The Aftermath

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The Aftermath Page 14

by Patrick Higgins

  “The military was also hard hit. More than a half-million of our nation’s finest are feared among the missing. And many have been confirmed as dead. Also, many of America’s most well-known celebrities, star athletes, business moguls and musicians are no longer with us.

  “Some vanished, but most perished. Lists of their names are still being compiled and will be made available in due time. But I’m happy to report that all nine Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court survived the mayhem and are with us tonight.”

  The President nodded in their direction. “Unfortunately, the same cannot be said of the supreme courts of America’s fifty states. As of last count, seventy-seven Justices were confirmed as among the missing. Three were killed. The Supreme Court of South Carolina was the hardest hit. They lost four of their justices. All four vanished.”

  “The list of numbers of casualties and disappearances is certain to grow and could easily reach two billion, as search and rescue task forces keep digging and combing through massive piles of wreckage and debris. Much time will have to pass before we can accurately pinpoint just how many are no longer with us. Our best summation so far is that approximately twenty percent of the world’s population was lost in one day. More precisely, one moment.”

  Even as the words came out of his mouth, the President couldn’t believe it. “Before yesterday, along with myself, world leaders were convinced something like this could only occur as a result of a nuclear strike, a natural disaster, global pandemic, or from the deployment of biological and chemical agents.

  “We were wrong. To the best of our knowledge, not a single missile was fired yesterday. Nor was biological warfare deployed anywhere on the planet. Yet, we lost twenty percent of our population, just like that. Half were young children.”

  The President looked troubled. His brow furrowed. “Consequently, this wasn’t a straight-across-the-board occurrence. Though still sketchy, numbers seem to vary in each country. For example, not counting children, some countries are reporting many casualties, but not a single disappearance.”

  President Danforth paused to consider what he’d just said. “Presently, we’re investigating many theories. Those we’re taking the most seriously appear to be spiritual in nature.

  “One theory we’re exploring is the ‘Rapture Theory.’ Some claim that Jesus Christ came back for the true Christian Church yesterday, taking them all to Heaven, including all children.”

  “Another theory we’re exploring coming from the atheistic or humanistic communities of the world is the ‘Religious Cleansing’ theory. Presumably, these people claim that some unknown force had finally rid the world of all the so-called religious hypocrites—the phonies.”

  President Danforth thought about his youngest daughter and son-in-law. Ronald and Erica Whittingham weren’t phonies by any stretch. And his grandchildren certainly weren’t phonies, either. They were the most genuine people he ever knew.

  The President refocused so he wouldn’t break down on live television. “Other theories being investigated include the ‘Allah’ theory. Many Muslims believe Allah removed millions of religious heretics from the face of the Earth, thus proving once and for all that Allah is the one true God. They proclaim the Jews are next.

  “However, their theory is greatly flawed because they, too, have lost every last child up to a certain age. If true, wouldn’t that make their children religious heretics as well?

  “We are also investigating the ‘Extra-Terrestrial’, ‘Cosmic Evacuation’ and ‘Magnetic Force’ theories. Because I do not have all the facts and figures at my disposal, I will not delve into these theories with any great-detail at this time. Many religious experts have been called in to re-chart all major world religions looking for patterns. We believe this will ultimately bring us closer to knowing the truth. But until we have solid evidence either way, I will not speculate at this time. Too many rumors have already been spread.

  “With that in mind, I feel it prudent instead to focus solely on what we do know. As most of you know, many commercial and residential buildings were severely damaged yesterday. Others were destroyed due to ruptured gas lines. Ruptured water lines have also caused flooding in some areas.

  “In the coming days and weeks, we will be expanding the U.S. Building Inspections Task Force to make sure all residential buildings across the country are safe for human habitation. Environmental testing will also be done to ensure that air and water is safe in each building.

  “All buildings deemed unsafe will be demolished. If you live in one of these buildings, your government will do all it can to help relocate you to a safer location as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, many months could pass before we can get to each building. Until that time, shelters are being opened in all major cities to house all who are in need.

  “Hospitals nationwide are still being barraged with needy patients. Hospital workers simply cannot handle the overwhelming demands. Triage units have been set up in hospital parking lots to make more room for those in need of treatment. Only serious and critical condition patients are being accepted at this time. Hundreds of makeshift morgues have also been constructed in each city for the deceased.

  “Sadly, many pets fell victim yesterday. Many are still missing or are in need of food and medical attention. Once the dust settles, many will need new owners to care for them. If you see an unknown or unfamiliar pet on your street, please use extreme caution when approaching them. They are probably just as shell-shocked as we humans are, and may feel threatened by your very presence.”

  President Danforth shifted his weight again. “The national curfew will remain in effect for the time being. Barring extreme emergency conditions, night driving will remain suspended. Too many traffic lights are not working nationwide. Those that are working cannot be trusted at this time.

  “If you must drive during daytime hours, please use extreme caution. We have already lost too many of our beloved citizens the past twenty-four hours. We do not need any more senseless deaths.

  “And speaking of senseless deaths, I was advised earlier that the suicide rate has skyrocketed overnight. This is especially true among teenagers. More than half of all confirmed suicides over the past twenty-four hours were committed by those under the age of twenty, equating to more than a half-million more young lives snuffed out, just like that.”

  His words stung all who heard them like a scorpion’s tail. It was unfathomable.

  “Suicide will solve nothing,” he protested. “Before yesterday, most suicide victims felt no one could relate to what they were going through. This can no longer be said, as each of us was affected by it. Each of us has lost loved ones who would want us to continue on, despite the bleak conditions we now face.

  “Counselors are in short supply at the National Suicide Hotline, but many are being brought in to assist with the onslaught of callers. I’ve been assured that someone will eventually get to each inquiry, either on the phone or online. If you’re feeling weak or distraught, please remain patient a little longer. These people truly care and want to assist you.”

  Scanning the room, the President was showered with smiles and thumbs-up gestures from the many assembled guests. This comforted him, even if only slightly.

  “On a more positive note, I want to thank everyone who volunteered their time and vehicles to help transport patients to and from hospitals. I’m proud to report that millions of volunteers had to be turned away. This just shows that the American spirit is still alive and well despite what we now face.

  “On behalf of a grateful nation, I thank you all. I have never been more proud to be your President than right now.”

  “In closing, with communications slowly coming back online, I have been in communication with many world leaders throughout the day, including the Pope. As Divine Providence would have it, not a single world leader vanished yesterday or was killed. This comes as perhaps the only silver lining behind a very dark cloud.

  “Since yesterday’s occurrence was global
, a mandatory world summit has been called at NATO Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, beginning tomorrow. The United Nations was the first choice. But with widespread devastation pulverizing much of New York City—far worse than what Brussels had suffered—most felt the European city was the safer location of the two.

  “To ensure that each world leader is there, embargoes levied on insurgent countries, either by NATO or the United Nations, will be temporarily lifted. By working together, I’m confident we can find permanent solutions to help get the world back to its feet as quickly as possible.”

  Looking out at the foreign press gallery, President Danforth said, “Some of you representing the foreign press will accompany me to Brussels on board Air Force One, approximately seven hours from now. Since we’re all going to the same place anyway, perhaps other world leaders can invite foreign press members stranded in their countries to travel to Brussels with them.

  “Once the Summit has ended, everyone can then head back to their home countries together. I know this is but a small token when compared to the tens of millions who are presently stranded on foreign soil, but anything is better than nothing at this point.”

  The President paused a moment to let his words reverberate. “Finally, with so many great minds assembling in the coming days, if we are to look back on this unprecedented time in the future and call it a success, we must come together as one! If ever there has been a time for global solidarity, that time is now!

  “With that in mind, I feel optimistic that the Summit will bear much fruit. I look forward to updating you all again from Brussels. Until then, my fellow Americans, do your best to remain calm and resolute in the midst of this tragedy. God Bless you, and God Bless America!”


  PRESIDENT DANFORTH RECEIVED A resounding ovation from everyone in attendance. But this wasn’t about campaigning to win an election, or hoping to gain votes for a new piece of legislation. It was about picking up the pieces after suffering the worst tragedy to ever strike Planet Earth since the dawn of mankind, not counting the flood back in the days of Noah.

  The President left the podium careful to shake as many hands as possible. To those he couldn’t reach, he nodded his appreciation.

  Leaving the House Chamber, the secret service formed a human wall around President Danforth and led him through legendary Statuary Hall. Hundreds of press officials—those not granted access inside the House Chamber—bombarded him with many questions.

  The President kept his head down and hurried to his waiting limousine. The nearly-impenetrable vehicle known as “The Beast” weighed seven tons and ran on Kevlar tires which were hermetically sealed in case someone tried shooting them out.

  Much like Air Force One or Ground Force One—a 45-foot mega bus designed by the secret service for the President—several pints of the President’s blood were stored inside the vehicle in case an emergency ever arose.

  Now more than ever, the secret service had to prepare for any and all possible scenarios. In this new climate, nothing could be overlooked.

  President Danforth was transported back to the White House to rest a while and spend some time with his family, before boarding Air Force One for Brussels, Belgium.

  THE MEDIA WOULD SPEND the remainder of the evening recapitulating the President’s speech. With 24 hours to prepare, panels of top U.S. Government officials and various other distinguished experts in the financial arena were in studio offering various opinions on their fields of expertise.

  The head of the Department of Homeland Security appeared on one cable news network. Said he, “Though we have no credible evidence to suggest at this time that an attack of any kind will strike our land, along with President Danforth’s order to place our country’s military on the highest state of alert, I have ordered all Emergency Operation Centers and our nation’s thousands of fall-out shelters opened nationwide.

  “With hospitals so overcrowded with patients, these locations will serve as temporary care centers for those with injuries that aren’t serious enough to be treated at hospitals. They will also serve as sleeping quarters and soup kitchens for many in need.

  “FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Association), in conjunction with the Disaster Operations Center which, essentially, is a branch of the American Red Cross, is shipping tons of food, medical supplies and millions of pints of blood to these locations as I speak. I’m told they are desperate for blood donors to hopefully replace a portion of the rapidly dwindling supplies.”

  U.S. Secretary of Transportation Joel Weintraub appeared on another cable station. Weintraub was in charge of overseeing all air, maritime, and surface transportation. With all planes grounded, trains stationed, and ships docked, his chief concern now was with America’s roads and highways.

  Weintraub said, “Due to the massive heat caused by numerous automobile fires that actually had to burn themselves out, buckling has occurred on large stretches of America’s elevated highways and freeways in most cities. Needless to say, this will greatly affect interstate travel for the foreseeable future.

  “While driving is allowed during daylight hours,” Weintraub warned, “I would strongly advise against it. If you must drive, you should avoid all elevated highways. Also, before taking to the roads, be advised that insurance companies won’t be responsible for any damages caused by accidents at this time. So, if you choose to drive, you’re on your own. Completely.

  The acting Chairman of the National Transportation Safety Bureau (NTSB) appeared on another channel. Teresa Gonzalez-Rivera had the look of someone who believed the industry she loved and faithfully served for so many years might not survive the catastrophe. The fear in her eyes was quite disturbing. She could only wonder what the future held.

  “Prior to the terrorist attacks of nine-eleven,” Gonzalez-Rivera lamented, “the air transportation industry boasted unprecedented profits. All it took was four days of being grounded and many air carriers were forced into bankruptcy. I pray we do not have to travel down that same road again...”

  A well-known Internet Technician from China warned, “This new world in which we live runs on information sent electronically. Moving it from A to B is paramount to keeping society moving forward. Having so many power disruptions all at once could prove crippling if power isn’t restored soon, especially to our third-world countries.

  “After only thirty-six hours, downed computers are wreaking havoc on hospitals, supermarkets, pharmacies and fueling stations everywhere. Even the judicial systems and militaries of most countries have been severely disrupted.

  “Though little information stored on these computers will ultimately be lost,” he went on, “with power out in so many places, how can anyone purchase food, fuel, medicine, toiletries and other essential items? With no way of pumping waste or collecting garbage, it could lead to the spread of various diseases which could become pandemic.”

  The man sighed, “If power isn’t restored soon, it will be enough to realistically bring some remote sections of the world to their knees.”

  The head of NASA said, “All U.S. space travel has been suspended indefinitely. Our only task now is to get those stranded in space back home as quickly and safely as possible.

  “I had the opportunity to speak with First Captain Felix Santiago earlier today. Naturally, he was shaken to the core. One can only imagine how frightened he and the two other remaining astronauts must have been seeing one of their own vanish into thin air, with no way of contacting anyone back on Earth.

  “He told me had it not been for Vanessa Underwood’s disappearance, who I must say will be dearly missed at NASA, they would have been convinced that an Electro Magnetic Pulse had been discharged over the United States, and the country was plunged into total silence and darkness. I assured him that was not the case. Needless to say, they are desperate to come back home.”

  And on and on the experts opined...

  But without a doubt, financial analysts were the most pessimistic. They looked how most people fe
lt—completely terrified. Doom and gloom coursed through their collective veins.

  Said one analyst on an all-news station, “With nearly one-third of the American population suddenly gone, many industries and institutions are sure to crumble in the days and weeks ahead. When three-hundred million people live in a society, the lifeline of any large corporation is to maintain ongoing production to accommodate that many people, if that society were to thrive.

  “The exact opposite is true in this case. With one-third of our society suddenly gone in the blink of an eye, production needs to be drastically cut back all-across the board and, in many cases, halted altogether. With no advance-warning to start phasing out production, yesterday’s tragedy came as an unexpected jolt most companies and industries will never recover from.”

  “This is enough to destroy the entire global market!” lamented the man seated next to him, a Chief Financial Officer at one of New York City’s largest investment companies. Beads of sweat were clearly visible on his forehead.

  “Suddenly there are too many homes and not enough people living in them. Many builders and real estate companies will be forced into bankruptcy, never to recover. Automobile sales are sure to plummet, forcing most companies into immediate bankruptcy.

  “This, in turn, will cripple the fuel industry and most automobile insurance companies. Banks will then go bankrupt, forcing all world stock markets to tumble. Everything is sure to crumble.”

  Both men had no idea just how right they were...


  BRIAN MULROONEY, RENATE MCCALLISTER and Jacquelyn Swindell sat in silence doing their best to digest what they had just heard.

  The climate was awkward at best. Brian knew Jacquelyn wanted to leave. It was written all over her face. As if on cue, she got up out of her seat, gathered the Tupperware bowls she brought with her, plucked her keyless remote device from her coat pocket and limped to the door.


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