Secret Bridesmaid

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Secret Bridesmaid Page 8

by Victoria Pinder

  “Your sister is on right now.” As if that explained anything.

  Had her sister caused a scandal? Linsey would look for an angle to help her career, but Emily’s weekend wasn’t exactly useful for a star. They made it to the movie room and he turned on the television. Her falling into the vat of glitter and then Axel kissing her after his show played on screen as a montage. Then her sister’s stunning face was on the morning show. “Linsey?”

  But then she saw the scrolling newsfeed that asked “Fat: Is it beautiful or dangerous?”

  Her heart stopped. She wasn’t obese. She was a size 12, which last she'd checked was the most common size in the country.

  The scrolling then changed to “Axel likes fat girls.”

  She cringed and placed her hand on his muscular arm. “Wait. Seriously? Turn this up.”

  Clutching her stomach, Emily heard her perfect sister who never had to diet talking as if she was a spokesman for the overweight as she said, “Not all women are naturally thin like me. My sister is what’s normal in America.”

  The TV was the size of a movie screen but even then her sister shone like an angel. Emily waited for the other shoe to drop, but no--her sister hadn't called her fat. Linsey hadn’t tried to take a knife to Emily’s heart. “At least she defended me. Turn this off.”

  Axel wrapped his arms around her. “Emily, you’re the prettiest woman I know.”

  If only that was true. She rested her head on his shoulder and let herself calm down.

  His lips met hers and she pulled him close.

  She needed his kiss as confidence soared through her. Who in the world cared what she looked like? They could just keep their negativity to themselves. As the kiss ended, she took a deep breath and said, “Let’s finish our breakfast.”

  He clasped her hand. “Good. I have amazing coffee you’ve yet to taste.”

  A huge smile grew as she remembered the freshly baked assortment of pastries they’d left behind. Soon she’d be getting her hair and makeup done and clearly people were talking about her, so she’d need that energy boost. She laughed as he closed the movie theater door and said, “Now you’re speaking my language, Axel.”

  Neither one of them said anything about the morning show as they returned to the balcony, but as they passed his bedroom, she heard her ringtone.

  Because of the news, she wondered who it might be. Her mother, or Linsey, or friends? She paused, and he said, “You can get that—I’ll wait.”

  She quickly went to the nightstand and picked up her cell phone. She glanced at the screen. “I’ll be right out. It’s my mother.”

  He patted his stomach. “I’m looking forward to breakfast.”

  So was she. “Hey, Mom.”

  Her mother’s voice sounded a lot like Linsey’s disapproval at the rehearsal dinner when she said, “You went out with Axel Morgan last night? And where are you now?”

  Her sex life wasn’t something she’d discuss with her mother. Nope. They weren’t that close and she’d learned about sex from books. Emily ignored the heat in her cheeks and said, “Sorry you found out about it on television.”

  When Emily had been a teen, her mother had turned red whenever she’d asked about anything intimate, so Emily just learned that they didn’t talk about that stuff. Ever.

  But then her mother rushed on. “Linsey says you’ll be in the wedding with her today. I can’t wait to see both my girls together again.”

  “You’re coming?” She said a silent prayer her mother wouldn’t mention Axel or this morning’s news about her weight.

  “Linsey ensured I had an invite,” Mom said.

  Her mother would meet Axel. How to explain the situation? The truth was no good--the law firm had paid her sister to add Emily to the wedding party to spy on Jennifer, which was something even Axel didn't know. “Linsey arranged for me to be a bridesmaid when Jennifer came up short, Mom.”

  “Your sister is defending you on TV, too. I’m so happy you’re talking again.” Her mother spoke in a cheery tone as if all the hurts and slights were forgotten.

  Axel hummed one of his songs outside on the balcony. Her heart ached to be near him again. “Mom… yeah, I got to go.”

  “See you this afternoon, sweetheart,” her mother said.

  Later was later. This morning she’d be here, with Axel, and no expectations. She followed his voice and saw how he set a few options on the table for them to eat. She stared at his muscular backside. “Sorry Axel, I didn’t know she’d call.”

  “Don't apologize. It’s okay. My mother calls all my friends if I don’t answer or she doesn’t like my answer.” He poured coffee from a steaming carafe. She walked to her seat but he put the carafe down and held her chair for her. As she sat, he scooted the cup closer to her as he took his own seat and said, “Now, try this coffee.”

  She sipped and the New Orleans flavor hit her fast. She’d been there once, when she'd turned twenty-one, but hadn’t returned. The memories of the delicious foods of that trip rushed back. “Wow, this is good.”

  Emily took another sip of the coffee as he placed a powdered sugar-covered beignet, which was like a fried Cajun donut, on her plate and cut into the fresh bread. She sighed from the delicious brew. “Axel, how did the news media have those clips?”

  He passed the butter. “My dressing room must have had video feed as the supplies were kept there. Security and all.” His blue eyes sparkled as he pressed against her shoulder. “At least they didn’t get what happened in my bedroom last night.”

  She laughed and added some strawberry jam to her bread as she said, “True, but my glitter bottom is now front page news.”

  He watched her take a nibble of her food like she was fascinating. “Either it blows over or you started a fashion trend.”

  She couldn’t eat this much carbs and then fit into a dress made for the size four crowd of her sister’s friends, but it was so good. “You’re funny, Axel.”

  He winked and added cream to his coffee. “Is that why you like me?”

  She bumped into his shoulder like he’d done a moment ago to her. “No, you’re tempting.”

  “I tempt you?” He picked up his coffee to drink.

  Her stomach grumbled but she pressed her hand to it like she could make it stop as she said, “You make me forget the world exists outside of you.”

  They ate in silence. She ignored the sugar beignet and focused on her jam and bread, which was soft on the inside and hard on the crust--the butter seemed to become part of the fresh-baked taste.

  Once she'd had enough, she savored the strawberry flavor as she sipped on her chicory brew. “I ate in New Orleans when I visited but this was better.”

  “Try the beignet.”

  “I can’t. I have to wear a dress.”

  “My pastry chef will be upset. Just one.”

  “You ate three but you work a stage. I’ll be walking down an aisle in a form-fitting dress.”

  “And you’re already prettier than the bride.”

  “Well… okay, one bite.”

  The fried donut was sweeter than anything in the store. She tried her hardest to not take a second bite--but then she popped the whole thing in her mouth, as it wasn’t that big and let the flavor dance on her tongue.

  She closed her eyes and sighed as the powdered sugar made this sweeter than ice cream. “That’s so delicious. Thank you.”

  Axel finished and wiped his sexy mouth with a napkin. “Well, that’s good to hear. You make me think normal might be fun.”

  Fun? Bills, laundry, washing dishes, standing in the grocery store, waiting for appointments at the doctors, nothing in her routine was fun. They were too different. “Not for you, though.”

  His gaze narrowed as he picked up the carafe to refill their coffee cups. “What do you mean?”

  All her life she’d had Axel with her in some way. She understood how much joy he brought her, and others, and would never get jealous of his ability to entertain. “You belong to no one.
It’s part of your charm. I’m just a passing thing for you. We both know that.”

  He stopped mid-drink. “Could you live on the road with me?”

  Now, this was fun. Emily had an active imagination and could imagine herself next to Axel every night as they stayed in the nicest hotels, all over the world. “Are you asking me to give up everything and hit the road with you?”

  He sipped his coffee with a sheepish expression. “Silly?”

  If only this was possible. She let out a small sigh. “No. Part of me wants to just throw caution to the wind and take you up on that.”

  He put his cup down and looked more serious as he asked, “And the other part?”

  Reality needed to take center stage. Emily shrugged as she said the truth, “Says I need to earn money and be practical.”

  Axel took her hand and stared at her like he’d dare her to just do it. “Ignore that part. Or take the job as my assistant--you could deal with details I generally pay people to handle anyhow.”

  Her imagination was in overdrive. She smiled brightly and went along with the nice dream as she asked, “So it’s a job offer?”

  Axel stopped his teasing tone. “I want to see if maybe we could work out?”

  Her heart thumped in her chest. It was all she could hear for that moment. “I’d like to see if that’s possible too.” A real relationship with Axel Morgan? “After the wedding, can we do something?”

  He traced her hand and arm and goosebumps grew in his wake as he said, “Anything you want Emily, though I have to be in Orlando the next day.”

  Or they could return to bed. Right now. She stood and tugged on his forearm. “Sounds good.”

  Axel claimed her lips in a deeper kiss and all she wanted was one more time. If she didn’t have to leave here, ever, she’d be happy. Life was amazing in his arms.

  Axel Morgan checked the white button-down shirt and gray pants he’d wear for Peter’s marriage to Jennifer.

  Refusing to actually be in the wedding party now struck him as a mistake, but at the time he’d been united with his family to prove they didn’t support this fiasco.

  If he’d known Emily then, he’d have made a different choice. The shower turned off in his bedroom and he turned to stare at the adjoining door that opened a moment later.

  Emily’s soft skin still had a glow as she stepped out in a white button-down shirt and the jeans from the second concert. Her slightly red lips from kissing just made her sexier.“Are you ready to go?”

  “Yes.” He made sure that his collar was even and then offered his arm.

  “I have to join the women and get ready for the wedding.”

  He kissed her cheek. Leaving her side, even for hair and makeup, felt like they’d be apart too long. He’d grown up in one of those wardrobe chairs, but today it was for Jennifer’s bridesmaids. He crossed the two-lane street with Emily beside him as he said, “And you’ll sit next to me at this wedding?”

  Her lips thinned. “My mother is coming.”

  “I could put her with my mother.” Axel would find a way to charm her.

  She shook her head and said, “She’ll stay with my sister and Jennifer. She’ll want to be near Linsey, always.I’m sure my mother will find her to talk about us either way.”

  “Yeah. She’ll probably ask if you’re my secret wife she’s heard about.”

  “I’ll warn my mother then,” Emily said with a smile.

  He slowed once theyneared Peter's, not wanting Emily to go yet, as she said, “And I do have to say hello. She’s going to want me there.”

  Her hand on his made him feel better about himself. Axel kissed her cheek and they continued up the driveway. “I meant what I said earlier.”

  She swung their hands. “Which was?”

  Axel stopped them completely. Soon, they’d be separated, but it would be good if he knew there was more time to be spent together. “I want you to come on the road with me.”

  She chewed on her lower lip like she was debating a chocolate cupcake for dessert. Then she lowered her lashes and admitted, “I’d like to. But I do have responsibilities, like my student loans.”

  Money wasn’t a problem for him. If she came with him, he’d ensure she had no worries so he tucked his free hand in his back pocket and rocked on his feet. “How much is that, as it’s clearly worrying you?”

  Her eyes widened and her face paled before she admitted, “Sixty-two thousand, seven-hundred and thirty-seven dollars--at the moment.”

  “And the interest rate?” Axel asked because his father had been a banker. His brothers were bankers, and even though he’d never looked up student loan numbers, he understood finance.

  She blinked and met his gaze. “Five percent.”

  At that rate she’d have over a thousand dollar a month or more payment, depending on the time limits. Her life was even more financially precarious than he'd thought. “And you only get $60,000 in a year?”

  The doors opened and caterers came out of the servant’s entrance as she nodded. “Yep.”

  He pressed his elbow to hers and walked with her toward the main entrance. “Give me the address and I’ll send the check in if you’ll come.”

  The doors opened for them and Emily touched her palm to her chest. “That’s way too much.”

  He ran his hand through her long, dark brown hair. That protest seemed so silly. She was clearly embarrassed about something simple. “I’m a billionaire, a rock star and a former child star. And lately I’ve been struggling, Emily.”

  They took a few steps into the main room as the staff closed the doors behind them. She patted his arm, not letting him go as the air conditioner cooled the humidity off their bodies. “Struggling? How?”

  He leaned toward her and kept his voice low. No one else needed to hear what he wanted to tell her as he said, “I’ve been unsure what I want in my life or what I want to do. When I’m near you, I’m less stressed. Last night’s concert showed me that I’m better when you’re close. So just tell me where to write the check and it’s done.”

  Even if she didn’t come on the road with him, she’d made his life feel not so dramatic and if he could make her life easier he'd gladly send a check.

  Tears formed in her eyes and she hugged him, not letting him go. Emily gave him new purpose. He wouldn’t lose her. “Axel, you’re making me so happy.”

  He patted her back. “Then why are you crying?”

  She laughed and let him go with a small huff, but she held onto his hand still as she said, “I’ve always been the responsible one. Mom always let me know that I’d have to take care of myself, unlike Linsey, because I wasn’t destined to be a superstar.”

  “Destiny is overused as an excuse. I want you to come on the road with me.”

  Tears fell down her cheeks.

  Why? If she didn’t want to go with him, he’d have to understand even if he didn’t like it. His lips thinned. “So that’s a no?”

  “No!” She said fast.

  Then that was it. She didn’t want to go. He’d have to ignore the numbness that caused. Loneliness was a part of his everyday life anyhow. He nodded and let her go as he said, “I get it. Don’t worry, Emily.”

  She grabbed his hand and held it to her heart “Wait! I want to go with you. I want it badly. Being with you is more exciting than Christmas morning.”

  She wanted to come? Her words melted the icecaps shielding his heart. His shoulders lifted as he imagined bringing Emily to Paris and showing her around. “So it’s a yes?”

  She laughed and hugged him again, releasing him faster than he’d like as she said, “Let’s go to the wedding and figure the rest out later.”

  At least it wasn’t a no. He never wanted to disappoint her. He kissed her cheek. “Are you sure?”

  She closed her eyes and acted like his kiss made her melt too. Once she opened her eyes again, she said, “Absolutely. I want to say yes, but I don’t want to put too much pressure on us too fast.”

  He’d never ha
d limits, not really. Other people had them, but he’d always been able to have whatever he wanted out of life. He patted her hair, wanting another kiss as he said, “You’re wiser than me, Emily.”

  She pointed with her nose to the back door. “Your brothers are waiting for you.”

  They didn’t matter. He wrapped his arms possessively around her waist and kissed her. Even as it ended, he vowed to have more of her. “See you soon, Emily.”

  She kissed him one more time and then let go.

  He watched her hips sway as she walked toward the bridal suite where all the other bridesmaids were.

  Then he turned and headed toward Mitch, Damien and Galen, who waved at him to join them.

  Axel stepped outside onto the veranda and the four of them went directly to a table with coffee set up for them beneath a canopy for shade above the lawn with the white tent for the wedding. Galen patted his back and said, “She’s the last bridesmaid to arrive.”

  His brothers were married now, but none of them had any right to judge his evenings. Mitch poured the coffee as Axel asked, “Are you worried that Jennifer is upset?”

  Damien, with his dark hair and "dare me" smile, laughed. “I’d like to see that actually.”

  Ah. Axel motioned for the cup his oldest brother had poured for him. “I hope she’s nice to Emily.”

  Mitch, his blond hair in the same short style of framed old-school bank presidents, handed him the coffee and said, “I’m sure she’s fine.”

  As the oldest, Mitch always seemed to know how to relax him after Damien or Galen rattled him. It was like magic. Axel stirred milk into his coffee as he asked, “How?”

  Mitch finished handing out the coffees and took his seat. “Jennifer wants to be accepted in our family, and she knows you’re with Emily.”

  While he and Emily hadn’t talked about being public with their relationship, the television this morning had made secrecy impossible, possibly stealing Jennifer’s spotlight on her wedding day. Axel asked, “Did she do something in particular?”

  Galen, who no longer smelled of cigarettes, finished his sip and said, “Jennifer was already on the news this morning, talking about how people can be cruel and how Emily is a wonderful person. I’m sure Jennifer will parade Emily in front of the cameras to show how they are best friends.”


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