Possessive O Line: A Reverse Harem Sports Romance (O Line RH Book 2)

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Possessive O Line: A Reverse Harem Sports Romance (O Line RH Book 2) Page 8

by Mia Luxe

  Sierra sighs, and leans back against me, closing her eyes. We’re lit up by the little candle. I lean down and gently stroke my hand on her cheek. Her eyes open. I was worried the first thing that would flicker in them would be fear, but I see happiness. I never want her to think I’d do anything to hurt her.

  I never want to do anything to push her past her limits.

  “Are you nervous, Caden? You’re going to playoffs.”

  “I’m scared. I’ll admit that. You know, I’ve never been scared of any man – but I’m scared of failure. I don’t know if you’re the reason I’m suddenly playing so well, or if it was always inside me and you just brought it out. But I do know I need to keep winning. This is my chance.”

  She smiles up at me. “I’ll do anything I can to help you,” she says.

  We forget all about the sandwiches, making love slowly under the night sky. She rides me, moving her hips back and forth and driving me insane as we fuck. Our only audience are the stars above, and our bodies melt together, finding their groove as we learn each other’s rhythm.

  When we’re done, we sit under the stars in silence – taking the chance to enjoy a few more moments in each other’s company before we have to drive back home.

  Later, we step back into her house. Ford is sleeping on the couch. Sierra walks to him, gently kissing his forehead. The way she looks at him makes my heart pound. There’s a part of me that’s jealous she feels something for another man. There’s another part – a stronger part of me – that feels as if everything is right in the world. I’ve always felt close to Jason and Ford, and now our bond is even deeper.

  I spent last night on the floor, and my back has never felt better.

  “You know, you can sleep in my mom’s bed.”

  I shake my head. “No, I don’t want to push the hospitality. I’ve slept on worse than the carpet. You go to Jason. He’s the cuddliest of us, you know.”

  Sierra looks at me with a strange smile. “You know, I can’t figure you out, Caden. Sometimes you’re so cocky and sometimes… you’re so sweet.”

  I smile. “No one’s ever called me sweet before. Now get that sexy ass to bed – before I want another round.”

  She giggles, her laughter lifting my spirits. She steps forward and gives me a quick peck on the cheek, then gives my cock a squeeze that makes me instantly hard. I reach out to grab her, imagining pinning her against the counter and fucking her hard, but she darts away. “Goodnight, Caden,” she says kindly, as if she didn’t just make my cock hard as a rock.

  I move forward, but she jumps away, leaving me wanting her more.

  “You better come back, or I’m going to punish you,” I growl in a low voice. She looks back over her shoulder, biting her lip.

  “I know,” she says, and walks away.

  That little minx. I can’t wait to punish her for that.

  My cock surges, fully hard as I imagine what I’m going to do to her.

  She’s a perfect little submissive.

  She just doesn’t know how bad she craves being punished hard… Yet.



  I thought I was going to bed last night after my date with Caden, but when I snuggled into bed Jason woke up, spooning me and pressing his hard cock against my ass.

  I couldn’t resist the temptation, and we fucked slowly in that position – him wrapping his arms around me as he took me slowly, but firmly from behind.

  It’s still dark when I wake the next morning, but the smell of burning toast wafts through the almost closed door. I shoot up and grab my housecoat, wrapping it around me as I patter down to the kitchen. There I find Caden sheepishly looking at a burning pan, with smoke wafting up from it.

  “You’re going to set off the smoke alarm!”

  I rush to the window, cranking it open and letting the cold morning air rush in. It makes my skin prickle. Caden brings the smoking pan to the window and holds it out into the cool air, the wind pulling the smoke away from us.

  “I’ve found the first thing I’m not a natural at,” says Caden, with his cocky grin. I have no idea how he manages to look so confident when he almost set my family home on fire.

  “You’re hopeless! What was this supposed to be?”

  Caden shrugs. His arm is straight and true, holding the heavy, cast-iron pan out of the window as if it weighs nothing. “French toast. I didn’t want you to think Ford is the only one who can cook.”

  “Oh, and I don’t think that now?”

  “I took a risk. I’ll clean this pan off and start again. You hungry?”

  I am hungry, but the acrid smoke has slowed my appetite. “You… Don’t do anything! I’ll be right back, and I’ll cook us breakfast.”

  Caden laughs. “Maybe that was my plan all along.”

  I roll my eyes. “Way to go! You win.”

  I turn away, yawning and stretching as I walk back up to the bedroom. Jason is rumbling in his sleep, his breath strong and steady. I pause to admire his barrel chest. I blush as I remember sleepless nights in highschool, when I’d only imagined men like Jason in my very bed. If I’d only known...

  I remember the way he entered me last night, fucking me slowly and sensually. He’s never in a rush. I smile, comparing his powerful, steady style to Caden’s vigor. They’re both so fucking good. How did I ever get so lucky?

  Seeing his strong body dwarfing my bed makes me want to ignore the burning smell in the kitchen and wake Jason up for another round. The more I fuck the three men, the more I crave their touch. I bite my lip and push down the urge.

  I grab some clothes, then go to the bathroom to wake up – splashing water in my face and brushing my teeth. When I’m fresh, I go back downstairs to Caden. He’s scrubbing the pan in the sink, his muscles tensing as he scours it. He rinses it off.

  “See? Good as new.”

  I raise my eyebrows. “You almost set the fire alarm off! That’s not the way I like to be woken up!”

  He moves forward and pounces on me, wrapping his hand around my waist and pulling me into his kiss. He’s so powerful and in charge, his lips pressing hungrily against mine. When he breaks the kiss off I gasp for more, staring into his eyes. He’s wearing a simple black t-shirt that hugs his lithe, muscular body, and athletic pants that don’t hide his generous bulge.

  “How’s that for waking up?”

  I shudder involuntarily, a shiver running up my spine. “Close the window, I’m cold,” I say, and he laughs as he closes it.

  “Is that what made you tremble?”

  I can’t meet his eyes. He’s done everything he wants to me, and I still get nervous in his presence. He’s just so fucking… hot.

  I have to switch the subject. I get some butter from the fridge, putting it in the pan and showing Caden how to heat it up to a reasonable temperature.

  “You don’t need to turn everything to full power, you know.”

  “I figured it would cook faster.”

  I roll my eyes. “Did no one ever teach you to cook?”

  Instantly I regret the words leaving my mouth. I’m reminded that Caden didn’t have a mother or father to help him when he was growing up. I was lucky enough to spend Sunday mornings leisurely making French toast, and apple pancakes, and any other manner of delicious things with my mother.

  “No, but I’m a fast learner,” he says, with a gleam in his eye.

  If he took any offence at my faux pas, he doesn’t show it.

  “Good,” I say, my voice softer now. Even though he’s over a foot taller than me, remembering that he had to grow up as an orphan makes me feel like he’s tender and vulnerable.

  How could anyone do that to a baby? Just… Give it away? I’d rather die. I shouldn’t judge. It’s not right… I don’t know the situation these boys’ mothers were in. But it still breaks my heart.

  I let Caden make the second batch of French toast to see if he was boasting about being a quick learner or if he could back it up. His pieces turn out crispy and golden.r />
  “You are a fast learner,” I say, a little impressed that the jock can learn skills other than playing hockey and making me moan.

  “I guess I’d better make enough for the guys.”

  “You’d better. I worked up an appetite last night when Sierra came to bed,” says Jason from the door. Caden raises his eyebrows.

  “Oh? I thought she’d had enough from our little date.”

  I blush. It’s embarrassing having the men talk openly about whenever they’d ‘had’ me.

  “Stop it, you two.”

  Jason shrugs. “Just wanted Caden to know he’s not the only one who gets it one-on-one.”

  I glower. “It’s not a contest.”

  “Everything’s a contest,” says Caden. “Now shut up and eat, Jason,” he says without malice. Ford enter the rooms as well, and the four of us eat in silence. The tension leaves the room as we chow down, and I hope it’s just playful ribbing and that it won’t get between the four of us.

  “It doesn’t bother me,” says Ford, with a strange look in his eyes. “I thought it would. I thought I’d get jealous. But I don’t care. I’m just so goddamn happy I met you, Sierra.”

  “Thank you,” I say quietly, and the thought of being with Ford alone makes me shudder. The way he looks at me so worshipfully. Being in a room with him – and only him – would somehow be more intense than when there are all three of them focusing on me at once.

  “What time is your mom done with that spa thing?” Asks Jason.

  “Should be this afternoon,” I reply.

  All three of their phones vibrate at once. Caden reaches down, his face going sour. “Shit. Coach Hendricks is calling an extra, light practice tonight. Mandatory. We’ve gotta get going if we want to make it.”

  “Looks like you get your wish,” says Ford.


  “You finally get to do dishes,” he laughs, standing. I groan.

  “I wish you three didn’t have to leave.”

  “We’ll see you soon, babe. You sort out that Twitch stream with Rebecca and your paid position with Bob. You’ve got a lot on your plate.”

  “You’re right. Fuck, I miss you already,” I say, and I’m embarrassed that my eyes are wet. I know I’m going back to New York soon, and I’ll be near them – but we all agreed to the rules.

  When we’re in New York, we’re professional. We’re not together.

  “So, we’re all agreed?” Asks Ford to the three of us.

  Jason nods. “In New York, we keep it professional.”

  Caden extends his fist first. The three of them hold out their fists, waiting to bump.

  “Wait, you want me to join in, too? I thought this was your thing,” I say, hesitant.

  “Congratulations. You’re the first to join our little ritual. But don’t take it lightly.”

  Jason grins. “You bump your fists together? It’s like a solemn vow.”

  I giggle, and tap my fist against them, sealing the deal. We’ll keep apart in New York. It’s going to be tough, but it’s the only way we can be certain to stay incognito in the belly of the beast.

  If they’re to have a chance at a sponsorship, this ruse has to work. The only way I can ever see them again is if the world believes I’m a journalist, and they’re my three sources.

  I walk with them to the hallway, and they get their things on and kiss me goodbye, one by one.

  “We’ll see you soon,” promises Ford, and the three of them leave. Caden takes one last look over his shoulder, and the look of hunger in his eyes makes me shiver. Somehow, I get the awful feeling it’s going to be impossible to stick to the rules.

  The three men leave, and I hear the Escalade starting up.

  The house has never felt so empty.

  I swallow hard as I look down the hallway.

  It’s time to see who my father really was.



  I stand in front of the closed door of my father’s study. I take a deep breath in and turn the key.

  The door opens. His study is dusty, with a desk, and a bookshelf stuffed full of well-worn novels. I step in, closing the door softly behind me. It feels right to close it.

  I walk to the desk, and a sob wracks my chest when I see the dusty picture on the desk. It’s the three of us. I look so tiny – my mom so young, and the handsome face of my father breaking my heart. He died too young.

  Some asshole hit-and-run driver took him from me.

  I fight back the anger that I never got to grow up with my dad.

  I sit down at his desk, and take a deep breath. My mom was right. I feel closer to him, now that I’m in his study. A sad smile comes to my face, and I touch my finger to the picture, imagining what my father’s stubble would have felt like.

  Then I see it.

  A folder at the bottom of his bookshelf – one titled “Martingale”.

  Martingale? What do I know that name from?

  I get up slowly, stepping towards the yellow folder, forcing myself to pick it up.

  The developers. Ford said they were called Martingale.

  I open the folder, fearing the worst. I narrow my eyes as I start to read.

  I have to sit down after the third page. It’s a freelance assignment my father worked on, designing slogans for a new development by Martingale.

  The final page is hand-written. It’s a page full of slogans and ideas for advertisements for the new development.

  I can’t believe my father worked with these people.

  In the midst of all the notes, there are series of questions. My heart pounds as I scan them.

  Two million in upgrades to pool needed?

  Lucrative bribes – the future.

  Possible connection between mayoral advisor John Thunderman and Martingale development? Blackmail? Need pictures.

  “John Thunderman… he’s not just an advisor now. He’s the Mayor of New York. What’s going on? What did my dad find?”

  I talk to myself, confused, and keep reading.

  I feel sick. There was something going on between my father and Martingale development, and I don’t know if I want to know what it was.

  Note to self – buy journal.

  I swallow hard at the third line. If there’s any more information about the developers, then it’s going to be in that journal. I have to find it. My mind is wracked with worry.

  My mom said my father was working so hard because he wanted to provide a future for me. Did he find out someone was taking bribes and try to blackmail them? Who WAS my dad?

  I tear through the office, looking through file after file. There’s freelance work on advertisements, flyer designs, and even the outlines of a novel – but after an hour of searching, I still can’t find the journal.

  “Dear? Are you okay?”

  I didn’t even hear the door open. My mom looks at me with her eyes wide, staring at the ransacked office. There are file folders everywhere.

  Oh shit. What do I say?

  “I’m fine, Mom. Hey, did dad ever keep a journal?”

  She shakes her head. “No… Not that I remember. Did… Did it help, going into the study? You look like you’ve read through all his work.”

  I don’t know anything for a fact yet. I’m not going to make this painful for her until I know more. I have to think… and I HAVE to find that journal

  “I did. I… I needed to see what dad was working on. After you told me he was a professor, I just needed to know there wasn’t anything else to find out about him.”

  My mom smiles. “He was a good man, your father. I’ll leave you alone. Come out to the kitchen and get some food when you’re done.'”

  She closes the door, and I put everything back the way it was. Whatever answers there are in the journal, I’m not going to find them here.

  I make my way to the kitchen, where my mom is making grilled cheese sandwiches.

  “So, dear – Did you and the boys all kiss and make up?”

  I can feel the
heat coming to my cheeks. If I want to be with these three men, I need to stop being embarrassed about it.

  “We’re all good now. We figured out a plan for that tabloid article.”


  “Yes. We’re going to say I was at their house planning a charity event for the orphanage that’s shutting down. They grew up there, and it’s a believable excuse.”

  My mom laughs. “A pretty girl like you in a room with those three studs? I think people are going to guess.”

  I frown. “As long as they’re only guessing and not sure. I’m going back to New York. I can’t hide out here any longer.”

  “Great! I’ll drive you.”

  “No, I couldn’t! You’ve barely been home.”

  My mom smiles. “I like to do things for you, my little, sweet Sierra.”

  I’m so lucky.

  When we get to my apartment in New York, my mom drops me off and gives me a hug and a kiss. I watch the car drive away and feel a weird melancholy. It’s like my childhood is waiting for me, just hours away – but I have a different responsibility now.

  I push those thoughts out of my mind, feeling well-rested and restored as I open up the door to my apartment. Rebecca jumps up from the couch. The apartment has not fared well in my absence. Red Bull cans are strewn across the living room, and a half-full bag of chips crunches under my feet as I step in. How did a bag of chips get to the front door?

  “Sierra! You’re back!” Rebecca jumps up when she sees me.

  I step gingerly over the chip bag.

  “I am,” I say with a huge smile, “and I figured it out.”

  “Figured out what?”

  “We’re back together! We came up with a plan. We’ll claim I wasn’t at their apartment that night because I was hooking up with one of them. I was with all three of them – and we were planning on how we were going to save the orphanage.”

  “Oooh, I get it! That’s smart. Who came up with the idea? Ford?”

  “Actually, Caden came up with the idea, and I added to it… I thought it made more sense if the reason they did the interview with me on live TV – and decided to trust an unpaid intern with the story – is because I said I’d organize a Twitch stream for charity in return.”


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