The Wrong Side of Town

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The Wrong Side of Town Page 12

by Alden Odessa

  “What do you mean?”


  “Whore’s?” he said directly, as if telling me where the bathroom was.


  “There’s plenty, eventually one will find you,” he said and then turned around to go do something else. He was right though, it was only a few minutes before I was propositioned.

  A good-looking woman with blond hair, a thin waist and mid-sized tits leaned herself into me as I sat on the bar stool.

  “You looking for a date, mister?” she said. I checked her out. She was fine looking, better than what I hand. She had sharp features, blue eyes that seemed to look right through me. She looked better than any of the other women in the bar but I had no idea if they were hookers or not. She seemed to be the prize in here.

  “How much?”

  “Three hundred.”


  “Whatever you want,” she said, matter of fact.

  “What’ll ya charge me for a blow job?” I had no interest in her at the moment, other than information gathering. I didn’t have the money for this kind of girl.


  Shit, I couldn’t even afford a blow job. I got the feeling she wasn’t the average for this bar. Looks like she was trying to get more out of me because she didn’t recognize me as a local. I doubted that this clientele could afford these rates. She was sniffing up the wrong tree.

  “You got a boss?” I asked.

  “Don’t we all?”

  “Nope. I don’t.”

  “Sure you do,” she said.

  “Oh really, who’s that?”

  “The customer is the boss, always.”

  “So right now, I’m your boss?”

  “You haven’t paid me yet.”

  “Touche,” I said, turned and slammed down my drink. I looked back to her, “You need one?”

  “Need what?”

  “A Boss,” I said.

  “Do you mean you?”

  “I do in fact.”

  She gave me a dry look. “I don’t think so.”

  I figured it was time to give her the hard sell, bitch or not, she was still better than what I had, and maybe I could turn her out and get her to charge a little less. She may be the best in the bar, but at those prices she wasn’t gonna make it very far. I needed to find someone a little lower class, this woman wasn’t an accurate representation of what this economy was like.

  But still. I lose nothing by asking her to join me.

  “You need protection?”

  “I told you, I have a boss.”

  “I thought I was the boss?”

  “For three hundred you are, till then I don’t need a new five-minute boss.”

  “How many dicks have you sucked tonight?”

  “That’s none of your business.”

  “But it would be if you were with me. I’ll take good care of you. I have a four hundred pound mongoloid upstairs that’ll make sure no one hurts you,” the more I talked to her, the more I was hoping she would join us. I’d like to audition this one, that’s for sure.

  “I’m not looking for new representation,” she said. Paying me less attention now that she realized I wasn’t a paying customer. “Look, you seem like a nice guy. I’ll give you a blow job for seventy-five.”

  “Tempting, but no deal. I’m recruiting, not sampling.”

  “Hand job, right here at the bar. Fifty bucks.”

  I looked at her and smiled; I sensed a certain amount of desperation in her. “It might be time to bark up a different tree, sugar,” I said, getting into the pronoun game at last.

  She got closer to me. “Look, this bar is shit. If I go back to my boss empty handed he’s gonna be mad as hell, no telling what he’ll do to me.”

  I looked at her, deeply. I don’t know if she was telling me the truth or if this was just a sales tactic. Either way, I would not be spending the last of my money, as tempting as it was. I delivered the bad news. “Look, I couldn’t afford you if I wanted to. All I can say is that if you come with me right now, you will sleep soundly without fear.”

  She looked at me with a heaviness in the air as if she was thinking about it. She said nothing, not even to tell me to fuck off. She just turned and walked away.

  Shame, would have liked to help the woman out. And have sex with her. I’m not all of a sudden virtuous.

  As if on cue, another woman approached me. This place was crawling with them. As she approached me I gathered in more of the scenery. There were several hookers in here, but they hadn’t really looked like hookers. They just looked like locals. They weren’t wearing much, but at the same time they weren’t wearing anything that screamed Lady of the Night.

  That last girl, I noted, stuck out. First of all, she was better looking than the rest and she had also been wearing a red dress. A bright, red dress. She looked classy. What the fuck was she doing in this part of town.

  The one who came up to me was older. Older than Betty or myself. She was not unattractive and would be a good price barometer. She started to speak, and I cut her off.

  “Save the sales pitch, sweetie,” I said. She seemed surprised, but not put off. “I’m not interested in sex, I need information.”

  She said nothing, she just looked at me and tried to figure me out. She did it pretty quickly. “Ten bucks.”


  “Ten bucks, I’ll tell you whatever you want to know.”

  I was getting the shake down for a few nuggets of information! “Two.”

  “Don’t waste my time. Eight.”

  “Don’t waste mine, you know we’re both just going to end up settling on five.”

  “Done,” she said and then I saw the price equal to two-and-a-half shots of heartburn-in-a-bottle evaporate out of the corner of my eye.

  “How much do you charge?”


  “On what?”

  “On what I can get.”

  “Where do you start?”

  “Hundred for sex, fifty for a blow job.”

  “Where do you end?”


  Clearly money was sparse down here and she was about average looking from what I had seen. She was not filthy, but she wasn’t clean. She wasn’t like the last girl. The last girl had been clean, well groomed. It made me curious about her. I just couldn’t help but wonder why she was in a place like this? She was charging too much. She came from another part of town. Had to be the case. Made me curious what her boss’s plan for her was.

  “How many girls down here?” I asked her.

  “Lots. You want a number?”


  “Couldn’t tell ya. Lots.”

  “Can I get a refund?”

  “Not on your life,” she said.

  “Is this a typical night?”


  Despite what I thought was a lot of questions I had, I guess I really only had the one. Sex with a low-rent hooker down here maxed out at pretty low. That last girl really was too expensive. If this was The Upper Bottoms what were they getting in the Lower’s. All-in-all, my prospects weren’t looking good.

  “Is that it?” she asked.

  “Yeah, that’s all I needed.”

  “You want me to lick the tip or anything?” she said, surprising me.

  “No. That’s okay, but you owe me one.”

  “Sure thing,” she said and turned away, looking for other action. A twenty dollar blow job somewhere.

  I turned back and hailed the bartender. Pointed to my glass. Once again, he didn’t get me a new glass, he just poured it into my old one. He was at least generous with the pour.

  I looked around the bar, these were paying customers, I just had to find a way to give them something they weren’t getting anywhere else tonight. I had an idea, and I didn’t like it per se, but under the circumstances it was all I had.

  I had three girls, four counting Betty and only one of them had clothing.
I don’t know what was socially accepted down here, but I guessed that I couldn’t just parade them around the bar in the nude.

  I had to get the customer to come to me. I was new at this; I don’t know how this whole brothel thing works, but I know how sex works and I know that I was offering a good product.

  What was I thinking? I was selling the easiest thing on the planet to sell! I looked away from the bar and saw a table of four men playing cards, drinking heavily. They had a bottle on the table. They had money unless they spent it all on the cheap bottle of table service. No women. Although I saw a few of them come up to the table.

  They inspected the women that came up to them, slapped them on the ass. Then sent them on their way and went back to their card game. They liked women, but for some reason they weren’t buying. I was going to make them an offer they couldn’t refuse.


  All In

  I hurried up to the room to let the girls and Bogo know what was about to happen.

  I had approached the men at the table and quite simply made an offer that no man would say no to, digital NPC or red-blooded male. It turns out that testosterone is the same either way. I even played the calling them queer card, they took offense, as I thought they would. I told them to prove they weren’t.

  Men are the same all over.

  I made an offer. I told them they could get two girls for the price of one. And that price?

  Fifty bucks.

  Who would say no to this? Even if I was down to my last fifty dollars, or credits or whatever it is I have in my till, I would jump at that.

  I had originally had the idea while Courtney was giving me head and April was lazily, or fearfully, licking the side. I’m a grown man and I had never had a threesome. I’m sure it was more common here in Canny Valley, where the women came easy, literally, but in my reality, it was a fantasy for most men. Even if it wasn’t a fantasy, and you had it regularly, it was still good to have.

  I know that back home it had always been something I had wanted, but I married a prude. I take that back. She used to talk a big game, but it’s something about putting a ring on that finger, suddenly they get more conservative. I brought up the idea of a threesome one time and got a crossways look; I didn’t ask again.

  I made the offer, and the men seemed interested. They were skeptical, paying for something sight unseen, but I promised them better women than they could afford around here. Still they were hesitant, so I gave them a money back guarantee. They could come upstairs and sample the product, at any point they could leave and get their money back.

  But once they came, the deal was complete. I promised that these girls would make them finish quick.

  They could have them anyway they wanted them, the only rules were no rough stuff and no anal, for some reason I was against anal. Also, you can only come once.

  They all agreed, and I spread the word around the bar. The other ladies there seemed none too pleased with me, but I was looking out for number one here and I wasn’t going to let their hurt feelings keep me from making money tonight. At least enough money to buy my women some proper street walking clothes.

  I told them all the room number and to be up there in twenty minutes. I then stopped by the bar and told the ugly bartender to spread the word for me. He grumbled something under his breath and I decided that I probably shouldn’t expect strong word of mouth from the bar.

  That’s when I got the idea that I should let Betty do the selling for me. She was the only girl I had that was wearing clothing and I would have her pretty herself up as best she could. I had no idea what I would do with April.

  After spreading the word best I could, I ran up to the room, I only had a twenty-minute head start before men, hopefully, knocked on the door.

  I had been a little worried as to how the girls would react to this news but they all, except April, were good with the idea. In fact, they thought the assembly line approach was a good idea. Betty was especially pleased with me. I don’t know why her approval mattered to me, I guess any idea you’re unsure of feels better with a little validation.

  I told the girls they could stop whenever they wanted. No pressure, and I promised them no rough stuff, and we developed a signal for Bogo, who would be right outside the door. If the girls ever felt in danger, Bogo would intervene. My chance encounter with Bogo and his subsequent enlistment was probably the smartest thing I had done all day.

  I hadn’t had time to, or really thought about checking my stats since I was at the bar. I had gotten excited about seeing the new information about the girls. I could feel myself slipping earlier. I knew I was getting tired and my health was probably sliding down. But even in this form, adrenaline still worked. Biologically this body operated just as a normal body would. This sudden burst of energy was being fueled by pure nerves and nicotine.

  I should note, that I don’t know what my pack of Third Stringers was third to, but it wasn’t my pack of Most Popular’s. They pretty much tasted like dirt. Not even fresh dirt, but old dirt.

  But beggars can’t be choosers and I was suddenly addicted to nicotine again, so I smoked them because I had them.

  Here was how it would go down: Courtney and Stephanie would be the two girls. The men could come in in groups or one at a time, it was up to them, costs the same either way. The girls would do whatever they asked, within reason. When they were done, a new man, or men, would come in and the cycle would continue. Bogo would remain outside the door, taking the men’s money and listening for the signal if a girl was in trouble.

  Betty and I would remain outside for a while, just to make sure it was all going smoothly, then we would leave. Betty would go back down to the bar to keep spreading the word, letting anyone interested know they could fuck two girls for fifty bucks. The more I thought about it, the more I thought that I should have charged more. I couldn’t go back now, and I needed to make enough to get the girls a place to stay, food and new clothes.

  What could go wrong?

  Speaking of which, I still hadn’t figured out what to do with April. She was sitting on the couch, still naked. Looking at her I felt a stirring in my groin. I wanted her. I didn’t understand it, but for some reason, and maybe it was because I couldn’t have it, I was really turned on by her. It may have been her body, she had a nice body, with nice firm skin. Her ass wasn’t flat or flabby, but firm. She didn’t really have tits to speak of, but the working end of Buster’s Rockknocker didn’t seem to mind.

  I avoided any of the thoughts like I had had earlier, I still had a desire to be good to my girls. I didn’t want to be one of the pimps like Betty had described. Basically, I didn’t want to become Bruce. I don’t even want to think what he had done to her, or what he would do to April.

  But still I didn’t know what to do with her during all of this. She was sitting, mortified, on the couch, waiting to be told what to do. Then it dawned on me. I could kill a few birds with only a handful of stones.

  I looked to April; I told her to put on the rags she had been wearing when she got here and to come with me. She would stay close to me for the rest of the night. Her face chirped up. She seemed thankful that she would not be one of the girls getting a train ran on her.

  The other two clearly didn’t seem to mind, in fact Stephanie actually seemed excited about it, as Stephanie is prone to doing.

  So April got dressed, and I spoke directly to Betty. I told her what I needed her to do. She would cruise the bar and look for men to try to get upstairs. It worried me, as I didn’t feel like it was a safe environment for her, and if I let her get hurt, I don’t know what I would do. Bogo seemed especially nervous about this idea, but Betty assured me she would be fine. I told her if she suspected danger to get her ass back up next to Bogo.

  I asked her if she needed my gun and she declined. She reminded me that this wasn’t her first rodeo and to stop being a nervous Nancy about the whole ordeal. Bogo promised that if she screamed he would hear it and come running. Little known fact
about Bogo, he had phenomenal hearing.


  She laughed at us both and agreed to do what was asked. I explained to them I would not be here; I would go to the market with April, to buy whatever supplies I could afford to get us through the next few nights. At the very least, I would get clothes for the girls. Betty didn’t make any special requests when I told her that now would be the time to let me know if she needed anything.

  My plan here was to get to know April a little better, find out all I could about her and hopefully by the end of the night she would trust me enough to at least look at a dick without trembling. If she would not do that, then it would probably change what kind of clothing I would buy her.

  April came to the door, wearing her rags, I would not be too ashamed to be hanging out with her I guess, because at least her body was clean. I clued everybody in to what they were doing and about that time I saw our first customers walking down the dingy hallway.

  It was the four men who I had first approached, the ones that had been playing cards. They appeared drunk, but not belligerently so. I went back into the front part of our room and looked to the girls.

  “Are you two ready, our first guests are arriving?”

  “Almost there,” said Stephanie, who was sitting on the edge of the couch, flicking her clit with her fingers, getting good a wet. Yup, I was getting horny again.

  Courtney looked at Stephanie and asked, “Do you want me to eat you out?”

  “Then what about you?”


  “Sure,” said Stephanie and then assumed the position on the floor and Courtney laid down beside her, pussy to mouth each of them and then they dived in.

  With all the stress of the last few days I had taken little chance to realize what all was going on. So far tonight I had sex with two women, plus the load I shot into Betty’s mouth earlier. I had a shy girl lick me up and down and then watched her get eaten out by a hot redhead. I saw the biggest dick I had ever seen and then scrubbed it from my memory; now I was watching two women eat each other’s pussy’s getting warmed up to have sex with multiple men, so I could make money.


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