Saved by Darkness

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Saved by Darkness Page 4

by Katie Reus

  Liberty simply nodded. “I met the male who is now my mate there. He and some others saved me. And the Stavros pack has taken me in like one of their own. Finn truly just wants to meet you. He was unaware of your presence until recently and he doesn’t like unknowns near his territory. At least I think that’s why he’s so insistent on meeting you.”

  Fiona guessed that it also had something to do with the level of power she projected. It wasn’t something she could contain. She did to an extent, but her power always leaked out. The truth was, she was surprised it had taken the male this long to find out about her. She knew for a fact his pack had recently sent some abused females they’d saved her way, but he’d never approached her or introduced himself. She hadn’t been certain he would make contact. Still…he should have made the first contact himself, not sent someone on his behalf. It was improper and she didn’t appreciate it.

  “My territory might technically be neutral, but it is my territory.” Power and anger infused her words. If the Alpha thought she’d ever let him onto her sacred territory, he would find out how powerful she was. Instinct took over and her dragon blazed in her eyes. To her surprise the female didn’t seem taken aback by her show of power. Or maybe she shouldn’t be surprised. Instantly Fiona felt shame. She knew this woman had been abused. She shouldn’t reveal her shifter side at all. “I…should not have done that.”

  Liberty’s head tilted to the side slightly. “Done what?”

  She swallowed hard. “I wasn’t trying to intimidate you.”

  “I know. I’ve seen enough Alpha shifters to know the difference. You’re pissed at Finn.” A slight smile tugged at the female’s lips. “I’ve seen his own mate give him that same look before.”

  “The male is mated now?” Apparently she needed to get up to date.

  Liberty nodded. “Yes. To a bloodborn vampire.”

  That was interesting. Shifters could be very rigid in their ideas about mating. All supernatural beings could be, to an extent. “If you’ll leave his contact information, I will get in touch with him.” She actually had it, but figured it would be more polite this way. She paused for a long moment. “Have you talked to anyone about what happened to you when you were in that Hell realm?”

  A tense silence passed before Liberty nodded. “Yes. The healer of my pack has been incredible. And so has my mate.”

  The fact that she was mated at all, after going through what Fiona knew she must have, said a hell of a lot for how strong Liberty was. “If you ever need someone to talk to, either I or Ava are here for you. And I know of other supernatural trained professionals as well.” No matter what, Fiona would help any female she could. She’d escaped her prison on her own, but after that she’d had to rely on the kindness of strangers until she’d met Ava. She’d never forgotten how giving people could be. Her life was so different than it could have been because of simple acts of kindness.

  “Thank you.”

  “You never told me what you are. Because the scent on you is more than just your mate and more than human.”

  Liberty shook her head slightly. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you. And I’m not going to tell you. Not yet anyway. If we become friends I will.”

  Even though her curiosity was piqued, Fiona nodded and stood as Liberty did.

  “This has all his contact information on it,” she said, handing Fiona a card.

  “Tell him I’ll be in touch—but that he shouldn’t venture into my territory uninvited. I won’t take kindly to he or any of his pack members showing up on my land.” She’d learned many years ago that she had to show serious force against any supernatural beings who thought they could impede on her private property.

  They’d learned very quickly that she was not someone to be messed with.

  Chapter 4

  From far above the big country home, Ian watched Liberty walk toward the driveway. Against Rory’s wishes, she’d driven to Fiona’s place alone.

  The male could be obsessive about his mate. Something Ian understood. He might not be mated, but Fiona had once been his obsession.

  No, she still was.

  Only once Liberty had gotten into her vehicle did Ian slowly swoop away. But he didn’t go far. Rory and Finn were waiting for Liberty a couple miles away in an SUV. Rory would be getting in the truck with her once they met up again.

  Ian could see for miles and miles and didn’t need to leave his aerial recon position. He should leave, however. He was in Fiona’s territory, and while she hadn’t carved out actual territory in the way that Alpha shifters did, this was still her property. She owned it. And she wouldn’t take kindly to another dragon flying in her airspace. Dragons were very particular about their property and space.

  Right about now he didn’t much care. He desperately wanted another glimpse of her. Earlier he’d watched as she tilted her face up to the sky and he had sensed her need to fly.

  Because he felt that same need every single day. It was inborn, part of who he was, and not something a dragon could bottle up forever. Once upon a time they’d flown together. To say he missed those days of freedom with her would be an understatement. It had been one of the few times in his life he felt truly free, content. It had just been the two of them in their dragon form, flying high above everything, all the bullshit of the world.

  When Fiona stepped out into the backyard, a huge expanse of land that connected to the forest she owned, he tracked her movements. Her steps were sure, steady, confident.

  She paused as she was walking. The movement was subtle but he noticed it. He’d always noticed everything about her. As she continued, she looked upward, as if searching for something. He was camouflaged so she couldn’t see him. Still…he wondered if she was aware of his presence.

  He could cloak his scent to an extent but whenever he was in her vicinity he lost his control. Neither his dragon nor his demon side wanted to listen or hide. It was because all he wanted to do was claim, claim, claim.

  Claim what was his. It was his mating instinct.

  There was no doubt for him. His own mating manifestations had been crystal clear decades ago with her. But that was before Fiona had kicked him out of her life and mated with a male her family deemed worthy. Something he did not want to think about.

  But it was impossible not to, when he was staring down at the only woman he’d ever loved. The woman who’d broken his heart. His chest ached at the thought, and the urge to release a raging stream of fire was almost too great. Almost.

  He reined it in just barely but the grief in his chest never went away. Decades had muted it, but it was there all the same.

  When she disappeared into the line of trees, he forced himself to fly westward and head back home. He had no doubt that she’d headed into the trees so she could change to her animal form, camouflage herself and go flying.

  Much as he longed to see her that way again, he didn’t want to be in her airspace when that happened. Soon, however, he planned to see her, talk to her in person.

  That probably made him a masochist since she was mated, but he didn’t care. Now that he knew where she was, that she was living so damn close to him—he had to see her. Just a glimpse. Then he’d walk away.

  * * *

  “You sure this is smart?” Ava frowned up at the warehouse building that Fiona knew was a club.

  She’d never been to the half-demon Bo Broussard’s place, but she’d heard of him and his club. It was considered neutral territory even though it was in the middle of Finn Stavros’s own territory.

  She and Ava had done more research on the Stavros pack in the last twenty-four hours and while her information on them was still limited, what she did know made her lean toward trusting the male. “I’d rather meet him here as opposed to somewhere humans might overhear us.” It wasn’t as if she was worried about being able to defend herself.

  “I guess,” muttered Ava. Her friend had escaped an abusive relationship with a male into BDSM.

  “It would probably b
e better if you waited outside. You could keep a lookout for anything strange.” Fiona had already tried to convince Ava not to come with her because of the location of her meeting. She never wanted to make her friend relive anything she’d gone through and wasn’t sure if the sights or sounds here would trigger something.

  Ava snorted. “I know what you’re trying to do. And I’m a big girl. I’ll stay at one of the bars while you two talk, but I’m not letting you out of my sight.”

  “We’re an hour early. You could just wait outside until the Alpha arrives.”

  “Girl, you know my answer will be no. Don’t even bother trying to convince me.”

  Smiling at her friend, Fiona wrapped her arm around Ava’s shoulders for a brief hug as they reached what she assumed was the entrance. A big man who she thought might be a ghoul nodded politely at them, even if his gaze did skate over Ava with interest. They didn’t even have to speak, he simply opened the door for them and allowed them entrance.

  She wondered if Finn had let the owner know to expect her. She’d come early because she wanted to scout out the place, get a feel for her surroundings. It was part of her predator nature.

  Considering it was ten o’clock in the morning on a Friday she was surprised to see about fifty people inside. The music pumping through what had to be hidden speakers was at a normal decibel, not deafening “human club” level. Supernaturals had sensitive hearing so she was glad this place reflected that.

  A big open dance floor was ringed by high-top tables. And private booths with thick, plush-looking curtains drawn back lined one of the walls. She also spotted a red door, and knew what was behind it from her research. Private rooms for sex.

  On the dance floor it was mainly females dancing with each other. There were a few males sitting at the nearest bar but there were open spots so she made her way there with Ava.

  As soon as they sat down, the female with shockingly purple hair behind the bar flashed her fangs at the males in a fairly aggressive way. Immediately the males got up and headed to a high-top table. Fiona shot Ava a surprised glance but didn’t comment. That was certainly interesting, but Fiona wasn’t sure what to make of it.

  The bartender smiled at the two of them and Fiona didn’t think it was her imagination when the female gave her a curious look. Very curious. Fiona shifted in her seat slightly. She was tall for a female, but not so tall that she should stand out. Not among supernaturals.

  “What can I get for the two of you?” the female asked.

  “Blood. O positive,” Ava said.

  The bartender didn’t bat an eye, which told Fiona the request was normal and this place was exactly as she’d heard it was. Supernaturals only.

  “Bottled water for me is fine,” Fiona said.

  The female nodded and set a bottle of water in front of Fiona before pulling out a blood bag from a cooler and fixing Ava’s drink. They both murmured their thanks.

  Fiona took her time scanning the interior. A familiar autumn forest and cedar scent lingered in the air, but she squashed the hope that Ian could have possibly ever been in here. Over the years she’d had to force herself not to look for him. The thought of seeing him again, touching him, kissing him… Nope.

  She’d kicked him out of her life long ago for his own safety. So hunting him down after that would have been stupid. Even if she’d wanted to with every fiber of her being. But she loved him too much to get him killed for her own needs. And she didn’t doubt for one second that if she started something up with him, her family would murder him. They’d once put her in chains for daring to want to be with him. They’d do worse to him.

  Fiona straightened when she spotted Liberty and a big male stepping out from a white door on the far side of the open club.

  Ava noticed the change in her, and swiveled in her chair.

  The male with Liberty had his hand protectively placed at the small of her back as they made their way through the tabletops and across the bar.

  Fiona stood when the two of them neared. She’d expected to see Liberty, but not so early. She’d assumed the woman would come with her Alpha.

  Before she could say anything Liberty smiled. “This is my mate, Rory. His brother owns this club but he’s out of town on his honeymoon right now. So we’re helping watch the place. I’m surprised you’re here so early.”

  Fiona simply smiled back and held out a hand toward Rory, who took her hand in a quick, firm shake. She hadn’t realized Bo Broussard had a brother. Or any relatives. Granted, she hadn’t done intensive research on the male, but she’d done enough that it should have come up.

  Something about Rory’s scent was oddly familiar, even though she knew she’d never met him before. Tall in the way shifters were, he was broad and had a brooding look to him. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “Likewise.” He kept his hand firmly on Liberty and from the way he looked at his mate it was clear he adored her.

  She’d been around enough females who’d been abused and terrified by their mates to know that Liberty was not one of them. The female leaned into him, probably a subconscious thing. But she seemed to naturally gravitate to her mate. Which was a very good thing.

  “Finn is on his way.” Rory glanced in the direction they’d come from and something about his body language set off a warning bell inside her. He seemed almost tense.

  Ava picked up on it as well. Fiona could see it in the way her friend shifted against the stool slightly, ready to move into action if necessary.

  “Would you guys like to get a booth?” Liberty asked.

  “I’ll stay here.” Ava’s voice was polite, but neutral. She’d be Fiona’s backup if she needed it. They always worked like that. If they had to get a female out of a hot situation, they worked as a team.

  “I’ll wait for Finn in a booth,” Fiona said.

  “Would you like company, or to wait alone?” Liberty asked.

  “Ah, company would be nice.” The truth was, she’d rather be alone. Fiona wanted to meet with the Alpha and be done with it. He could meet her, then hopefully ascertain she was no threat to his territory, and they would have no further contact with each other. She’d actually been in his territory before. It was so close to her own, and she’d never checked in with him as she knew she likely should have.

  But she was a dragon and she played by her own rules. She’d spent the first few decades of her life being kept in check by her own clan leader and family, and she wouldn’t be subjected to another’s authority ever again.

  The three of them made their way over to a booth. Fiona slid in opposite them and gave herself plenty of room to get out quickly if need be. The existence of dragons was mostly a secret, and while she didn’t relish the idea of revealing what she was, if she had to make an escape she wouldn’t hesitate to shift to her animal form in front of witnesses.

  Rory stayed on the outside of Liberty, and still had that uncomfortable, tense look about him.

  “Is there something I need to be aware of right now?” Fiona asked. She was never one to hold her tongue. At least not anymore.

  The male looked at her and didn’t pretend to misunderstand her question. He shook his head. “No. I’m just concerned that a certain patron of ours might be arriving soon. With my brother away I’m in control of his club and I want to make sure everything runs smoothly.”

  Though she didn’t sense any deceit in his words, something about his tone was still off. So his words were true, but he could be leaving something out. It wasn’t her concern, however. She didn’t sense any ill will from these two, and she was very good at sensing danger from others. While the male Rory was definitely a dangerous individual, she didn’t think he meant her any harm.

  That could always change if the situation altered, but for now, she let herself relax a fraction.

  After this meeting she had things to get to—namely another meeting with a male she’d helped get out of a bad situation when he was just a boy on the run with his mom. Now a grown man, the w
olf shifter had stumbled on something in a Hell realm and wanted to run some things by her.

  “How did you come to settle in this area?” Liberty asked.

  “Ah…timing, I guess.” She let out a short laugh. “Ava and I had just met.” The story was a lot more complicated than that. They’d both just escaped different versions of hell. “We were in the process of helping some female jaguar shifters move out of the area when a lot of land went up for sale. I bought it so we’d have a base of operations and…from there we just started helping people on a referral basis.” It was mostly pro bono too, but considering the investments she’d made over the years and the money that Ava had taken when she’d escaped her tormenter, they could afford it.

  “It’s good what you’re doing. I know a d— shifter out west who’s started something similar,” Liberty said.

  Fiona nodded once. “That’s good to hear. We work with other small organizations like our own.” But they were very careful who they trusted. It was why just the two of them ran things. “I wish there was a way to link all of us better, but I fear it would erode the privacy factor of what we do.” She and Ava were lucky that in the fifty or so years they’d been doing this, they’d only been confronted and attacked by angry individuals a handful of times.

  And all of them had died by dragon fire.

  Liberty started to respond, but turned around when her mate let out a short, colorful curse.

  Fiona followed the male’s line of sight. Finn—who she easily recognized from the small file she had on him—was moving across the dance floor, his strides purposeful. She frowned, not sure why it was a bad thing that he was here, but froze when she spotted a male she hadn’t seen in decades.

  Ian McCabe.

  Just like that his scent overwhelmed her, seemed to surround her, drown her as if there was nothing else in the near vicinity but him.

  Half dragon shifter, half demon. The only male she’d ever loved. Still loved. He was a few feet behind Finn, his expression fierce and determined as he made his way to her. There was no doubt in her mind he was headed for her either.


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