Irresistibly Dashing

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Irresistibly Dashing Page 5

by Victoria Arabpour Pinder

  The couch seemed made of green and orange silk and was probably more comfortable than her bed in Miami. “No.”

  “No?” Beau, headed to the adjoining bathroom, stopped.

  The huge bed she sat on was also decorated in orange and green silks with huge pillows everywhere. “Look, we’re in a foreign country and this isn’t sexual, but I think we better sleep next to each other.”

  He walked over and knelt down in front of her. “Do you sleep walk or intend to yell at me in the middle of the night when I’m trying to sleep?”

  Her eyes grew bigger. Was it impossible for him to believe that she just wanted him close without it being more? She swallowed as that question was more her childhood and not Beau. She lowered her head and quietly whispered, “No. We’re in a foreign country where I don’t know the language and the customs are all strange to me. So you sleep on one end and I’ll be on the other.”

  He stood, hovering. Her heart almost stopped as she waited for his answer, but then he said, “Give me a minute to get ready.”

  She nodded and went to her bag a servant must have delivered and deposited near the closet. Inside she found her pajamas and slippers. Beau came out in cotton pajama pants and a white t-shirt.

  At least he wasn't shirtless--she might not have been able to hide the pattering of her heart so well right now. Without a word she slipped into the bathroom and noticed the entire blue-tiled bathroom floor was a shower with multiple shower heads on the walls.

  Sarah placed her clothes on hooks near a white sink installed beneath a long mirror that spanned the entire wall. She quickly changed into her pink cotton pants, decorated with pink hearts, and matching sleep-shirt.

  She brushed her hair and returned to the bedroom. Beau jumped up from the bed and waited for her to get under the covers.

  Goosebumps grew as she passed him, but she hopped onto her side and tugged the covers on. Beau stared at her like he expected her to fight him and then gingerly slid into the bed, but stayed so close to the edge that if he relaxed he’d fall to the floor. “Is this far enough from you?”

  Sitting up, Sarah motioned for him to come closer to her. “You don’t have to be half falling off. Beau, just take the normal half.”

  He scooted over about an inch though he was still close to the edge. “There's a normal half?”

  Sarah tapped his shoulder and then motioned with her other hand. “Okay, you get two pillow lengths in this king-sized bed. Is that clear?”

  He followed her directions but refused to sit down as he pointed to his spot and asked, “So I can sleep here and you won’t get up in five minutes, freak out if I accidentally get too close, and tell me to hit the couch?”

  Ah. Perhaps she had given him too hard of a time. She turned off the lights. “Not here, no.”

  She settled down in her covers but then he didn’t move. “You’re sure?”

  Tonight she was in a foreign country and the only person she had on her side was her husband. She patted his section of the bed. “Pretty sure. Just hold my hand.”

  He took her hand and squeezed it. She relaxed into her pillow but he just stared down at her in the near dark. “One more thing.”

  Right now she needed him here, with her. She batted her eyes. “What’s that, Beau?”

  His lips curved and those dimples appeared as he asked, “Can I have a goodnight kiss to fuel my dreams of you?”

  A jolt of energy washed through her though she pouted and said, “I don’t trust sweet words.”

  He came closer and every cell in her body was awake with desire. “But I only speak the truth. You said yourself I’m honest with you.”

  She let out a long sigh as she closed her eyes. “One kiss.”

  Beau's lips met hers and tingles grew everywhere. Her arms wrapped around his neck and she pulled him on top of her.

  If he asked, she was his.

  But as the kiss ended, he settled on his own pillow and simply said, “Good night then.”

  Wait. Was this what she wanted? Now she ached and holding her husband’s hand was intoxicating. She wanted far more, but wasn’t sure if that was wise. She stared at him as he kept his eyes closed, and then she heard his breathing grow deeper.

  How in the world could he fall asleep so fast? All she wanted was more of his kisses, though she couldn’t admit that. If she did, she was in serious trouble, right?

  Beau tugged on his pants as the sun was already up outside the closed blinds. They were late, but Sarah was still sleeping. Last night had been long and never-ending.

  He’d woken up with her curled in his arms. She made his pillow smell like her lavender shampoo, but she hadn’t stirred when he got up, showered and now dressed.

  Last night he’d promised that he would not leave her alone, but he'd had to order breakfast so they could get moving. He'd noticed that she tended to be more on edge without eating, and she enjoyed her meals.

  Not that he blamed her. Everything he ever wanted was available because his parents loved him unconditionally.

  Not like hers.

  Guards were outside of their bedroom, so he opened the door and asked for the head of the household to come meet him.

  He gently closed the door, and Sarah snored a little. He knew her breakfasts from home, so when there was a light knock, he slipped outside the door and told Reza Moradi, head of household, their breakfast order.

  Beau still hadn't introduced himself though he knew the man's name. Not calling someone by name twisted in his gut as rude, but his father knew way more about this country than he did.

  However, his father had left decades ago but his sources all confirmed the information was correct.

  Finished, he went back inside where Sarah sat with her arms crossed on the bed. He smiled at her. “Good, you’re up.”

  She stood and the scowl on her face showed her unhappiness. “Where were you?”

  Without thinking, he rubbed her shoulders. “Relax. I was right outside the door. I didn’t leave.”

  Her lips pouted in a sour expression. “You should have warned me.”

  Being here with Sarah could be an opportunity for them to grow closer, or a reason for her to think they would never work together as a married couple. He kissed her forehead. “You were sleeping and it was only one minute. I was right outside. All you had to do was open the door if you were worried.”

  She tugged on his sleeve to keep him close. “One minute too long.”

  His heart beat differently than normal as he hoped she would always need him. She wouldn't understand that. “I summoned the head of the household, the man who showed us to our bedroom last night?"

  She glanced around the huge room that had fabrics embedded with gold for wallpaper, looking more beautiful this morning, like sunlight reflected against diamonds to brighten the room and his life.

  "And ordered our breakfast. We’ll leave tonight, if all goes as planned.”

  She let his sleeve go and he stepped back. Sarah picked up her clothes that she’d unpacked last night and left on top of her bag. “Wait here and don’t go anywhere, even right outside. I’ll be fast. I'm hoping we leave, yet at the same time I’m curious about Hoskell and your father’s election.”

  Sarah probably cared because she and his father chatted often, even more than he’d talked to his father in recent times. Beau honestly had no idea what the two of them discussed. He’d never asked, honoring their privacy.

  He called through the bathroom door, “We’ll talk about what you’d like to see over breakfast, but Sarah, for now I need you to pretend you’re oblivious to everyone around you except me.”

  The water began to run but she spoke through the door, “What?”

  Beau's mind pictured her completely naked while the water washed all over her. "I'll explain later." His body became hard at the thought and he grabbed his laptop to work, and distract himself, while he waited.

  He checked his email and sent a message to Navid and his father that anyone might see if h
e was hacked so he kept it simple… letting his family know that he and Sarah had arrived and would call soon.

  If anyone here was his enemy, he had a tracer program installed to find out if someone read his emails.

  He heard the water shut off so he packed up his laptop and stood from the bed, his body back under control.

  Sarah came out of the en suite bathroom with her hair already in a ponytail, though still wet, wearing a long-sleeved cotton chiffon dress that covered her entirely.

  He appreciated the fact that she'd tried to blend in with local customs. They headed out of the room and into the living area designed for private conversations. His mind replayed their conversation and he answered her question like no time had passed, “Ignore everyone but me. You’re technically the princess and we need to follow my father’s advice this morning. So don’t offer any opinion or smiles of encouragement or comments to anyone but me, until after we’ve introduced you to the staff.”

  Her lips pressed together like she’d argue. He stilled and waited. “But I can talk to you?”

  Good, no debate. He massaged her back to direct her to the breakfast being set for them. “Always at my side. You’re my wife.”

  As they neared the door of the bedroom and into the suite she lowered her head and said, “I don’t feel like a wife.”

  He pressed his finger to her chin and lifted her face slightly. “Sarah?”

  Her eyes widened. “Yeah?”

  He kissed her cheek. “We can fix that feeling, after we arrest Mariam and hold her responsible for my family’s false imprisonment.”

  She squared her shoulders and tensed beside him as he opened the door to the living area designed for private conversations. “I somehow doubt that will be easy or go as planned.”

  The guards walked them downstairs on the grand staircase and outside to a veranda as he said, “Pray you’re wrong, Sarah. I want to go home.”

  “We both do.” She straightened like his personal bodyguard.

  Instead of the offices, they were escorted onto a huge balcony and he saw a buffet that might feed a hundred people set up for just the two of them, including the yogurt he’d ordered.

  This was way too much; it was a feast for a prince when he’d never really been a prince in fact. Beau led her to the food and they both took seats, eating faster than normal. Servants standing ready to fetch meant they had zero downtime.

  Sarah didn't complain about the decadence around them. He would straighten out that there was no need to prepare so much food for them in the future.

  Once they both finished their coffee, he asked, “Are you ready to meet the staff?”

  She glanced over at the silent sentinels by the door and said as she rose, “Yes, my darling.”

  “Sheereen-am,” he corrected as he joined her. His mind quickly raced to understand why she’d called him that, though he played along.

  She looked up at him. “What?”

  He lowered his voice as if sharing love secrets as he explained, “Technically it means my sweetie, or my honey, but since we’re here and we want to blend…”

  “Of course, sheereen-am,” she said.

  They walked inside and the guards brought them to a main ballroom.

  At eleven, they’d meet dignitaries here and the palace was designed to impress. Twenty four staff members in blue livery were ready to attend. The chandelier just made the entire room with mirrors sparkly. Sarah hesitated and her face went a little white, which meant she was out of her comfort zone..

  It was time to do what he thought polite last night, and he kept Sarah beside him, squared her shoulders like a soldier, as he addressed the group. “I want to thank everyone for staying up late and serving us. My wife and I were very tired once we arrived. I'd like to introduce my better half, my wife and light of my life, Sarah.”

  Sarah looked at him first with wide eyes, then the staff before her. “When we have time, we’ll get to know each other as one big team.”

  Her polite nod and how she shook the women’s hands while acknowledging the men was like she was born to this role. She was an excellent princess with a good head on her shoulders for figuring people out, though today slightly over enthusiastic. He’d always seen that, even though she’d not been born to the title. “Excellent. As you know, I’m here representing my father, and we will host a political event this afternoon starting with the formal signing on the balcony. I hope everyone is prepared for the party, and thank you again for resuming or taking a position here. It means a lot to our family to have your loyalty.”

  He wished he could hold Sarah's hand, but didn’t dare. The head of the household stepped forward. “Excellent, Your Highness.”

  Not yet, but he’d not argue timing and semantics.

  “And you are Reza Moradi?” The man was rail-thin, with slightly balding salt and pepper hair.

  The deep brown eyes reminded Beau of his own father. Reza answered, “Yes, Your Highness.”

  Another one with the titles.

  In time he’d figure out how the young people acted around the palace but Reza was old-school like his father. “Please let me know if the staff needs anything.”

  The man beat his heart as if taking a solemn vow. “I will, my prince.”

  Vows got people into trouble. Beau turned toward his wife. “Sarah, are you ready to go?”

  Sarah’s face was red after talking to the female housekeeper a moment ago. “Yes," she said. "I need to change into… more appropriate royal attire it seems.”

  Six women all stepped up as if there to attend to his wife. Sarah must have talked about that with the housekeeper, which would explain her blush. “The servants here will help you?”

  She nodded but asked, “Beau?”

  Right. The staff had to know they were American. He ignored what he'd read about protocol as this was their private house and kissed her cheek lightly to reassure her all was well.

  The ladies behind her smiled at his action but he didn’t care. He focused on Sarah’s wide brown eyes and said in a low voice, “It will be okay. Just be my princess and yourself. You’re one of the strongest women I’ve ever met.”

  She let out another of her sighs and shook her head. “You must have me confused with someone else, but I’ll go with them as long as you promise to find me in an hour.”

  He bowed like he’d ask her to dance at a ball. “I will, sheereen-am.”

  She covered her heart with her hand and nodded. “I’m going to trust you.”

  Trust was a big deal. If he earned that from her then they both had a chance at love, like he wanted--if he survived. He watched her walk away and said, “Then today is already a good day.”

  She glanced over her shoulder and for a moment their gazes stayed on each other until she disappeared around a corner.

  Reza returned to his side. “Highness, the authorities are here for your appointment.”

  Authorities. Right. He’d come on a mission for his family and it wasn’t a change of scene for romantic hopes. He was here to ensure Mariam never hurt his family again. “Excellent.”

  Reza led him to a bright office filled with sunshine through tall windows blue walls and a matching blue and white desk with gold laced through the paint. The furniture had clearly been designed for this room. Beau slipped into the chair behind the desk.

  He opened the laptop his staff had left in the room. Beau ran the security program to see if anyone had tampered with it but stood when a knock sounded on the door.

  Reza brought in another older man who could be his father’s age. Beau had the instinct to shake hands, but remembered his father's instructions on how to be a prince. So instead he stared down his nose, motioned for the man to take the chair two inches smaller than his, and asked, “You’re the chief of police?”

  The man bowed his head slightly and said, “Yes, my prince. I’m Hussein.”

  This was why he was here, to end the plot against his family and prove that they would not be taken advantage
of again. He offered his hand to shake and waited until the man accepted it. “My aunt, Mariam Shahpour, who claims to no longer be a royal, has killed my aunt and uncle and she’s had the king falsely arrested.”

  The man took his hand back but his eyes had a gleam like he wanted to follow orders. Good. Beau leaned against his desk so he’d lower himself to the man’s height as Hussein said, “If we vote for your father tomorrow, do we have your word, His Highness will return?”

  “He hopes for nothing less. Now that he knows his sons and daughter are all safe, and married or about to be, he wants to return here. His home.”

  Hussein bowed but then another flash in his eyes showed as he said, “Excellent. Is it true your sister is marrying Navid Barampour?”

  Now that was a name he hadn’t expected to hear during this meeting. His sister's fiancé. He nodded. “Why?”

  The man flung one hand to his chest and he tapped his other arm. “His company has promised to open a business here and employ thousands, if His Majesty wins. My son is a computer engineer.”

  Interesting. This was about making a deal, just as his father said it would be. Beau shrugged and assumed this man’s help would happen only if Beau helped him too.

  He sat back on the desk top and gave the man a smile as he said, “I’m sure that’s a deal he’s worked out with my father. I can’t guarantee a job, but I can promise that Navid will hear his name for consideration of an interview.”

  The man dropped his hands to his sides. “And the money from the oil fields will return to help our people in Hoskell?”

  The subject pinged from his son, to their country. Hopefully this meant Hussein would do his job. Beau said, “Yes, my father has talked about many renovations, and you will have his ear.”

  Hussein nodded. “Then we will ensure your aunt is not a problem.”

  Good. He stood to shake hands. “Excellent.”

  Hussein kissed both of his cheeks as was the custom for both a goodbye, and a means of sealing the deal.

  Beau didn’t move until the man left and then he breathed easier. Hopefully what the chief said was true and his aunt’s threat was about to end. Safety for his family meant he’d have less goals of vengeance and his life might return to almost normal. The files were delivered safely so his extra precautions about the extra laptops weren’t necessary. All was well delivered seamlessly.


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