Reign: A Romance Anthology

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Reign: A Romance Anthology Page 76

by Nina Levine

  “Nah, it’s fine. I know what it’s like to have a full-on family.”

  “It’s just my mom and my sisters now. Dad left a couple of years back.”

  “I can relate to that. Well, would you look at that? Two things in common already, and we haven’t even left.” Cole’s deep voice is thick and wanting. He can talk seductively to me any time. It makes me weak in the knees.

  “Well, that’s a good thing. So, do you travel a lot for work?”

  He nods. “You could say that, but I enjoy it. I’m having some downtime at the moment, which is why I’m still in New York.” Our arms brush against each other, and I don’t miss how fast he reels his away from my touch.

  A crack forms in my heart.

  No girl wants to see a man pull away from them.

  “So, do you live around here?”

  “Nah, I live out of the city on a block of land. I only came in for my appointment with you. My friend, Deacon, is going to pay for what he did. He told me I had to get a test done before my next race. He said they were drug testing. I should have realized it was rubbish, because he knows I’m not that kind of person.”

  I break out into laughter. “I’m sorry, but he did get you good. To be honest, I’m surprised you came back and you’re doing this with me. Most men I tell what I do usually run a mile in the opposite direction.” I pause for a moment and then ask a question I should have already. “You don’t have a girlfriend who’s going to hunt me down and want to kill me, do you?”

  “Oh, I have plenty of women who might want to do that, but nothing permanent. I travel too much to have any sort of stable relationship.”

  “Oh, okay.”

  We become silent as we step out onto the sidewalk.

  “This way…” He points to the right.

  My heart slams against my chest; the anticipation of riding on the back of a bike is causing anxiety to claw its way up my chest. I’m not normally an anxious person, but sitting there, out in the open, vulnerable to the other traffic on the street…it makes me feel physically ill. Like a rock is sitting at the bottom of my stomach.

  “So, uh…just so you know, I’ve never been on the back of a bike before. Please don’t let me die,” I say in all seriousness.

  He faces me with a half cocky grin pulled up one side of his mouth. “Trust me. You’re safe with me.”

  “We’ll see about that. I bet my mother will have heart failure when she sees us walk in with helmets.”

  “Most parents do. Though, I can’t say I’ve gone and met many mothers recently. I do own a car, but I couldn’t have ridden home and gotten back in such a short amount of time. Sorry.” He gives me a look which tells me he is actually sorry, but there’s also a hint of humor behind those dark eyes.

  I attempt to act cool.

  Meanwhile, I’m freaking the hell out.

  “That’s okay. I’m sure I’ll survive. Do you carry spare clothes around with you? Sorry, I noticed you changed.” I giggle, but I’m sure he can easily hear the nervous tone behind it. Although, there is a plus side to riding the bike…wrapping my arms around him. Oh yeah.

  “I did what you did and bought a shirt.”

  “How do you know I purchased something?” Without a word, he reaches behind me and tugs something from the jacket I bought and hands it to me.

  How embarrassing.

  I’d left my damn tag hanging.

  “Oh. Well, that makes sense.” Heat makes its way from my chest and warms my cheeks.

  “Here we are. Sorry, you’re going to get your hair messed up.” We stop at his bike that I’m sure cost a heap. It’s all black rims with silver and light-maroon coloring. Of course, I know nothing at all about motorbikes other than to sit on the back and hold the hell on. Tight.

  “It’s all right. I can survive a bad hair moment.”

  Cole hands me a helmet, which I slip over my head as he puts his on, and the moment I lay eyes on him again, it’s like all my college dreams have come true. He’s the bad boy I had dreamed up for myself. His dark appearance would make any girl attracted to him.

  My sisters are going to flip out when he walks through the door.

  “So, where are we heading?”

  I give him the address to my mother’s place, and he looks at it on his cell and nods. Cole moves to the side of his bike and throws his leg over with ease. The bike roars to life, and the noise stirs something within me. A bubbling mix of nerves and excitement wreaks havoc in my stomach.

  “Jump on,” he calls and pats the seat behind him.

  I move to get on when he stops me. Cole lifts my bag strap from my shoulder and moves it over to my opposite shoulder so the strap is crossed over my body. I see the logic behind it. Obviously, my head is in a different place to think about it, though.

  Then, he says, “Put your foot there and lift yourself over.” He points to something that’s sticking out closer to the back wheel.

  I do as he says, and the bike tilts a little. I feel what’s about to happen before it does. My stupid footwear slips, and it’s followed by a throbbing pain in my ass as it hits the sidewalk. “Damnit,” I curse under my breath. I have no doubt my face is flaming red.

  Ignoring my pain and the hand that’s held out in front of me, I quickly get up and dust my ass off. My focus lands on Cole, who’s laughing so loudly there are tears in his eyes.

  Embarrassment floods through me while tears prick the corners of my eyes. I scramble to undo the helmet and pull it off, then I shove it at his chest, turn, and storm away.

  Screw you, buddy. I’m not here for your entertainment.



  I storm off down the street, not glancing behind me. Damn him and his looks and everything else that’s delicious about him. I raise my arm to hail a cab, and one stops instantly. As I climb in, I look behind me. Cole’s off his bike, and he’s coming after me.

  I slip into the cab. “Drive, please,” I state and then rattle off the address to Mom’s place. Leaning back against the seat, I sigh.

  It was a stupid idea anyway.

  Why did I even ask him?

  Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

  Lesson learned.

  At least now I’m in the safe confines of a car and not out in the open on the back of a damn bike.

  Forty minutes later, the cab rolls up to Mom’s place, so I pay and climb out. Rummaging through my bag, I pull my cell out to message Scarlett and fill her in on my red-faced moment.

  “Do you run off like that often? I can’t say I’m used to chasing after a woman.” I jump at the sound of the voice. My cell slips from my hand and lands face-down on the road. I die a little inside as I stare down at it and then back up at Cole. His hair is tousled from his helmet.

  “Get lost. I gave you an out. You should have taken it,” I snap. Leaning over, I retrieve my cell, and even though it’s sheathed in a case, I have a sinking feeling the screen is shattered. Flipping it over, I instantly want to cry. “And now I need a new phone. Thank you.”

  “Perhaps you’re right; I shouldn’t have come. I am usually a man of my word, hence the reason I’m standing here in front of your mother’s place. Sorry.” He turns to leave when my mother’s front door flies open.

  “Dylan, is that you causing all this noise?”

  Someone, please, take me away from this moment.

  Cole has stopped and glances between Mom and me. “No, it’s me. We’re just discussing a few things.”

  Mom’s scrutinizing gaze lands on Cole. “Who are you?”

  There’s a beat of silence before I open my mouth to answer, but Cole interjects, “I’m Cole, Dylan’s boyfriend. We were having a discussion about how she’s always running away from her problems.”

  My eyes go wide.

  Is he serious?

  Mom’s eyes light up like a Christmas tree, and the smile that brightens her face tells me all her birthdays and Christmases have come at once. Here we go.

  “Why the hell did you s
ay that?” I hiss under my breath so only Cole can hear.

  He shrugs. “Thought it was a good idea at the time,” he whispers.

  Mom rushes down the five stairs of her house. “Dylan, why didn’t you tell me we had an extra guest coming?”

  Blinking a few times, I gape then turn to him with my eyebrows raised. “Umm…”

  Cole clears his throat and replies for me. “It’s my fault. I wasn’t sure I was going to be in town this weekend or not. I travel a lot for work.”

  Mom stops in front of us, her scrutinizing gaze dancing between us. Cole moves closer and wraps his arm around my waist and tugs me against him.

  For some reason, it feels natural to have him close.

  That’s weird.

  I can’t think like that.

  Obviously, my brain is telling me I’ve been missing a male connection in my life. Being single for so long is taking its toll on my senses. I’m craving Cole like I normally crave candy or chocolate.

  Mom points to the helmet tucked under his opposite arm. “Dylan, please tell me you weren’t on the back of a bike. I’m not sure my heart could handle it.” The crack in her voice makes it sound like she’s on the verge of tears.

  “No, Mom. I came in a cab. Like Cole said, I didn’t know he was coming, so I came after work,” I assure her.

  Cole’s fingers rub against my hip. With that simple motion, my chest squeezes, so I hold my breath for a second.

  “Oh, good. Now come on in. Still can’t believe you didn’t tell me about this handsome young man, Dylan.”

  “Well, Mom, for all I knew he could have run off like the rest have. I tend to be the only female who turns men off with my occupation. You know this fact. I’ve told you numerous times.”

  Mom waves her hand around, apparently dismissing my words. “Come on, dinner’s nearly ready. Like always, we’re still waiting on Jasmine and Ariel.”

  Cole’s mouth comes close to my ear. “Do your parents have a fascination with Disney movies?” He waggles his eyebrows playfully, and I giggle.

  “Obviously not for me. The movies I watched must have been their influence for the girls that came after me.” He grins, shakes his head, then releases his hold on me.

  I want it back.

  His touch.

  His closeness.

  It’s comforting in a way I haven’t experienced in a long time—not since college, at least.

  We step into Mom’s place, and a familiar comfort relaxes me, even with my fake boyfriend beside me.

  “Jackets off and come through.” Mom’s focus is solely on Cole, and I can already see the one hundred questions forming behind her eyes. Tonight is going to be an interesting evening.

  Cole puts his helmet on the floor near the entry table and begins stripping off his leather jacket. My eyes bulge as he slowly slips off each sleeve and his tattoos appear. Both of Cole’s arms are covered, and they’re works of art.

  “Shut your mouth, Dylan.”

  My eyes spring up to meet Cole’s amused expression. “Sorry. I think my mom is going to freak out when she sees those.” I nod toward his arm.

  He shrugs. “I’m not here to please her—or you, for that matter. But by the look on your face, you like them.”

  He’s right; I do. And I want to touch and inspect them, ask him what each one means, and if there’s a story behind them.

  “You won’t be around long enough to know exactly what I’m thinking,” I reply, unable to contain my snarky attitude. I don’t want him to know the kinds of things he’s making my body feel. “I’m still angry at you for laughing at me. So, you know what? You didn’t have to be here tonight. You could have easily been long gone. You chose to come here. So don’t give me the whole I’m-not-here-to-please-her-or-you attitude. You’d better respect my mother, or you’re not going to know what hit you.” I glare at him.

  The smile that forms on Cole’s face would normally make my heart leap. Not tonight, though.

  I shove his hard chest. “Don’t. That grin won’t get you out of treating me or my family like shit.”

  “Stop your whispering, you pair. Come and have a drink,” Mom calls around the corner. I give Cole one last pointed glare and make my way to Mom.

  Cole takes his time, and when I round the corner, Mom is standing there with her hand on her hip and tapping her foot. “Dylan, why didn’t you tell me about him?”

  “Because I know how you are. Next you’ll be pushing him into marrying me.”

  Mom points a finger accusingly at me. “I’m only looking out for you.”

  “I know, but sometimes you can be a bit too much.” I sigh. “I love you, Mom, and I appreciate what you do for me, but my love life is something I need to work on. Not something you need to meddle in.”

  She opens her mouth to respond when a voice filters through the house and then falls silent. “Uh,

  Mom, there’s a biker dude sitting in our living room. Does he belong to you, or do I need to call the police?” Jasmine asks.

  Ariel screams, and I race out. She’s pointing excitedly to Cole. “Oh, my— That’s Cole Carter. Supercross champion.”

  My mouth drops open. “How did you know?” I ask.

  Cole sits casually on the couch, and he doesn’t seem fazed by the events unfolding around him.

  “Um…I’ve been to a few of his races with friends.” Ariel shrugs casually. Her cheeks are bright pink, yet she’s trying to act casual.

  “This is Dylan’s boyfriend,” Mom says.

  “No way,” Ariel screams, and I die a little inside. She’s not known for her tactfulness—more like loud and blunt. I suppose we’re all a little like that. We get it from our mom.

  “Nice to meet you both.” Cole rises and stretches out his hand, and they each take it. My sisters’ eyes rake over him, and a stab of jealousy jolts through me.

  Casually, I stroll over to stand beside him. “This is Ariel, and that’s Jasmine.” I point to each one even though my mother has done the introductions. Mom leaves the room, and the girls quickly follow after her once they get over their initial gawking.

  “Jealous much?” he teases, facing me.

  Our bodies are so close. If anyone looked at us, they would assume we’re a couple with how near we’re standing and especially the way his stare eats me up.

  “You wish,” I retort.

  “I swear I saw that green-eyed monster jump onto your shoulder the moment you saw your sisters taking this in.” He gestures to his body.

  I raise an eyebrow. “Hmm… I wouldn’t be too worried if I was you. I don’t get jealous… I get even. Just you wait and see what I have in store for you. You laugh at me, and you pay.” I take a small step forward and rise on my tiptoes. His breath hits my lips as his teeth rake over his bottom lip.

  It’s suddenly become scorching in this tiny room.

  I hover there for a moment, and he moves in to close the gap, but I pull back.

  “Told you,” I say seductively then turn and leave.



  I am in trouble.

  Dylan struts away as if she’s performing on the catwalk. I was ready to swoop in and finish the distance between that kiss. She played me, and now I can’t get it out of my head. The desire to caress those lips is firmly at the forefront of my mind. I have no doubt they’d be soft, and she’ll probably taste sweet. I need to taste her. Devour her mouth. Claim it as my own.

  “Come on, Cole. Dinner’s ready,” Dylan’s sister—Ariel, I think her name is—states. The one who recognized me pokes her head around the corner from the kitchen.

  I did notice Dylan’s reaction, though. It was pure gold to watch her turn into a protective hound dog. Nothing is allowed to touch what’s hers, especially if it’s her sister. The other sister didn’t seem too interested, which is fine with me since I won’t be hanging around for long after dinner. I already know I’ll be made out to be the bad guy in this situation—story of my life.

  I make my way to
the dining table and take an empty seat beside Dylan. Her mom hands me a plate full of mashed potatoes. “Thank you.” I gift her with a grin. It’s then I remember I don’t know her name. Dylan didn’t tell me or even introduce us. I was thrown under the bus when she walked out and saw us on the street.

  Honestly, I don’t know what came over me when I told her I was Dylan’s boyfriend. It felt like the right thing to say, when it was actually the dumbest.

  All the ladies around me fill their plates. I sense a pair of eyes on me, and when I glance up, Ariel’s grin greets me. “So, Cole, how did you meet Dylan?” Ariel’s sweet voice cuts through the clinking of cutlery of the people around us filling their plates.

  And now for the onslaught of questions.

  I flick a glance toward Dylan who tries to hide a smile by shoving a forkful of roast beef in her mouth. “Well, uh…that’s a pretty funny story, actually. My friend attempted to play a trick on me, and it led me to this beautiful lady.” Two can play her game. I slide my hand over her thigh, and it stiffens under my touch. Dylan attempts to act natural, but I can see the sheer panic slice through her the moment I squeeze her leg.

  “Oh, aren’t you sweet,” her mother gushes.

  “What was the trick?” Jasmine asks.

  My hand stays where it is, and I answer, “He told me that I had to get a test done before my next race meet. Said my original doctor wasn’t available, so he sent me to Dylan’s office. It was a bit of a shock to the system when I realized what it is she actually does with men’s bits.” I inwardly cringe at the thought of her standing over me with my legs splayed open in the air and her fondling my manhood then decapitating it. Okay, slight over-exaggeration, I know. However, she can totally fondle my manhood in another way anytime she wants.

  The room fills with laughter from everyone except Dylan. I slide my hand farther up her thigh. She shifts a little, and that slight movement stirs a need in me. I want her, at least once.

  There’s something about her that screams to me. A silent call only I can hear.


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