Tink's Salvation (Satan's Sinners MC Book 9)

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Tink's Salvation (Satan's Sinners MC Book 9) Page 5

by Colbie Kay

  “Can I talk to you for a minute?” I ask, my eyes drifting from him to Sierra and back.

  His eyes narrow slightly. I can see he’s concerned. “Sit.”

  I plop down onto the empty seat against the wall. Sitting up straighter in my seat, I’m about to tell them what’s going on, but I guess Hacker sees something in my expression because he speaks first, “Christ, Dancer, you’re not fuckin’ quittin’ on me, are you?”

  My eyes widen in shock. “No!” What would ever make him jump to that conclusion? Well, I did take a few nights off, which has never happened. “It’s about my roommate.”

  Tension leaves his shoulders as he relaxes in his chair. His brows pull down as he contemplates what I said. “You have a roommate?”

  “She just moved in.” I wave my hand in the air. He’s probably wondering why he hasn’t heard about this before since he’s like a father to me. I tell him almost everything. “Anyway, she has some strange rules, and I promised her mom she would be safe living with me…” I bite my lip before continuing, “With your club’s protection. I don’t know her situation, but I’m kinda scared to leave her alone at night. I think something happened to her, but I’m still getting to know her and don’t want to pry.”

  He leans back in his chair and props a boot on his other knee. “Dancer, she’s fuckin’ moved into your house. You’re supposed to Goddamn pry. How the hell are you supposed to know who you got livin’ with you?” He shakes his head and grumbles, “What are her rules?”

  I shrug. “Lights in the house have to stay on. Her bedroom light stays on at all times. The door is to remain locked whether we’re in the house or not, and anyone who comes over has to announce who they are before the door is opened. She’s jumpy as shit, and her dad is going to install some high-tech security cameras.”

  Hacker and Sierra give each other a look. “It sounds like she’s been through something traumatic. Are you sure it’s a good idea she lives with you?” Sierra questions but then adds, “It sounds like it’s going to affect your life as well.”

  Hacker pipes in. “I swear all you fuckin’ women—”

  Sierra’s brows arch as she interrupts, “All of us fuckin’ women what?” Her expression says she’s challenging him to finish that sentence.

  “Nothin’, Red.” His lips lift into a shit-eating grin.

  Her eyes narrow on him. “Good choice.” He puckers his lips and blows her a kiss. I don’t know what’s going on with these two but their hateful relationship has changed in the last few weeks.

  Rolling my eyes, I break up their flirting. “Can we get back to the situation at hand? My situation?” My shoulders drop. “She’s so nice, and I like her, which is why I agreed. It’s not like I needed a roommate, but it’s been nice having someone there. I’m hoping the longer we live together the closer we’ll become and maybe she’ll open up.”

  Hacker sighs. “Let me talk to Hanger and see who can keep an eye on her.”

  My lips lift in a smile. “Thanks.”

  He sighs again. “You should have let me do a check on her first.”

  As I stand, I throw my hand on my hip. “I’m not letting you do a background check on my roommate. I’m sure she’ll open up…” I shrug my shoulders, “Eventually.”

  I hear him grunting about something as I exit his office, but I choose to ignore any additional fatherly advice he has for me. Stepping behind the bar, I prepare for a busy night.

  I stand outside the gates of our compound with all of the brothers, Ol’ ladies, and children, watching helplessly while our clubhouse burns to the ground. Flames lick high into the sky as embers and ashes fall like snow in December. The wives cry silently and try to comfort their screaming babies.

  Today was supposed to be a happy day. Gunner and Chatty tying the knot, and everyone celebrating until a bomb was found by Drifter and Romeo. Who the hell would set up a bomb knowing everyone would be inside? It’s one thing for them to do it to us, the men of the Satan’s Sinners, but to include the women and children… it’s not right, they’re innocent.

  Suspicion has been lurking in the back of my mind for a while now. The words Deuce has insider knowledge of everything has played on repeat since I was saved from that freezer. Glancing around, I look at each and every person standing around me, and a feeling deep in the pit of my stomach takes root. One of us isn’t who we say we are. One of us isn’t loyal or trustworthy to our club.

  My head snaps in the direction of Hanger when I hear his voice. “If you need a bed to sleep in, go to the Cobras compound.” He’s speaking to those of us who have been living inside the clubhouse.

  A lump forms in my throat making it hard to swallow. I can’t sleep at the Cobras clubhouse. I can’t bear the thought of sharing a space where Deuce used to lay his head, where Deuce was once the vice president. Deuce, the same man who ordered his men to chain me in that fucking freezer.

  “Oh my God, Tink, you’re so big!” The club whore yells out with her face smashed against the pillow as I thrust inside of her.

  “Shut up!” I grit through my clenched teeth, trying to edge my release closer.

  My phone buzzes on the table beside my bed. Reaching over, I pick it up and see Hanger’s name across the screen. “Hanger,” I answer breathlessly.

  Hanger groans, “Tink, Jesus fuckin’ Christ! If you’re gettin’ your dick wet, don’t answer the goddamn phone.”

  Pulling out, I hold the phone between my shoulder and cheek and pull my jeans up. “I’m done. What’s up?”

  The girl whose name I don’t even know and don’t care to find out tries to whine, “But…” My eyes narrow in warning. She shuts her mouth and gets up to get dressed.

  When the door shuts behind her, I tell Hanger, “She’s gone.” I sit on my bed and begin pulling my boots on.

  “I need you for a job.”

  His words stop me, my heart begins to pound, and my pulse quickens. Those simple words draw my anxiety to the surface. “What job?”

  “I need you to go sit with Dancer’s roommate.”

  My head jerks back. Is he fucking kidding? “I’m not a fuckin’ babysitter, Hanger.”

  “I know, Tink, and normally this would be a job for a prospect, but that’s not why I chose you specifically. I think considering the situation at hand, you'd be the best man for the job.”

  My interest is piqued. I arch my brows, asking, “Situation?”

  “I don’t know much except seems the chick fears the dark and jumpy as shit with people. Hacker and his Ol’ Lady think some kinda trauma is involved.”

  I nod in understanding. “Because of what I’ve been through, I’m the best man.”

  He sighs. “Yeah. I think considering, you could relate better to her than anyone else.”

  “Send me the address.”

  It doesn’t take long for my phone to ping with an incoming text. Pushing through the Cobras’ bar door, I head straight to my Harley. I only come around to this place to get laid, and then I’m gone again. I’d rather live in the tin trailer with my mom until the day I die, sharing a bed with her than live here.

  I pull up to the house and park in the driveway. Stepping up to the porch, I knock on the front door. “I was sent here to…uh…keep you company. The president of the Satan’s Sinners ordered me.” I roll my eyes as I tell her what Hanger sent in his message. “My name’s Tink.”

  The door unlocks and slowly begins to open a crack. A woman peeks through the opening before it flies open. My eyes widen for a moment as I’m taken back in time.

  My best friend Nate shuts his locker door and swivels his body, throwing his arm around my shoulders. “We have a little time before the bell rings, let’s see what kind of fresh meat we have this year.”

  I roll my eyes. It’s the first day of our junior year, and for some stupid reason, he thinks this year will be different. We’re still the losers of the school, and we’re still going to be single. I don’t know why he would think that just cause we’re juniors
something would change over summer break. I don’t reply to his stupidity, but I do continue standing here leaning against my locker as I see the same students I’ve always seen every year until…

  She steps through the front doors, and I swear she’s an angel. There’s literally a bright shining glow around her, or maybe that’s the sun, but either way, she’s beautiful. She’s wearing a white summer dress with matching ballet flats, and she’s not watching where she’s going as she stares down at a white piece of paper in her hand. Someone bumps into her shoulder, and finally, she lifts her head. I watch breathlessly as she mouths, ‘I’m sorry’, but the person is already gone. Her perfectly straight white teeth bite down on her lower lip and her brows bunch together as she scans the area. She doesn’t know where she’s going. Her chestnut hair flows down past her shoulders, except the front half which has been pulled up into a white bow. Her tanned face is free of makeup, making her prettier than any girl at this school. I take a step forward when I think her amber eyes are looking this way, but she’s peering up at the clock. Her eyes grow bigger the moment she hears the bell ring.

  Nate slaps my chest. “Dude, I found one.” He leaves me standing there as he rushes off. I thought he was going to class until he stops beside her. His mouth moves as he speaks and her shoulders sag, but her lips lift into a beautiful smile. They walk off together.

  Later, at lunch with my tray in hand, I walk to mine and Nate’s designated table, and as I’m about to set the tray down, it falls out of my hand. She’s sitting next to him.

  “Hey, Tink, this is Jorga Lankford. Jorga, this is my best friend Lucas Melody, but everyone calls him Tink,” Nate introduces us.

  I plop down in the seat feeling pissed off, but I let it go when she speaks, “Nice to meet you, Lucas.” She smiles, and it lights up her whole face. Her voice is melodious like chimes that are ringing, and my animosity dissolves.

  “Nice to meet you too, Jorga.”

  When Nate’s ready to take his tray up to the bin, he strolls to my side of the table and bends down. Jorga waits for him on the opposite side. He whispers, “Damn glad I saw her first.” He stands up straight with a smug smirk and floats away like he’s on some kind of damn cloud.

  I throw the fork I was holding down on my tray and growl under my breath, “You didn’t see her first. I did.” Rolling my eyes, I let it go because he’s my best friend, my only friend.

  “Lucas? Lucas Melody?”

  The sound of ringing chimes brings me back to the present. An ache in my chest causes me to suck in my breath. “Jorga Lankford.”

  I jerk the door open. Out of all the people in the world, I would have never expected Lucas Melody to be standing in front of me right now. Dancer called me earlier and told me that one of the Satan’s Sinners would be coming to sit with me, but Lucas Melody? I was half nervous and half grateful that someone was coming over so I didn’t have to be alone, but Lucas Melody? I think I’m in shock right now. I thought he would still be tagging along behind Nathan, or is Nathan back too? “Lucas? Lucas Melody?”

  His wide eyes tell me he’s as shocked as I am. “Jorga Lankford?”

  I feel something unexplainable deep in the pit of my stomach. As I try to gather my thoughts, I step to the side and open the door wider. “Come in.” Shutting it, I immediately lock it. After double-checking to make sure it’s indeed locked, I spin around to face Lucas. “You’ve come to babysit me?”

  He tilts his head side to side then sits on one end of the couch and rubs his palms on his black jeans. “I wouldn’t say babysit. More like watch over you.”

  I sit on the opposite side of the couch and lift one of my legs so I can wrap my arms around myself. “A glorified babysitter.” I grin at the irony. I protected him that one night in high school, and now, he’s here protecting me. “It’s okay though. I don’t like to be left alone.”

  His eyes cut to mine. “Why?”

  I dip my head down, letting my long chestnut hair fall over my face. “It’s a long story.” Desperate to change the subject, I ask, “Last I heard, you were in South Dakota with Nathan.”

  His head falls back as he slouches in his seat. “I was for about four years, but we had a falling out, and I came home.”

  “It’s been, what…seven years since we last saw each other? You look exactly the same.” I laugh lightly. “Same long black hair except one side is shaved, same black clothes.” I study him for a moment. “Except now you have tattoos and more piercings.” He didn’t have any tattoos in high school, but now every inch of his arms is covered. He did have his ears pierced back then, but now, he has a lip ring and nose ring. His demeanor seems tougher too, and his whole image seems edgier. It suits him.

  Those dark brown eyes drag up my body as his tongue skims across his bottom lip. “It’s good to see you, Jorga.” We stare at each other for a few seconds too long. He suddenly sits up on the couch and slaps his hands on his knees. “So, what you wanna do?”

  I tap my finger on my chin. “Hmm…” I smile. “Movie?”

  For the first time since I opened that door, a smidgen of a grin appears. “Just like we used to.”

  I nod once. “Just like we used to,” I repeat his words.

  After the games in high school, whether it be basketball or football, the three of us would end up at either my house or Nathan’s. We would pop some popcorn, put a movie on, and fall asleep. If the party was at my house, nine times out of ten my mom would wake us up, and the guys missed their curfews.

  I wake up on the couch covered with a blanket. Rubbing my eyes, I sit up. Lucas is on his end of the couch. “Hey.”

  His gaze connects with mine. “Hey. You fell asleep so I texted Dancer. She told me where the extra blankets were.”

  “Thanks.” I can’t pull my eyes from his. That invisible pull I felt in his truck all those years ago has come back full force. How is that even possible? After seven years and everything I’ve been through, how could I still feel something? Feel what exactly, I’m not sure.

  The door opens, and I almost fell off the couch when I jump.

  “Sorry.” Dancer apologizes. “I said I was coming in, but no one answered.”

  Our connection is broken. “It’s okay.” I take a few deep breaths to calm my racing pulse and pounding heart.

  “Hey, Tink.”

  “Dancer.” He stands from the couch without looking at me and steps over to the door. “I’ll be here tomorrow.”

  After he leaves, Dancer locks it and spins to face me. “What was that about?”

  Rubbing the back of my neck, I shrug. “I don’t know.” I stand. “I’m going to bed.” I scurry to my room avoiding any further questions.

  Dancer yells, “You do know!”

  I smile as I enter my bedroom.

  The bell rings as I enter Runaway Tattoo. “Hey, Tink,” Audrey greets me from behind her desk.

  I stepped up to the counter. “Hey, is Daphne busy?”

  “No.” She stands up from her chair and sashays down the hall to Daphne’s office.

  A few minutes later they both return to the front. “Hey, Tink,” Daphne says with a beaming smile.

  “Hey, can I get some ink done?”

  “Sure, my afternoon’s free. Come on back.” She leads us to her office. As she sits behind her desk, she asks, “What did you want to get and where?”

  “I don’t really know. I just need to forget for a while, but I have to be done before four.”

  Her eyes narrow slightly, not out of suspicion, but more from sadness. Sadness for me. Daphne knows what I went through being undercover for my club, and she knows I started coming here as a way to escape. Getting those tiny needles dug into my skin over and over for hours on end takes me away. It frees my mind.

  She pulls out some paper from her desk drawer. “Let me draw something up.”

  I sit silently, waiting.

  She designed a badass skull to go on my upper left arm to continue with my sleeve since the right arm is already f
inished. “I haven’t seen you for a while, how are you?”

  “I’m doing the best I can, I guess.” The first burn of the needles makes the weight that was building inside evaporate.

  “Why do you have to be done by four?” Daphne’s become my therapist in some weird, fucked up way, so I don’t mind the questions. She’s the only person besides my mom who’s allowed to touch me, but she wears gloves, therefore, it’s not direct contact on my flesh.

  I close my eyes and relax in the chair as she continues the outline. “I’m on a job.”

  The machine stops. As soon as the buzzing stops, my eyes open and my head turns toward her. “For the club?” She probes. I don’t know if it’s out of fear from the last job or curiosity.

  “Not exactly.” Her foot pushes down on the pedal to start the machine, and I tell her, “Dancer has a new roommate that I sit with.”


  “I don’t know, but get this, I knew her in high school.”

  I see her lips rise into a smirk. “Did you two have a thing?”

  I shake my head. “Nah, she dated my best friend.”

  I feel her eyes on me. “Is she the reason you’re here?”

  “Maybe? I don’t know. It’s weird. It’s been seven years, but it felt like we were in high school again–if that makes any sense.”

  “It does. When I first saw Doc again, I was taken back in time. Did you have feelings for her?”

  I think about her question before answering, “I did.”

  “Do you now?”

  My gaze drifts in Daphne’s direction as I ponder her question. “I’m too fuckin’ broken for that shit, Daphne,” I speak my truth, and a sudden sadness and fear encompasses me. A dark fear that I’ll be stuck just the way I am forever, and a pang of deep sadness that maybe I could have had another chance with Jorga if I wasn’t so fuckin’ damaged.

  Her features sober. “I’ve seen a lot of fuckin’ broken come through those doors, Tink, and yeah, you may be more so than anyone else I’ve seen, but that doesn’t mean you can’t love or be loved.”


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