Supernatural Syndicate: A Limited Edition Collection of Magical Mafia Stories

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Supernatural Syndicate: A Limited Edition Collection of Magical Mafia Stories Page 50

by Thea Atkinson

  I rushed out of the limo and put myself between them.

  “Gentlemen, there’s a solution to this.” Placing a hand on Watts’ chest, I turned to Haven. “Thank you for being punctual. I believe that the showers out by the pool will work well for giving them a chance to clean up properly.”

  "While they're showering, could you please see that something is available for us to eat? We're starving and I have no idea when the last time that these Otherworlders have been fed properly.” Watts only needed to have his need to be useful appealed to before he would do as I asked.

  He’d been with my family since I was a child and had been an ally through the painful teen years.

  “Yes, madam.” He gave me a frown before bowing stiffly.

  Appraising the cowering things in front of me, I spoke gently. “You’re going to be okay now. Go get cleaned up and we’ll see what your best skills are. As long as you do what you’re told, I won’t let Nelson have you to punish.”

  It was hard to keep my eyes off the small little fairy with her chin out, eyes flashing in defiance.

  “Trying to escape at this point wouldn’t be a wise decision. Stefano would love to lead a hunt and he won’t be in a forgiving mood when he finds you.” I warned knowing what she was thinking.

  “Nelson, please that they have clean clothes and anything they’d need on a personal level before they join us for dinner.” Knowing he’d hate that I gave him an order, I left him standing there with Haven trying to figure out a way to not do what I’d said.

  Oh, this was going to be more fun than I’d have thought possible.

  Using my phone that was clean, I was aware that the entire house would have bugs to monitor it. I was going to have to be careful what I said out loud.

  Rubbing my wrist tattoo thoughtfully, I dialed Fiona. My worry must have translated through our connection.

  “What’s wrong?” Her tone indicated that I wasn’t going to be able to hide my feelings.

  "Oh, well my dad is in the hospital." I let the words sink in as the ramifications of what it all meant hit her.

  “Fuck, Cable are you okay?” She raised her voice and I could hear the chorus of friends in the background.

  “For now,” I let out the air I’d been holding in, “I’m going to be here for the next few weeks and it may even be a permanent situation. I’ll keep you posted. I just wanted you to know where I was in case something happens and you need to get a hold of me.”

  Caution laced her next words, “How is Trevor doing?”

  “Um, good. We’re going for a run tomorrow to let off some steam.” Thankful, she had gotten my unspoken message, I could only hope that some backup would arrive in the next few days.

  “We’ll have to postpone that lunch until I can come down and help cheer you up.” She must have sent something good my way because my tattoo started to vibrate with emotions of love from all of the guys.

  "If you could bring Hawthorne with you, I may have a couple of odd jobs for him." Having a personal friend that was a witch might just be the advantage I'd need to stay alive in this game for the head of the Rook Organization.

  “He’s right here with me shaking his head yes.” Fiona laughed.

  “They’re all listening aren’t they?” For the first time since I’d gotten the phone call that morning, I felt myself relax. “Tell them that I miss them already and we’ll have to plan a movie night when my father’s out of the woods.”

  “It’s a plan. You can invite Trevor so we can hear all the embarrassing stories from when you were growing up. I’m sure with the right incentive, he’ll dish.”

  A warm and fuzzy feeling spread over me at her words.

  “Thanks, Fiona. Tell the guys hi for me. I’ve got to get some food in my system. You’ve made me feel so much better.”

  “Girl, we’ve got your back, day or night. Just hit us up and we’ll bring the popcorn and soda.”

  With a laugh, I hung up and went toward the dining room. It was more formal, but there weren't any places in the massive home that weren't formal. This would have to do for tonight, but if my father stayed at the hospital or heaven forbid didn't come home, I was going to do some redecorating.

  I let out a startled yelp as Watts appeared behind me.

  “Apologies Ms. Cable.” He gave an exaggerated bow. “How many will be joining us for dinner?”

  Pausing to count and calm my breathing, “Uh, I believe five unless Trevor stayed.”

  “No, madam. He left after you did.”

  “Very well, then just the five of us. After dinner, I’d like you to have the servant’s bed made up in the room adjoining mine. I’ll be needing a bodyguard twenty-four seven.”

  “Ah, I’m sorry about that, madam. I’ll make sure that you are well cared for. Your father made a few improvements which you’ll find helpful.” He winked at me, “Each set of personal quarters has a unique code so that we know if there is trouble inside the home. We can quickly isolate the problem and get help much faster than before.”

  “Wonderful. That will make things much easier for me.” I patted his arm, “It’s going to be an adjustment. I’ll try to give you a heads up in the future when I have things delivered that might require a more personal touch.”

  “I appreciate that madam. I must check on dinner. Excuse me.” With a bow, he hurried from the room.

  “It’s good to be home,” I chuckled, enjoying the fact that Watts was always so formal. It was as if they had programmed him only one way and he was permanently stuck with a stick up his ass.

  Nelson appeared with the merchandise right behind him.

  "Everyone take a seat please." I motioned to the empty seats at the large table. Following my suggestion, I pulled out a chair at the head of the table.

  “Now, I know that this situation we all find ourselves in isn’t ideal. I am hoping that you’ll take advantage of my mercy in a good way.” There was no point in beating around the bush, I might as well just come out with it.

  "My father was put in the hospital today with heart problems. I am going to be taking his place for a while and find myself in need of some bodyguards. While this may not be what you planned before you were taken, it will be a form of freedom in that you'll have time off to pursue your activities after you have gotten a routine established. If my father returns and I'm no longer needed, then you'll be freed."

  Nelson cleared his throat at that statement.

  “If this doesn’t work out or you prove that you’re not trustworthy, well there are other places in our organization that will gladly make use of you. Do I make myself clear?”

  The two shifters simply nodded, but the fairy’s posture held a regal defiance.

  “You’ll be paid a fair sum. This makes you an employee so there will be benefits. Nelson has placed a tracking chip on you to ensure that you don’t try to escape.”

  Watts entered the room with a cart filled with food.

  Rare steaks were placed in front of the tiger and raccoon, but the fairy turned up her nose.

  My meat was medium rare and Nelson's was done similarly.

  “Oh, I completely forgot. I’m Cable Rook.”

  The tiger spoke around the bite of meat in his mouth. “Tyson, ma’am.”

  "Gram, and while I don't want to be a prisoner, this is much better than the last three places I've been in several years." His black hair and darker skin were offset by the white skin tone of his facial features. It was an unusual mixture of skin tones.

  “Thank you, Gram. I’ll make sure that you’re treated fairly.”

  Everyone turned to the fairy since the others had given their names.

  Arms crossed in front of her, she hadn’t touched her food yet.

  “And who might you be, fairy?”

  "Someone that won't take enslavement well." Her glare warned that she would be in trouble.

  “I ran her information and from what Haven provided me, her name is Whisper. She’s the Queen of the Nature Fairies fr
om the Sprite Grove Provence.”

  “Your highness, I do apologize for the inconvenience. I won’t be able to let you return to your grove for a while, but if you work hard for me, then we might be willing to work something out for you.”

  There had been a spark of connection that I’d felt when I had met her eyes. While she was in my care, I wouldn’t feel comfortable using my position of power to pursue that without feeling that I’d in some way crossed an ethical line.

  “You’ll need your strength during the coming days so you might want to eat.”

  It was up to her to accept her circumstances and make the most of them. I wasn't going to spoon-feed her.

  “Nelson, I’ll need you to send the list of current projects to my personal computer so that I can have a working grasp on things before we get started in the morning. Are there any specific meetings that I will be required to attend?”

  Due to the sensitive nature of my father’s organization, he had a personal secretary that kept up with the legitimate side of the business while his right hand, Nelson handled his more private meetings only alerting her when they would be unavailable.

  It was going to take some getting used to the fact that he would have a better working knowledge of my whereabouts than I wanted him to know.

  Watts had noticed that the Fairy Queen wasn’t eating and as he began to clear the table, he handed her a few energy bars to help her stave off the hunger.

  His actions were so thoughtful. It was going to be nice to give him something that didn't cause damage to others as my father so often required of him.

  "Whisper, you'll accompany me tonight for the first shift. Both of you, Tyson and Gram, had better rest up because tomorrow you're going to have to keep up with me as I get used to running such a large business again."

  Expecting them to just obey my instructions, I got up and began to head toward my quarters.

  A buzzing noise indicated that the fairy queen was following after me.

  The door to my room closed and she began to speak.

  I held up a finger and went to the desk where a notepad was conveniently sitting.

  “Pretty sure the room is bugged. I don’t plan to hold you for more than a couple of days, but I do need your help. I have friends in the Protectors and we’ll be shutting down this portion of my father’s organization.”

  Her eyes widened as she landed on the floor growing to her human size. She still was a small wisp of a thing only coming to my shoulder at about 4’9.

  Grabbing the pen out of my hand, I tried not to touch her. I knew that if for any reason we touched, I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off of her. I wanted to be respectful and have her consent.

  “Why was I kidnapped?” The pen scratched furiously. “What were they going to do to me?”

  I shook my head and picked up another piece of paper so that we didn’t have to share.

  “I’m not sure exactly, but fairy magic is highly coveted. A Fairy Queen would bring a considerable amount on the black market.” I walked toward my suitcase that Watts had left unpacked. He knew that I hated to have him going through my things.

  The scanner I’d gotten after our incident with the O.D.D. a month ago would tell me if there were any bugs or magical spells. It was sad that I’d needed to invest in this type of equipment.

  Whisper watched as I went over the entire room with a fine-tooth comb including the air vents in the ceiling. It wasn't uncommon for video feeds to be put there and then the pictures sold online.

  “All clear.”

  She smiled in relief.

  “Good. Just know that I’m entirely pissed with this whole thing.”

  “Agreed. If my father hadn’t had a heart attack, I don’t know where you’d be. I had no idea that they’d branched out into this type of operation. It’s going to be my goal to take our organization in a different direction.”

  “Very well. I’m not happy, but I’m glad that you are trying to rectify things.” Her wings opened and she flitted over to sit in the one comfy chair I’d managed to get into my room.

  I took a chair across from her.

  “Can I get you to help for the next couple of days so that I don’t get assassinated before making things right?”

  “Only if you take me out for a date after I’m free again?” A sly look crossed her face.

  “Wait, have you been faking being mad?”

  She shook her head causing the tips of her wings to move. “No, I was mad. Still am, but I can see that thing are a lot more complicated than I had assumed. Plus, I felt the energy pulse between us on the semi which might be why I was so defiant to start with.”

  "I knew I'd felt a spark." A feeling of happiness spread over me, "Uh before we explore that, I need to set down a few ground rules."

  “Sure,” she shrugged. “What do I have to do to make them think you hate me?”

  "Well, I need you to be cautious when you're around both Stefano and Nelson. They're the most likely to put a contract out on me. The others won't like my new ideas or suggestions, but they're too old to care who is giving the orders. They just want the money to continue to pour in without having to do more than go golfing in the mornings."

  Whisper snickered at my statement.

  “Why is it that retirement is only for the rich and old?”

  "No, clue. I'm not rich or old, but I'm about to be making business decisions that are worth millions daily. I'll take retirement golf over that any day."

  "Maybe you're just what this family or business needs to make it a corporation bent on doing good instead of evil.” Her words made me pause.

  I'd been around so many things that most would consider being a moral problem that I'd forgotten what it was to want to save the world.

  “You’re going to be good for me.” I stood up feeling antsy, “I need someone to help keep my moral compass pointed in the right direction.”

  “Then I’m your girl.” The scent from her body was making me want to take her at her word and make her my girl.

  “Um,” I cleared my throat, “For tonight, I think you’d better sleep in the room next to mine. Nothing should happen, but just in case I want you to be close.”

  "Whatever you say, Boss." She gave me a saucy wink as a knock sounded on the door.

  Her booty bounced as she walked to open it for Watts.

  “Did you want me to show you how to work the system, Ms. Cable?” He gave me a half bow.

  “Yes, please.” I tried to answer with a straight face as Whisper began to mick taking the stick out of his ass and then fucking him with it.

  If he knew what she was doing, he ignored it and walked to the security panel.

  “When they had everything updated, I had a few extras placed in your room and the library so that when you came home, you’d have extra protection.”

  “Thanks, Watts.” His thoughtfulness gave me the warm fuzzy feelings of being part of someone’s family.

  With a few directions, I was able to set and arm the security system to my rooms for the night.

  “Why don’t I set it now and when I come back disable it to make sure that it’s working properly?”

  Glances at Whisper weren’t helpful as she continued to make suggestive gestures that were turning me on. I was going to need an escape from being near her if my resolve to not get physical was going to hold.

  “As you wish, Ms. Cable.”

  I set the alarm and practically fled from the room. Watts followed at a much slower pace.

  "Why don't you get some rest and I'll be back in a little while?" I suggested as I closed the door. I wasn't going to let her answer me since I had a pretty good idea what her version of the rest included.

  Out of earshot, Watts gave me a big smile.

  “I think the Fairy Queen made an impression. All I can say is that it’s about time you fell for someone that can handle you for a change.”

  Crap, if Watt’s could tell that I had the hots for Whisper then had Nelson and Stef
ano known as well.

  Watts must have sensed my waring thoughts. “Don’t worry. You’re secret is safe with me. I’ve been able to tell when you’ve had a crush since you were a little girl.”

  “That’s a relief.” I couldn’t imagine the target that would be painted on her if those other two knew I had a vulnerable spot. “Okay show me what I need to know in the office.”

  It was going to be a long night followed by a cold shower. I could hold out on these emotions for the next few days. I simply had to if I was going to keep her alive.

  Survival for both of us was the most important part of my new business plan.


  A knock on the door had me groaning.

  “It’s too early. Go away.” I threw one of the pillows at the door as it creaked open.

  The alarm started beeping and then it went silent.

  I sat up instantly.

  No one, but Watts and I knew the code to that alarm.

  Then I saw him, Trevor.

  Flopping back onto the pillows, I let out a growl.

  “Of course you’d know the code.”

  The bed dipped next to me as his grinning face hovered over mine

  "Hello, gorgeous."

  “Ugh, go away.” I turned on my side away from him.

  “Who is this?” Whisper’s voice cut through the air. She didn’t appear to be jealous, but more curious.

  "This is my very annoying best friend about to be a best dead friend for waking me up, Trevor. I told him we’d go for a run this morning.”

  "Hey, no deadness happening here." He hopped over me and held out his hand. "Hello, and who are you?"

  "This is Whisper, Queen of the Nature Fairies from Sprite Grove," I announced by way of explanation. "My new bodyguard or rather one of them."

  “You found bodyguards? That you trust?” He glanced back at me in surprise.

  "Well, rescued them is probably a better term." This getting up early was for the birds. It was a good thing I was a squirrel shifter rather than a bird.

  “Hmm, are you up to taking a run, or do you want to skip it?"

  “No, we’ll go for a run.” I sat up for the second time, but without my adrenaline racing. “Whisper, you could explore the garden while we run?”


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