The Eyes of the Goddess

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The Eyes of the Goddess Page 2

by Kanu Crystal

  She had no idea what she was supposed to do. She was pack-less, in a huge castle far from her mountain home, and sworn to protect a girl she had only heard of in passing. Yet if tonight had shown her anything, it was that this princess was at least kind. Tomorrow she would ask the Emperor about her responsibilities and how to better perform her duties.

  She was just thinking of things she could do when a knock came from the great door. The princess got out of bed without difficulty, meaning she too was having trouble sleeping. She opened the door and the Emperor stepped in. Isia looked out the huge glass door to the balcony and knew it was late. Isia got out of bed and walked over towards the two. They didn’t speak, but Isia knew they were using mental link when the emperor leaned down to wipe a tear from Himeko’s eyes before placing a huge hand on Isia’s head. She was so shocked she froze in place.

  As the Emperor turned to leave, closing the door behind him, Himeko grabbed her hand and pulled her to the bed. They sat down and Himeko began to speak. “Alpha Tar of the White Mountain pack died tonight in combat against Alpha Cain of the Silent Leaves pack. It was done in honor and as his right. Alpha Cain and his mate have claimed both pups as theirs.”

  Isia looked down at the floor, her chest burning like her heart wanted to rip out from her torso. “My father tells me that Cain will do right by your sisters. He has also asked me if you would like to go and train with your sisters until you are of age.”

  Isia’s head shot up. She stared at red eyes that looked at her filled with warmth. “I cannot give you a pack. Nor can I take you out of your vows to me. Too many saw you make them. But I can give you this. I don’t want you to grow up without a family. But this is all your choice.” Himeko’s smile was soft, her eyes filled with kindness.

  This whole thing confused her. She would grow up with her sisters? Why? What difference would this make? What would this mean for her? “I don’t understand?”

  “Fine. On your 18th birthday, you will become my protector. My champion. I will send teachers to you and you will learn from them as well as Alpha Cain.” Himeko lifted Isia’s chin up gently with her hand. “Make me proud. Until then I will see you once a year during the week of my birthday. Ok.”

  Unable to speak, Isia just nodded.

  Chapter 3

  6 years later

  Isia raced up the last of the hill. Her huge white paws covering the ground faster than any normal wolf could. She watched as the trees and the plains rushed by slowly turning into small houses and farmland. She trotted to a stop, Panting heavy and heart pounding in her chest. As soon as she had fallen to a full stop, something crashed into her back. Growling, Isia tossed off the laughing and panting white wolf. "Siai, you ass."

  The other wolf opened her mouth in laughter, breathing heavily. Siai pranced around Isia, her pack filled with clothes shifting up and down on her back. She spoke to her through their mind link. "I'm so excited, sister. We haven’t been back to the palace in so long! And I heard the princess has even invited humans! Can you imagine?"

  Isia rolled her wolf eyes as best she could. Siai had a soul for adventure. She was always out running through the woods looking for new scents and coming back with wild tales. She was much smaller than Isia, her wolf and humanoid body trained for speed rather than strength.

  "This is not some wild and crazy night. We are here to represent the Silent Leaves, give the gift of our pack and leave. I don’t wish to dally in this city." the voice in both Isia and Siai head came from the wolf trotting out of the wood. Aisi was the biggest of the three in sheer mass, but no way the quickest. At times, mostly close to their parents’ deaths, Aisi could be short and brooding. Yet she had also become honorable and in many things wiser than her years.

  Siai stopped prancing and lowered her head a bit. "We won’t be able to stay for the party?"

  Isia leaned into Siai and they both turned their puppy eyes on full force right at Aisi. Aisi opened her huge maw and exhaled. "Fine, turn down the cute eyes, will ya."

  Giggling, the two girls turned and looked towards the north. The gate to Skylight City, the seat of the Skythone was only a mile or two ahead. Carts and beastkin formed a line towards the gate. So many colors and scents drifted downwind toward the trio.

  Siai shifted first, one moment she was a 6-foot-tall white wolf, the next she was a 5'9 white-haired beauty. She was thin but toned. Their once light brown skin had darkened in the hours of sun. Her long white hair was dangerously close to her butt. They all kept their tails fluffy out of pride. She dressed quickly in the Green and red plaid skirt and with amazing skill, fastened the pleats that match.

  Before Isia could swing off her own backpack filled with clothes, she saw that Aisi was already dressed in her own matching kilt. She was the same height as Siai but broader. Her own hair was cut short and seemed to spike naturally. While Siai was basically flat in the chest area, Aisi was overly endowed in that area. Something she was just too proud of.

  Isia shifted. She pulled out a pair of all black pants and a black turtleneck shirt. She slipped them on and then grabbed the red sash with purple dragons flying in a pattern over it. She fastened it over her torso with a chain made of gold.

  Isia had not been back to the palace since she was 12. That first time she had come back, Alpha Cain and his mate had brought her. She had thought she would spend the whole time with them, but the princess took her by the hand and bam. Six days of fun. They had eaten, bathed, and played the whole time. Himeko had even managed to get out of her duties during the week. It was great childish fun. For the most part, Himeko would scream that they would do something and Isia would have magnificent fun doing it with the princess.

  Princess Himeko's magic power manifested that year and she was sent to study abroad in a school filled with different magical teachers. She would have stayed away if not for the horns that had just begun to start showing. Once they started causing too much attention she returned. They had written letters over the years, telling each other of adventures and hardships. Even though she had not seen her in 5 years, it felt like she was going to see a long-lost friend.

  While Himeko studied magic, art, and music, Isia studied war, hunting and forms of combat both in and out of her second form. As promised, Himeko sent tutors from all over. Many teaching her skills most wolves would have never been able to learn. In their letters, they talked about their different teachers, the things they liked to learn and the things that were harder for them to grasp.

  That was until the package with instructions for a tailor and the fabric came with the invite to Himeko's birthday party three weeks ago. The letter asked for two representatives of the Silent Leaves Pack and Champion in training. When her sisters won the right to represent the pack, they were given the kilts they wore now.

  During the competition and the reward ceremonies, Isia had just watched. It wasn't until that moment she had ever felt alone. She would never have colors or be a part of any pack, clan or pride. Her whole life would be this duty. She would be the Princess’s warrior, not her friend.

  It was not like she forgot her duty, and though the pack had treated her well, but she was never one of them. They had taught her how to hunt and function in a pack, but that was what they were honor bound to do. She was nothing but an obligation. She knew it, had always known.

  Yet seeing her sisters happy and in colors did make her bit proud. They had become fine and honorable women. If that meant she would wear black and be pack-less than it would be her honor to do so. She would try her best to not feel pity for herself. It was only 200 years, and if Himeko has a lot of enemies, it won’t even take that long.

  Maybe it was that she would never be allowed to wear any colors or styles that represented Pack. Maybe in time she and the princess would become close. Maybe the Princess would choose a mate early and have a hatchling Isia could grow to love and secretly think of as her own pup? Maybe she wouldn’t always feel like she was surrounded by everyone, yet alone?

s get going, I’m hungry." Aisi turned away from them, tail wagging, and headed for the city. The other two sisters, close behind.

  They were inside the city by noon. Instead of going straight to the inn, they stopped in the market district for food. It was busy, much louder than the village they lived in. So many people were out in forms, buying and trading. Cubs and pups ran around, all staying close to den mothers and mothers. All wearing different types of clothes, some in brightly colored loincloths others in dresses so big they cleared parts of the street.

  Isia waited as Siai haggled with a fox, who’s three tails were wrapped around pups that fought to get away. Next to the fox mother, a lion male who was proudly yelling about his glassmaking. Isia looked over his wears and agreed that he was talented, and once she told him, he puffed up the way only cats can do.

  She let him have his pride and marveled at the little figures in every type and color of second forms. They even had little chains that could be colored to match the different colored glass. He noted her interest and then her clothes. His tail stood straight up, and he reached for a box from under his stall. “If you fancy dragons, my lady..."

  He opened the small box to show a beautiful black dragon. Its wings close to its body and it stood proudly on all four legs. It had eyes that where the tiniest of rubies that seemed to stare at everything. Her interests must have shown on her face because the male sounded greedy when he spoke. "Only 40 gold, my finest work, my lady."

  Isia started shaking her head but never took her eyes off the necklace. "I could buy the rest of your stall with 40 gold. That is too much."

  The lion’s tail twitched. "I can go no lower than 35. These are real rubies miss."

  Isia grumbled to herself a bit. She only had 43 gold. She worked all summer in her free time for the village healer. The mean old bitch had her all but carry her up a mountain only to tell her that the herbs she was looking for didn’t seem ready to be picked. Much worse, the woman made her go back two days later just to say the same thing again. She spent the whole summer at her beck and call, but she did it. She thought to buy a gift for the princess and send it to her, she had held on to the coins for months hoping for the right thing to catch her eye.

  This dragon was the right thing. But she was a beastkin, and their people as whole loved to haggle. "25 gold for the dragon and a gold chain with the colors of my choosing."

  The lion hissed a bit so Isia growled back low. "32 gold and you get the dragon and a silver chain.”

  Grinning because she knew a gold chain would be easy for the princess to obtain, she handed the lion the coin and took the box from him. She swung off her backpack and placed the box in it before placing it back on. By the time she looked up, her sisters were there with meat on sticks. Aisi handed her one, and they headed off. Silently, they agreed to go check in at the inn together.

  The Royal Lights Inn was one of the closest buildings to the road that leads to the Palace. It was still an hour’s walk but was where most of the representatives would be staying for the next week. It was five floors, made of bright stones and bragged to have some of the finest cooks in the country.

  The doors were massive and seemed to have real gold handles attached. On either side of the doors stood two cheetah males. As they walked up, one of them held out a hand. "Names?"

  As always Aisi spoke for the trio. "The representatives of the Silent Leaves pack and the Future Champion of Princess Himeko."

  The two cheetahs looked at one another before the one on the right dashed off towards the castle. The trio watched him go in awe. He was fast even in human form.

  "What was that about?" Siai spoke to them mentally and they both replied with a shrug.

  The other doorman grabbed the golden handle, bowed low at the waist then opened the door. The trio walked in and looked around. The walls were covered in art of all kinds and the room was empty of all occupants other than a small jaguar male at the front desk. Aisi walked toward him to check them in, which left Siai and Isia to check out the wall art.

  After about ten minutes, Aisi was back with a room key and a frown. "We only have two beds. They say the Silent Leaves Pack only booked rooms for two guests, so we must share. "

  Isia frowned but said nothing. The rooms here ran at about 200 gold pieces a night. Even if they all chipped in, they would not have enough to cover the room. Though they had slept in the same bed growing up, they all had gotten too big to ever be comfortable. She resigned herself to either sleep on the floor or share a bed with Siai, who was a kicker.

  Siai just shrugged her shoulders and leaned on the wall. "Aisi will sleep in the stable. Cows are not that much different than horses.” With that comment, she began to jiggle her own breast.

  Chapter 4

  Princess Himeko pulled her horse to a stop in front of The Royal Lights Inn. It was one of the cheaper inns that housed the Alphas and representatives who visited the Capital, though still nice. It had been five years since she had come home and even longer since she had been this excited.

  Isia was here and after five years of reading about her adventures she wanted very much to see her. Had she changed a lot or was still that shy sweet little pup that had run amuck through the castle with her and played with her in the garden all those years ago?

  She felt like her best friend was coming home. She had so much to talk about and so many things she wanted to ask that she had not dared to ask in letters. When they had first started writing, it had been so business-like and formal, as time went by, receiving Isia's letters had become one for her most beloved forms of comfort when she missed home.

  All the teachers that were sent spoke of the young girl’s skills and motivation. She was a hard worker and had excelled at everything. So, when the time had come for her to visit, all she kept thinking was maybe she would want to stay. Skip the last 10 months and just finish up her training here in the capital.

  Overly excited, she had found out days ago that she would be staying here and took the liberty of canceling her room. She had ordered that the staff notify her as soon as the wolf announced herself. So, when the cheetah had come running, she was on the horse before he could even finish speaking.

  Her father laughed when he heard that she wanted a horse at the ready for her, but allowed her to do so for the last few days. Now she was here. Himeko jumped off the horse and almost ran to the doors. But, instead, she fixed her appearance, to the best of her abilities, and waited with gritted teeth for the cheetah to open the door.

  Once inside she spotted the trio near the stairs. They were bickering. They were all beautiful, their skins a lovely shade of brown with snow-white hair at different lengths. Yet it was her wolf that stopped her cold.

  She was 5'9, with waves in her shoulder-length hair, her body was lean but toned, her breast sat high and was of average size for a woman of her height. Her tail was fluffy and looked soft as it flicked back and forth. Now her blue eyes shined with laughter as she stood in between her two sisters with her arms pushing them apart.

  She used to be so small. When she had come back after the first year, she hadn’t grown much. Five years later, and she was a woman. She was beautiful now, with a strong jawline and plump lips, and eyes as blue as the sea.

  "Princess?" Himeko turned around and noticed the two bear guards behind her. She had no idea when they got behind her or if they had noticed her staring at the girl. They followed her around so much, like huge angry shadows, she hardly noticed them. "Would you like us to stop them?"

  Himeko turned back to the trio and stifled a giggle. The biggest one had the smallest girl in a headlock. Her poor wolf was trying to free her sister from the headlock but failing. Himeko’s laughter got all three to turn to her and turn a lovely shade of red. It looked lovely on Isia. The biggest one, she remembered she was called Aisi in the letters, dropped her victim on the floor. She bowed, her large hands clamping in front of her. "Princess Himeko."

  The one that fell to the floor, most likely Siai, j
umped up and bowed as well, following in her sister’s steps. "Princess Himeko."

  The only one that didn’t move was Isia. She stood there just staring at Himeko. Her mouth was slightly open, her fangs showing bright and white in her mouth. She didn’t say anything just stared.

  One of the guards behind her stepped forward. He was angry and growling. "You will bow before the Heir."

  That seemed to break the spell and soon she to bowed. "My princess." her voice was smoky and strong, with just a hint of embarrassment in it.

  She didn’t like hearing that embarrassment and something protective flickered in her chest. She grabbed the bear by his big arm and pushed him back. "Do not speak to my Champion in that way, she outranks all of you." She didn’t give a second thought to the shocked look on his face as she passed him by. Steady now, she walked over to her wolf.

  Himeko placed a hand under Isia’s chin and raised her head up. Red eyes locked with cobalt ones and everything felt right. She leaned forward and whispered in Isia’s ear. "You will never have to bow to me. Welcome home my wolf."


  The next twenty minutes were a blur for Isia. She was told that she would stay at the castle and was given quick goodbyes before being tossed on the back of Himeko's horse and holding on to her slender waist.

  When the sweet music of the Princess’s giggle had rung out in that room, the world had frozen for her. The vision before her seemed to have cast a spell on her. She was so different from the way she remembered her, letting her hair grow to the middle of her back. As the cold air blew towards Isia face, each strand felt like silk on her skin.

  She stood at 5'7, her breast were larger than Isia’s own, and her body was soft with curves. Her voice was still the same, like milk in chamomile tea. Her eyes remained like rubies and were alight with mischief. She was beautiful, with two tiny black horns just at the top of her head that would be magnificent as she grew. Everything seemed to come together under a black kimono with purple and pink flowers at the bottom of it. And by the Goddess, she smelled of fire and honey. As if her scent didn’t know whether to be strong or sweet.


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