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Supernatural Syndicate: A Limited Edition Collection of Magical Mafia Stories

Page 33

by Thea Atkinson

  Closing the car door, I ran across the street. “We have thirty minutes tops; you go north, and I’ll head south.”

  “We don’t have enough time. It’s too dangerous to split up. There’s still more I need to tell you,” said Quin.

  “No time. Get moving. You can track my location from your phone. My phone is on silent so you can track me.” Turning, I hopped over the bushes and opened the side door. Padding inside, I crept around the cashier stand. The lights were dim, and the place appeared vacant. There was a faint smell of cinnamon rolls and French vanilla bean coffee in the air. Passing by the red and white leather booths, I walked toward the back.

  Lifting my gun, I crept down the dark hallway.

  “Leonardo, I said stop. My parents just died. What makes you think I came here for sex? I don’t want to lose my virginity on the day I buried my parents.”

  Walking to the first door, I stepped inside. It was a linen closet. Stepping back out, I swiftly searched the next two rooms.

  “I’m tired of you being a tease. I’ve spent three years being your boyfriend, so you owe me.”

  Walking into the third room, I searched it. They weren’t in it but there was a gun lying on the dresser. This was definitely a setup, maybe Leonardo himself was meant to do the hit. Holding both guns, I rushed down the hallway, but stopped when his voice sounded closer, but slightly muffled. It almost seemed like they were in the walls.

  “I don’t owe you anything. I came here to see if you wanted to move with me.”

  No, Madeleine, don’t tell him anything else.

  Running down the hall, I turned the corner and took the steps to the bottom level. Following the sound of their voices, I made my way into a large empty room. The ceiling was cracked and there were several bullet holes near a diagonal crack along the wall. The wall had claw marks along it. I stepped inside.

  “I’m not moving anywhere with you because you don’t even put out. Why would I move with you when Beth sucks my cock whenever I want her to?”

  “What? Beth who? You can’t mean you cheated on me with my best friend, Beth Jennings.”

  “Yep, but don’t worry about it. You won’t have time to be upset for long. The werewolves, vampires, and witches all want you dead. They’re coming for you now.”

  “The supernatural doesn’t exist. You’re an asshole.”

  “Oh, you kneed me in the balls. I hope they rip your head off.”

  I came around the corner and saw her knee him in the balls and when he went to his knees, she punched him in the face.

  “You bitch.” He lunged for her.

  I aimed, and fired three shots, two to the head and one in the heart.

  Madeleine clutched her chest. “That bastard was sleeping with Beth. He set me up. We have to get out of here.”

  Handing her one of the guns, we ran out the room. Heading back the way I came, she and I stopped as loud howling noises shook the building. Our time had run out.

  Grabbing her arm, we ran back the way we came. I texted Quin the emergency code but didn’t stop running.

  Madeleine grabbed a handful of her hair. “Werewolves, they’re going to eat us alive.”

  “Come, maybe we can sneak out the back.” Upon reaching the back, it was completely dark.

  My ears twitched. Closing my eyes, I homed in on my senses. There was a strong whiff of werewolf dander, but a hint of something else. The vampires or the faes were here as well.

  Shit. Things had just gone from bad to worse.

  “When I fire off two shots, they’ll rush in here. You get the car and head home. Don’t stop for anything, go straight to the house. They won’t cross into our territory.”

  “What about you? If you do this, they will kill you.”

  If I don’t, we will both die. You must live.

  “I’m going to be the distraction. Get ready to run.” Ignoring her frantic mumblings, I fired off two shots. Turning, she was still standing next to me.

  I pushed her toward the back door and pointed the gun in her face. “I’m not burying you too.”

  I sighed when she raced out the door. Pulling my Glock from my ankle holster, I waited. The window burst and a werewolf landed a foot away from me. I fired several head shots until it stopped moving.

  I heard the car engine, and tires screeching. I ran to the back door and snatched it open. Powerful claws slashed me across the chest, as another werewolf came inside with a fae.

  “Time to die, princess,” he said, as he smirked at the werewolf beside him. I picked up the Glock and fired two shots at the werewolf’s head. It slumped over, and the fae vanished before my eyes. Reappearing, he snatched my gun, tossing it behind him.

  “Thanks for killing him. He had served his purpose. You see, Micheline, you must die because he loves you too much.” He prowled toward me, his long silver hair swaying behind him.

  Spitting blood, I grabbed my knife, and staggered to my feet. I thrust it at his neck, but he dodged and punched me in the gut. Dropping to my knees, he snatched the knife from my hands.

  “I hate to break beautiful things, but Torin is destined for greatness and you are the catalyst.” He thrust the knife into my gut repeatedly, until the sharp pains became numb. I slithered to the floor, hearing my faint heartbeat throb in my eardrums.

  My eyes closed as I heard the fading sounds of the werewolves. The door shut, and darkness crept in.

  “You shouldn’t have been here,” a voice said as he touched my face.

  My eyes fluttered open. “Leave, it’s not safe.”

  I drew in a breath. His eyes were like round aquamarine stones. His fine dark goatee emphasized his strong jaw. He was beautiful.

  “You’re dying.”

  “I know.” My head dropped to the side and I closed my eyes. Images of mom and dad flooded my mind. Soon we would be together again.

  “I can save you. You don’t have to die,” he said.

  “No. I don’t want to be a mangy dog like them. Leave me to my fate.”

  “Nobody wants to be a werewolf, but there are other options.” He lifted me into his arms, and I felt a gush of blood pour out.

  “I don’t want that either. It’s my time. Go help someone who needs it.”

  “You and I will get along just fine.”

  I felt a sharp pain in my neck. I tried to push him off, but I couldn’t move. Everything faded into nothingness.


  Domenico Beneventi

  I didn’t feel like killing werewolves tonight, but Nicenzio had other plans. Why he allowed his cock to lead him across town to Central City was beyond me. Nicenzio Carmosino was my best friend, who also happened to be a reckless cock slanging, foul mouth, and bad-tempered vampire. If there was a rule not to do something, it was a given it was on his list to do just that.

  I sat down at the circular table and awaited the Immortal Mafia Council. The council was made up of the most powerful immortals that set the rules for our lives. Gone were the days when being an immortal meant that you had complete control over your future.

  These immortals felt because they had lived four thousand decades ago that they knew everything. If I’m honest with myself, they knew a heck of a lot.

  The restaurant Pereira was the only amazing thing about these meetings. It looked like a steak and shake that should be condemned on the outside but was pure heaven on the inside. Johnny, the owner, was an immigrant, and his dishes were served with organic spices and mouthwatering flavors that made your soul travel with each bite taken.

  I was distracted by the enticing aroma of the Pereira Charbroiled Oysters when the front door opened, and Michael Yes Lafleur waltzed inside. I could smell the werewolf’s dander from where I sat. Four other werewolves came in behind him. They sat across the table from us. To my right Genziano, Bartolome, Piero, Giovanni, and I represented the vampires. Nicenzio was outspoken and known to question everything, which made his absence impossible to cover up.

  Axel stroked his goatee. “Where is
Nicenzio? If he violates the council’s wishes, his ass is mine.”

  Smiling, I sighed. “When are you going to get over it? Teresa cheated on you, and not just with Nicenzio. She’s given more rides than a trolley.”

  “You mean more than a Greyhound bus. Her phone number is inked on the men’s bathrooms throughout the city. She’s promiscuous and she’s probably made that clear,” said Genziano.

  Axel’s face turned red, and he slammed his fist down on the table. “I will make him pay. You won’t be able to protect him always.”

  The door opened again, and Torin Cullen, Simeone Amatucci and three other successors entered the restaurant. Like always, Simeone had stopped time, everyone and everything stopped except him. He and his men floated to the table. It was difficult being around a bunch of men that you wanted to kill but were forced to stay your hand. The council had measures in place, so we toed the line, yet it was difficult not to resent them. Time went back to normal, and Simeone smirked at everyone. He knew how unsettled we were that he could stop time, which was why he continued to do it.

  The back door opened, and six council members walked toward us. We never knew which six members would be at the meeting since they rotated members. All we knew was that there would be two representing council members from each immortal class and usually they were of the opposite sex. Pierre Bouchard and Amelinda Fuchs strolled inside, representing the vampires which meant we were screwed. Pierre was a pompous jerk who only saw things his way, and from what I’d heard about Amelinda, she wasn’t much better. Four other council members walked behind, and each took their seats at the head of the table.

  Pierre lifted his hand. “I’m Pierre Bouchard, and she is Amelinda Fuchs; we represent the interest for the vampires. The man to my right is Akida Okafor and she is Imaan Bari; they represent the interest for the witches. And the man sitting behind him is Hashaan Iwu and Monica Caballero…”

  “We know Hashaan and Monica represent us, get on with it. Why don’t you tell us something we don’t know?” said Axel.

  “Mr. Lavache please show some respect. Our kind aren’t the only ones at this meeting. It’s important that everyone understand that their kind is being represented here today,” said Monica.

  This meeting was already going to shit, and it hadn’t even started. Shifting in my seat, I curled my toes to keep from tapping my foot on the floor. I had a feeling I wasn’t going to like the new changes that would precede this meeting.

  “The treaty between our kinds has benefited us until now, and we’ve turned a blind eye to your childish squabbles, but no more. Look to your left and to your right, we are not enemies,” said Imaan.

  “You have allowed the enemy to possibly get the jump on us, and in doing so, we might all be destroyed,” said Hashaan.

  “What are you talking about?” asked Simeone. He looked at his men then back at the council.

  Narrowing my eyes, I watched his body language. The bastard knew of this threat. The witches seemed to always get wind of stuff before any of us.

  “We’re talking about the Shadow Spirits, the immortals that are summoning spirits from Hades. If they obtain the key, they will be unstoppable,” said Akida.

  Simeone looked at his men. “Do they have the key?”

  “They didn’t as of last night, but if we don’t work together to prevent them from getting it, we’re all dead.”

  Axel stood. “This is bullshit. We’re immortals; there’s little that can kill us, and now you’re saying these Shadow Spirits can kill us.”

  “Wow! Simeone, I thought everyone knew about the Shadow Spirits, the vamps do.”

  “Why didn’t you kill them and take the key, you’re supposed to be the most powerful among us or was that lies too?” said Axel.

  It was bad enough that something had the power to kill us, but I wasn’t about to admit ignorance in front of them. I never imagined a day would come where the council feared anything or anyone. This wasn’t good.

  “Sit down, Axel. I understand you’re scared, and you should be, but panicking will only get you killed.” said Monica.

  Pierre cleared his throat. “When they get the key, they will be able to gain back their true forms with all of their power. They will be able to assume control of the city, and even Earth.”

  “How are they powerful without the key?” asked Genziano.

  “The goddess Sorti has limited their power and their shapeshifting abilities. If they possess the key, it will reverse the spell that the goddess placed on them, and they will once again rule the Earth,” said Pierre.

  Other than praying incessantly to the goddess, how the heck are we going to fight shapeshifting spirits? How do you fight what you can’t see?

  “How do we find them?” I looked at all of them, but I saw Pierre shaking his head.

  Pierre opened his mind to his first memory of the Shadow Spirits.

  Amelinda sighed. “Their eyes are two different colors, but, if you’re that close to see, then you’re already dead. The other thing is they smell of cedarwood. Find the key and bring it to us.”

  “Where was the key?” asked Axel.

  “Key is just a term. You’re looking for a woman whose blood is the key. You will bring her to us alive,” said Akida.

  “We should kill her to prevent the Shadow Spirits from becoming too powerful,” said Simeone.

  “Anyone that kills her will die by the council’s hand,” said Pierre.

  “What does this mysterious and powerful female look like?” asked Axel.

  “We don’t know. You will know when you taste her blood, which will taste like wine,” said Pierre.

  “Doesn’t all blood taste like wine to you blood suckers?” asked Michael.

  “No, but her blood will allow us to walk in the daylight,” said Amelinda.

  All hell had broken loose after the revelation of the Shadow Spirits and this mysterious female, whose blood had the power to open portals to other dimension, including Hades. After the meeting, we rushed home to see if Nicenzio had made it back. He hadn’t.

  Pulling out my phone, I checked it one last time. “I’ve called him twenty times.” With everything that was going on, the last thing we needed was a turf war with the werewolves. It seemed we had bigger fish to fry.

  “If he isn’t dead, he’s preoccupied and won’t be answering his phone,” said Genziano.

  Cracking my neck, I grabbed the car keys off the desk. “Let’s ride. You know, I’ll never understand the risks he takes for absolutely nothing. He isn’t even serious about these women.”

  “We all get crazy over a woman. Just wait your turn, and you’ll be crazy too,” said Genziano.

  “A woman is a woman. They’re all the same.” Jumping into the car, I revved the engine. “It doesn’t make sense to lose your head over a woman.”

  Genziano chuckled. “I’ll remind you of that when you meet her.”

  There wasn’t much traffic, so I floored it. Glancing at him, I frowned. “Her who?”

  We arrived at the Bowling Alley and the werewolf’s howls shook the car windows. They were out in full force, which was normal, but something seemed different. Parking in the garage across the street, I cut the engine off. I was about to let up my window when I caught a whiff, on the breeze, which made my ears twitch.

  Narrowing my eyes, I looked at Genziano. “Do you smell that? Simeone wouldn’t be down here doing side deals with the mutts would he?”

  He sniffed and pulled out his phone. “Simeone wasn’t clueless about the Shadow Spirits either, so this was someone else. We need to see who it is, then we can tell Simeone to get his people in order.”

  A few minutes later, a gray and white wolf walked side by side next to a warlock. The wolf was definitely a rare color, symbolizing he was from the ancient werewolves’ bloodline. What was he doing with a warlock?

  The warlock was tall, and muscular. His sandy wavy hair was short, close to his scalp. He had a faint goatee neatly lined around his strong jaw.
He had tattoos from bicep to wrist on both arms, but that wasn’t what captured my attention. It was the intoxicating sweetness of blood that was on him.

  Human blood.

  I was glad he was recording this interaction. My gut told me that whatever they had done was catastrophic. He laughed, then waved his hand and disappeared. The wolf ran off into the woods, where I saw shadows of more wolves greet him as their shadows faded into the tree lines.

  “Damn sorcerers. I smelled human blood. I’m going to investigate, stay here and see if Nicenzio shows up.” Without waiting, I hopped out of the car. Slipping into the side door, I followed the scent of blood and death. It wasn’t hard to find a man’s dead body, since rigor mortis had already set in. He was shot and killed probably by a human. We immortals had more imaginative and painful ways to dispatch of our enemies.

  Lifting my nose, I followed the scent of the human’s blood, which became stronger as I headed to the lower level. My stomach turned as I saw the bloody scene lying before me. There was a shattered window and a dead werewolf, who hadn’t turned back into human form. He must’ve just died.

  Crumped in a ball, was a human female lying in her own blood. She was beautiful, with tears staining her cheeks and her creamy skin bathed in blood.

  “You’re dying.” I couldn’t help touching her skin, which was softer than silk. Her fragrance smelled of mint leaves, the dead sea, and ocean water.

  “I know.”

  Something was different about this girl. Her blood was addictive, and I hadn’t had a sample yet. She was too beautiful to die so young.

  “I can save you. You don’t have to die,” he said.

  “No, I don’t want to be a mangy dog like them. Leave me to my fate.”

  “Nobody wants to be a werewolf, but there are other options.” I lifted her into my arms, and I felt a gush of blood pour out.

  “I don’t want that either. It’s my time. Go help someone who needs it.”

  “You and I will get along just fine.” Her heart was fading fast and I wasn’t ready for her to die. I needed answers as to why the sorcerers and werewolves teamed up to kill her. If they wanted her dead, then I needed her alive.


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