Behind The Woods

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Behind The Woods Page 5

by Emma Vikes

  Her voice was low when she said the last three words and then she planted herself on my lap, her arms snaking around my neck. Her eyes flickered over my lips and they were dark with the same desire that I was certain my own eyes mirrored back to her. “It’s also been a while since I’ve pleasured a guy.”

  My eyes widened when she dipped her head to the crook of my neck and kissed me, sucking and teasing and grazing the sensitive flesh with her teeth. I couldn’t stop the moan that escaped from my mouth, my dick hardening, straining against the fabric of the sweatpants I was wearing.

  Jasmine’s hands went inside my shirt, her palms spreading out. She was being careful of my wound, skirting around the bandaging and moving lower to feel my hard stomach. I wanted to move and switch our positions. I wanted to cage her beneath me and pleasure her the way she was doing to me at this moment.

  But Jasmine had moved and straddled me and although I could stand up and carry her back to the bedroom or the couch, I was intoxicated by her scent and kisses. She rendering me useless, unable to do anything else. She lifted my shirt up slowly, using her teeth, and then carefully lifted it over my head, pulling it off of me. Her brown eyes were burning bright with desire that left me gasping.

  “I was overthinking things, scolding myself because what happened last night shouldn’t have. I was thinking that I should’ve stopped you this morning, too,” Jasmine murmured, her kisses lowering to my stomach. She moved off of me and changed position, kneeling in front of me. She was still wearing all her clothes and I desperately wanted to see more of her skin. “But I can’t seem to resist you.”

  She pulled down my sweatpants, her eyes brightening at the sight of my rock-hard dick. “Remind me to get you more underwear.”

  “And here I thought you liked it better when I go commando,” I mumbled through gritted teeth as Jasmine licked the tip of my cock. My eyes rolled back in pleasure. She tilted her head to the side, and I caught sight of her teeth, grazing the edge, until she moved to my balls, sucking each sac.

  Dear god, have mercy on my soul.

  “Damn it, Jasmine, stop teasing me.”

  I heard her chuckle and then she took off the shirt she was wearing, popping each button open slowly and sensually, forcing me to grow harder than I already was.

  “Stop being such a fucking tease,” I said.

  She grinned at me and then suddenly grabbed my hard dick and placed it in between her breasts. I sucked in a breath as I watched her close her eyes and move her body, the friction sending waves of pleasure to my core. It wasn’t just the way she was doing it but the way she looked, her back arched, her eyes closed, her hair a golden halo. It was enough to shatter me into a climax.

  She smirked when I came and my eyes darkened at her reaction. My cum dripped off of her face and the curved smile on her lips made me want to grab her face and kiss her senseless, as if kissing her would mold us into one.

  “I haven’t even given you a blow job yet,” Jasmine said, the amusement dancing in her eyes.

  I growled and then grabbed her face, kissing her as I managed to lay her on the dining table. I stared back at her fierce brown eyes.

  “We have to get that dye out of your hair.”

  For a moment, I wasn’t sure what she meant until the cool liquid on my hair suddenly became obvious to me again. Her statement made me stand upright. Our chests moved quickly as we both tried to regain our breathing. Neither of us said a word as Jasmine grabbed my hand and led me to the bathroom. We were under the shower now and I was aware of how naked I truly was and how she was simply topless, still wearing her jeans. Not fair.

  She turned on the shower and placed me in position. She reached up and her fingers moved on my head, washing off the dye and massaging me. She had a small smile on her face as I stared at her, wondering how in the world I got lucky enough to have ended up meeting a beautiful woman like her. I wasn’t sure how long we stood under the shower when she murmured, “All done.”

  It was the cue I needed to push her against the wall. She gasped at the sudden rush and my hands fumbled to remove her jeans. They were harder to take off now that they were wet but, somehow, I managed it. My mouth landed on her skin, kissing every inch that I’d been wanting to while she was pleasuring me at her dining table.

  “No more foreplay,” she murmured, her fingers running through my head as I grabbed her legs and wound them around my waist. She didn’t need to say more as I pummeled my hard dick inside of her. Her small gasp made my stomach tighten as she buried her face in the crook of my neck. I moved inside of her, uncaring that the abrupt thrusts were pushing her repeatedly against the bathroom wall. Jasmine didn’t seem to mind, her moans of pleasure filling the room, mixing with my own.

  The shower was still on and it continued to soak us as I fucked her relentlessly. She came, shivering beneath me as she clung to me tighter, her nails digging into my back as she rode her orgasm. I pulled out of her and she wrapped her hands around my hard dick, moving her hands up and down until I reached my own climax and, just like earlier, she showered herself with my seed.

  We stayed in the bathroom, the shower continuing to soak us, staring at each other with the same intensity and desire in our eyes. Jasmine smiled at me lazily as she moved and pushed me back so the shower hit me directly, grabbing the soap and rubbing it all over me. “Since we’re already here, we might as well take a shower.”

  We were done showering and she was wrapping a towel around her body to dry herself. She grabbed the towel I was using and patted my chest dry agonizingly slowly. She sat me at her dining table and re-dressed my wound, her soft hands gently doing the job. I could tell she was trying not to cause me any unnecessary pain. Nursing seemed to come naturally from her and I thanked my lucky stars that it had been her on duty when I first woke from unconsciousness.

  “So, you don’t regret any of this?” I asked her. I needed to hear her say it again.

  She placed her hands on my biceps and flashed me a small smile. “If I regretted anything, I wouldn’t be doing this for you. I guess there was simply just a part of me that tried to give birth to reason. The part of myself that didn’t want me to be happy.”

  That statement made me furrow my eyebrows. “What do you mean?”

  Jasmine placed a gentle hand on my cheek. “We have a lot more time to discuss that. I don’t want to think about that now.”

  Chapter 7


  I woke up gasping.

  Jasmine stirred beside me. We were tangled in the sheets of her bed, wrapped in each other’s embrace when I suddenly jerked awake. My head was spinning, a pounding headache was crippling me and my hands flew to my head, clutching onto it tightly.

  “Wes?” Jasmine’s voice was still tainted with sleep but after a moment, she seemed to realize that there was something wrong. “Wes!”

  She suddenly transformed back into the nurse that took care of me while I was in the hospital. Gently, she told me to lean back on the bed. I was in too much pain to know what she was doing but she seemed to place a warm cloth on the back of my neck. Repeatedly she told me to relax and to signal her when the headache was subsiding.

  It slowly was. But that didn’t stop the flickering images in my mind. Dark shadows taking shape of blurry people, voices that pierced through my skull but were unidentifiable. I wasn’t sure if it was a headache paining me or the flash of memories of the previous life I lived. I grabbed Jasmine’s hand and gripped it tightly until the images in my head faded to a blur and the headache turned into a dull throbbing.

  “How are you feeling now?”

  Slowly, I opened my eyes and met hers. They were filled with deep concern. “It’s still there but not as pounding as it was.”

  She nodded her head and stood up from where she was sitting on the bed, letting go of my hand in the process. She came back in the room with a glass of water and some medication in her hand. She handed them to me. “This is the second time you’ve experienced that, Wes.”

  I switched into a sitting position and swallowed the medication she gave me, leaning my back against the headboard as I waited for the pain to completely fade away. Jasmine was right. It was the second time this had happened. The first time was in the hospital when she walked in on me crippled by pain on the floor. That time, the image of the blurry man had flashed in my mind, too.

  “Jasmine,” I said slowly, trying to make sense of the images, of the unrecognizable voices that pierced through my skull. “I keep seeing this man. He has no face. He’s like a distorted shadow. I can’t even describe him; he’s just a major blur.”

  She sat on the bed again and placed a gentle hand on my exposed thigh. My dick was hardening because of the way Jasmine was touching me. She asked, “You think the images have something to do with your memories?”

  I nodded gingerly. “Yes. I think I have to try harder to figure out who I am, Jasmine. I can’t just stay here and wait for the TV to report a missing person or keep refreshing Google until there’s a new update.”

  The stubborn line on Jasmine’s forehead made its appearance. We had talked about this before. She wasn’t too sure that I should go out of the house and ask about missing persons. She was scared that I might run into the wrong person and end up back where I was originally found. Only this time I would be dead.

  I took her hand and held onto it tightly. “I know you’re worried I might come across the wrong people. But I have to try, Jasmine. I can’t stay here waiting for a miracle to happen. Maybe my family isn’t in Norwynne. Maybe they’re out there somewhere else, looking for me. I think I should try looking for them, too.”

  Something flashed in her eyes as she stood up. She sighed and then nodded her head slowly. “Okay. I can’t really stop you from doing that, Wes. You deserve to know who you are. I hope I can be there for you if you’re going to do this. But I have to work, today.”

  I nodded in understanding. She gave me a long kiss, one that could have led us back to the bed and into each other’s arms again had she not pulled away from me. “I need to get ready for work.”

  I groaned but nodded, standing up and letting the blanket fall on the floor. Jasmine’s eyes darted down and desire flickered in them. I smirked but scowled when she shook her head and rushed out of the room, laughing. “I’m serious, Wes. I need to get ready for work.”

  Shaking my head, I searched for the sweatpants I had worn last night before Jasmine stripped them off of me. I found them thrown across the chair of her vanity table. I noticed there were some framed photos there. There was one of her and Paul, smiling brightly at the camera with a boy beside them who looked startlingly like Jasmine.

  His blonde hair was bleached blonde compared to hers and didn’t look as natural but they both had the same set of bright brown eyes, even the shape of their eyes was the same. The crooked smile that he had resembled hers, too.

  But it wasn’t his similarity with Jasmine that punched me in the gut. He looked familiar and it felt as if his name was on the tip of my tongue but I couldn’t quite get it.

  “Hey, something wrong?” Jasmine was back and clad in a towel. The sight of her instantly thwarted any other thoughts that I had. My eyes zeroed in on the upper curves of her breasts, glistening with the water from her shower.

  “Yes, I need to do something about my morning wood,” I murmured, going closer to her and gently removing the towel she had wrapped around her body.

  Jasmine gasped. “Wes…I have work,” she said then moaned when my lips were on her neck, teeth grazing and gently sucking.

  “Then we’ll have to make this quick. No foreplay,” I murmured, picking her up and backing her against the door. Our lips crashed against each other, her hands running through my now dark hair. She grabbed strands of it and pulled it in pleasure. I kissed her body feverishly, sucking on spots that I knew people would see, knowing that I was going to pay for this when she noticed.

  She wrapped her legs around my waist and, without any warning, I slid my dick inside her slick wet pussy. She moaned at the action, clinging to me tightly as I pushed her against the wall and thrust inside of her. She didn’t seem to mind that her head was bumping against the door, her eyes shut tight in pleasure until we both came hard.

  I slid out of her, both of us panting. Jasmine gathered the towel she had wrapped around her to dry herself off, this time with the sweat that had accumulated on her body. “I didn’t think we could both come that quickly.”

  With a wink and grin, I responded. “I know all the right moves to make you come, babe. After the countless times we’ve done it over the past three days, I’m an expert on everything about your beautiful body.”

  She rolled her eyes and threw me the towel. I picked up my sweatpants and put them on, sauntering to the bed and sitting on it as I watched her get ready. “So how long will you be at work?”

  Jasmine pursed her lips. “Twelve hours. I’ll be back here just in time for dinner. Want me to pick something up for the two of us to eat? Pizza?”

  I pouted. “Can we have lunch?”

  The question made Jasmine pause. She slid on the top of her uniform and grabbed a brush to start combing her hair. “You don’t think it would be dangerous?”

  I walked over to where she was and wrapped my arms around her, inhaling the sweet strawberry scent of her shampoo that I’d also been using since there weren’t any other options to choose from. “I don’t really care. I would like to see you in the middle of the day. Also, I want people to know that there’s someone that made those marks on you.”

  Her eyes narrowed and zeroed in on the hickey I gave her on her neck, dark and bruising and striking against her pale skin. I smirked with pride at the mark I had made. “Looks good on you.”

  Jasmine spun around and slapped my arm. “I told you yesterday - no more hickeys, Wes.”

  “But I want people at the hospital to know that you’re getting laid. I didn’t tell you this because I didn’t want you to get upset but I did overhear some of the nurses talking about you. They were saying that it’s been a long time since you’ve had sex with anyone and maybe that’s why you’re a little bit uptight.”

  “I’m not uptight!” She said, scoffing and narrowing her eyes. I laughed and kissed her cheek.

  “You did mention yesterday that it’s been a while since you’ve been with a man.”

  A faint blush crept from her neck and to her face as she struggled to find the words to respond to what I just said. She grabbed her concealer and began to apply it on her neck to hide the mark I’d made and I pouted. I want her to stop covering it up but I knew I had better not say anything. She was already pissed at me for doing that to her.

  I placed a hand on hers to stop her from hiding the mark and leaned close to whisper into her ear. “I know for a fact that you’re not uptight. You wouldn’t be as wild as you were all the times we’ve fucked if you were.”

  She went bright pink and she turned around, her brown eyes darkening in the way that was now familiar to me. “I have work, Wes. But we might get around that suggestion tonight.”

  “Or maybe at lunch,” I said, smirking at her and winking. I grabbed a shirt from the drawer that used to hold her socks but now held my clothes. I liked the idea that I was slowly clicking into her life even though we had only known each other just over a week. It was kind of nice to fit in with someone’s life even if you did just suddenly waltz into it without warning.

  Jasmine bit her bottom lip and the action only fueled my longing for her even more. I just had her eight minutes ago. “Let’s not try to get ahead of ourselves. I’m not sure what my stance is with public sex.”

  “Maybe trying it might change your mind.”

  She scoffed and tied her hair in a high ponytail. I made a face. I didn’t like it when she tied it. I watched her as she applied a little bit of makeup and when she was done, I saw how her eyes briefly glanced at the picture on her vanity table, the one that had Paul and her and a guy that resembled her. Again, t
he familiarity of that guy caught my attention.

  I wanted to ask her about him but she had already stood up and began to make her way out of her room. I put on the shirt I had grabbed and put it on, following her out into the kitchen. She was starting a pot of coffee and I got the newspaper from outside and brought it in. Somehow, this has become our routine for the past two days. “I can’t cook breakfast but can I offer you cereal?”

  With a nod of my head, I took my usual seat and then she placed a box of cereal in front of me. She got the carton of milk and two bowls and spoons. The coffee maker dinged and Jasmine got both of us a cup of steaming hot coffee. Jasmine also put liquid creamer and sugar on the table for the both of us to use. I liked the normality and relaxing routine we had fallen into. In reality, my life was anything but normal at the moment.

  I was living in the house of someone I just met a week ago, fucking her almost any time of the day if we had the chance. I didn’t know who I was and had no idea if there were even people out there actually looking for me or cared enough to look for me. I guess I was simply lucky that Jasmine took me in. If she hadn’t, and if those men she had run into at the hospital really were looking for me, I would certainly be dead by now.

  By the time that Jasmine and I were done with our breakfast, she only had half an hour left to get to work. She told me that she would be walking her way there like she always did. “If you want to go around town, there’s a bike in the garage. It’s still in a good shape. But put a cap on from my room and try to keep your head down. There’s still a lot of bruising to your face. I don’t want you standing out. I’ll meet you later at the diner for lunch, okay?”

  I nodded and then she gave me a light kiss on the lips before leaving the house.

  I tidied up the kitchen table and washed the dishes. We hadn’t discussed me heading out of town to try and find out more information. Maybe I could discuss that idea with her later at lunch.


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