My Only Reason (Men of Monroe Book 2)

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My Only Reason (Men of Monroe Book 2) Page 15

by Rachel Brookes

  I scoffed. “She hasn’t forgotten.”

  “Ah, yeah, I have.”

  I smirked. “In that case, I better give you a reminder then.”

  Crazy John’s low chuckle filtered across the table while Gigi hooted and hollered, and informed Missy, who’d just brought over mine and Marnie’s coffees, that I was going to remind Marnie about naked horizontal dancing with me.

  “There will be no naked horizontal dancing happening.”

  I sat back, my smirk growing, and took it all in. Marnie’s cheeks turned a deeper shade of pink, Crazy John smirked just as much as me, Gigi living for every word we said, and Missy grinning and looking at me as if to say, “We’ve still got to talk about you and Marnie.”

  “When are you opening?” Crazy John asked. “You need any more help, you shout out, okay?”

  “The grand opening is on Tuesday. And I’ll definitely keep that in mind because I might need more shelves put up.”

  “Can I make some cupcakes for the grand opening?”

  Marnie’s head swung around to Missy. “Uh, yeah, sure. That would actually be great to put on the counter.”

  “Sasha gives everyone candles, so she’ll probably bring some over too. What time are you opening?”

  “Nine a.m.”

  “Okay, we’ll be there at eight to help set up.”

  “You don’t need to do that.”

  “I know we don’t need to, but we want to. Don’t argue. It’s happening.”

  As quickly as Missy arrived with our coffees, she rushed off to help serve another customer. Marnie looked at me, stunned.

  “Okay, enough talk about Marnie and me having sex. I’ve got to take her to get these flowers.”

  Marnie shook her head, and this time, she didn’t hide the smile on her face. After giving her a wink, we said our goodbyes and headed back to my truck. With our coffees and muffins that Missy handed to us on the way out, we hit the road.

  “Let’s play twenty questions,” I suggested an hour into the trip and after an hour of small talk and silence.

  Her head whipped around toward me. “You cannot be serious.”

  “Oh, I’m serious all right. Nothing is off-limits, so ask me anything.”

  Beside me, she groaned, and I saw her shake her head out of the corner of my eye.

  “Okay, here is a question,” she stated, and the sass in her voice wasn’t lost on me. “Why are you so annoying?”

  My response was instant. “Because I like making you squirm.”

  “Are you interested in Tyler or Boston?”

  She choked on the piece of muffin she’d just put in her mouth. “No.”

  “Have you and Missy ever hooked up?”


  “Favorite memory of us?”

  Her head swung around so fast that her hair whipped around her face. I hadn’t hidden the fact that I wanted to make things right by us. I’d fucked up, and it was as simple as that. I wanted to talk to her about what had happened between us, but she was opening her store in two days. I didn’t want the heaviness of the conversation we needed to have to be sitting in her head when she should be enjoying one of the best moments in her life. I knew the conversation had to happen, and I wanted it to happen. It just had to be the right time and sitting in my truck on our way to pick up a shit ton of flowers was not that time.

  Her eyes dropped to her lap, focusing on her fingers playing with the edge of her sweater. I remained silent, wondering and waiting to see if she’d say anything.

  “I can’t choose just one.”

  The honesty in her voice not only comforted me, but it also gave me hope. When our eyes met, something shifted between us, as if we both went into our own memories of what we once were. I didn’t push her for what memories she classed as her favorite, I just hoped that we’d get a chance to create some new memories one day.

  “How many girlfriends have you had since me?”


  “Are you serious?”

  “Yep. I haven’t been celibate, but I also haven’t been committed to anyone. The closest I got to a commitment was having sex with the same woman for a couple of months. We hooked up, had sex, then I’d go home. Simple as that.”

  Her face twisted. “You don’t have to go into details.”

  Laughter rattled through me. “That wasn’t going into details, Freckles.”

  “Is she still around?”

  “In Monroe? Yes. Do we still hook up? No. That ended when she got a little too clingy and started talking about spending Christmas and New Year’s together. I should add she started talking about Christmas and New Years in May.”

  Her eyes shot wide. “Wowza.”

  “Have you had any boyfriends since me?”

  “I had a fling in Paris with a New Zealander. I also dated a guy for about six months.”

  Fuck, bringing this up was a bad idea. I hated to think of her with other men, but I’d be stupid to think she’d stay single for five years.

  “Fling ended because it was exactly that, a fling, and he went back to New Zealand. And the guy I was dating didn’t, uh, satisfy me, so I ended it before it got serious.” She shook her head and groaned softly. “I cannot believe I am talking about this with you, of all people.”

  “I’ve seen you naked thousands of times, and I’ve had mind-blowing sex with you just as many times. If you can’t talk about duds in bed with the man who knows for a fact that you were left very satisfied every single time we had sex, then who can you talk about it with?”

  “You’re very cocky.”

  “I’m just speaking the truth.”

  Her soft laughter filled my truck, and I sat back and enjoyed every second of it.

  We made it to our first stop, a local flower farm, and that was when I saw a side of Marnie I’d never witnessed before. She beamed with happiness and sheer determination as we walked down aisle after aisle of fresh flowers. I was in charge of pushing the cart and followed her, only stopping when she wanted to load up. She muttered to herself, saying the names of the different flowers and foliage I didn’t recognize, and when she was satisfied with the quality, colors, and aroma, she put them in the cart and off we went to the next selection. I didn’t even know these kinds of places existed. To be honest, I’d never thought about where florists got their flowers.

  We went to another two farms and ended our trip at a local flower market. My truck was full, and Marnie was glowing. The smile that hadn’t left her face was something I’d never forget.

  When we were about fifteen minutes away from arriving back in Monroe, Marnie spoke beside me in a tone barely above a whisper.

  “I can’t believe this is really happening.”

  I didn’t hesitate. I pulled over and switched off the engine, then twisted in my seat to face her. She looked about ready to cry, but it wasn’t tears of sadness threatening to spill over her cheeks; it was tears of pure joy.

  I knew things were still strained between us, and I knew I had a lot of explaining to do about my decisions seven years ago, but right now, I didn’t give a shit about any of that. All I was concerned about was telling her how fucking awesome this was.

  Grabbing her hand, I squeezed it gently until her eyes met mine. “You’re living your dreams, Freckles. You’ve worked your ass off for this, and you deserve to enjoy every second of the ride you’re about to take. This is all you, and you need to be celebrated. I know things aren’t the best between us. I know you are trying your hardest to stay away from me, and I know you’re confused as fuck by all of this, but Marnie, I’m here, and I’m celebrating this and you. I know it probably doesn’t mean much, but I am really fucking proud of you.”

  “I was afraid this version of you didn’t exist anymore,” she whispered, her gaze never shifting from mine, “but I was more afraid that it did.”

  We sat on the side of the road for what could have been mere minutes, but it could also have been hours. Both of us lost in our thoughts, not saying a w
ord, just staring and getting lost in each other’s eyes.

  When Marnie looked away, I took that as my cue to get her back to Monroe. When I pulled up outside her shop, we got out of the truck, and as she unlocked the door to her store, I loaded my arms with flowers and followed her in.

  After a few trips back and forth, the cool room was stocked, and she was ready to open.

  She wrapped her arms around her body as we stood in the middle of the shop floor.

  “Are you okay?” I asked, knowing full well that she’d stepped into her head, and I had no chance of pulling her out tonight.

  She nodded. “Yep, just got a lot to do before I open on Tuesday.”

  “You sure that’s all you’re thinking about?”


  I didn’t press any harder for the truth.

  “I gotta head off. I’ll be out of town for the grand opening, but I know you’ll absolutely smash it.”

  “Oh, where are you off to?” she asked with a hint of disappointment in her voice.

  “Ben and I are headed to Michigan to check on Fletch. Will be gone a couple of days. Should be back by Thursday night to get back to work on Friday.”

  “Well, have a safe trip, and say hi to Fletch for me. I really hope he’s doing okay.”

  I nodded and made my way to the door. I still had to pack and get shit done for the trip, plus I needed to leave before I opened my mouth and spilled every fucking thing we needed to talk about.

  “Hey, Austin,” she called from behind me, her voice soft and timid.

  I stopped with my hand wrapped around the door handle and glanced over my shoulder toward her.

  “Thanks for today.”

  I gave her a sharp nod before disappearing out of her shop and back to my truck.

  Next stop: Michigan.

  Then it was time to right my wrongs with Marnie for good.



  Opening day at Luscious Lavender was next level awesome, and I could honestly say that dreams really do come true because I was living mine. I’d been met at the front door just before eight a.m. by Sasha with a bag of intoxicating scented candles in her hand, and Missy holding two trays of cupcakes. After some excited shrieks and hugs, they helped me pull buckets of flowers out of the cool room and then set up for the day before rushing out just before I was due to open. I had no expectations of how day one would pan out. If I got a couple of orders, I would class that as a successful first day. Never in my wildest dreams did I think madness would ensue. I was run off my feet from the moment I opened. Customers came through the door at a constant pace, and the phone rang all morning. Just after lunch, I had to send an SOS to Mom to come and help me get through the afternoon.

  It was freaking awesome.

  “You are going to need to get someone in here to help out,” Mom stated, after serving and saying goodbye a lady who ordered three table centerpieces for Christmas. “Otherwise, you’ll be working twenty-hour days just to get through all the orders that have come through today.”

  It hadn’t crossed my mind that I’d need help so soon. I’d written in my business plan that I’d consider hiring someone in six months if needed but definitely not on day one. But Mom was right. It was unexpectantly busy, and I didn’t want to be working twenty-hour days right off the bat. But I didn’t want to get too ahead of myself either and hire people too early.

  “I’m happy to help out when I can, though.”

  “You’re the best. And yes, I might need to get some help over Christmas and then figure things out in the new year. Someone in college would be perfect; they could work around their studies.” I nodded, mainly to myself as I added that to my mental to-do list. It sounded like a good idea, and they wouldn’t just be helping me out. I’d be helping them too. “I’m going to check if any online orders have come through, shout out if you need me.”

  As soon as I sat down at my desk, my phone started vibrating somewhere on the table. Eventually, I found it under the pile of orders I’d already printed out this morning.

  I added “get some form of a filing system” to my mental to-do list.

  Looking down at the screen, I chuckled, and warmth filled my belly.

  Sasha: Hey, Marnie, how’s your first day going? I’ve been telling people all day to go over and check it out.

  Missy: Me too! And I’ve been seeing people walking out with bouquets. I hope you’re run off your feet!

  Sasha: Since Ben’s out of town, do you two want to get together and celebrate the grand opening tonight? We could bring Wine Time Wednesday forward and have it at your place. We’ll bring wine, and we’ll order food in.

  Marnie: Hey girls, today has been amazing! I had to call Mom to come in and help. A lazy night with conversation and takeout sounds perfect. That was my plan, anyway.

  Sasha: Does six work?

  Marnie: Yep, absolutely. I’ve also been sending people to the diner and Sass. People have been loving the cupcakes and have asked where they can buy the candles.

  Missy: Aww look at the three-way we’ve got started.

  Sasha: Best kind of threesome.

  Missy: (shocked expression emoji) Speaking from experience, Sasha Hamilton?

  Sasha: We are not discussing threesomes right now.

  Marnie: If not now, when?

  Missy: We’ll add it to the topics of conversation tonight.

  Sasha: Can’t wait (eye roll emoji). See you, ladies, tonight.

  Missy: Over and out.

  I put my phone down on the desk and sat back, laughing softly. Closing my eyes, I rested my head back against the cushion of the fancy chair I’d bought, then I sighed completely content. I’d really done it. All me. This dream of mine that was a lifetime in the making was now going to be my everyday life. I, Marnie Lavender of Monroe, was doing it. Actually no, let me rephrase that. I, Marnie Lavender of Monroe, was doing it and would fucking own it. Boom, that was how it was done.

  A soft knock rattled me out of my blissful state, and I sat up.

  Mom’s head poked in, smiling. “Ready for the afternoon rush?”

  I nodded and pushed back from the desk. “Let’s do this.”

  Three hours later, my cheeks ached from smiling, and my feet screamed at me, but I was flying sky high. Mom was 100% right when she called it an afternoon rush. We had a few pop-ins from Monroe locals who wanted to see what Luscious Lavender was all about and even a couple of Dad’s past colleagues from the PD came in for a surprise visit to show their support. It was true what they said—once a police family, always a police family. I even got to meet Captain Santora, who took over after we lost Dad, which was a nice touch. He was super nice and even dropped Austin and Ben’s names into the conversation.

  All in all, I think Luscious Lavender made an impression on Monroe, and Monroe made me realize I’d made the right decision moving back.

  “Oh, my,” Mom gasped beside me during a quiet moment just before close. I looked toward her and then followed her gaze to the front of the shop. A man walked toward us with a clipboard in one hand, and a large gift basket, wrapped in cellophane, and with five helium balloons attached to it floating high in the air.

  What in the world …?

  “Marnie Lavender?” he asked, his eyes dropping to the clipboard and then moving between Mom and me.

  “Uh, yes, that’s me.”

  He pointed at the clipboard. “I just need you to sign here.”

  After quickly signing my name, he handed me the basket and wished me a good day. I shot Mom a wide-eyed look as I eagerly pulled off the attached card and ripped open the envelope.


  I’m sorry I wasn’t there to give you this in person, but congratulations on opening Luscious Lavender and living your biggest dream. I hope you enjoy a few bits and pieces that remind me of you.


  Inside the basket was a bottle of whiskey, three blocks of my favorite chocolate, Twinkies, coffee face scrub, Pop-Tarts, and t
he floral scented perfume I’d worn since I was a teenager. All of these things were me. Totally, completely me.

  “Who is it from?” Mom bounced next to me, trying to peek over my shoulder to get a glimpse at the card.

  With my heart in my throat, I gave her the truth, knowing full well she’d love this. “Austin.”

  And sure enough, she didn’t hide her pleased grin. “Well, that’s mighty nice of him.”

  I shook my head, while laughing softly, and then went back to writing up the online orders in the fancy new book I would keep at the workbench. Thankfully, Mom didn’t pry. Even if she did, I wouldn’t have any idea what to tell her. There was still so much up in the air between Austin and me. I was scared about having the conversation we needed to have, but I knew it had to happen sooner rather than later. The things he’d been saying to me, the way he was making his intentions clear, and then what he’d said to Boston were confusing as fuck. And then to hear him say he hadn’t been in any other relationships since me. Like, what was with that? I think I was more confused now than I’d ever been.

  Thankfully, the last hour went by quickly, and again, we barely had a moment to breathe. Before I knew it, it was time to close on the first day of Luscious Lavender. I let out a deep breath as soon as Mom turned the closed sign on the door.

  “Wow, what a day,” I gushed, smiling tiredly at her, as I ripped off the balance sheet from the EFTPOS machine.

  Nodding, she lifted her hand for a high five, and when my hand hit hers, her fingers linked with mine.

  “I’m so proud of you, and I know your daddy would be proud too. Look what you’ve done, sweetie, what you’ve achieved, and this is just the first day.”

  “Thanks, Mom.” I sniffed, my eyes flooding with tears brought on by a combination of exhaustion, happiness, and thoughts of Dad. “I wish he was here to see this.”

  Her expression turned wistful. “Oh, he’s here. He wouldn’t be far away from watching over his girls.”


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