Last Chance Diner

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Last Chance Diner Page 8

by Rowan Thalia

  "This place is amazing," I drawl.

  "Wait until you get your paws on the ground," Lewis cocks his head to the side.

  We turn off the main interstate and follow a twisting, highway that's nestled underneath the boughs of the tall Redwoods that dominate both sides of the road. Even though it's just past noon, there's hardly any light filtering through the branches. The temperature cools dramatically, and my wolf senses kick into high gear. Sitting straight in my seat, I press my nose to the window and look out as we veer into a turnout. My heart skips wildly when we take a hard left onto an almost hidden driveway buried between two ferns.

  Gravel crunches under the tires. The vehicle winds down the long path and follows the trees deep into the darkness. We finally stop just in front of a dilapidated shack. Brandon lets out a whoop, shuts off the engine, and hops out. My heart pounds as I watch Ranger and Lewis both open their doors and exit. I'm practically jumping out of my skin by the time Lewis leans his seat forward so that Ty and I can join them.

  "Welcome to Millie's weigh station," Ranger states as he looks around.

  The trees that enclose us are massive… like wider than the SUV... massive. I turn in a circle, taking it all in. The fog, scents, and soft earth beneath my feet all call to me on a primal level. An eerie, quiet settles over the space and goosebumps rise on my skin. A gust of wind whistles through the trees, knocking down branches and pine needles all around us. Ty and Lewis step to my sides, and Brandon positions his body in front of mine.

  "Millie, come on out," Ranger growls. "Don't play games. You knew we were coming."

  "Yes, I knew you and your chums were coming … but not the bitch. Who is she?" A woman with long lavender hair appears in front of him, scowling. She's wrapped from head to toe in a gauzy, pink fabric that almost looks like spiderwebs.

  "She's ours," Ranger thunders.

  Millie's vivid violet eyes widen. She peers from Ranger to me, and back again before wrinkling her nose. Ranger's shoulders straighten, and his fists clench when she takes a step toward me. The boys close in, their bodies touching mine and creating a shield. Well shit.

  "Ranger … why would you call and not tell me of your little pet? Did you think I wouldn't come to greet you?" She twirls her hair on a finger and pouts her lips, stepping closer to him instead of toward me. My wolf hairs bristle and I can feel the change coming on. If she touches him… it's on.

  "No, I did not," he deadpans and steps backward. "Are you rescinding your invitation? You owe me after I rid your forest of those two rogue wolves so that you could place your spells."

  She exhales, "I suppose not. But my debt to you is paid after today. If you want to run, here again, you will offer me something … new," she snarls.

  Ranger nods. Millie leans forward and runs her nail down his jaw. I clamp my teeth together and growl. She turns toward me with a smirk before pressing a kiss to his lips. Heat rises in my blood and I turn wolf in a blink. I'm left tangled in my human clothes - full wolf - chomping at the space in which she just occupied. Bitch vanished into thin air before I could bite her ass.

  'It's okay, baby. I'm right here. I belong to you,' Ranger croons through our link as his wolf form presses against me. I huff, his words barely enough to quiet the heat stirring in my belly.

  "You can bet she's gonna be lingering around," Lewis gripes. "Faith shouldn't be left alone while we're out. Hate to say I told you so, Ranger, but I TOLD YOU SO!"

  Ranger's wolf eyes flicker a golden hue. He lunges toward Lewis with a rumble of reprimand. Lewis bows his head slightly and whines in submission.

  "He is right though, Millie isn't going to leave us alone to run," Ty chimes in.

  'Indeed. Everyone stays together today,' Ranger commands with an intense burst of Alpha power.

  Everyone mumbles an affirmative, and he nudges me toward the cabin. My True-mate and I sit while the guys unwind us from our clothes, then slip out of theirs before turning. With the pack all on four legs, I shake my fur and whine. I'm ready.

  Ranger leans his back against mine, lifts his head and howls. The excited tone in his cadence sends a whip of energy through my spine, and I join his call. The three other voices are added, and my heart swells. Our pack's song is loud and proud, telling all the creatures around to beware. When our voices stop, Ranger's body tightens, and he shoots forward. I bark in exhilaration and follow on his heels. The soft pad of footsteps behind me is comforting. Knowing that the guys have my back, I can enjoy the run.

  'Stay close to me,' Ranger warns as his eyes flicker around.

  My tongue lolls as I pull up beside him and yip a reply. 'What about the guys?'

  'We'll stay on your pretty tail, don't worry,' Lewis' voice is clear as a bell in my mind. I yip in surprise and pull to a stop. Ranger torques his body so fast; he sprays me with dry pine needles.

  'We figured you were like the other southern packs which don't talk much in the link, so we didn't press it the first time,' Ty soothes, nudging me in the ribs with his snout.

  The only wolves I've mind linked with have been my family and my True-mate, it feels weird to have anyone else in my head. I'd forgotten that we could link up as wolves, to be honest. Ty is right, my pack is weird about using mind-speak unless you are family or mated. With a shake of my white fur, I let out the wolf equivalent of a laugh and flip my tail at him.

  'Thanks for being so respectful. Now, let's run!' I paw at the ground near Ranger, my ass in the air ready to pounce.

  He fake snarls at me before he jumps to my side and nips me on the hindquarters. With a playful edge, he darts off into the tree-line. I zero in on his black tail and follow as fast as I can. The yips and barks behind me send me straight into a state of euphoria. I missed this. Running with a pack is the most liberating feeling ever.

  The soft, pine-covered ground beneath my paws and the wind whistling in my ears drowns out everything else. Relying on my instincts to keep me next to Ranger, I close my eyes to small slits and just let my feet carry me forward. My wolf takes over, and I ride the waves. One of the guy's tails brushes along mine, while another's breath feathers along my cheek. My heart skips a beat. Having their bodies pressing in on me with affection is terrific. I'm in heaven. Until I'm not. Without warning, there's nothing beneath my paws. My stomach drops as I free fall. Startled, I jerk my head around. Ty's wolf eyes are above me and four loud barks leave his mouth.

  'Faith!' he cries.

  Down, I fall. A darkness swirls around me like a vortex, my lungs feel crushed before my vision clouds. Something pinches the scruff of my neck, and a soft whisper brushes my ear. "You're mine now."

  Every inch of my skin burns. Somewhere between the moment, I plummeted into Millie's trap, and now, I turned back human - violently. The witch has me suspended in the air above a hunter's trap, ass over end. All I can do is hang here at her whim. My vision blurs as the blood in my body rushes to my head. I groan with discomfort and look around. Below me is a pit of sharpened stakes poking out of the ground. The guys are all standing at the edge naked, eyeballing the witch who floats beside me as if she's an air mermaid.

  "Millie," Ranger's voice is thick with a warning.

  "What? I just want to play," she counters saucily.

  "I thought we had a deal," he appeals.

  "I'm letting you use my land. You didn't forbid me from… well anything. I didn't even promise to let you leave," she cackles. "Oh, Ranger, you should know better."

  'Stay calm, Petite Louve. I promise I will get you out of there. Just … don't judge me on what I'm about to have to say or do,' Ranger's voice falters. Tears drop down my face. I can't bring myself to answer, my wolf is shaking. I'm frozen in fear.

  "I know you, Millie. Don't do this. Tell me what I can do to make things right between us. You want me back? Fine, just let her go," Ranger steps to the edge of the cliff and holds his palms up.

  A loud cackle rings through the trees, sending birds flying in every direction. The witch's laugh isn't the wors
t thing that happens. A sharp pain in my ribs causes me to curl into a ball and cough. The witch didn't touch me physically, which means her magic is strong. A stream of my blood runs down my side and over my cheek.

  "You have underestimated me, Ranger. Let's play hide and seek. You have two hours to find your precious white wolf. If you do not, I get to keep her!"

  My mouth drops open as I look up to my True-mate. Our eyes meet. His face is red, and his upper lip is curled, showing his fangs. A scream leaves my lips before the world goes dark again. A cold rush of fear envelops me, but I'm determined not to let this bitch get the best of me.

  'We will fight,' My wolf growls.

  'This witch doesn't know what she's up against. Nobody takes me by force,' I agree.

  I thought I was in pain before, but when the blackness lifts and my body crashes down to the ground, I die a little inside. The crunch of my bones contacting the hard ground is louder than my yelp. Lifting my head, I scan my surroundings, trying to get my bearings.

  "What do you think, white bitch, will your wolves find you here?" Millie chortles as she waves her hand and creates a light over us.

  Not bothering to answer her, I pat the ground. It's solid rock and colder than a witch's titty - present company included. Her witch-light illuminates enough for me to know we're in a cave. The smell of water and bat shit is thick in the stale air. I can only assume that we are still on her land, and if I'm guessing correctly, I have no doubt the guys will find me. Even if they don't, this isn't ending any way besides me getting free.

  "I don't need my wolves to save me, Millie," I growl.

  "Really?" She laughs. "You look pretty pathetic right now," she kicks my side to prove her point.

  Holding in a scream, I steal my eyes and look up. Millie's gaze meets mine, and her lips purse. I don't know what went on between her and Ranger, but there must be something I can use to soften her crazy. Taking in a deep breath, I sit up slowly and dust off my hands. The motion smarts like a million knives stabbing through my skin, but I remain steady.

  "If I'm honest, it's nice to get away from all Ranger's Alpha bullshit," I grumble and try to make myself comfortable. "So, what's your endgame? What do you want, Millie?"

  Her mouth opens, but nothing comes out. She turns her back on me, her lavender hair fluttering through the air. I wonder if she has friends. What's her motivation? I decide to wait her out and see what information she offers before plotting my next move. As long as she doesn't hurt me again, I'll sit quietly for now. She begins to pace the cavern, alternating between ignoring me and shooting daggers at me with her eyes.

  "Do you love him?" Her voice cracks. She crosses her arms and stares me down.

  "Uh, maybe? It's complicated. He's my True-mate," I shrug. "Mostly, he makes me madder than hell."

  "Well, we have that in common," she shakes her head and walks over to the wall. "He's gonna be sorry for what he did to me."

  I bite my tongue, even though I really want her to keep talking. There's an edge to her voice that makes both me and my wolf nervous. Obviously, she's a little off-kilter, or kidnapping me wouldn't have been on her radar. There's nothing on the ground I can use as a weapon, and I have a feeling that we need to keep Millie as a friend, what with her protection spell on the diner, and whatnot.

  "Well, I'm not sure holding me is really affecting him, just so you know," I venture as I scan the room for an exit. Maybe I can run fast enough to get the fuck out of here.

  "Nice try, I can feel his worry from here. I own these woods, and everything in them answers to me," she gloats.

  She seems distracted after her little speech. Maybe she's doing her witchy thing and listening to the guys, I don't know. What I do know is I need to get the fuck out of here, I am freezing and hurting like a mother fucker. I try to turn, but my wolf cries out. Bitch must have cast a spell on me. Okay. I can still tap into some of my Alpha powers as a human.

  'Here goes nothing,' I sigh to my wolf as I stand and rush the witch.

  My partially turned claws dig into her arms, and I slam her into the rock wall. She lets out a grunt and starts squirming in my grip. Throwing all of my powers into the air, I scream and sink my fangs deep into her shoulder, ripping the flesh. A tingle of electricity runs through my teeth. I let go with a whimper.

  "Bitch!" She yells as she throws her head back.

  I'm able to move my head before she makes contact, but I can feel her powers pushing against mine. If I don't get the best of her in the next few minutes, I'm fucked. I take a deep breath and slam her into the wall while jabbing my knee into her back.

  "Listen here, witch, I don't give a fuck about what went on between you and my guy, you are not holding me for one second longer. He fucked you over, not me. Take this shit up with him," I hiss as I grab a handful of her hair and pull hard.

  "I should be able to … overpower you. What ARE you?" She grits.

  "I'm the bitch you shouldn't have messed with, Millie," I sneer as I rip her around and throw her to the ground.

  "Tell me how to get the fuck out of here, and I'll stop," I rush her and crouch over her like a feral beast.

  "No," she pouts. "Ranger…" her lip quivers. This chick has got it bad; my heart breaks a little for her.

  "You want Ranger to pay, yeah, I get that. Not to be redundant… but I'm not the key," I sigh. "Although, if you scratch my back, I might be willing to help you."

  Her eyes narrow, and she turns her face away. I grin and wrap my hand around her throat. I can feel my powers waning, but she doesn't know that. I don't even really know how I'm pulling the energy I have right now, I've never done it before.

  'True-mate,' my wolf snorts.

  Figures. Ranger is the reason I am in this fucking mess.

  "So, Millie?" I question as I bare my fangs, ready to bite her fucking tits if I have to.

  "Fine. What do you want?"

  "Take this fucking spell off of me so I can turn and heal. And I want clothes when I turn back" I snarl.

  "What do I get?" She lifts her top lip in a terrible imitation of a wolf.

  "I'll help you stalk my pack and... fuck with them for a bit. Then we can hustle Ranger and make him apologize to you in earnest, if that's what you want," I say simply.

  "And if I refuse?" she side-eyes me. I'm not entirely sure she doesn't know I'm bluffing but fuck it.

  "I'll rip your pretty face off... right now," I smile wickedly.

  It seems I hit the vanity nail on the head. She groans and nods. I feel a weight lift off my shoulders, and my body turns without me, even calling for the change. Feeling like a million dollars, I shake my hind end and race around the cave in a circle before coming back to Mille barking as loud as I can. I hope I fucking burst her eardrums. Millie clenches her jaw and fists, her face devoid of color. I chuckle to myself and change back, tapping my foot as I gesture at my nakedness. She makes a sound of annoyance, then waves her hand, and a pair of sweats appear on my body. They look terrible and baggy, but they're warm so I'll take it.

  "What now?" I ask.

  "You said you'd help me stalk them. I know where they are," Millie looks away. "They're actually pretty close."

  "Yeah, True-mate power is nothing to fuck with Millie - for future reference."

  "How was I supposed to know?" She screeches.

  I shrug and close my eyes. I need to be kind. I want to mend what Ranger didn't, I don't know why, but I feel drawn to the crazy hoe. This world is crazy and as horrible as she's been, it’s hard being a woman. Pursing my lips, I put my hand on her shoulder and squeeze lightly.

  "Hold on, I know how to fuck with him," I cringe at my own dark thoughts but bite my hand anyway. Blood pools quickly and I squeeze it onto the ground. "Now, can you heal me, or do I have to change again?"

  Millie bites her lip, then waves her palm over mine and closes the wound. "I'm not great at healing, but bite marks are small enough," she shrugs.

  "Alright, let's find a place to hide and wait," I pull her
toward the tunnel.

  "Or, I could just mask us, and we could wait and watch," she offers.

  "Do you want to see him react to me being possibly hurt? Will his emotions hurt you more? I'm his True-mate, so his wolf will heighten anything he feels times ten," I caution.

  Millie drops down on her ass on the stone ground. Her hands cup her face, and she starts shaking with tears. Not knowing what else to do, I drop beside her and pat her on the back. She really is a fucking basket case.

  "Are … shit, can I do anything?" I whisper.

  "Why am I so crazy? It happened two years ago!" She bawls.

  "Love hurts. Being discarded hurts. Maybe you just need some closure? Do you want to talk?"

  "I … I think I do," She looks up at me. Her violet eyes sparkle with tears, and her lips purse almost doll-like. The humanity in her look is my undoing. My breath stops, and I sit beside her.

  "I met Ranger and Ty ten years ago. The others hadn't joined yet. He'd just bought the diner and was trying to carve out space here. He happened upon me being attacked in the woods by a couple of rogue wolves and saved me. I was just learning my powers back then. We formed a friendship, each helping the other in some way. Eventually it became more. I don't know what really happened… one day, everything seemed good, and then he broke it off with no explanation," she stops and runs her hands through her long hair.

  "Did you ask why?"

  "No, I was so hurt I just vanished. I haven't answered any of his calls since. Even this time. He left a message, and I sent a text back. I thought maybe... " she looks up into my eyes.

  "You thought he was coming back to you," I sigh. "I'm so sorry, Millie."

  "Stupid, right?" She wipes her eyes with the back of her hand.

  "Nah, the heart wants. It's never stupid to hope," I reply.

  A murmur of voices catches my attention, and I look up to see the guys come spilling into the cave. So much for our little plan. Ranger is leading the pack, of course, and his eyes pop out of his head when he sees me leaning over Millie. Before I can explain, he's crossed the room and grabbed me up. I'm mashed between all of the pack members as they sniff and check me for injuries.


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