Through the Gate: The Chronicles of Cornu Book 1

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Through the Gate: The Chronicles of Cornu Book 1 Page 10

by L J Dalton Jr

  “Same thing you do down in New Jersey. We’ve got a lot of poor people around here. There are a couple of food kitchens that we’ll give a deer to. I know an elderly couple that would love to have a deer to help supplement food during the winter. He used to hunt but can’t do that anymore. The deer will go to good use and keep the numbers down to a reasonable level.”

  That answer satisfied Mike. They did just as Sol wanted. One deer was dropped off at each of two food kitchens in the region. A third went to the elderly couple Sol had talked about. The last deer they took to a butcher to be cut up. The meat would be divided between family and friends. They waited while the butcher cut the deer up and then took the packaged meat home. That night they had venison for diner. The whole experience was very enlightening to Mike. He started to see some connections between people and the natural world. Also, that it wasn’t just cities like Newark, Jersey City, Trenton and Camden that had poor and hungry people. People in rural areas suffered from it as well.

  In December, Mike, his dad and brother went hunting in New Jersey. They didn’t do quite as well. Jack was the only one to bag a deer, a doe. This deer went directly to St. Benedicts in Newark. The Benedictines ran St. Benedicts Academy in Newark. It served the poor in the city. Most of the kids that went there were black and poor. Many of them went on to college. It was different years ago when his father went to Seton Hall Prep. Mostly middle-class kids went there, and they were a rival of Seton Hall and the other catholic schools. Mike’s dad gave them money every year. If there was one place in Newark that was going to get the deer as a donation it was St. Benedicts. They had outreach in the community and would make sure it went to the right place.

  That summer Mike spent 4 weeks at his Uncle’s. He went fishing on Lake George. He caught some perch and some bass. These he threw back. On the second Saturday there, he and his Uncle were tolling slowly behind the boat when he got a big strike. He only had 15 lb. test line on the spinning reel. His Uncle told him to play it carefully. He did just that. He finally got it close to the boat and they could see it was a big lake trout. It must have gone 20 plus pounds. Suddenly the fish went under the boat and used that to break the line. Even though he didn’t bring it in, it was a big moment. From then on, he promised the next time they were trolling deep in the cold-water part of the lake, he’d have heavier tackle.

  The next Monday he started the first class - tracking. There were only ten people in the class. They came from all over. One retiree from the City, a married couple, a couple of veteran hunters and of course Mike. The class taught him how to track animals in the woods. He learned about the tracks different animals made. Where they slept and what signs they left. He also learned about animal scat. Or as he called poopology. It was the droppings of different types of animals from rabbits to bears. The class lasted just 3 days. At the end of it Mike was certain he could spot animal tracks and have a pretty good idea where they were going. He was also familiar with scat or poop.

  The next class started the next Monday. This had only 4 other people in it besides Mike. It was a wilderness survival course. It covered a lot of things that Mike found fascinating. How to start a fire in different ways – using a flint and steel and using a fire bow. The instructor showed them how to make the bow out of a shoelace. Also, how to make tinder. Then how to make an emergency shelter that would keep them dry. To survive using leaves and evergreen branches as covers to keep warm. What berries and other foods where available.

  At the end of his four weeks with his uncle he was very satisfied. He really enjoyed learning things and what he learned was really cool. Especially for a pre-teen. Somewhere in the back of his mind he realized that going hunting, fishing and hiking that he might find himself in a situation where this was important. Mike knew that if something went wrong when he was in the woods he could survive. He expanded this knowledge by reading and asking veteran hunters questions. His ability to track and survive in the woods surprised his instructors at Marine OCS later in life. He was the ultimate nerd, yet he was as good as or better in the woods than many people who grew up in rural areas. Add to that he could shoot. Who would have thought?

  Mike put together a survival kit that went into a waist pack. It was simple, some space blankets, fishing line and hooks, Firestarter and tinder, paracord bracelet with compass, and a Leatherman multitool. Over the years he would continue to add a few things to it. It went with him whenever he was in the woods, even on a simple day hike.

  The next year he learned to hunt waterfowl. This was a bit different than deer hunting. His father got him a used Remington 870 12 gauge shotgun. He practiced with clay pigeons. It was a lot more difficult than it looked. He had to quickly aim, track and fire at a moving target. His father thought he was ready when he could hit about three out of ten clay pigeons. When the season came around Mike, his father and a couple of other men went down to Barnegat Bay to hunt. They stayed at their shore house and got up early. One of the hunters lived in the area and had set up a blind earlier in the season. They got up early with decoys and calls and headed out. They used the boat to get to the blind and sat in it for about an hour. Then they saw some ducks coming in. They used to the calls to lure them in. When in range they all stood up and shot at the ducks. Mike got off two shots and hit nothing. Two of the ducks dropped and the lab they had with them jumped in the water to retrieve them. The day went by with a few more chances. Mike managed to shoot one duck. He thought it was more by luck than skill. But he was hooked.

  When they got back to the shore house, they had to dress the ducks. First, they gutted the ducks and then breasted them. The kept the wings because it was required by law when transporting them. Then they put each one in a bag, marked the type of duck, sex and the date they were shot. These were all mallards.

  Hunting trips along with a summer stay with his uncle became yearly events for Mike. As he grew older and more experienced his love and respect for the outdoors just grew. It was powerful countervailing force to the rigors of school and the pressure somebody so young was under moving so far ahead in school.

  Dravid and Alania

  Dravid followed his father’s instructions to get familiar with what was going at the research station that Dr. Jorgenson had established. When he asked about that he found himself in the same course that Prince Randall had taken years before. Princess Alania had finished the course already and spent two to three days a week at the station working on various projects. While she was only twelve, she was very intelligent and possessed any easy manner like the rest of her family. Dravid soon found himself talking with her more and more. When he first started talking to her, he didn’t expect much, after all she was only twelve. He was surprised and quickly found her to be very intelligent and someone whose opinion he came to value.

  He finished the same ‘course’ Randall had gone through at the research station. When he got home, he briefed his parents and their advisors on what was going on at the research station. The Duke was very interested in what Dravid had found out. His mother had him very late and he had to wait a long time before Dravid was conceived. He wondered to his wives if Dravid would suffer the same fate, having to wait a long time for a successor to be born. They didn’t have any idea but hoped that he wouldn’t.

  One thing Duke Billum wanted Dravid to do was spend half his time at Great Falls and half at Nordport. Great Falls was on the other end of the kingdom and having good personal relationships established early before the burden of running the duchy was important. Dravid agreed and split his time between the two cities.

  He found himself visiting the research station at least once a week, often in the company of Princess Alania. They’d dispensed with titles and referred to each other as Dravid and Alania. Dravid learned from Alania that her grandfather intended to step down in a couple of years and let her father rule, while Harold was still around to offer advice. He had a small palace near a lake that he and his wives just loved. They were also eagerly awaiting news about grand
children as her sister-in-law Juliana was pregnant. Alania shared with Dravid that in her dreams she saw Juliana with two daughters. Dravid was not convinced that her dreams meant anything, but he reserved judgement.

  Dravid had his own circle of friends, his closest was his third cousin Machel. Machel was the first son of a prominent merchant family with business in much of Nordia and outside the kingdom as well. There were other young men of similar age, both from merchant families and minor nobility. This provided Dravid with friends to spend his time with and a network of people he could consult when he replaced his father.

  He and Machel spent many an evening talking about what went on at the research station and about the differences between people on Cornu and on the home world. Dravid explained what he thought, and he often let Machel know what Alania thought. He found her to be very perceptive. One night Machel said. “Alania is one smart girl. She’s very nice, you might be fooled and miss the intellect that hides there. I’ve also heard that she has the occasional prophetic dream. She’ll make a fine partner for some high-ranking person somewhere.”

  “Prophetic dreams, you say, I never heard that. Although she did tell me that she thought Princess Juliana would have two girls. We’ll just have to see how that plays out. Now, I understand that you make trips to Centralia on occasion. I was wondering if it would be too much trouble if I accompanied you?”

  “No trouble at all. You should spend some time with Duke Marvon, that is one canny individual. He has contacts all over Landia and some on other continents. I normally spend three or four weeks there. I can introduce you to a number of people I know. It will help both of us. Also, I’d love the company.”

  Dravid started to travel with Machel on his trips to various cities in the kingdom. He met key people in all the cities and his father was very pleased. He also kept up with Alania and the research station. As the heir apparent to Duke Billum, he spent quite a few evenings at the palace with Randall and his wife, as well as Fredricke and his wives. When he dined with Fredricke, he always found himself sitting with Alania. That was fine by him. She was growing up into a very attractive girl and she was very easy on the eyes.

  Dravid found himself spending more and more time with her. They dined with Machel and his betrothed. Seeing the two together was becoming more and more common. Machel had mentioned to his betrothed that he didn’t think his cousin was going to be available much longer. They both laughed. Machel wasn’t the only one who noticed.

  Randall and Juliana were relaxing after their evening meal. Juliana was several months pregnant with their first child and was showing. Randall thought she looked radiant and he was both thrilled and nervous about his first child. Juliana interrupted his thoughts.

  “Randall what do you think of Dravid?”

  “Dravid, why I like him a lot. He’s smart and he’ll make a fine Duke. My father likes him as well. Why do you ask?”

  “Well, he might become your brother-in-law.”

  “WHAT?” asked a stunned Randall. “Why do you say that?”

  “Alania has her eye on him. She’s fifteen now going on sixteen and has fully matured. She’s a very attractive young woman. They spend a lot of time together and Dravid is starting to notice her as a woman. Of course, Alania is taking every chance she has to make sure he notices that she’s an attractive woman. And it appears to be working. I think he’s very attracted to her.”

  “Who knows about this? Are you sure?” Asked Randall.

  “Let me see, I obviously know, Morton’s wife agrees with me. I’m sure your mothers know, because Alania has talked to them about it. Girls almost always go to their mothers with things like this for advice and support. Also, if this progresses like I think it will, Alania will have to go with Dravid to Great Falls to stay with his family for a month or so. This way they can get a good sense of who she is. She’ll need a proper escort. You can’t go but I think that Sebastien and Noria would be perfect.”

  “So, neither I nor my father are aware of this. You’re just letting me know so that I won’t be surprised. How far have you and my mothers planned this?

  “I’d be surprised if your father knew. Your mothers may have let him know, but I suspect that they haven’t said anything to him yet. That may change soon, as I think this is going to become serious. That’s why I thought I’d let you know. And of course, your mothers and I talked. We’ve made suitable plans in case they’re needed. We haven’t planned the wedding yet, there’s plenty of time for that.” Juliana replied innocently.

  “Thank you dear. Dravid would be a good addition to the family. Well at least I’m in the know. Father and Duke Billum will probably be the last to know.” Replied Randall. With that they went back to talking about the coming baby.

  At a tavern near the palace Dravid and his friend and cousin Machel were having dinner. “Machel, I’m in a bit of a quandary.”

  “How so Dravid?”

  “Well it concerns Alania.” Said Dravid, while Machel concealed a smile. “She’s very attractive and I’m finding myself drawn to her. I’m not sure what to do. It’s a very strong attraction. I admit there are others who are prettier, but they don’t attract me like she does.”

  “Is this because your given frequent views of firm young breasts. Or perhaps that she touches you and leans close to you. She looks right in your eye and seems listen carefully to what you say.” Machel saw Dravid’s look and held up his hand. “We men think women are subtle. They’re not, it’s just that we men are so dense. She’s interested in you and you must decide what to do about it. Especially, if you’re interested in her, which you are. You should be talking to her about this. Oh, don’t worry about her mothers, they probably already know.”

  Dravid looked at his friend and then sighed. “You’re right I need to talk with her the next time I see her. If she’s interested in me, we’ll need to pursue it. I’ll write my mothers tonight and let them know what I’m going to do.” Machel nodded and the two went on with their meals.

  At the same time Alania was talking with her mothers about Dravid. Her mothers let he know about a letter from Dravid’s mothers. “We’ve gotten a nice letter from Dravid’s mothers. They ask how Juliana is doing with her pregnancy and how you and Dravid are doing.”

  “So, you think they know?”

  “How long did it take you to figure out that your brother was very interested in Juliana?”

  “All I had to do was look at them at dinner and I figured it out.” Laughed Alania. “So perhaps his mothers have figured out he’s interested in someone, and they’re guessing it’s me. Well I hope he is, because I’m interested in him.”

  The next day Alania made sure that she ran into Dravid. After they said hello, a nervous Dravid started off. “Alania, we’ve known each other for a very long time, and I like you as a person. Lately, I’ve come to start to think of you as something more than a friend. I’m very attracted to you. I hope this doesn’t upset you.”

  “Not in the least. I feel the same Dravid. Are we talking about a betrothal?”

  “Wellll, yes, I believe we are” agreed a nervous Dravid.

  Alania jumped up put her arms around his neck and gave him a kiss on the lips. Then she grabbed his arm in hers and said. “We should go talk with Juliana; she’ll tell us what to do next.” This wasn’t a spur of the moment decision. Alania had planned to do this if Dravid had come forward and Juliana had been prepared.

  When they went to see Juliana, she was sitting sewing talking with Noria. As the two young people entered, Noria excused herself smiling. Juliana said. “Dravid, Alania, it’s so nice to see. What can I do for you?” She could tell from Alania’s excited flush and Dravid’s nervousness that they were here to talk about a betrothal.

  Alania started off. “Juliana, Dravid and I have talked about getting betrothed and we were wondering what the next steps should be.”

  Juliana looked at Dravid and he nodded. “Well, the first step is that you and Dravid should go talk to your
mothers, Alania. I don’t think that there will be an issue there. They’ve known and liked Dravid for a long time. Once they give their approval, you and Dravid will have to travel to Great Falls to spend some time with his family. Once you are married that’s where you will be living.”

  Dravid looked relieved. Alania had a key question. “Yes, I agree that I’ve got to go to Great Falls to stay with Dravid’s parent for a while. But I’ll need an escort. Who could do that? Your pregnant and my brother won’t leave your side while you are or after the child is born. My mothers or who?”

  “Well I imagine that Noria and her husband would be suitable escorts for you, my dear.”

  Alania smiled; she knew that her sister-in-law would have answers. Dravid was too relieved to notice that this was already planned out.

  The betrothal was quickly approved by Fredricke and his wives and arrangements were made for Alania to go to Great Falls. A bird was sent to let Duke Billum that his son Dravid and the Princess Alania would be arriving at Great Falls in three weeks. When it arrived, Duke Billum was thrilled. He went immediately to see his wives with the good news. He wasn’t all that surprised when they took the matter as it had been expected. He suspected that he, Fredricke and Dravid were the last to know.

  When Alania turned sixteen, her betrothal to Dravid was announced by King Fredricke. A few days after her seventh birthday, she and Dravid were married in the palace at Great Falls and Alania moved in permanently. She and Dravid immediately set to work bring more innovations to the farming communities around Great Falls.


  Freshman Year.

  When looking for a college for Mike to attend, he and his parents were most interested in which school offered the best academic environment for him and what he was interested in studying. He’d become fascinated with developing new materials. It was the emerging field of material science. The best way for Mike to pursue that was to go to a school that had a good chemistry program. There were several candidates. His sister Julie, recommended Columbia, her alma mater. Her knowledge of the school and description helped the family settle on Columbia. Mike applied to the school and got a full scholarship. He spent the summer doing his normal activities soccer, hiking and fishing. The time flew by for him.


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