt up so that I can trace the lines of his abs.

  "You're gonna kill me," he sighs, leaning his head back.

  "Maybe," I growl, ripping his shirt over his head and dipping my mouth to his pert nipple.

  "Goddess," he hisses, fingering my hair until he has a hold and then pulling lightly at the nape.

  Heat floods my thighs, and I can't hold back any longer. I wanted to draw this first time out, but I'm too aroused to keep this slow pace. My fingers tremble as I grab the waistband of Ty's pants and jerk them down. His dick springs out like a jack-in-the-box, and I scramble off his lap to seal my lips over the tip. His grip tightens in my hair, and his breath quickens. I take my time, exploring the soft skin of his shaft with my tongue and tracing the rim. A pearl of precum oozes out, and I lap it up with greed.

  "I want you in me now, Ty," I husk as I rise back to my feet and begin shedding my clothing like a madwoman.

  His face is flush, and he hurriedly pulls his pants the rest of the way off before scooting back on the bed. As soon as I'm naked, I crawl over him and waste no time settling myself atop his cock. His head teases my opening and I tilt my hips, aching inside. Patience is not a virtue I intend to adhere to. With one hand, I brace myself beside Ty's shoulder, and the other I help center his cock and settle myself over him to the hilt.

  "Fuck!' He grunts, his hips rising off the bed. The way he bites his bottom lip is pure fucking gold. I wish I had a camera. I'll have to settle for memorizing his expression. This man is more beautiful than words can describe. The lines of his lean body are highlighted by the rays of light peeking through the blinds. I'm in heaven.

  "You are so sexy, Ty," I hum as I rock my hips.

  Our bodies glide along one another, and deep knots of expectation curl inside of my gut. My head feels light and sweat breaks out along my spine. Leaning forward, I grip Ty's collarbone with my teeth and ride him hard. He hisses, his hands lower to my ass and gripping tight. The pressure within me builds until I feel as if I might combust. I'm close to the edge.

  "Faith, you feel so good," Ty mumbles.

  I growl in response, pushing out my Alpha powers and allowing myself to release. My teeth mark Ty the way a male mate would, and I scream into his skin as a wave of pleasure crashes over me. Ty's body bucks beneath mine, and he joins me with his own orgasm. Not allowing him to rest, I lift my head and claim his mouth as I hump him until I come again, my body trembling. The look on his face while I ride him is pure bliss. Spent, I collapse against his neck and wiggle my hips as his erection finally fades, and he slides out.

  "That … was…" he whispers into my hair.

  "I know," I nuzzle into his neck and lick the marks I created on his shoulder. A hint of pride rolls through my soul as I graze the tender skin. He's mine. Ty trembles beneath me. I lift my head cocked to the side in question.

  "I'm dead meat," he turns away from me, a tear rolling down his face.

  "No, you're not. I'm an Alpha. I will take the heat if Ranger takes this as an affront.

  "But you released me from your authority, I made this choice freely. Ranger will not take this lightly."

  "Ty. I will handle it," I grab his cheeks and force him to look at me. "You say nothing to Ranger, am I clear?" This time I am a bitch, and I do use my Alpha power.

  "Yes, ma'am."

  We cuddle for the next hour quietly. I take comfort in counting Ty's breaths and touching his body. It takes him a minute to relax, but the anxiety of Ranger melts away for now. I feel different in some way, but I can't quite explain it. My wolf has shut me out, judgy bitch that she is.

  "Should we go eat?" I ask as Ty's stomach rumbles.

  "Please!" He grins.

  We scramble out of bed. Ty makes his way to the kitchen, and I opt for a quick shower since I have work soon. After a quick rinse, I enter the kitchen to see Ty in an apron, flipping more pancakes. He is so amazing. I sit and smile as a new cup of tea is already waiting for me.

  "One or two?" Ty holds the plate of pancakes over mine.

  'Two, please," I smile.

  Once the scrumptious circles land on my dish, I grab the butter and syrup and go to town. The plate of sausage looks inviting too, so I stab a couple of links and add them to the massive puddle of sugary goodness. I love breakfast! The first bite is pure heaven, and I almost drop to the floor. Ty chuckles as I grip the table and let out a moan.

  "I thought your bedroom sounds were good, I need to up my game," he jokes.

  "Oh, Ty, your game is perfect," I laugh easily as I stab another pile with my fork.

  I'm glad his nervousness is gone. I love the easy way Ty and I are with each other. There’re no expectations, no rules, and he's fun. Things have changed since I arrived. I've marked him as my own, and I intend to keep him if I can. If only my future were in my own hands. There's been a couple of rumblings in the broader shifter community, the Gulf Pack is still looking for me, and I'm terrified that they'll find me soon. I try not to let the thought of Thane hunting me direct my life, but it's almost impossible to rid the tingle of fear in the back of my mind. It's always there, sewing itself to my side painfully.

  "Whatcha thinking?" Ty holds his fork just below his chin.

  "Huh? Oh .... I'm worried my pack will find me. I don't want to mix you guys up in that, but I have nowhere else to go," I stare out the window trying to hide the sheen of tears in my eyes.

  "Don't worry, we're not considered a pack and aren't registered with the Council. So, it's unlikely they will even think to come here," Ty pats my hand.

  "I hope not," I sigh and look up.

  Eight Days later …

  My legs are tucked under my chair in the kitchen as I drink my morning tea. The clock on the wall catches my attention, and I sputter. I must have lost track of time. I’m going to be late for work! I stuff the rest of the food in my mouth, slide my dish into the sink, and chug my tea.

  “I’ll clean up when I get back!” I screech as I dart for my room.

  “No worries, I’ll get them this time,” Ty calls behind me.

  My face dissolves into a smile while I pull on one of my uniforms. Ty ordered a few more so that I don’t have to wash the same one all the time. The stiff blue fabric is excellent at handling the greasy environment, but it’s not the most comfortable thing in the world. Moments like this make me miss home until I remember I’d probably be getting raped daily by now. I don’t know how they haven’t found me yet, but I’m glad I found this haven. I like it here, and I like Ty. He’s so snuggly and soft. He submits to me as his Alpha, and that is fucking hotter than Hades. I’ve never felt control over anything until I made the decision to come here. And now, for the first time - my life belongs to me.

  Speaking of Alphas ... “Shit, Ranger’s coming back today,” I stare at myself in the mirror.

  He took off after he dropped me off at my hotel room the night, I had my first dinner with the guys. Ty says he received a coded text, he thinks Ranger went to intercept some of my pack, which makes me nervous. Him being gone has had its positive and negative side effects. It’s been… less stressful without the Alpha brooding around, but the guys have also been on edge without him. It's easy to see how they all lean on each other, especially with Ranger being gone. Laughing, I shake my head at the fact that they’re still convinced they’re Not-a-Pack.

  Ready as I can be to face the music, I exit the cabin and hop into Ty�
�s truck. He revs the engine, and we take off down the winding driveway to the bottom of the hill. Enjoying the last minutes before work, I rub his thigh and lean my head on his shoulder. He hums with approval as we inch toward the diner.

  At the crunch of the gravel in the parking lot, I raise my head and scoot to my side. Ty and I exchange a look, and I hop out of the car, we both know that our relationship has to stay a secret.

  “Hey, Erica,” I perk when I walk through the doorway to see her smiling face at the counter.

  “Hey ya, Kiddo! You’ve arrived at a perfect time! Giancarlo just called in to warn us that his entire crew of loggers is coming down for lunch today. To make it easy, they’re all ordering the same thing, but we need to get crackin!”

  “Well, butter my biscuits! What do you need me to do?” I smile and move to the other side of the counter.

  Erica bites her lip with laughter. “Faith, I sure am glad you found us. Just start getting the sodas ready, will you?”

  I nod, run my hands down my apron, and head toward the back to grab a case of glasses. The kitchen door swings inward with a fwap, and I hum as I travel through the aisle of shelving toward the sinks. Ranger’s cologne lingers in the air, I take a sniff and look to the side. He’s crouched down, clipboard in hand, counting stock.

  “Hey, Petit Louve,” he drawls as I turn in the other direction.

  “Hey, Ranger,” I call over my shoulder. “How was your trip?”

  My armpits are damp, just knowing he’s in sniffing range of me. Wolves have a superior sense of smell, and Ranger is my True-mate. By instinct alone, he won’t be able to stop himself from scenting my body, so here’s the moment of truth. Why am I so worried about what he thinks?

  ‘Yes, Faith, I can smell Ty on you,’ he grouses through our link, predictable ass. If I were a bird, let’s just say my feathers would be ruffled.

  ‘I live with Ty of course I smell like him,’ I scoff.


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