Reign: A Romance Anthology

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Reign: A Romance Anthology Page 97

by Nina Levine

She scrunches her face. “Either get bored and eventually leave, or follow me all the way home.”

  “Does this happen all the time?”

  She shakes her head. “Not all the time, but since I walked out on my wedding, they've been around a lot more. Like daily. I need a celebrity to do something more newsworthy, then hopefully I’ll be old news.”

  I nod. “Let’s do this. Give me a minute to go up and change.”

  I walk out, run up to my apartment, and take a minute to myself. Seeing her again is one thing, having her plastered against me in the next few minutes is another. Torture, knowing that I can’t have her again. But no way can I let her go, not with those vultures following her.

  I go into my room, put on my leather jacket and change into my riding boots. I guess I have to look the part too.

  Running downstairs, I bump into Ryder as he walks around the doorway.

  “Are you running away with the gang?” He grins.

  “Smartass. I don’t know when I’ll be back. Lock up for me?”

  He nods, which I’m grateful for. After dropping off Sofia, I’m going to need to ride for a while to clear my mind; it's still way too early to hit a bar.

  “You ready to ride?” Declan says when I reach him.

  “Yep, so what’s the plan?”

  “We’re going to ride right past them and alternate. One turns left, one turns right. By the time they get in their cars, they won’t know which bike they're supposed to be following.” Declan whistles, getting everyone's attention. “Let’s do this. Tye and Nik, circle the block, then catch up to Jett on White’s road. On the off chance they do spot her and follow the right bike, you guys can create a diversion.”

  I walk to my bike, which Sofia is standing next to. Her eyes lower to the ground and slowly make their way up, perusing my body. She bites her lip. When she sees my eyes on her, her face blanks.

  “Are you doing okay?”

  “Yes and no. Is it bad that while I hate that you all have to do this for me, the thought of riding again excites me?” She tilts her head. “Plus, I’m in love with this jacket.” She pulls on the lapels with a huge smile on her face.

  I smile back and put on her helmet, buckling it under her chin.

  “So where to, princess?”

  She rattles off an address and adds, “Unless you haven’t eaten lunch, we can maybe go to that diner?”

  Looking at my watch, I see that the lunchtime rush has just passed, so it shouldn’t be too crowded.

  I put my helmet on and straddle the bike.

  Smiling at her, I give her my hand to help her up behind me. She tucks her long hair into the collar of the jacket, effectively hiding it, and wraps her arms around me as everyone turns on their bikes.

  The noise is deafening, echoing in the shop. With Sofia’s body pressed close and the vibration coming off all the bikes, excited energy races through me.

  I lift up the kickstand and roll out of the shop. I allow five bikes to go in front before I follow. The paparazzi look around, unsure what’s going on. Perfect. As I turn right, I see them scrambling to get in their cars. Good luck getting anywhere for a few minutes, there's still a few more bikes to come past.

  I hear Sofia’s beautiful laugh, and I realize I haven’t smiled like this since she left me.


  Sofia Winters

  “Sofia, darling, when are you and Thomas going to get married? It really was ghastly you running out on him.” My mother sips her mimosa, minus the orange juice.

  “Mom.” I roll my eyes. This is all I’ve heard from her since the moment I returned. It’s just another reason I’m desperate to leave here and, perhaps, spend more time with Jett. Having lunch at the diner with him is my new favorite thing. When I apologized and explained in a little more detail why I left that morning, he was gracious and didn’t hold a grudge. He just stole some of my fries and called it even.

  We both turn when we hear scuffling in the hallway.

  Thomas barges into the room, waving his phone in front of him, Maggie, the housekeeper, hurrying behind him.

  “I’m sorry, Mrs. Winters. I couldn’t stop him.”

  Thomas ignores her and glares at me. “Sofia, how could you?”

  “Thomas, sweetheart,” my mother exclaims, standing up. She walks up to him, greeting him with a kiss on his cheek.

  “Mrs. Winters. Can I have a moment alone with your daughter?”

  “Of course. Anything for you.” She pats his cheek, giving me a stern look before leaving the dining room.

  “Thomas, what a pleasant surprise.” I dab the napkin to my mouth, then lean back in my chair.

  He shoves the phone in my face. “Care to explain this?” His face is red with anger.

  I take the phone from his hand and look at what he's showing me—a picture of me from yesterday, Declan’s arm around my shoulders.

  “It’s a picture of me.”

  “Don’t get smart with me, Sofia. I told you what would happen if you defied me.”

  “Thomas, this is a picture of me, taken by the paparazzi. That happens to me sometimes, you should know this by now.” I stand up, passing him back his phone, having had enough of this conversation.

  “Did you read the headline attached to the photo?”

  I cross my arms. “No, would you like to enlighten me?”

  He clicks on his phone and starts reading. “Sofia Winters, the Winters' heir caught in the arms of another man.” He looks up at me. “Would you like me to read more?” He continues, not waiting for me to reply. “‘Could this be why she ran on her wedding day? The mystery man is none other than Declan Reed, President of the Black Hawks MC.’ Care to explain yourself, Sofia?”

  “No, I would not. I went to get my car serviced and the paparazzi followed me. End of story. Now, if that is all, I have things to do.”

  First on the agenda is to call Maya to get an update. I’ve had enough of this charade. And, second, I need to start looking for my own place to live. It’s time I started living my life on my terms and not what Thomas or my parents expect from me.

  I brush past him, but he stops me and grabs my arm, forcefully.

  “Sofia,” he hisses through his gritted teeth.


  “You’re friends with a motorcycle gang now? How low have you sunk? Who the hell are you? I don’t know you anymore.”

  I laugh out loud and yank my arm away.

  “To be honest, Thomas, I don’t think you ever knew the real me. You only knew the Sofia my mom was grooming me to be, and the woman you wanted me to be—a trophy wife—and that is not me. Now, if you’ll excuse me.”

  His mouth drops open.

  “Oh, don’t worry, I’ll still play the dutiful girlfriend at events, but, for now, I don’t want to see you.” I don’t wait for his reply. I just walk out and make my way up the stairs to my room.

  Sitting on my bed, I open my laptop and dial Maya before placing the phone on speaker and dropping it near the computer. I Google my name to see what the tabloids are saying. I gave up Googling a long time ago. The majority of things they say are completely fabricated. As a teen, I used to constantly check, but I would take it personally, and it would upset me, so I stopped. It wasn't worth reading it and ruining the rest of my day.


  “Hey, Maya, how are you?”

  “I’m great. Not as great as you. You look hot in these pics.”

  I laugh as I look at the pics I’ve pulled up on Google images. There’s one of me coming out of my car, Declan greeting me, me hiding in his arms.


  I let out a groan. “Why me? Surely they have more important people to follow.”

  “But how many celebrities do a runner on their wedding day, that everyone was rooting for? The past year, you guys have been the golden couple. And then you go and mingle with, ‘gasp’, a motorcycle club.” She starts laughing.

  “God. How did I ever get here, Maya? I never really thought of
myself as a people-pleaser, but looking back, that’s exactly what I’ve become. When I ran off, the chance meeting with Jett and spending time with someone who didn't know me because of what my name could bring them, were some of the happiest days I’ve had in a long time.”

  “I know, hon, and you deserve to be that happy all the time.”

  “Huh, like that’s going to happen any time soon.”

  “Yes, it is. I forgot to message you last night. This afternoon, there is some golfing thing going on. My dad, your dad, and Thomas and his dad will be occupied for a few hours. So, Brad will be freeing you from dickhead.”

  I hold my breath for a minute and then slowly exhale.

  “You okay?” she asks.

  “Yes. I don’t know what I was thinking. I thought it would take longer.”

  “Nope, you need to be rid of Thomas once and for all.”

  Tears well in my eyes, and I sniffle.

  “Thank you, Maya. To you and Brad. I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you guys.”

  “That’s all that’s needed. We’re sisters, Sofia, and always will be.”

  I don’t know what I would have done without Maya in my life. I’d probably be a carbon cut-out of my mother and miserable to boot.

  “I love you, Maya.”

  “I love you too, honey.”



  “How much of a stir do you think it will be if I tell my parents I’m moving out?”

  “What?” she squeals.

  I laugh. “When I was with Jett, it felt good to do what we wanted, when we wanted. No staff constantly around, no tight schedules.”

  “Oh my God. I’m so happy for you, Sofia. And don’t even think about going to anyone else to decorate for you. You know I’m your girl.”

  “Of course not. I’m going to look online and call around. It will still have to be in a gated community, but I want to find my own place. Something I can call my own.”

  “I’m proud of you. If you need any help, for anything, I’m just a phone call away.”

  “I know. I appreciate you so much. Keep your phone handy, I’ll send you some of the places I find.”

  “Will do. Speak soon.”


  Picking up my laptop, I walk over to the window seat, determined to start my search. It’s going to be a long day.

  There’s a knock at my door, followed by an, “Excuse me, Miss. Winters.”

  “Yes, come in, Maggie.”

  She walks in with a tray of food. I glance at the time on my computer, and it reads nearly 2:00 p.m. I’ve lost track of time, but the good thing is, I have narrowed my search to two places.

  Maggie drops the tray on the table next to me. “It was getting late, and I thought you might be hungry.” She smiles at me.

  “Thank you.” I smile back.

  She hesitates, looking down at her shoes instead of leaving.

  “Is there something else?” I ask.

  She frowns and nods. “Mrs. Winters has asked me to tell you that dinner will be at seven, and not to be late.”

  I giggle. “She wasn't as polite as that, was she?”

  Her cheeks redden.

  “Thank you, Maggie, I’ll make sure I’m ready on time.”

  She scurries out. God knows who mother has coming over. She very rarely has last-minute dinners. But I’m not going to let this ruin my buzz from the good day I’m having. I’m feeling hopeful for the first time since I started planning my stupid wedding.

  I practically inhale my lunch, and as I nibble the last fry, my phone rings. It’s John, the realtor.


  “Hi, Sofia. I know we planned to meet in the morning, but I’ve had a cancellation and I’m now free this afternoon. Did you want to go look at some houses? I even have one that’s not listed yet, but they are desperate for a quick sale. I think the house may be perfect for you. It has everything you are wanting in a property”

  “Yes. Oh my. Yes, please.”

  A month ago, I never thought I would be doing something like this. Now it’s all happening so fast. But while this is scary, it’s equally thrilling too.

  “Meet me at the office in an hour and we’ll go from there.”

  “Okay, I’ll see you soon.”

  The butterflies in my stomach are stopping me from doing any more work, so I shut down my laptop. Walking into my closet, I pick a green dress for dinner and hang it behind the bathroom door.

  “Why are you whistling? What are you so happy about?” Mom says, scaring the living crap out of me.

  My hand goes up to my racing heart. She’s standing in the doorway, a disapproving look permanently on her face these days.

  “It’s just a great day. I need to go.” I drop my phone into my purse, making my way to the door.

  “You need to be home for dinner.”

  I hold back from rolling my eyes. “Yes, Mom, Maggie already told me. I’ll be sure to be home in time to change and be down for dinner.”

  I walk past her and out of the house, then make my way to my car, which Jett dropped back late last night, leaving it with the security guards at the front of the estate.

  The Los Angeles traffic that would usually irritate me, does not today. I’m excited at the prospect of finding my own place today, but I’m also not naïve because, sometimes, it can take months. John is one of Dad’s oldest friends, though, so he knows me. And with the list I gave him, I’m hoping the process is quicker.

  I pull up at his office to find him standing on the curb. Parking the car, I get out and embrace him.

  He smiles, his eyes crinkling. “Are you ready to go look at your dream home?”

  “You’re that confident?”

  “Come on, I’m not known in these parts as LA’s finest real estate broker for nothing. Plus, I have the added benefit of knowing you.”

  He guides me to his treasured Rolls-Royce. Climbing in, I secure my seat belt, my smile so bright I can’t contain it. Ever since I decided to live life on my terms, I feel almost lighter for the first time in I don’t know how long.


  Jett Reed

  It’s 4:00 a.m., no sane person should be up at this time of the day. But I am. After a night of tossing, turning, and cursing, I had to get up. Running helps clear my mind—on a normal day.

  But seeing Sofia again yesterday, feeling her body flush against mine on the back of my bike, was tough. Knowing she belongs to another man, even harder. She avoided talking about why she abruptly left my place, which was weird. I wanted to take her to the diner again, but I didn’t want to torture myself any longer than I had to. After riding around, I dropped her off at the gates to her estate. She lifted to her toes and said she’ll miss me, her eyes glossy as she turned around and walked out of my life.


  I pound the footpath harder, needing to get her out of my head.

  She’s so far out of my league, even if she was single. Driving her luxury car last night to her exclusive gated estate drilled that in. Our paths should have never crossed. Like in the movie Titanic, she would have been Rose and I would have been Jack.

  Most men will never have the chance to drive in that kind of luxury. Hell, I never thought I would either. I drove like a grandma, though, not wanting anything to happen to her precious Bentley. Plus, her scent was all over the car and it was driving me crazy. Ryder gave me shit about my driving all the way back home.

  Running faster to chase Sofia out of my system, I do a double loop of my normal running track.

  I’m in the shop by five-thirty, and fuck if Declan’s words don’t bite me in the ass. A coffee machine for down here is now at the top of the list to buy. That’s if I get through this morning on one measly cup.

  Turning the radio on, I set myself up and get to work; it’s going to be a long ass day.

  Around seven, I hear voices outside. Someone must be early dropping off a bike or car. Normally, we don’t open the shop and take posse
ssion of the cars until eight, when we officially open, but since I’m here, I may as well let them in.

  I walk through the door near reception and am greeted by four people snapping pictures.


  “Declan, care to comment?”

  “Declan, did you frame Sofia? Are you blackmailing the Winters family?”

  “What the fuck is going on here?” I say over their voices.

  “Is it true, Mr. Reed, that you are leaking a sex tape of you and Sofia?”

  “Is it true she’s joining your motorcycle club and abandoning her inheritance and hotel empire for you?”

  I take in what they are saying. What are they are asking? Why are they calling me Declan? And a sex tape? I have all these questions and more running through my head.

  “Look”—I put my hands up to shut them up—“you’re trespassing on private property, and I want you out of here right now.” They all start talking at once, but I turn around, my hand on the door handle. “You fuckers have five minutes and then I’m calling the cops to get rid of you.” Not looking back, I lock the door and storm into my office, switching on the computer and wishing like hell I had a coffee machine, needing another hit of caffeine.

  This has to do with yesterday's stunt. But what they’re saying about a sex tape is crazy.

  When my computer starts, I Google Sofia and am hit with photos of her in Declan’s arms from yesterday, plus all these links to a secret sex tape with the President of the Black Hawks MC, Declan Reed.

  Oh. My. Lord.

  As if my day wasn’t bad enough, and it’s not even 8:00 a.m. I click on one of the links.

  Winters’ Hotel King’s daughter, Sofia, leaves billionaire, Thomas Peters, at the altar for bad boy Declan Reed.

  “Is this a rebellious fling gone wrong, or is Sofia abandoning her future as heir to the hotel chain? Runaway bride, a secret sex tape, is America’s favorite daughter finally rebelling at age twenty-five?”

  I stop reading the bullshit. I have a newfound respect for celebrities that have to put up with this on a daily basis, but I’m sure it is way more intense.


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